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All That and a Bag of Chips by Amber Garza (12)



I stared down at the folded-up piece of paper with my name on it that Brooke passed to me in class. Huh. I suppose this was as close to texting as we got in 1993. Opening it up, I smoothed it out with my hand.

Friday night. My place. Melody and Katie are coming too. Parents will be gone. I’ve got a full liquor cabinet and Buffy!

Buffy? Was that the name of her dog? And why had she put that in the same sentence with liquor. If only my memory wasn’t so limited. I always felt like I was missing something. Or everything.

Grabbing my pen, I scrawled my response.

I’m sorry. I can’t. Going out with Nick. Also, who’s Buffy?

Peering up, I waited until Mrs. Greene turned toward the board. Then I handed the note back to Brooke. After she read it, the corner of her lips curled downward. Uh oh. She wrote a fast response and then shoved the note back into my hand.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Duh. You know that’s my favorite movie. And you already promised you’d come over this Friday, remember?

My stomach knotted. I had promised. But surely she wouldn’t hold me to that. This was Nick we were talking about. And he had asked me out on our first date. This was huge.

Yeah, but that was before Nick asked me out.

Her response came fast. It was one line, written so sloppily it took me a minute to decipher it.

Chicks before dicks, Remy.

Wow. Vulgar.

Ava and I used to say “sisters before misters”. I suppose they both meant the same thing.

Okay. You’re right. I’ll talk to Nick.

Heart sinking, I held the note out to Brooke.

“Remy,” Mrs. Greene called out. “Is that something you want to share with the entire class?” Her gaze bounced down to the note. My face flamed. No freakin’ way. I had my phone taken away once in class, but the teacher didn’t read anything from it. Did teachers in the 90s read notes in front of the class? I’d legit die.

But Brooke saved me. “Sorry, Mrs. Greene. It was my notes. I dropped them, and Remy was handing them back.” Smiling sweetly, she plucked the note from my hand and set it down on her desk.

I wasn’t sure if Mrs. Greene believed her or not, but she resumed the lecture. Brooke winked at me. I exhaled with relief. Crisis averted.

Now I needed to figure out what to do about Friday night.




“Nick’s gonna be out of town on Saturday and Sunday with his parents. Friday night’s the only night we can go out,” I whined to Aunt Kelly later that night. I’d slyly brought up the weekend with Nick on the way home, hoping there was a possibility of moving our date night. No such luck.

“I say go for it then.” Aunt Kelly sat on the couch, legs tucked up underneath her. She picked up her wine glass and took a long sip. “I mean, you only live once, right?” Not only did 1993 Aunt Kelly look different; she acted different too. The Aunt Kelly I’d always known was all about women empowerment. She’d never choose a boy over her friends.

Which version of Aunt Kelly was right? Which one should I listen to?

“Nick and Remy sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G.” Preston popped out from behind the couch, puckering up his lips and making kissing noises.

I swatted him away. “Grow up, Pres. God, you act like you’re still in elementary school.”

My slam on his maturity didn’t faze him at all. He kept on singing and making kissing noises. I rolled my eyes and groaned.

“Preston, that’s enough,” Aunt Kelly said, but she wasn’t very intimidating.

“What is going on out here?” Mom walked in the room.

Thank god. She’d get Preston to shut up.

“Remy has a daaate,” Preston said in that same sing-song voice.

I was going to punch him in his face.

“You do?” Mom raised a brow. “With Nick?”

Preston opened his mouth, no doubt gearing up for another song, when Mom held up her hand. “No more, Pres.” Frowning, he sulked from the room.

Once he was gone, Mom threw me that questioning look again.

“Well, I’m supposed to have a date with Nick on Friday night…but…” I glance over at Aunt Kelly.

“She doubled booked herself,” Aunt Kelly responded for me.

Mom made her way across the family room and plopped down on the recliner. “Two dates?”

“No.” I shook my head. “Brooke and I sorta had plans to hang out Friday night, but then Nick asked me on a date. And, really, I had completely forgotten that I even said I’d go to Brooke’s.”

“If you made plans with Brooke first, then that’s what you need to do,” Mom said.

“Yeah, I think I’m gonna go with Aunt Kelly’s answer.”

Mom’s head whipped in her sister’s direction. “And what was that? Or do I even want to know?”

“I told her to go on the date. She can have girl’s night anytime.” She raised her glass. “You only live once, right?”

“Says the woman who’s living on her sister’s couch,” Mom answered dryly.


Aunt Kelly frowned into her wine glass before taking another sip. Well, more than a sip. Actually, she finished off the glass. Then she poured another.

Maybe I shouldn’t take advice from her.

“Rem, you don’t want to be the kind of girl who cancels her plans with her friends to be with some boy.” Mom leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees.

“But Nick isn’t some boy.” And Brooke, Katie and Melody weren’t really my friends. At least they weren’t until a couple of weeks ago.

“If that’s true, then he’ll understand when you tell him you already had plans. He’ll probably even respect you for it.” Mom smiled.

Man, my mom was out of touch.

But she also wasn’t wrong.

My first date with Nick, and I was going to have to cancel. Talk about major suckage.




After swiping on some lip-gloss, I slipped into my shoes and fluffed my hair. I’d never used so much hairspray in my life. My fine, thin strands had a tough time keeping up with the nineties style. Sighing, I grabbed my overnight bag and headed toward the front door. I was sure I’d have a good time at Brooke’s. It just wasn’t what I wanted to do tonight. I still couldn’t believe I had to cancel with Nick.

He was cool about it though.

Too cool.

Irritatingly cool.

It’s not like I wanted him to be possessive or weird about it, but it would have been nice for him to put up some kind of fight. But he was all like, “Oh, yeah? Girl’s night? That’s cool. I totally get it.  Don’t worry. We’ll go out another night.”

But when?

He never said.

Ugh. This night better not suck.

The rest of my family was out to dinner, but Aunt Kelly said I could drive her car. So, I grabbed her keys and headed outside. The air was crisp, and goosebumps rose on my bare legs. Stupid floral dresses. Why did I own so many?

“I’m not the one being ridiculous. You are!” Nick’s angry growl stopped me in my tracks.

“You watch your tone, young man,” A man’s voice boomed.

That’s when I spotted Nick and his dad in their doorway.

“Oh, that’s right. We’re not allowed to disagree with you,” Nick shot back. “Even if what you’re saying makes no sense.”

His dad moved closer to Nick. My shoulders stiffened.

“That’s enough!”

“Agreed.” Nick puffed out his chest. “I’m outta here.”

“Cool down before you come back.” The minute Nick stepped out of the doorway, his dad slammed the door behind him. When Nick reached his car, he hit his palms against the hood, muttering a bunch of what I was assuming was cuss words. From where I stood, I couldn’t understand them.

My insides sagged. I’d never seen Nick like this.

Hurrying across the lawn, I walked up behind him.

“Nick?” I spoke tentatively, tucking my finger under the strap of my overnight bag.

He froze, his neck craning. His eyes were red, his face drawn. My heart pinched. I took a step forward, coming around to stand beside him.

“You okay?”

“Fine.” He sniffed, wiping his eyes. His tone was raspy.

Had he been crying?

My hand moved as if it had a mind of its own, landing on Nick’s arm. My fingertips skated across his bare skin. “You don’t seem fine.”

He swallowed hard and shook his head. “Doesn’t matter.”

When our gazes met, he stopped being Nick. I mean, okay, technically he was still Nick. But he was no longer the popular, hot boy next door I’d been fantasizing about for years. He was simply a boy with real feelings, emotions and problems. A boy I liked a lot – not because he was hot or popular or because I’d been dreaming of being with him since forever, but because he was real and kind. And because I liked the person he was.

“It matters to me.” My gaze flickered to his house. “I heard you and your dad fighting.”

“He’s being a dick.” His jaw flexed.

“About what?”

“Nothing.” He blew out a breath. He glanced down at my overnight bag. “Anyway, don’t you have a girl’s night to get to?”

Surely, Brooke could start girl’s night without me. “I can stay a little longer.” I dropped the bag on the ground as if to prove it.  I’d send a text to let Brooke know I was running late. She’d understand. Reaching into my pocket, I fished around, but it was empty.

Oh. Right. Duh.

I extracted my fingers and offered Nick a gentle smile. “Tell me what’s going on.”

“It’s really nothing.” He waved away my question. “Go, have fun with your friends.”

“They can wait,” I assured him. “It’s not like we’re doing anything crazy. Just watching Buffy.”

Nick chuckled. “Ahh, yeah. Brooke loves that movie.”

He said it with such familiarity, my stomach knotted. What was their history? Had they been closer than friends? Were they now? No, stop it Rem. Don’t let your imagination go wild. They’re just friends. That was totes obvious.

My gaze locked with his. “I want to be here…with you,” I said softly.

“A couple of days ago you were pretty adamant about going to Brooke’s tonight,” he said, and his tone carried a hint of bitterness.

It should’ve bothered me. It didn’t.

I was a sucker.

“Are you trying to get rid of me?” I cocked an eyebrow.

He laughed, running a hand through his hair. “Never. I…well, I don’t wanna be that guy.”

“What guy?”

“The guy that makes you miss girl’s night.”

My heart flipped in my chest. “You’re not making me do anything,” I said firmly. “And I’m not leaving, so stop asking me to.”

Flashing me that amused smile of his, he said, “Okay.” Then he leaned his back against the hood of his car and held out his arms. “C’mere.”

Now we’re talking. I stepped forward, and he wound his arms around my waist. Yeah, so much better than a movie at Brooke’s. Pressing my face into his chest, I took a whiff of his familiar scent. God, he smelled good. I could never place it, but it made my pulse race, my palms sweat. It was like every good thing a boy could smell like – leather, mint, soap, some of kind of spicy deodorant. I don’t know, but I liked it. His chin rested on the top of my head.

“Remember how I told you we were going out of town tomorrow?”

I nodded, my skin rubbing against his shirt. His muscles flexed underneath my cheek. The shirt was paper thin, almost like he wasn’t wearing one. Just like he wouldn’t be wearing one this summer when we went swimming. Swimming. In the pool. Wearing bathing suits. Oh, man. Focus on what he’s saying, Remy.

“We were supposed to visit my sister.” A car drove down the street. The wind blew over us. I shivered. He held me tighter.

I lifted my head. “Were?”

“Yeah.” His jaw did that flexing thing again. His muscles clenched. “Dad doesn’t wanna go now.”

Weird. I remember thinking that Stacey and her dad were tight, always playing catch in the yard and laughing and stuff. I only remembered it because it used to make me miss my dad even more.

He let go of me and stepped away from his car, his back to me. “I mean, I don’t get it. He’s always on me saying that ever since we moved here I’ve changed. That I’m not myself. But Stacey’s finally being herself, and he’s trippin’.” His shoulders visibly stiffened. “And how did he not already know? Mom and I did. It was so obvious. He must’ve been in denial.” He’s rambling, but I let him. “And who cares anyway? It’s not like it’s hurting him. It’s her life.” He spun around to face me. “And she’s finally happy, you know?” I didn’t know. I had no clue what he was talking about. But, like an idiot, I nodded. “It’s not like she can help who she loves.”

Ahh, gotcha. “That’s what this is all about? Your sister’s gay?”

He blinked, then laughed lightly. “Yeah. Sorry. Probably should’ve led with that.”

I shook my head. “Nah, it’s okay. I got it.”

“I was so pissed off, I guess I haven’t been making a lot of sense.” He smiled. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be. I think it’s amazing how much you care about your sister,” I said. “And I don’t blame you for being upset.”

Nick sighed. “I wish Dad would’ve been cool about it.”

“I’m sure he’ll come around.”

“You think?” He raised a brow, his face open and hopeful.

My heart lurched. “Yeah.” I wasn’t one hundred percent certain, but I hoped I was right.

“Stacey and I never really got along. She was always annoyed with me when she lived at home.” His lips curled upward. “Probably because I was always messin’ with her; pulling pranks and stuff.”

“I know how that is,” I muttered under my breath, thinking of Preston.

“But I was actually pretty jealous of her. Mostly because her and Dad were so tight.” He sighed. “Guess they’re not now.”

My insides knotted. I didn’t know how to make Nick feel better. The last thing I wanted to do was keep offering him lame statements that were probably false. So instead, I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around him.

“I’m sorry,” I murmured into his chest.

His arms came around me, his chin resting on the top of my head again. After a few silent moments, he drew back and smiled. “Hey, thanks for everything. But I know you need to get to Brooke’s.”

Oh, shit. Brooke’s.

My panic must have registered on my face, because Nick laughed. “Don’t worry. I’m sure you didn’t miss much. Buffy is a girl who slays vampires. The title pretty much gives the story away.”

Brooke was probably going to slay me for flaking on her like this. But I hated leaving Nick when he was upset.

Hesitating, I bit my lip. “You sure you’re good?”

He nodded.

“Okay.” Reaching down, I picked up my bag and slung it over my shoulder. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

He stepped toward me wearing a grin. When he reached me, he gently touched my face. “Thanks again for tonight. It meant a lot.”

I swallowed hard. “Of course.” The words came out in a squeak. My pulse quickened.

Leaning down, he pressed a kiss to my forehead. His lips were soft and warm.

“Have fun tonight.” He backed away from me.

I blew out a breath. As I walked toward Kelly’s car, I could feel his gaze on me. By the time I slipped inside, my entire body was on fire.




“Where have you been?” Brooke asked angrily the minute I arrived at her house. The movie was paused and the three of them were sprawled out on the couch in her living room. “I called your house like five times.”

“Yeah, we were worried you got in a car accident or something,” Melody offered.

I would’ve felt bad if I thought they’d actually been worried about me, but I doubted it.

“Sorry.” I set my bag down and walked into the room. “I was on my way, but then I ran into Nick and-”

“Why am I not surprised that this is about Nick?” Brooke said sharply.

“It wasn’t planned. I was about to leave when I heard Nick fighting with his dad. And he was really upset. It’s not like I could leave without making sure he was okay.”

“He was fighting with his dad?” Brooke’s eyebrows knit together. “What about?”

I wouldn’t betray Nick’s trust. “Um…nothing.”

“Oh, it’s okay.” Brooke’s eyes softened and she offered me a sympathetic smile. “Nick’s a pretty private person. He doesn’t share a lot, so don’t feel like it has anything to do with you.”

“No, he told me,” I blurted out before I could stop myself. Why did I care so much about proving her wrong? Why did it matter to me that she knew he shared things with me? “But it was in confidence.”

“Oookay.” Brooke’s eyes flashed. “Well, whatever.” She waved away the conversation like the entire thing was insignificant. But it was obvious that it wasn’t. “You missed like over half the movie, but I’ll catch you up.” She grabbed my arm, steering me toward the couch.

Nick was right. The movie was pretty self-explanatory. Still, I could tell why Brooke liked it so much. Buffy was bad ass.

“Derek asked me to homecoming,” Brooke said after the movie finished. She was lounged out on the couch like she thought she was the center spread on a magazine.

“Ooh, was this before or after you slept with him?” Melody asked, her eyes sparkling.


I shot straight up. “You’re sleeping with Derek?”

“Duh.” Brooke rolled her eyes. “He’s hot. He’s single. And he’s pretty much the only guy I haven’t been with in our group.”

My stomach tightened. Wait. Had she been with Nick?

“It was after.” Brooke’s eyes glazed over as if she was a million miles away. “We were laying in his bed, curled up against each other when he asked me. It was really romantic.”

“Sounds like it.” Melody pressed her hand to her chest.

Oh, puhlease. It didn’t sound romantic. It sounded like the plot of an afterschool special.

“Did you say yes?” Katie asked.

“Of course.” Brooke smiled.

There’s no way 2018 Brooke would’ve been okay with that homecoming proposal. Last year, she went to homecoming with Mason Pepper. And he’d asked her in front of the entire school with a box of donuts and a huge sign that said. “Donut say no to going to homecoming with me.”

“Yay!” Melody squealed. “Now we all have dates!”

“I know.” Brooke grinned, tucking an errant strand of hair behind her ear. “And my dad said he’d rent us a limo.”

“A limo?” Now Katie was squealing.

“You’re going, right?” Brooke pinned me with a stare. “You and Nick?”

“Um…” I squirmed uncomfortably on the couch, picking at the blanket that sat near my leg. All three girls were gaping at me, expectantly. “I don’t know, actually.”

“He hasn’t asked you?” Melody’s eyes bugged out.

My insides twisted. “I have time, don’t I?”

“It’s next weekend,” Katie said, incredulously, as if she worried I’d been hiding under a rock or something.

Homecoming was next weekend? Wow. Was it the same in 2018? Was time going on without me? My stomach churned. It was too weird to think about.

“I’m not surprised he hasn’t asked you,” Brooke said, and my head snapped in her direction. What did that mean? “Nick hates dances. Always has.”

“Oh, yeah.” Melody nodded. “She’s right. He never goes to them.”

Odd. The Nick from 2018 had been to every dance.

“But I can talk to him for you,” Brooke offered. “I mean, that is if you want to go with him.”

“Of course I do.” It was something I’d fantasized about for years. But I never believed it was a possibility.

“Cool. Then I’ll make it happen.” Smiling, Brooke snapped her fingers like she was my freakin’ fairy godmother.

I narrowed my eyes. Why would she offer this? Sometimes it seemed like she was against my relationship with Nick, and other times she went out of her way to encourage it. I didn’t like it. Something was up.

“No, it’s okay. I’ve got it,” I said.

“Really? You’ve got it?” Brooke raised her brows in a look of disbelief.

Why though? “Yeah.” I forced a brave smile.

“What are you gonna do?” Brooke pressed.

I hated how smug she looked, so I quickly answered, “Maybe I’ll ask him myself.”

“You’re gonna ask him out?” Katie’s eyes widened. “Wow. Look at you?”

“A woman of the future!” Melody chimed in.

Ha! She had no idea.




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