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Bad Company: Company of Sinners MC #1 by Lisa J. Hobman (8)

Chapter Eight


I returned to my room and slumped into the chair by the window. I could still smell her on me, and my dick was reluctant to relax just like the rest of my tensed-up body. Running my fingers through my hair, I closed my eyes and replayed the events that had taken place only minutes before. The way her eyes drifted half closed as her arousal took over. The way she dug her fingers into my shoulders and bit me and the feel of her pussy tightening around my fingers. Fuck, what I wouldn’t give to do it all over again but this time with my cock. What a shame it wouldn’t be happening anytime soon.

She’d made that very clear.

The fear in her eyes when she came back to earth told me that there was a good chance I’d be seeing a different doctor from that moment on. I had to get used to the fact that there was no fucking way she would face me again. And shit if that didn’t piss me off.

Hell, I was beginning to regret pushing her so far. She clearly wanted me, but… maybe I could’ve handled things differently. Taken things slower maybe. The problem was that I couldn’t hide my attraction to her and I’d acted instinctively. That fact alone scared the crap out of me. Who the hell was I, and why would I act in such a sexually aggressive way toward a woman who was clearly out of reach?

Was that it?

Was it the challenge?

My mind scoured the recent memories of dreams I’d been having and the erotic nature of many of them. The women who’d featured in my unconscious encounters were faceless—that is, apart from Kelly. What made her different? Maybe it was just the fact that she was the one I was thinking about at the time. She was real. The others were either figments of my lurid imagination or memories of lays past. Either way, they didn’t help me to identify myself.

Feeling more tense and aroused than I cared to be, I walked into my bathroom and leaned against the door in the hope that my weight would act as a deterrent for any of the well-meaning nursing staff intent on bursting in. I unbuttoned my fly, shoved my jeans down a ways, and gripped my cock firmly. Closing my eyes, I called to mind the way Kelly’s body felt and smelled; every teasing memory played in my head as I moved my hand up and down, squeezing my shaft and driving myself towards the release I wished I could’ve had with her… in her. Fuck I wanted to be inside her. Feeling her pussy tighten around me as her soft tits rubbed against my bare chest. Thrusting hard into her until she cried out my name and I marked her as my own.

I let my head fall back against the door as my breathing accelerated and I remembered the noises she’d made as I fucked her with my fingers. A grunt left my chest and I chewed on my bottom lip as deep, intense pleasure radiated from where I slipped my fist along my rigid cock. Suddenly my mind was pulled in another direction. My imagination was running wild and in my mind’s eye I glanced down to see Kelly naked on her knees before me as she pulled the full length of my erection into the wet cave of her mouth. Fuck, my fantasies were definitely improving. Her breasts bounced as she stared up at me and increased the speed of her sucking. If it were real, I would have grabbed a handful of her silky auburn curls—not to hurt her but just to control her pace. I wanted this to last as long as possible, but the images of her flashing through my mind were enough to send any guy over the edge. My grip tightened and once more I was inside her, feeling her sliding her body down on mine, and I could hold back no longer. I gritted my teeth and fought the roar trying to escape my body as I came hard.

Once my body had calmed enough for me to take a walk, I cleaned myself up and went to the nurse’s station to check if the library cart was due to come around. The old volunteer, Charlie, was around seventy and more or less the hospital grandpa. He’d recommended some fantastic books for me to read, the last being “The Catcher in the Rye” by J. D. Salinger. I identified with Holden Caulfield in a way that made me once again question who I had been before I lost my memory.

As I stood chatting to Patty at the nurse’s station, I heard the clicking of heels on the tiled floor to my left. I looked towards the sound and smiled. Kelly was walking toward me with her head down. She was reading a pile of papers as she walked and her brow was furrowed. She stopped and lifted her head, meeting my eyes as she did so. My gaze trailed down her body and landed on the jacket she was wearing to hide the evidence of our earlier encounter.

“Erm… Cameron… I… I need to speak with you…. It’s a matter of urgency.”

“Okay, let’s go to my room.” I gestured across the corridor.

“No… no… let’s go to my office.” She turned to walk away, not giving me a chance to reply.

“Hell yeah,” I muttered under my breath—or so I thought—but she stopped dead and turned around, fixing me with a hard, cold stare.

“Hurry along now, Mister Iss,” she hissed. Okay, so there wasn’t going to be an imminent repeat of our last meeting. Fuck.

“Okay, okay keep your panties on.” I chuckled. But again my sense of humour was far from appreciated. Her responding pursed-lipped death stare almost burned holes in my head and told me I’d better keep my jokes to myself in future.

I followed her until we reached her office. She stepped inside and held the door open for me and I kept my gaze fixed on hers as I walked into the room. But once she had closed the door, she looked away and went to sit behind her desk. Oh… so we’re behaving all professional now, are we?

“Please take a seat.” She gestured to the chair opposite which afforded her a large wooden barrier between us. I reluctantly sat.

With what I hoped to be an innocent smile, I tilted my head to one side, trying to look cute. “I’m guessing you didn’t invite me in here for an encore, huh?”

She sighed and removed her glasses, placed them on her desk, and rubbed at the bridge of her nose. “I did inform you that what happened was a mistake. There will be no repeats. And most certainly not after what has been discovered.”

Huh? Suddenly I was all ears. “What do you mean ‘after what’s been discovered’?”

“Your DNA seems to match that of a known criminal in California.”

Her words were like a blow to my solar plexus. “Oh, fuck… no way.” My worst fears had been realised. I really was a badass piece of work. I had hoped my gut feelings had been misplaced, but I was so wrong.

“The police will want to speak with you again. There are no warrants out for your arrest at present, but it seems there is a history of offences that go way back. Most of them related to…” She swallowed as if she was about to throw up. “To violence.”

“So… is this definitely me? I mean… this criminal is definitely who I am?” My voice was weak and croaky as the reality of the whole situation weighed on my shoulders, pushing me down.

Kelly carried on, ignoring my question. “Your true name is Cain Somers. The name on the suicide note, Cameron Iss, appears to be an anagram of your real name. And… there are connections in your past to a motorcycle club responsible for robberies, gang wars, and money laundering. The details of this are a little sketchy at the moment, but I’m sure the police will find out more.”

A heavy weight pressed down on my chest and suddenly I couldn’t breathe. I tugged at the round neck on my T-shirt knowing full-well that it wouldn’t help the sensation of asphyxiation. I pushed my seat away from the desk and lowered my head to my hands, trying to pull air into my lungs and calm myself down. Cain Somers? I repeated it over and over in my head. Why did the name not sound familiar to me? And who would give me an alias that was a fucking anagram? Or… or did I give myself the alias? I felt like I was on some dumb episode of fucking Scooby Doo and someone’s mask was about to be removed. The only trouble was, it was mine.

Suddenly remembering one of my very vivid dreams of a blue-eyed, dark-haired girl. “So… so who is Rosa?”

She linked her fingers and leaned forward on her desk. Concern flashed in her eyes. “It transpires that Rosa… was… is your seventeen-year-old sister.” The concern transformed into sadness.

My stomach plummeted like I was on some giant roller coaster. “Was? Was my sister? Do you mean she’s… she’s dead?”

She sighed heavily and briefly closed her eyes, and I knew then that I wasn’t going to like what was coming. A line appeared between her eyebrows, and her voice came out in a husky whisper. “Rosa Somers is currently logged as a missing person. She hasn’t been seen since before you were discovered over by Ben Nevis.”

A cold shiver ran the full length of my spine, and my mouth suddenly dried out. I could almost feel the colour drain from my face as I fixed my stare on Kelly and let what she had said sink in.

Her earlier words about the police wanting to speak to me rolled around my mind. I suddenly sat up straight as dread washed over me. I held up my hands. “Wait… wait a minute. Do they think I have something to do with her disappearance? Is that what all this is about?”

It made total sense now. The fact that our little indiscretion wouldn’t be happening again. Of course now she knew I was a fucking criminal. Now she had figured out what I already knew. That I was no fucking good for her. Unless I was finger fucking her and giving the best fucking orgasm she’d had in her prissy fucking life. But I clearly wasn’t even good enough to make her come now. I balled my fists as anger rose along with bile in my throat and I inwardly began shrinking to a pile of nothing before her. Because evidently that’s what I was to her. Nothing. Nothing but a fucking violent criminal.

Her eyes widened slightly as if she were reading my mind, and I could swear I saw panic appear there for a split second. “Honestly, I don’t know. But it seems that Rosa was your only remaining family member. There is no trace of anyone else related to you still living, I’m afraid.”


In the space of ten minutes I’d discovered I was a known criminal, I had a sister but she was nowhere to be found, and all my other relatives were dead. Fuck. I stood and began to pace the room as the reality of the situation hit me. I could end up in prison for something I couldn’t even remember having any involvement in. And what kind of fucking person was I anyway? Who in their right mind would be instrumental in the disappearance of their fucking kid sister?

My heart drummed heavily at my ribcage and I suddenly felt lightheaded. I could hear Kelly speaking, but her words were more like an echo in the distance. I turned to look over at her and saw her rushing to the door and shouting for help. The whole thing seemed to happen in slow motion, and I found myself on my knees, struggling to breathe. I gripped my chest and fell forward into blackness.