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Spring Fling: A Limited Edition Collection of Romance by Nicole Morgan, Stacy Deanne, Jan Springer, Krista Ames, Cara Marsi, Khardine Gray, Nikky Kaye, Lisa Marbly-Warir, Dana Kenzi, Lynn Burke (59)

Chapter Two

Meg opened her bedroom window, enjoying the cool evening breeze. Perfect for burrowing beneath blankets for a good night’s sleep. Another deep inhale—at least the fiftieth since the three women had arrived—filled her lungs. Crickets and other nighttime insects chirped and buzzed, their harmony filling her ears and the darkness overhead.

The neighbors had taken off in their SUV not long after Meg had gone inside. Thinking it safe to return outside, she’d done so, only to find a sulking Mindy. It had taken a bottle of wine and some dance music later that afternoon to jolly her friend back up.

It wasn’t until Meg yawned by their fire pit that the two men returned. Not that Meg had been watching or waiting. At least, she’d told herself that, anyway. They had lounged on their own back patio, beers in hand, and even though Meg sat with her back to their cabin, she was very aware of the men’s presence.

Meg laid down and pulled the comforter up to her chin, slight goosebumps raising her skin against the cold sheets. Murmuring floated on the breeze through the window, indistinguishable words. Mindy and Kayla had gone to their rooms at the same time she had.

Has to be the two hot neighbors, she thought while closing her eyes.

Meg’s blood heated again, settling into damp warmth between her thighs. What was it about those two that could so easily make her forget her grief and focus on simple bodily needs she hadn’t considered for over three months?

A low groan reached her ears…or had she imagined it? Another, its deep, rumbling tone shot shivers down between her legs to her suddenly throbbing clit. Did they have company?

Unable to squash her curiosity, Meg climbed from her bed and crept through the darkness to the open window.

Dim light filtered from the back of the neighbor’s cabin, casting a soft glow on the patio beyond. Meg rose on her tiptoes for a better view through one of the flowerless lilac bushes.

The dark-haired man stretched out on a lounger, the other crouched down beside him. Kissing him. His hands roaming between the dark one’s spread thighs. The lounging man fisted his hands in the fairer one’s hair.

“Holy…” Although the thought of two men together had always turned her stomach, the sight of her neighbors raced heat through Meg’s body, prickling her skin and soaking her panties.

The two men broke apart and stared at each other, the energy between them crackling clear across the wooded expanse between the cabins and combusting across Meg’s skin. Desire, like she'd never craved before, overrode her senses.

She grasped one of her bare breasts and pinched her nipple. Biting the inside of her lip kept her groan stifled. Heat pooled in her pussy, her panties defenseless against the onslaught of wetness that had been building unwanted and ignored for months.

The blond held out his hand, and the other accepted the help while standing. They disappeared inside, and Meg swallowed her disappointment, settling back down onto her flat feet, still palming her breast.

The bedroom light flicked on across the way a brief moment, but cut out once more in the gloom.

Ears and eyes alert, Meg stood unmoving. Breath held.

That low groan licked at her ears again, and Meg slid a hand beneath her panties. Swollen and soaked folds met her fingertips. Her clit protruded, begging for a suckle or bite, but Meg sufficed with a few flicks before reaching deep into her pussy. Out and up over her clit. Plunging deep once more.

A whisper of guilt flitted through her mind, one laced with disgust from before, but Meg’s pent-up need overrode it. She moaned and leaned against the window pane as she pressed up into her pussy again, one of her neighbors echoing her desire. Slow but steady muffled thumps brought Meg’s active imagination to life, and she envisioned the two hot men, face to face. Kissing. Fucking. Their strong hands groping at each other’s bodies.

The unmistakable thumps quickened Meg’s fingers as she slid them in and out of her dripping pussy. She pulled them out and pressed back against her ass. She’d never been taken there, but imagining her neighbors coming together, slid a finger deep as one man grunted. A few slow thrusts caught Meg’s breath, and the other man hollered his release. Flicking her clit with her free hand ripped Meg’s orgasm up through her toes, convulsing her, dropping her to her knees, eyes clenched shut. Shudders pebbled her skin once more as she slid her finger out of her ass.

God, it’s been so long. The thought of having a cock deep inside of her sent another rush of desire through her body, but guilt over what she’d done overrode her body’s wants. She licked her dry lips, suddenly wishing she’d brought a water bottle to bed. Pushing up onto her knees to peer out the window, Meg cocked her head. Listening.

The night insects continued on unbothered by the sounds that had carried on the clear mountain air.

Exhaustion pulled on Meg’s eyelids—and her weakened legs—but she forced herself to visit the bathroom to quickly wash up the mess coating her thighs and guzzle some water. Her conscious nagged from enjoying what she had imagined between the two men, but she pushed the thoughts from her mind, instead focusing on the euphoric tingles still vibrating through her body.

Once beneath the comforter again, she rolled to her side and pulled her knees up, wishing more than anything for someone to hold her close. Her grief demons may have been chased away for a moment while lost in—whatever she’d experienced with her unknowing neighbors—but loneliness had not. A dozen or so tears slid down to dampen her pillow as they did every night before sleep claimed her.