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Spring Fling: A Limited Edition Collection of Romance by Nicole Morgan, Stacy Deanne, Jan Springer, Krista Ames, Cara Marsi, Khardine Gray, Nikky Kaye, Lisa Marbly-Warir, Dana Kenzi, Lynn Burke (66)

Chapter Nine

The scent of coffee pulled Meg from sleep, and she opened her eyes. She sniffed deeply—gratefully—and stretched before crawling from beneath the covers of the men’s bed. One of Trevor’s t-shirts lay draped over the foot of the bed, and she grabbed it and tugged it over her head. Each step toward the door and down the short hallway twinged the swollen flesh between her thighs, reminding her of the record-breaking times of sex she’d had since agreeing to that one night.

Too much.

She smiled as she entered the kitchen to find Jack, spatula in hand. Not enough, she realized as longing for him rose in her chest with an odd ping. Whatever it was, the feeling spread warmth through her body and contentment through her heart.

“Morning,” Trevor murmured in his low, sexy morning voice from the living room on her left. “You make my shirt look good.”

Meg’s smile widened. She’d never been one for jolliness in the morning but the combination of the two shirtless men, coffee awaiting her, and breakfast already frying on the griddle…who wouldn’t smile? “Tell me that’s French toast,” she said, turning back toward Jack and shuffling into the kitchen.

Jake grinned and pointed to a chair at the table. “Yep.”

“I’m well on my way to gaining ten pounds this week.” She sat, the wooden seat cool on the backs of her bare thighs.

“This breakfast won’t do anything but replace all those calories you burned last night.”

Meg cleared her throat as her cheeks heated. “You’re probably right.”

Chuckling, Trevor got up off the couch and kissed the top of her head before settling into the chair beside her.

The scent of his soap tickled Meg’s nose, but the thick bacon piled on a plate between them drew her attention. She picked up a piece, and it crumbled between her teeth. Perfectly crispy. Her eyelids fluttered closed along with her moan.

“Those noises you make.” The desire lacing Jack’s words popped her eyelids back open. Shaking his head, he used the spatula to lift the French toast off of the griddle and stack them onto another plate. Desire burned in his gaze as he handed the plate to her. “Makes me want you every single time.”

The warmth in Meg’s cheeks swept down through her body and settled in her pussy.

I should have put on panties. She took the offered plate, and Jack turned to pour three large mugs of coffee. Black, all three, the only way to drink morning’s heavenly brew.

Jack sat, and they all sipped at the same time, similar noises of approval passing their lips, followed by light laughter—exactly the same as the morning before. They dug into their food, silverware clanking in the comfortable silence.

The peace that had settled over Meg their first night together had continued to rest in her mind, controlling her brushes and knives while painting. Compelled to bring the beauty surrounding their cabin to life, she had sat in front of her easel for hours the day before, only getting up for bathroom breaks, food—when one of the men insisted—and to relieve the itch for them that rose if they unintentionally moved into her line of sight, offering her an eyeful of their broad shoulders, muscular arms, and tight asses.

“Want to go fishing with us this morning?” Trevor asked, accepting a freshly washed plate from her hand.

Meg shuddered and rinsed out the sponge she scrubbed the breakfast dishes with. “Slimy worms and hooks? No, thank you.”

“We use lures.”

The grimace still in place, she shook her head. “I’m going to paint.”

They stood side by side, bumping hips, rubbing elbows and washing up the breakfast dishes while Jack showered.

“We’ll miss you.” Trevor threw the towel onto the counter and pulled her into his arms.

“Ugh!” Suds up to her elbows, she laughed and held her arms away from his back. “I’m going to get you soaked!”

“I don’t care.” He nuzzled his cheek against her hair like he seemed fond of doing. “Having you in my arms is worth a little soap and water.” One kiss on the crown of her head, and he let her go.

Face warm, she cast him a smile before returning to the dishes. “I’ll finish up here if you want to get going.”

“Sure you don’t want to go?” He tugged on her braid.

“No. Now, get out of here. I’ve got some painting to do.”

He hesitated, glancing back the hallway toward the bathroom.

“What?” Meg asked.

“It’s not really my place to say, but Jack has a bucket list item of his own, and you’re the woman he wants to help mark it off.”

Meg’s brow rose as did her curiosity. “Oh?”

“He wants us both at the same time.”

A few seconds passed as Meg considered Trevor’s words. “As in him in the middle?”

Trevor touched her nose with his fingertip. “Exactly.”

Images flitted through Meg’s mind as she tried to conceptualize how that might work.

“Your mind is working. Does the idea of me fucking Jack bother you?”

A huff of laughter escaped Meg, and she rinsed her hands off. “I think you already know the answer to that one.”

“Would you like to watch us—up close—sometime?”

Meg squeezed her thighs together as wetness soaked her panties. “Yes.”

“Maybe later. For tonight, though, I’ve got a plan.”

Her face warmed. “I’m sure you do.”

“Here’s what I have in mind…”

* * *

Twenty minutes later, Meg set up her easel on the far bank of the dock, facing the cove’s edge leading out to the open lake. Thoughts of the evening to come along with her active imagination had her ready for a quickie to tide her over, but the men had already left to go fishing.

Focus, Meg.

A female duck waddled from behind a fallen log, and a smile stretched Meg’s lips as six ducklings followed along behind her, splashing into the water one at a time.

Mommy duck swam around as though on high alert, and didn’t start up along the shoreline until all six paddled along beside her. One by one, they fell into line, little fluff balls of cuteness.

Two squirrels chased each other in the woods beyond, their chitters and rustling of leaves reaching across the distance. A few insects buzzed. Water lapped at the rocky shore beside her.

Meg’s chest rose with an involuntary sigh, and she set to work.

The canvas slowly revealed its inner beauty, tiny pops of color—flowers not existing within the woods in real life—dotted throughout the moss and wild blueberry bushes. A robin sat on an oak branch, his mouth open as though in song. A ripple of water suggested feeding fish. Streaks of orange and pink in the sky suggested a new day dawning.

“Is that one for sale?”

Meg squealed and jerked her head around at Trevor’s voice. “Holy shit, you scared me!”

His blue eyes twinkled in the overhead sun. “You didn’t hear the boat when we pulled in behind you?”

She shook her head, glancing around him. Jack ambled toward them, tackle box and fishing rod in hand. “Catch anything?” she asked, returning her attention to the man looming over her.

“A couple, but none worth a picture.”

Jack walked up to them and stopped beside Trevor. His gaze rested on Meg’s face long enough to flood her cheeks with warmth before flitting to the canvas. Silence descended as the two men—her idols—studied her work, and she tried not to shift on the stool.

“Well?” she finally asked and bit the inside of her lip.

“I was serious when I asked if it was for sale,” Trevor finally said.

Jack’s slow smile put his dimple on full display. “I’ll pay double what he offered.”

Meg returned her attention to the knifed and feathered brush strokes across the canvas. Life, it called out to her, something she had been striving to bring back to her work since her mother’s death. Without effort, without thought, she’d created what she had pushed for and failed at so many times. Yes, blues, brown, and black still dominated the deep recesses of the woods beyond, but it all faded into background noise, allowing the life up close to shine.

“I want to hang it in our gallery,” Trevor said. “You’ve got incredible talent, and I want to help the art world to see that.”

“Y-you’re serious?” Meg asked without turning.


One simple word from one of the greatest talents of their day

“This one isn’t for sale,” Meg murmured, tears hazing her eyes. She forced a smile and turned to face the men again. “Is it enough for you to know that my creativity is being brought back to life because of the two of you?”

That connection of healing souls, one more than mere lust crackled between the three of them. Shivers pebbled Meg’s arms and tightened her nipples as Jack dropped the tackle box and took two steps to kneel beside her.

“It has nothing to do with us.” He laid a hand on her chest. “It’s the beauty inside of you, and you’re the only one who can reveal it.”

Trevor leaned over and kissed the top of her head, resting his warm palm against her back. “I’m so happy for you,” he whispered and rubbed his cheek against her hair.

Emotion rolled over Meg, and she closed her eyes, fighting the urge to bask in their words, their attention, and the resulting feelings they invoked.

Fling, she reminded herself, hating the sudden tightness in her throat. No emotions. No complications that might cause problems for them.

“I’m starved,” she said, hating that her voice shook.

Trevor chuckled and backed off, grabbing the tackle box off the ground. “A little more fuel, then we’re going to burn it right back off.”

A shudder rippled down through Meg as Trevor’s plan woke her body.

“Have something in mind, do you?” Jack asked without taking his gaze off Meg’s heated face while standing.

“Dessert in the form of a little ménage a trois.” Trevor winked down at Meg.

“Sounds good to me.” Jack held his hand out to Meg and helped her to her feet. “Are you ready for a little break?” he asked, nodding toward her easel.

“She doesn’t have a choice,” Trevor said before Meg could answer. “I can hear her stomach growling from over here.”

“Food first,” Meg agreed, her stomach a flutter of butterfly wings.

“Fucking later,” Trevor hastened to add, the heat in his eyes making Meg hope lunch would be a quick affair.

* * *

Since the cook didn’t have clean-up duty, Trevor and Meg shared the chore while Jack sprawled on the couch. They finished up in silence, the anticipation enough to weaken Meg’s knees.

Once finished, Trevor nodded toward Jack and mouthed, “I’ll go get the lube.”

Meg moved into the living room and rounded the couch, lower lip between her teeth. Jack slouched on the middle cushion, head back and eyes closed, legs spread. A dark shadow covered his cheeks, his full lips slightly parted.

He’s so perfect.

In near silence, she pulled off all of her clothing and knelt between his legs. She’d yet to have either Trevor’s or Jack’s cock in her mouth, and the sudden urge to taste Jack flooded her mouth with drool.

Gaze on his closed eyes, she ran her hands up his thighs beneath his shorts.

His lashes popped up, revealing sleepy hazel-green eyes. She reached up through his boxer briefs and grasped his flaccid length. The black of his pupils grew as did his cock, filling her hand and tenting his shorts within seconds.

“I want to suck your cock,” Meg whispered, squeezing him.

Jack groaned, and Meg sat back on her heels as he pushed down his shorts and briefs, struggling to get them off of his feet.

Meg bit the inside of her lip to keep from giggling, and the second Jack eased back against the couch again, she leaned forward, her pebbled nipples rubbing the woven fabric of the couch cushion.

Hands on his thighs and gaze on his eyes, she dragged the flat of her tongue up along his straining length. She closed her mouth over the tip, swirled the head a few times with her tongue, and sank down, humming her appreciation of his salty, musky flavor.

Jack’s hands fisted in her unbound hair, and another deep groan rumbled in his chest. “Christ, Meg.”

He lifted his hips to meet her as she sank back down, and she gave over to his guidance of her head. She rubbed her thighs together against the dampness heating her pussy.

The rustle of clothes sounded, and seconds later, Trevor knelt on the other side of Jack’s right leg.

A sharp inhale from Jack, and Meg backed off, running her tongue down the side of his cock.

Trevor leaned in, and a rush of wetness seeped from Meg’s pussy to coat her thighs. Their tongues brushed each other’s as they licked Jack’s cock together. They kissed. Took turns taking him deep. Tongues tangling together and over his straining length.

Meg nuzzled his drawn up balls as Trevor closed his lips around the head.

“Fuck.” Jack gasped, his hips bucking. “You two will be the death of me.”

Trevor pulled back and grabbed Jack’s hand. “No coming until I say so. Get down here.”

Jack complied, kneeling in front of his lover. Their tongues flicked out as their mouths closed together, and twin moans rose past their caressing lips.

Meg stared as their hands gripped the other’s cock, her own fingers sliding between her spread thighs.

As though of the same mind, they laid down on the carpet, pressing their bodies close and pressing their cocks together as Meg pushed two fingers deep into her soaked pussy.

How would she ever go back to normal after them? Their shared groans, the sight of their thrusting cocks encircled by their clasped hands… She bit her lip.

“Turn over,” Trevor whispered.

Jack obeyed as Meg had noticed he always did when Trevor voiced a command, his gaze settling on her. Lust and something else she’d never felt before stirred in her heart. She swallowed, but couldn’t tear her gaze from his face.

The snap of the cap Meg had become all too familiar with sounded in her ears, and Jack bit down on his lower lip, but still, she didn’t move.

“Suck him, Meg,” Trevor said.

She crawled forward as Trevor lifted Jack’s leg back over his. He grabbed hold of his cock and rubbed it between Jack’s ass cheeks.

“Take every inch,” he murmured against Jack’s ear and flexed his hips.

Jack groaned, his eyes shutting, back arching.

A rush of wetness slid down Meg’s thighs as she settled in front of Jack. His swollen cock leaked, and she leaned in to lick the droplet, breathing in his musky scent.

“Fuck…” The word rumbled past Jack’s lips as Meg closed her mouth over his cock.

Every thrust of Trevor sent Jack’s cock deep into her throat. She reached between Jack’s legs to grasp Trevor’s balls and relaxed her throat.

“Christ, Meg,” Trevor growled.

Jack’s hand fisted in her hair again, and she hummed along his length.

Jack gasped, his hold stinging her scalp. “I…I can’t…”

Trevor yanked on his hair, tilting his head back. “Not yet.” He released his hold and tapped Meg lightly on the shoulder.

One last light graze of her teeth along Jack’s length and gentle squeeze around Trevor’s drawn-up balls, and she scooted up and turned. She reached between her legs and grasped Jack’s cock.

“Fuck, yes.” Jack groaned, and she moved backward, pressing against him until his cock slid deep inside of her dripping pussy.

Jack wrapped his arms around her, burying his face in her neck. “Fuck me, Meg.” The pleading and need in his voice swept over Meg, and her body moved on its own, hips gyrating, grinding backward as Trevor thrust, pushing Jack into her.

“Oh, God,” she moaned, lifting an arm to grasp Jack’s head.

He slid a hand down her front, his fingers running along her clit to her wet-coated thighs. “You’re so fucking perfect, Meg.” His slippery fingers flicked her hard nub, and Trevor’s pace kicked up.

“Your ass is so tight, Jack,” Trevor growled. He entwined his fingers with Jacks atop her pussy, both of them rubbing her with their fingertips.

“I need to come, Trevor,” Jack groaned against Meg’s neck. “Please.”

“Wait for Meg.”

Eyes closed, she panted. So close

Trevor ran his fingers through her wetness, working one into her pussy with Jack’s cock. The slight sting amped her arousal, curling her toes.

“Oh, God!”

Teeth sank into her neck. Fingertips pinched her clit and others rubbed that magic spot inside her pussy.

“God!” she shrieked, her climax blasting up from her toes and clenching her inner muscles around the men.

“Let go,” Trevor said, his voice strangled.

Jack groaned against her skin, a shudder rippling him against her back as his cock pulsed inside of her.

Trevor’s shout reached past the ringing in Meg’s ears as she fought for air.

Normal would never again suffice.

* * *

A new canvas, a sated mind, and peace lazed together Tuesday morning as the men fished. By the time they returned, she had almost completed her fifth painting since arriving at Sandy Point.

“Is that one for sale?” Trevor asked before kissing the top of her head.

“Nope.” A full smile stretched Meg’s lips, and she closed her eyes. God, what would it be like to live every day like this? Satiated and sore, a calm soul, and utter peace throughout every part of her mind?

But, they had plans to leave early the next morning.

Meg’s smile faded. “I’m starved,” she said, needing to ground herself. “What’s Jack rustling up for lunch today?”

Trevor chuckled and stepped away from her stool. “Let’s go find out.”

He helped her pack up her easel, and her backside tingled from the familiar energy that sparked between them every time one of the men drew near her. Heat blossomed in her core, tingling in her clit.

One more night

She glanced over her shoulder.

Trevor’s blue-eyed gaze roamed over her backside, and he ran a hand along his scruffy jaw.

“Whatcha thinking about?” she asked, the tingling morphing into a throb.

“Sinking up to my balls in that beautiful ass of yours.”

She added a little sway to her walk and was rewarded with his groan. “You’ve got a thing for asses, don’t you?”

“Only yours and Jacks.” His gaze lifted to her face, and Meg realized they’d stopped walking. “I’m not going to be able to say goodbye to you, Meg.”

“You don’t have a choice,” she whispered. “We’re leaving tomorrow. Back to life. Back to normal.”

“I want you to be our normal.”

“Doesn’t work that way.”

“It could if we all wanted it to.”

Meg’s throat tightened, and she turned before he would see the vulnerability cracking her open.

* * *

Neither men mentioned the after that evening, and Meg wasn’t about to bring it up and ruin their last night together. The three of them switched positions so many times, but it was the sight of Jack going down on Trevor that made Meg pause.

This is their normal. This is what they’ll return to after tomorrow, and I’d best remember that fact.

She laid down beside them, touching her breasts as Jack tore his mouth off Trevor’s cock and climbed over him, straddling his hips.

Trevor held onto Jack’s hips, his gaze flitting to her face, brow raised in question.

“Yes,” she whispered. “I want to watch.”

Jack fisted his cock while sinking down and filling his ass with Trevor’s straining length.

Torn on who to watch, Meg flitted her gaze from one face to the other and the play of emotions in their eyes as they stared at each other. Love, lust, and adoration, like two souls merging and becoming one—with her on the outside where she belonged.

Her heart ached.

Trevor released his hold on Jack’s hip and reached over between her thighs, spreading her arousal up and over her clit.

Unable to help herself, Meg widened her legs and pinched her nipples as Trevor worked her over.

“Flip around so I can fuck you with my fingers,” he said.

She obeyed but angled her upper body to better see the men.

Trevor pulled her left leg over his chest and slid two fingers deep into her soaked pussy, thrusting in time with his hips as he fucked Jack. He teased her clit with his thumb, and Meg’s orgasm crept closer with every grunt, groan, and moan the three of them uttered.

Jack squeezed his cock, gaze settling on her face. “Come with us,” he’d said, his pupils dominating the green of his eyes, a bit of that shared emotion with Trevor reaching the distance between their locked eyes and pinging her chest.

Meg’s hips lifted off the bed on a whining cry as she came, and Trevor grabbed hold of Jack and thrust up into him hard and fast, grunting with each flex of his ass cheeks.

He hollered, and Jack grunted, ropes of cum shooting up over her leg and Trevor’s pecs.

* * *

Wednesday morning, no one hurried out of bed to start the coffee pot or breakfast. Slow, lingering kisses and touches brought all three fully awake, and they spooned together, both men burying themselves deep inside of Meg, gently rocking in and out, drawing two orgasms from her exhausted body before taking their own pleasure.

They weren’t fucking, Meg understood. They were making love to her. Jack had even gasped her name when coming. In the moment, she’d been too caught up to care.

Tears ran down her face as she stood in the shower a long time later, a complete sense of emptiness like a gaping wound in her chest. Unlike grief over the death of a loved one, the hurt cut like a knife, a slash of black amidst a rumbling sky.

“You’re going to say goodbye with a smile on your face if it kills you,” Meg whispered to herself, grabbing her shampoo off the shelf. She lathered up her hair, biting her tongue to still the rampant emotions running havoc in her head.

Should have kept it to the one night. A good fuck, a checkmark on that damn bucket list that had gotten her into the predicament to begin with. Should have gone home with Kayla and Mindy like they had wanted her to do.

Should have, should have.

“Goddamn it.” Meg slammed the shower door shut behind her and rubbed her wet hair until her scalp hurt. “Suck it up, buttercup, and thank God you’re the only one who’s going to have a broken heart at the end of the day.”

Silence stifled over breakfast, the peace and comfort of the previous three mornings long gone. Unspoken words seemed to dangle in the air, and Meg wasn’t sure of how to right whatever wrong had occurred.

“We’re opening the gallery on the twentieth of next month. We would love if you’d go.”

Meg met Trevor’s gaze over the rim of her coffee mug. Oh, the temptation… “I’ll be out of town on that day, but thank you.”

He pushed scrambled eggs around his plate, but eventually speared a bite.

“Well,” Jack cleared his throat, “you’re welcome to come to the gallery whenever you want.”

“Thank you,” Meg whispered and sipped her coffee again, glancing down at her plate. She’d managed to nibble her toast and eat two strawberries, but neither helped her nausea.

Once more repeating her thanks her heart would be the only one broken, she stood and carried her plate to the counter. Silverware clinked behind her as she scraped her uneaten food into the trash.

“I’m going to go pack,” she murmured without looking at either of them and bit her cheek to keep from crying.

Four uncomfortable hours later, she sighed in relief as Trevor pulled his SUV into her condo’s parking lot. He parked in one of the visitor spots but didn’t make a move to get out.

She felt his stare on the side of her face as she peered up at the five-story building she’d called home since starting college. Neither Mindy nor Kayla’s cars sat in their assigned parking spots. She would at least have some privacy to get herself together before her roommates came home.

“Well.” Forcing a smile, she grabbed her purse from between her feet. “Thank you. For everything.” She reached for the door handle, but Trevor grabbed hold of her arm.


“Don’t.” Meg swallowed against the tightness in her throat.

“Please.” Jack scooted forward on the back seat and ran a hand down over her unbound hair.

“I’m going to walk away from this and not look back.” Meg swallowed again so her voice wouldn’t break. “And, you’re both going to do the same.”

“We don’t want to.” Trevor’s words slammed into her chest—her heart.

“Please don’t do this,” Meg whispered. “You know what happened with my parents.”

“This is different.” Jack made it sound like a declaration, but Meg knew better.

She reminded herself of Jack riding Trevor’s cock, the looks they shared while making love to each other. “No, it’s not. This is a beautiful, loving couple meant to spend their lives together, who enjoyed a few days fulfilling a woman’s fantasies.” Meg pushed open the door, and Trevor released his hold on her. “Please don’t make it out to be more than that.”

Both men climbed out from the SUV, Trevor’s jaw clenched, Jack, running a hand through his hair. One grabbed her suitcase, the other her easel’s bag and stool.

“We’ll at least see you in.”

Meg nodded at Trevor’s words and led the way. Tongue firmly between her teeth, she punched in the code and took the stairs up one floor. She unlocked her door and stepped back, allowing the men to take her things inside. They joined her back in the hall a few seconds later.

A smile formed on her lips—who the hell knows where it came from—and she quickly hugged Trevor, pulling back the second his lips touched the crown of her head. Jack enveloped her in his arms as Trevor released her, burying his face in her neck.

One long, last sniff to imprint the scent of his woodsy cologne in her brain, and she tore herself away. “Goodbye,” she whispered, refusing to look at either of them. “Thank you again.” Her legs wobbled as she walked across the threshold. The door clicked shut, and she leaned against it, fist to her mouth to keep the sobs inside.




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