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The Woodsman's Nanny - A Single Daddy Romance by Emerson Rose (36)



Zion is doing much better. I stopped in to see her, and she was out of bed walking in the halls. They’ve moved her out of ICU and are planning on letting her come home by next Friday.

Everything is working out perfectly, so why am I so unhappy?

Sasha, that’s why.

As soon as Zion is back on her feet, Sasha won’t be needed, and she’ll walk out of my life as fast as she walked into it. I don’t want that. I want time to get to know her better under my roof. I want to see her face every day and watch her interact with Tori.

Maybe Zion would take a vacation when she’s released? I love that idea, but I’m sure she would see right through it, and her feelings would be hurt at the idea of me sending her away. But, she might be open to the idea, who knows?

“Hey Z, I want to send you on an all-expenses-paid vacation when you are released next week so you can get some extra rest before you come back to work. Where do you want to go… somewhere tropical, home to Africa, or maybe England? You said you’ve always wanted to see England.”

“You trying to get rid of me?” she says stopping in the hall leaning on the IV pole.

“No, of course not! Why would you even think that?”

“Because you have a new, young, and pretty nanny now.”

“Oh, stop it. No one can compare to you, Zion. You’re the closest thing to a mother Tori’s ever had. She loves you like no one else.”

“Maybe so, but I won’t live forever. I’m old Xander. She needs someone younger.”

“Z… are you trying to tell me something?”

“I will be here for you as long as I can for as long as you want me, but getting sick made me realize I might not be able to work forever as I thought.”

“Nobody wants you to work forever. You deserve to retire like everybody else. Do you feel like it’s time?” She looks away from me down the hall toward our destination—her room.

“I don’t know what to do.” When she looks back at me, her eyes are full of tears. I slide my arm around her waist and give her a gentle side hug. “You do what’s right for Zion. We will be fine no matter what you decide. I want you to know you are always welcome to live with us. You are Tori’s mom as far as she is concerned, and she will need you around forever.”

“Thank you, that means a lot.”

“You’d better get back to bed. I smell the dinner cart coming down the hall.” She makes a twisted up, disgusted face.

“The food here isn’t fit for a dog.”

“That’s because you’re on a strict diabetic diet. You better get used to it. We want you around for a long time.”

Her upper lip curls, and she makes a snarling sound. “I guess.”

We walk into her room and say our goodbyes.

When I pull into the garage, the Range Rover is parked where it was this morning. I wonder if they even went anywhere today. Inside, it’s quiet, but it smells like a gourmet Mexican restaurant, and my mouth starts to water.

I call out for Tori and Sasha but get no answer. On the island, there is a crockpot filled with chicken seasoned and fully cooked and a tortilla container filled with fresh, soft flour tortillas.

I make my way to the glass wall and look down at the beach. Bingo, there they are. Both of them are wearing bikinis sitting on their knees building a sandcastle with buckets and little containers from the kitchen.

Tori’s hair is wild and windblown but tied up in a knot on top of her head. Her cheeks are sun-kissed, and she’s smiling and laughing. Sasha’s hair hangs down her back in long waves, and she, too, has rosy cheeks from the sun.

I hadn’t thought to tell Sasha that Tori has no fear when it comes to the ocean, but they seemed to have done fine today anyway. I watch them for a few minutes until my stomach growls. I walk through the quiet house upstairs to my bedroom to take a quick shower and change into black shorts and a t-shirt.

I hear them coming up the steps to the patio laughing, and I meet them at the door. “Look who the cat drug in. It looks like you two have had a great day.” I lean down and kiss Tori on the cheek and rub Sasha’s upper arm casually as I straighten up. The electricity that passes between us is off the charts so much so that I have to take a step back to keep myself from kissing her in front of Tori.

“We did, Daddy. We had a sleepover!” Tori squeals jumping up and down.

“A sleepover all day?”

“Sleepover’s work in phases,” Sasha says matter of fact.

“Oh? What’s this, the beach phase?”

“No, this is the do-whatever-you-want phase. Phase one is sleeping in, then we made homemade cinnamon rolls, then we chilled in our pajamas on the couch all afternoon watching Dallas, and then we got cleaned up and went to my place for my things. When we got home, we wanted to catch some waves, so we hit the beach.”

“Catch some waves?”

“Sasha taught me how to surf!” Tori says still jumping up and down except now she’s added clapping her hands together.

“You did? How?”

“That Rover thing is huge. I threw a couple of my boards in there and brought them with us. Hope that’s cool.”

“Sure, I uh, I guess.”

“Tacos are ready, are you hungry?” Sasha asks, but my mind is still back to where Sasha had my five-year-old daughter on a surfboard.

“Yeah, starving. Was she wearing a life jacket?” I ask pointing outside at the water.

Sasha scrunches up her face in a duh, do you think I’m an idiot look. “Uh, yeah, I wasn’t gonna let her drown. I’m a great swimmer, but I wouldn’t put her at risk.”

Thank God. I don’t know why I was so worried. Sasha doesn’t seem like the irresponsible type, but I still don’t know her well.

“Come on, let’s eat and then we can show your dad how you can stand up on the board.”

“Yes! Come on, Daddy, hurry, eat!” Tori yells running to the kitchen tracking sand all the way.

“Okay, okay, I’m coming.”

We sit down and eat the best damn chicken tacos I’ve ever tasted and talk about our day. “Oh, that cleaning lady came, by the way, Lilly, isn’t it? I didn’t look to see what all she did since you said she knows what she’s doing.”

“That’s fine, I’m sure everything’s fine. Hey, I talked to Zion’s doctor today, and she’s going to be released on Friday. She’s feeling much better.”

“Yay!” Tori yells. Sasha’s expression doesn’t change, and I wonder if that’s because she’s indifferent about her job ending or if she’s hiding her disappointment in front of Tori.

“She won’t be a hundred percent, though, so I told her she needs to take some time off for a vacation. She hasn’t decided if she wants to go or not, but if she doesn’t, she will need another week or two to rest.”

“We can take care of her, can’t we, Sasha?” she says looking up at Sasha with adoring eyes.

“Sure, of course, we can. She’s your family.” They exchange a knowing look, and I wonder what’s going on with these two.

“See, Daddy, you bring my Zion home, and me and my Sasha will take care of her.”

Her Sasha. Zion is the only other person Tori has claimed as her own until now.

“That’s great, I’m sure Zion will appreciate the help.”

In true kid fashion, Tori hops up only moments after eating and yells over her shoulder as she runs to the patio, “Come watch me surf, Daddy!”

“I can hardly move, you up for surfing?” I ask Sasha who is already up and pulling a sheer cover-up over her shoulders.

“I’m always up for surfing. Come on, don’t be a party pooper.” I certainly can’t bow out now. Nobody calls me a party pooper. I get up and follow the energetic duo down to the beach where Tori is wiggling into her life jacket, and Sasha is carrying a longboard to the edge of the water.

I sit in the warm sand and watch Sasha lift Tori onto the board and push her out a short, safe distance. Sasha stands next to Tori holding the board waiting for a wave, and when a small one swells, she pushes her into its line. Tori places her hands flat on the big board and pops up riding it toward the beach. I stand and clap my hands and cheer like she just won the biggest surfing competition in the world.

When she emerges from the water, I can’t remember seeing her happier or more relaxed. She’s oozing confidence, and her smile is brighter than the sun.

“She’s a natural,” Sasha says trudging up the sand to join me.

“How did you do that? And in one day, I can’t believe it.”

“I just told you how, she’s a natural. She doesn’t have a fear of the water, which can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the person. I’m teaching her to respect the ocean. I told her it’s very powerful. I think she gets it.”

“Did you see, Daddy? Did you see me?” Tori says running toward me.

“Yes, princess, you did awesome! I’m so proud.” I grab her waist and swing her wet body in a circle.

“My Sasha’s a good teacher.”

“I’d have to agree with that,” I say and smile at Sasha who is drying off with her towel.

“She needs a boogie board to play around with. I brought that big tub so she could get on her feet, but if she’s going to surf a lot, she’ll need her own board.”

“Anything you want. I have an American Express card for you inside. I forgot to give it to you this morning. Use it for anything you two need… household expenses, food, outings, gas, whatever.”

“Oh, wow, okay.”

“Can we go again?” Tori asks Sasha batting her long lashes trying to tempt her to stay on the beach.

“A few more times then we have to go inside and get cleaned up for bed. I can’t believe you’re still awake myself. I’m exhausted.”

I watch the two of them in the water, we finish their grand sandcastle, and we drag ourselves up the steps into the house when the sun threatens to go down on us.

“I’ll give her a bath. Leave the kitchen. I’ll get it when she’s in bed,” Sasha says nudging Tori’s bottom up the stairs.

“Come give me a kiss when you’re done,” I call out to Tori looking at Sasha. I wiggle my eyebrows, and she blushes and skips up the stairs.

I rinse the dishes and put the leftovers in the fridge for tomorrow while the two of them are gone. Then I pick up the living room a bit and stretch out on the couch. I must have been more tired than I thought because when I open my eyes, it’s been two hours, and the house is dark.

Upstairs, I find Tori and Sasha sleeping in Tori’s bed. They both have on pajamas—Tori’s are lemon yellow frilly shorts and a matching top, and Sasha is in a knee-length satin floral number with spaghetti straps that instantly makes my cock hard.

They’d been reading when they fell asleep. A stack of short stories is between them, and one is open and spread across Sasha’s chest. I pad across the room and kiss my comatose daughter on the forehead. She doesn’t even flinch she’s so exhausted, and that’s without her sleeping pills.

Then, I carefully remove the stack of books from the bed and slip the one they were reading out of Sasha’s hands. I can’t take my eyes off of her perfect breasts under the satin nightgown. Her hard nipples beg for me to touch them, and the soft moan that escapes her lips when I cover her with a blanket makes me want to toss her over my shoulder like a caveman and haul her to my bed.

I can’t do that, though, but I also can’t bring myself to leave her, so I pull up a chair and prop my feet on the edge of the bed to watch her sleep with an erection the size of the Willis Tower.

Sasha Rivers makes the most erotic sounds when she sleeps. She also murmurs and makes facial expressions that make me want to know what she’s dreaming about. An hour later, I’m dozing off myself when I hear it.

She says my name clear as day. I’m positive I didn’t misunderstand her. “Xander, please…”

Oh shit. Xander, please what? Xander, please don’t stop? Xander, please kiss me? Xander, please leave me alone and never touch me again? No, she would never say that. I’ve gotten a few mixed signals from her but nothing like that.

I sit up and wait for her to say something else, but she’s quiet. I should walk away, let her sleep, and ignore the fact that she practically moaned my name in her sleep. Yeah right, no fucking way.

Standing, I glance at Tori who is sprawled out like a starfish softly snoring on her back. That’s a sign that she’s deep sleeping and only an earthquake ranking a nine on the Richter Scale would begin to wake her. Perfect.

I move to the edge of the bed and slip one arm under Sasha’s knees and the other under her neck. Lifting her light body easily, I start out of the room expecting her to wake up and protest, but she doesn’t.

Instead, she nuzzles against my neck and murmurs something unintelligible. Good God, am I getting away with this? I know it’s wrong. I was going to give her time. I wasn’t going to rush her. I was going to move molasses-slow, but she’s just so damn beautiful.

In my bedroom, I close the door for the first time in five years. I’ve never had a woman in my bed. I’m into one-night stands at hotels, or, if she’s single, at her house, but I never sleep over, and I never see the same woman twice.

None of that applies to Sasha. I lay her down on the bed and sit next to her waiting for her to wake up. When she doesn’t, I move in and kiss her softly on her full, pouty lips. She opens for me, and I slide my tongue into her mouth. I’m not sure if she’s fully awake, or awake at all, but she is responsive, so I keep going.

Her hands float up to my shoulders, and I ease myself on top of her nestling in between her legs. I pull away for a moment to look into her eyes and make sure this is okay, but they are closed.

“Sasha? Are you awake?”

“Shush, don’t talk, I’m dreaming.”

I smile and press my erection against her belly. She opens her legs wide for me wrapping them around my waist in what I take as an invitation to continue.

I trail kisses down her neck and slide her flimsy little nightie up her body giving me access to every inch of her gorgeous dark skin. As a plastic surgeon, I have a special appreciation of skin, bone structure, and other aspects of the human body. Sasha is perfect. Usually, I can find a flaw in any woman’s body but not hers.

I cup her full, round breasts and take turns sucking and pinching her stiff nipples. Her hands thread through my hair, and each time I pinch, she grabs tight and pulls a little harder. Down, down I go until I’m circling her navel with my tongue and slipping off her matching floral panties.

I check again to see if her eyes are open, but they are still closed. Watching her face carefully for any sign of hesitance, I press her knees wide open and crouch down. I lick her slick, bare mound slipping my tongue into her slit to tease her, and she gasps.

“Don’t move,” I growl. I tug my shirt off over my head and toss it onto the floor along with my shorts. We are both naked now except for her nightgown that is pushed up over her breasts. I swoop down and catch her by surprise again, but this time I don’t tease.

My tongue dances across her skin lapping up her sweetness making her orgasm once, twice, and when she’s on the verge of coming a third time, I pause.

“Oh God, please don’t stop, I’m almost there again,” she pants.

I move up onto my hands and knees and hover over her body. “I know, but I need to get a condom.”

“I’m on the pill, and I’m clean, swear to God, check my medical records.” Her words tumble from her lips frantic and desperate.

She’s right, she is clean. I remember now, and I trust she wouldn’t lie about being on the pill. I haven’t had unprotected sex since I was fifteen. I don’t even remember what it feels like, and the idea of it right now with this woman excites me beyond comprehension.

“You’re sure it’s okay?”

“Yes, yes, please, it’s fine.”

“Aren’t you worried about me? How do you know I’m clean?”

“You were going to use a condom, weren’t you?”


“Dirty guys don’t bother, and I trust you.” She reaches up and claws at my ass, and I lose my train of thought. Fuck it, she’s good, and I know I’m good.

I lower my hips down and press the tip of my cock against her opening planning on going slow, teasing, tempting, but she’s too far gone for that. She takes hold of my cock and guides me inside pushing against my ass with her heels making it happen fast and deep. She feels so good, skin against skin, no barrier, nothing keeping me from feeling every tiny movement and sensation.

“Oh God, yes, Xander, you feel so good. I knew you would.”

“You’ve been thinking about this, baby?” I say in a husky voice against her ear thrusting in deep, taking her breath away.

“Yes, since I saw your ass in those scrubs in the ER.”

Wow, she thinks my ass looks good in those baggy things? I guess it’s no stranger than me thinking she was sexy with an avocado nose and two five-inch gashes on her face.

I bend down and suck her nipple hard, she cries out, and I remember where I am and who I’m with. As bad as I want to take her every way possible and fuck her until she screams my name, I know we have to be discrete and semi-quiet. Tori is a good sleeper, but if she hears Sasha crying out, she might wake up.

I rise and slide her legs over my shoulders to enter deep. Her hands fly out to her sides clutching the sheets. I watch her breasts bounce with every thrust and marvel at how perfect they are. It’s amazing that they are natural. I couldn’t have made them better myself.

“I’m… oh God, Xander, I’m coming,” she says with a gasp arching her back off the bed. I feel her contracting around me, and after three more thrusts, I follow pushing in deep and holding it there. I’m usually very vocal when I come, but in this unique situation, I grit my teeth and quietly hiss the word fuck until my cock stops pulsing, and I collapse on top of her soaking wet body.

After a minute of both of us catching our breath, I prop up on my elbows and find her eyes open. “Good dream?” I ask.

“The best.”

“Really? The best dream ever?”

“The absolute best dream I’ve ever had in my life, yes.”


“You sure do know how to wake a girl up.”

“You were driving me crazy. Do you know you talk in your sleep?”

“Yeah, I’ve been told that a few times. What did I say?”

I clear my throat and say in my best girl impression, “You said, Xander, don’t stop, make love to me all night long every night for the rest of time.” I wiggle my eyebrows and wait for her reaction. She tries to hold back, but after a few seconds, she busts out laughing.

“No way. I’ve never spoken full sentences in my sleep, first of all, and I’m sure I didn’t say all of that!”

“Okay, okay, it was more like, Xander don’t. I added the rest.”

“Well, if it makes you feel any better, I was having a delicious dream about you, and when you carried me to your bed, I wasn’t sure if I was awake or not.”

“When did you know?”

“When you kissed me.”


“That kiss gave me butterfly zings in my pussy.”

“It did what?” I’ve never known a woman who called her vagina a pussy. It’s usually koochie or cooter or hoo-ha but never pussy.

“You gave my pussy butterfly zings. I can’t resist butterfly zings.”

“Say it again.”

“What? Pussy or butterfly zings?”

“Pussy, definitely pussy.”

“Pussy. What?” she asks looking puzzled.

“That’s so hot. Women never call it that. I love it.”

“I’ll try to remember that.”

I roll us onto our sides facing each other and use my foot to pull up the covers. “I want to spoon with you for a while, but you’ll have to go back to your room before Tori wakes up, so she’s not confused.”

She shrugs and rolls over pressing her gorgeous soft ass against my semi-erect cock. There’s no way I’m done with her yet. I’m getting harder by the second. I slide my hand up her flat belly and cup one of her breasts pushing my cock against her ass.

“Mmm, am I dreaming again?”

“I don’t know, what do you think?”

“I think yes.”

“Good. I think yes, too.” I bite her neck and slide my cock up and down against her ass dreaming of getting back inside her.

“Did you hear that?” she says, her body going stiff.

“No,” I start to say, but then I hear it, too. Little feet pitter-pattering in the hall. “Shit, Tori’s awake.”

“I’ll go in the bathroom so you can put her back to bed,” she says leaping from the bed and slipping on her panties. I exit the bed with a melting boner thanks to the vision of my baby walking in on me having sex with her nanny. How confusing would that have been for her?

“Daddy, why’s your door shut?” Tori asks when I open it.

“I was on the phone before I fell asleep, princess. I didn’t want to wake you, and I forgot to open it when I fell asleep. What are you doing up?”

“I’m thirsty, can I have some water?”

“Yeah, go hop back into bed, and I’ll get you a small bottle from the fridge.” She never asks for a drink before bed or in the middle of the night. She’s too afraid of wetting the bed, so this surprises me. She did have a big day yesterday with Sasha, though. Maybe she’s just a little dehydrated.

I watch her pad back to her room, and I wonder for the billionth time since she was born if I’m doing a good job parenting her. I hope so.

When she is in her room, I return to mine and knock softly on the bathroom door. “She’s back in her room. I’m going downstairs to get her a bottle of water.”

The door opens, and she stands before me braiding her hair. “I’ll head back to my room then. Thanks for the great dream.” She smiles and squeezes past me brushing her breasts against my chest.

“You’re very welcome, anytime, and I mean anytime.”

“Xander, tonight was great, but I’m not sure we should let it happen again. I don’t think this is a good idea.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me, right? What about this isn’t a good idea?”

“Go get Victoria some water, and we can talk about it tomorrow.”

“I don’t want to talk about it tomorrow. I want to talk about it right now.”

She sighs, and I can’t believe I could have misread what just happened between us. No, that was raw passion and feelings. We are attracted to each other, and there’s no other explanation for it.

“Okay, here’s the deal. I’m a poor, uneducated woman, down on my luck, and in debt. You are rich, handsome, probably set for life financially. We don’t match up. We aren’t compatible.”

“That’s ridiculous.”

“Is it? How could this possibly ever become anything? We don’t have anything in common besides great sex, and I’m sure you can get that anywhere…” I hold up my hand to stop her.

“Go back to your room. You’re right, we need to talk about this. I’m going downstairs to get Tori some water, and we will talk when I get her tucked in.”

“See? I already feel like a little kid. You’re sending me to my room.”

I scrunch up my face in total confusion. “What?”

“You’re old, I’m young, another incompatibility. What are you like forty?”


“That’s a sixteen-year age gap, Xander.”

“We will talk about this in a few minutes. I have to go downstairs.” I turn and leave her standing in the bathroom with her excuses. Old, I’m not fucking old, and who cares if she’s a few years younger, anyway? She’s going to have to come up with better reasons than that not to date me.

I grab a water and take the stairs two at a time to Tori’s bedroom. She’s sitting in the middle of her bed with the covers pulled up to her waist wide awake. “Here you go, bug. Is this the only reason you’re awake? You didn’t have a bad dream, did you?”

“No. I thought I heard crying, and then when I was awake, I got thirsty.” Shit, I wonder if she heard Sasha and me?

“Well, it’s late. Have a drink and let’s get you tucked back in.”

She takes the water and drinks half of the four-ounce bottle. “That’s good, not too much.” I take the bottle and put it on her bedside table. “It’ll be right here if you need more. Can you sleep now?”

She shrugs, and I know she wants me to lay with her until she falls back to sleep. I crawl on the bed on top of the covers and lay my head on the pillow next to hers. It smells like the ocean and jasmine and candy. It smells like Sasha.

“I love you, my daddy,” she says rolling onto her side to face me.

“I love you, too, princess, more than anything.”

“More than work?”

“Way more than work.”

“More than swimming in the ocean?”

This is a game we play. She thinks of a million things I love and asks if I love her more. I always do.

“Yes, more than swimming in the ocean and any other thing you can think of.”

“More than Sasha?” she says in the tiniest voice.

I prop up on my elbow to give her my undivided attention. “What makes you think I love Sasha?” Her little shoulders go up in a shrug, and she picks at the satin edge of her sheet. “Princess, I only just met Sasha. We’re friends, and she’s your nanny, that’s all. I like her very much, but I don’t love her.” Do I? How would I know? I’ve never been in love before.

I think about her all the time, have ever since I first laid eyes on her. I look forward to seeing her especially now that she’s living in my house. That’s another thing, I’ve never wanted a woman in my house or around my daughter, but with Sasha, it’s like she belongs here. And now that I’ve had the ultimate pleasure of being inside of her, tasting her, kissing every part of her body, I can’t imagine living without her.

Sure sounds like love, but there’s no way, not after only two weeks, right?

“Daddy?” Tori says pulling me from my contemplation.

“Yeah, honey.”

“Is it okay if I love Sasha? Cuz I do.”

Oh, the innocence of a child. Why can’t it be that easy for me?

“Yes, you can love Sasha, that’s fine. I think she loves you, too.” I tap her on the nose, and she smiles.

“Then how come you can’t love her?”

Oh boy, good question. Now how do I answer it? “Love between grown-ups is a little different, baby. I think it takes longer.”

Two tiny lines form between her eyebrows when she frowns. “That’s stupid.”

I chuckle because I think she may be right. “Yeah, maybe.”

“Prince Charming loved Cinderella when he saw her at the ball, and that was only one night.” She’s got a point. Love at first sight is pretty popular in fairy tales and romance books.

“Listen, sweet girl, that’s a story, and we could talk about this all night, but it’s late, and you need your beauty sleep so close those eyes,” I say brushing my fingers over her eyelids. “And think about the ocean and surfing and the waves until you fall to sleep.”

The very mention of surfing causes her face to break into a smile, and I know I’ve successfully gotten her mind off of love at first sight. I kiss her forehead and slide out of bed. Leaving the door open halfway, I move toward Sasha’s bedroom door. It’s closed. I knock very softly so as not to alert Tori. No answer. I try the doorknob, and it’s locked. Great, she knows I can’t bang on the door because of Tori, but I’m not giving up that easily.

Back in my room, I grab my phone and lay down in my bed that still smells of sex and Sasha, my new favorite smells. I send her a text.

Me: Your door is locked.

Sasha: I know.

Me: What if Tori needs you?

What if I need you is more like it, but she’s being stubborn, so I have to use what ammunition I’ve got.

Sasha: You’re right across the hall.

Me: I have to work in the morning.

Sasha: SO DO I!

Me: I have surgery.

Sasha: I have to care for your most precious possession, your daughter.

She’s got me there.

Me: What if I lop off some poor woman’s breast because I’m tired?

Sasha: I’m sure you’re skilled enough to give her a newer, better, BIGGER one.

I laugh, she’s right, I could.

Me: What’s your problem with big breasts?

Sasha: No problem.

Me: Please, unlock the door, so we can talk.

Sasha: There’s nothing left to say.

Me: There’s plenty to say. For instance, why did you say we have nothing in common?

Sasha: Because we don’t. I used to sell shoes, you’re a doctor. I think that says it all.

Me: That doesn’t say shit. Unlock your door, so we can talk face to face.

Sasha: No.

Me: Sasha.

She doesn’t respond, and I’m losing my patience. She will not dismiss me like this. I get up and quietly walk to my office to get the master key to all the rooms in the house. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it sooner.

It’s a bold move, one I would never make with anyone else staying in my home. I slip the key in and open her door. The light is on next to her bed, and her phone is lying next to it flashing my last text message. I hear the shower running in the en-suite bathroom and smile. Perfect. She can’t get away from me now, and I can show her at least a dozen things we have in common in the shower.

I try the doorknob, and it’s open, not that it matters. I have the key in my pocket. Steam pours out the door when I open it. I can see her curvy silhouette behind the frosted glass of the shower. Her arms are over her head shampooing her hair. She doesn’t sense my presence, and I plan on taking full advantage of that.

Silently, I strip my t-shirt off over my head and drop my shorts releasing my throbbing erection. The shower is a walk-in with no door, just an open space at one end. I step in blocking one of four jet sprayers, and that gets her attention. She spins around spraying water and shampoo everywhere including right into my eye.

“What the hell? Didn’t I lock the door?” she yells, and I reach out and cover her mouth.

“Shush, you don’t want Tori in here, do you?” I tip my face toward the water to rinse the burning soap from my eye. So much for a smooth romantic entrance where I grab her around the waist, spin her around, and ravish her before she can complain about me coming into her locked quarters.

“Maybe you should have thought of that before you invaded my privacy,” she hisses in a whisper. “What are you a part-time criminal or something? Picking locks…” she says under her breath while turning away from me to finish rinsing her hair.

“It’s my house, and I have a key. I didn’t want to use it, but you weren’t being reasonable.” I step forward and remove the detachable showerhead to rinse her hair myself, anything to get closer to her wet body.

She tries to step forward, but I slide my arm around her waist and pull her back to my front giving her the full effect of my length. At first, I think she’s going to struggle, but I suspect she’s getting butterfly zings in her pussy because her muscles relax, and she melts against me. I continue to rinse her hair until the water runs clear, and I replace the showerhead in its cradle.

“Conditioner?” I ask knowing full well that if her hair is anywhere as tangly as Tori’s, she will never get a brush through it without conditioner. She points at a bottle on the stone bench with a pump on top. I push the pump three times and work the slippery product into her hair from scalp to ends.

“You’re good at that,” she says, and I lean around to look at her face surprised by the compliment. She’s frowning, and her bottom lip is sticking out in a pout as if it pained her to admit that I am good at taking care of her hair.

“I’ve had a lot of practice washing hair.”

Her frown deepens, and she glares at me. “Tori’s hair. Geesh, you’re the jealous type, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I am.” I take a deep breath in through my nose and blow it out rolling my eyes. At least she’s the honest, jealous type.

“So, you text that we have nothing in common, and I would like to counter that statement.”

Still frowning she answers, “Go ahead.”

“Come here,” I take her hands and lead her to the stone bench. I sit and slide back with my back against the wall and pull her down to sit between my legs facing away from me. I wrap my hands around her waist and slide one up between her breasts to nudge her chin so she will lean her head back on my shoulder. “That’s better. Okay, so things in common. We both like kids, mine, in particular, and you can’t possibly deny that.”

“I cannot deny that I love Victoria.”

“Good. See? Progress.”

“What else?”

“Well, we have a mad appreciation for Mexican food. Those were the best chicken tacos I’ve ever eaten.”

“Thank you. What else?” she replies curtly.

“We both love the ocean, in different ways perhaps, but it’s a shared interest just the same.”

“What do you mean in different ways?”

“You like to surf, I like to fish. And then there is our shared belief that medication should be used in moderation.”

“What?” She lifts up her lip in a snarl and turns her face to mine. I can’t resist having her mouth so close to mine, and I kiss her. My hands wander up and down her body sliding over her breasts and down to her thighs where I push them open and circle her clit with the tip of my finger.

“Turn around,” I command, and she wastes no time slithering around in my lap. “Put your feet up on either side of me.” She does as instructed, and I slide my hands under her wet ass pulling her toward me and entering her slowly. We did fast and furious in bed, and now I want to take my time with her in the shower.

When we are joined, I slide my hand up her back and gather her hair wrapping it around my wrist. I give it a little tug baring her neck to my mouth. I lick and kiss all along her shoulder, neck, and behind her ear, which seems to be the power button for butterfly zings.

Her sighs and moans propel me on until my cock is about to burst. “Move,” I say against her ear, and she lifts up as much as she can in her position. I cup her ass and help her lifting her up and down on my cock. “Goddamn, you feel so good. I want to worship every inch of your body, Sasha. Every. Single. Inch.”

She ups the pace and digs her nails into my shoulders. As much as I want this to last, I can’t stop her. Her big, silver-blue eyes bore into my soul setting me on the verge of a climax. What is it about this woman? She makes me want to break all of my unspoken rules.

Don’t get attached. Yeah, too late.

Don’t bring her to my bed. Rule broken times two.

Don’t expose Tori. She’s her fucking nanny for Christ’s sake.

Don’t fall in love. I’m not sure on this one because I lack experience, but if I had to guess, I’d say I’ve broken that rule, too.

Suddenly, every muscle in her body tenses, her head falls back, her mouth opens in a silent scream, and she comes violently arching her back. It’s a beautiful sight watching her let go with no inhibitions. Not a lot of women can do that.

When she’s beginning to come down from her high, I stand up and press her back against the wall. She clings to me, and I thrust into her like an animal with no restraint until I come with her name on my lips.

“Sasha, Sasha, Sasha…” I murmur dropping my head into the crook of her neck. Her hands slide around my back, and she holds me tight.

“You see, we have a lot in common after all.”

“What do you mean?” she says still catching her breath.

“We both love shower sex.”

She makes a thoughtful face. “Okay, so we have a few things in common, but we come from different worlds, Xander. If you want to have fun while I’m working for you, that’s cool, but when the job is done, we’re done.”

I can live with that. At least she’s not telling me this isn’t going to work anymore. I am a very persuasive man, and I’m used to getting what I want. All I have to do is make sure this job never ends and show her that our worlds aren’t so damn different. Easy.

“Okay, you’ve got yourself a deal. You have to stay as long as I need you, though, and you’re mine while you’re here. No sleeping with anyone else.”

“Fine, as long as that goes for you, too.”

“I have absolutely no interest in being with anyone but you.”

She relaxes her legs and lowers herself to the floor. “I have to rinse my hair,” she says like the past fifteen minutes never happened. I reach up for the showerhead again and commence rinsing her hair. When her hair is soft and silky, I squirt body wash into my hands and set about washing every part of her. When I’m finished, I shut off the water and dry her with a fluffy white bath sheet and walk her out of the shower to the mirror. I scoop her hair over one shoulder and kiss her neck. Then I leave without another word. I’m afraid if I say anything, she will renege on our agreement, and I worked too hard for that to happen.

Dripping wet and still naked, I risk a peek into Tori’s room and find her not in bed. Shit, where the hell did she go now? In my room, I find the answer to that question when I see a little lump sleeping soundly on my side of the bed. Great. I’m going to have some explaining, or should I say lying, to do in the morning.

I cross the room to my bathroom to dry off and put on a pair of shorts and another t-shirt. I’m hit with a twinge of guilt when I get back into the bed I had sex in less than an hour ago. I try to close my eyes and sleep, but Sasha is everywhere. My sheets smell like her sweaty skin, and my hands smell like her conditioner.

I fling off the sheet and round the bed scooping Tori up and returning her to her bed without waking her.

When I crawl back into my bed, I sprawl out and breathe in everything Sasha until I fall into a Sasha dream-filled sleep, and wow, does she give good dreams.

Sometimes life is a dream you don’t want to wake up from.