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Leave Me (No Matter What Book 2) by B.L. Mooney (43)



I leaned forward and put my forehead into my hand. “It’s a black box again, Brody.”

Lila laughed. “We should just leave him as the black box and deal with it. He never remembers.”

“Hey!” He moved the camera up to where we could see his face. “It’s ridiculous that I have to adjust everything when I want to use it. Do you think that’s fair?”

“Yes, because the rest of the world is normal. You’re huge.”

“Lila, hang up and call back in a few minutes.” He stood and acted as if he was going to unfasten his pants. “I need to show Tim what huge really is.”

“Okay, boys, you can show each other when we get together this year.”

“Yeah, but the camera adds ten pounds.” Brody sat back down and smiled into the camera.

“You need the ten pounds. I took care of you when you were hurt. I’ve seen what you’re packing.”

“Can we please get through one conversation without a pissing match?” Lila was tired of our antics.

Both Brody and I settled down. At least I thought he did. “Listen, Tim’s the one who always has to one-up us. That’s how he ended up with the twins.”

“If I could’ve ordered up my children, I would’ve had triplets.” I looked at the keyboard as round, dry cereal landed in front of me. I shook my head. “No. No, I wouldn’t.”

Brody laughed and Lila smiled when she spoke. “We know you love those kids. It won’t always be this hectic.”

I turned and looked at the twin boys in their high chairs. April was getting drinks for them while our two older girls helped her get the rest of the lunch together. Our kids were ten, eight, and eleven months. Hectic for our house was an understatement. Between practices, games, dance, school, and coordinating good nap times for the twins to tolerate our busy lives, it was chaos at its best.

“Yeah, but then I’ll miss it.” I turned back to the computer. “So, are you sure Dad can make the trip next month?”

“Of course, I’m sure. We’re springing for first class for him and me. Rick will be in coach with the kids. Dad will be more comfortable in first class.”

“Okay, but if things change, you have to let me know. We can come up the weekend before the party or after if he wants to see photos.”

“He isn’t missing their first birthday party. He hasn’t missed any of them yet. If I thought there was any issue with him coming, I would say. I’m not sure how many more trips he can take. I know he wants to take this one.”

Lila was right. Dad had even come for the births of all his grandchildren. Things were better by the time Brody and Maggie had their first child, but things were still strained. As soon as he held their son in his arms, it was as if all the past melted away for him. He treated each of his grandkids just like he treated Kennedy. He treated us better, too.

“Do Kennedy and Carter know you and Dad are going to upgrade and leave them in coach?” Brody laughed. “I can’t imagine Kennedy’s okay with that.”

“She is if she wants a decent car. She’s going to get her learner’s permit soon, and she knows that money would come out of her car fund. She’s fine with it. And, Carter doesn’t care where he is as long as he’s with his dad.”

It took a little longer for Lila and Rick to have another child, but they finally had the boy they wanted six years ago. It was hard to see Lila happy for us but disappointed for herself when Brody and I kept expanding our families. Everyone celebrated when she got pregnant.

Brody’s second child climbed up onto his lap. “Who are you talking to?” I smiled when we could only see the top of Mia’s head. His kids looked so small around him. His oldest child, Noah, thought for sure he would get as big as his dad, but he had a few more years to go before we would know. He wasn’t as big as his dad was at age eleven, but he still had a chance to catch up. He was bigger than I was at that age.

Mia was a fitness fanatic like her mom. Maggie was good about not letting her do too much. She was only seven, but she could run circles around me at the gym. I waved to her when her face came into frame.

“Uncle Timmy and Aunt Lila.” She waved back. “Hi. Where’s Carter and Emma?”

My eight year old stopped what she was doing and came around the back of my chair. “Did I hear my name?” She saw Mia and tried to push me out of the chair. “Dad, I want to talk to Mia.”

“You guys can call each other later. Adults are talking.”

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Bye, Mia. I’ll call you later.”

Mia looked disappointed. “Fine, but Carter won’t be on later.” She looked up to her dad. “That kid is never on.”

Lila laughed. “He’s six. He’ll talk more when he’s older. He’s too busy playing right now.”

“Come on, Mia. Hop down. We’re having a family meeting. I’ll help you get signed on later.” He kissed the top of her head before he removed her from his lap and adjusted the camera back up to himself. “Where were we?”

“I was just reassuring you both that Dad could make the trip. He wants to come. It’s his choice.”

“Okay, Lila. I’ll trust you.” I was outvoted. If anything happened to him because he felt obligated to come, I never would’ve forgiven myself.

“Good. It’s settled. I think we’re going to fly out a few days before the party so he can get settled and rested. It’ll be good for him to spend some time with you guys before others get there.”

“Maggie and I could fly out early, too. Just let me know what time you want us there.”

“Yeah, you both can come whenever. April’s parents won’t drive up until that morning since it’s only a few hours. We still haven’t heard from everyone, but I think it’ll be a full house, so it’ll be good to spend time with all of you before the others come. It’s been too long.”

I looked at my brother and sister on the computer screen and smiled. “You know, Mom would really be happy right now. All she wanted was for us all to get along. I wish things could’ve been different growing up.”

Brody scoffed. “I don’t. I never would’ve met Maggie had things not gone down the way they did. I wouldn’t have Noah and Mia. Yeah, life sucked for a while, but I’m great with how it all turned out. I couldn’t ask for a better life.”

Lila nodded. “I agree we would’ve been in different places than we are right now. I wouldn’t change my family for anything, but I do wonder what would’ve happened if they were able to work things out.”

“You’re both right. All that matters is we’re together now. No matter what, we’re family.”

“Okay.” Lila blew both of us kisses. “I love you both, but I gotta go. I’ll start crying again, and you’ll make fun of me.”

“Lila, we don’t make fun of you.” Brody was trying to lighten the mood so she didn’t cry. She didn’t laugh, either. “We just laugh at you.”

“Ha-ha, Brody. All right, I’m logging off. See you two assholes later.” Lila cut her video.

Brody got closer to the camera. “Did you hear that? She called you an asshole. She’s right!” I heard him laugh before he disconnected his video.

I smiled because he got me that time. He wasn’t right. He was the asshole, but he was quicker than I was that time. I turned the computer off and went to help April. She was pretty much done with lunch, so I slid my hands around her waist and kissed her neck.

Our oldest daughter, Sophia, didn’t like to see the affection April and I showed each other. I made sure to show her every day. It was something she needed to see so she knew how marriages were. I saw constant fighting and bickering. She was going to see how happy she could be if she found the right man.

“Do you have to do that right over our lunch?”

“Yes.” I kissed April’s neck again. “Yes, I do.” I turned and made a goofy face at Sophia. “You’ll thank us one day.”

She tilted her head down and shot her eyebrows up. “Uh, no, I won’t.”

She turned to walk away, but I grabbed her and wrapped my arms around her as I pretended to eat her neck. I stopped when she laughed and held her tighter. “You will go through a lot of heartache in your life, but you need to know happiness is a possibility. It’s always there around the corner. You just have to keep going and reach out for it when it comes. I promise you, it will come.”

“I swear, Dad, you make no sense sometimes.” She went to her chair at the table when I let her go.

I turned and stopped as April slid her hands around my waist. “You make perfect sense to me, Dad.” She kissed me before she whispered into my ear, “It’s things like that that get you laid.”

I whispered back, “Taking care of my family gets you hot, huh?”

She laughed. “Something like that.”

I smiled and smacked her ass as she walked by. I turned and leaned on the island as I watched my family at the table. My only wish in life was that my family was happy. All of them. For the first time in my life, I believed we were.