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Bad Company: Company of Sinners MC #1 by Lisa J. Hobman (38)

Chapter Thirty-Eight


Being in lockdown at the clubhouse again was not my idea of a fucking good time. But thanks to the events of the past few days, I had little choice. Colt insisted that my actions had instigated a situation that had put the whole of the Company of Sinners MC in jeopardy. All’s I knew was that Rosa was back with me and she was unharmed. So I didn’t fucking care what Colt said.

The rest of the crew were giving me the cold shoulder. All except for Rosa, Six and Delilah. Although with the way Six was obsessing about the girl from the fucking library, I was beginning to wish he was snubbing me too. All he could talk about was her beautiful eyes and what she could do with the pole when she worked at the club. Man, he had it bad.

Everyone was downstairs playing pool, drinking beer, and generally partying, seeing as there was little else to do when we were on lockdown. But I was being my usual antisocial self. I had taken a bottle of Jack from the bar and gone up to my room. After drinking half of it, I lay on my bed in the dark in just my fitted boxers, staring at the ceiling.

In my drunken half-dozing stupor, I heard the door open and soft footsteps padding across the floor. A familiar fragrance infiltrated my senses, but I knew I was dreaming on account of the fact that it was Kelly’s perfume I could smell. A wave of melancholy washed over me as I felt the bed dip. She smelled amazing as she usually did, and I wished so fucking much that it were real. Her feather-light fingertips traced circles up my calves, toward my thighs and up to my cock, which sprang to life at her touch. I inhaled deeply, taking her rose scent into my lungs and picturing her there with me. Loving me even though I didn’t fucking deserve her.

She gripped my underwear and pulled them down my legs, allowing my cock to spring free, and I inhaled sharply as she gripped my shaft. Next thing I knew, her fragrance became stronger and I gripped the sheets beneath me as she sank her warm, wet mouth over the tip of my cock and laved at me with her tongue. It felt so good and I wanted the fantasy to last as long as possible. I squeezed my eyes closed tight, and she slid her mouth over me, taking me deep and cradling my balls gently as she did. I groaned as my entire body was filled with intense pleasure.

Pure, hedonistic pleasure.

My heart hammered at my ribs as she nibbled and licked at my sensitive, rigid flesh, moaning in the back of her throat and making vibrations travel down my shaft.

“Fuck… fuck that’s so good.” My ragged breathing and the sound of her taking me in and out was all that could be heard in the otherwise silent darkness. The wetness of her mouth on me had images flashing through my mind. Long auburn waves trailing across my stomach… Naked breasts pressed against my thighs… Cheeks hollowing as she drew me in… Her green eyes locking on mine as she pleasured me, watching my every reaction.

Fuck, that woman was everything to me. An overwhelming sense of love, adoration, and awe swept through me as my muscles tensed and the movement of her hands increased along with the speed of her sucking. The intensity built and I could hold back no longer. Electric shocks ripped through every nerve ending, and I sky-rocketed as my orgasm shot through me.

“Oh, fuck, Kelly… Kelly… I fucking love you, baby… fucking love you.” Momentarily forgetting it was a dream, I reached out to grab her and my hand landed on her head, but as I ran my fingers down toward her chin, her hair stopped at jaw length. I sat bolt upright and scrambled for the lamp on my nightstand.

“What the fuck?”

Delilah sat there naked, straddling my left thigh and circling my navel with her fingertips, smiling up adoringly at me. Her blonde hair was now auburn.

“What the fuck are you doing in my fucking room?” I bellowed at her.

Tilting her head to one side, she licked her glistening lips. “I wanted to please you, and you wouldn’t let me.”

I ran my hands through my hair. “Are you fucking crazy? Are you fucking out of your mind, woman?” I yanked my leg free and clambered from the bed, knocking her back slightly. “What the fuck were you thinking? And why the fuck do you smell like Kelly?” My heart was trying to escape from my chest, and my fists were clenched as anger and bile bubbled up inside of me.

She dropped her gaze and fiddled with her newly coloured hair. “I heard you talking about her with Six and I found her perfume in your drawer. I figured if I smelled like her and had the same hair colour, you’d like me.”

What the fuck? I grabbed my boxers and yanked them up my legs. “Delilah, this is not about a smell or a fucking hair colour, or a fucking blow job. I love her. Do you hear me? I. Fucking. Love. Her. You can’t just fucking switch that shit off! And you certainly can’t become her by dying your hair and wearing her perfume, you dumb bitch. Fuck! And what the hell are you doing snooping in my drawers anyway? Who the fuck does that shit?”

Every shred of sympathy I had for Delilah and her unrequited crush on me flew out the window. Even watching tears trail down her cheeks did nothing to soften my anger at her actions. I felt fucking violated. Okay, so I had enjoyed the experience when I had thought it was a dream, but fuck. This shit wasn’t right.

“Get the fuck out of my room, Delilah. Now!”

She grabbed her pink robe from the floor and dashed for the door just as Six appeared in the doorway. “You lovers had a little tiff?” He sniggered as she shoved past him.

“This is not a fucking joke, man. I’m outta here, dude. This whole place is going crazy. I can’t deal, Six.” I pulled on my sweatpants and a T-shirt and I too shoved past my friend and stormed into the hallway.

“Whoa, Cain, what happened? Why are you so pissed?”

I stopped in my tracks and swung my body around to face him. Pointing in the direction Delilah left, I shouted, “Delilah broke into my room and stole the perfume I bought that reminded me of Kelly and wore it so that she could smell like her. She even dyed her fucking hair. And then she snuck into my room sucked me off in the dark. She’s sick. And I can’t be here anymore.”

His eyes widened and he shook his head. “Oh, man. That’s some fucked-up shit.”

“Ya think?” I walked away and arrived at the back door that led outside into the fenced compound. The security lights came on and almost blinded me, so I rubbed my eyes and allowed them to adjust. I walked to the perimeter fence and hooked my fingers through the links, inhaling deeply and trying my best to shed the feeling of unfaithfulness that was twisting at my gut. It was crazy. Kelly was thousands of miles away in Scotland and I was here, and I had been blindsided. But what had just happened turned my stomach.

“Cain! You shouldn’t be out here, man. It’s not safe.” I spun around in the direction of Six’s voice but the security lights dazzled me again and all I could see was white spots.

A loud crack rent the silent night air, and a shooting pain sliced through my chest. I clutched my ribs and dropped to my knees as the white spots came again with a vengeance. Numbness seeped into my bones and in the distance I could hear an agonising scream.

“Cain! Noooooo!”

I could make out shapes coming toward me and I tried to lift my hand, but the energy I needed to do so just wasn’t available.

I gave into the blackness as it overtook my senses and I fell into the abyss.


Once again I awoke with a start. This time I was clutching my chest and calling out Cain’s name. I couldn’t remember the nightmare, but I was certain there had been one. I rubbed my hands over my face as the ache in my chest began to subside and my heart rate calmed. A strange numbness washed over me and I suddenly began to cry.

The stream of tears became a deluge, and sobs racked my body at the unexplainable emptiness I was experiencing. It must have been some nightmare to have such a negative residual effect on me. I allowed the tears to fall and a light in my peripheral vision made me jump. The screen of my cell had oddly lit up, showing me the screen saver. It was the one photo I had of Cain and me—a silly selfie from the day I took the Christmas tree around to his flat.

The phone didn’t ring as I had expected it to—as it usually did when it lit up—and the screen became black once again as I let the tears flow…