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BELLA: The Begining: A Sagatori Family Saga by Kimberly Soto (14)




Spring had definitely arrived and with it came lots of rain. The trees had budded, and soon the grounds would be filled with flowers. I beamed with many memories that the rainfall evoked. The grounds would soon become a blooming utopia. Spring was my favorite time of the year. No matter what had happened in the long, cold winter months, you could always depend on new life to flourish in the spring. New opportunities were guaranteed to come.

I took in the new blooms, adoring their silky finish as we walked along the stone—pathed garden and entered the corridor to the party. The wives waited and chatted amongst themselves about their boring lives. Momma hated these get-togethers, but she went to every single one of them without complaint, however.

The party was being hosted at the home of Tito Toscano, the underboss for the Sagatori crime family. I’d never been invited in the past. I was the daughter then, but now, I was the wife. I knew that Tito's wife was a small Sicilian woman that had handled most of the dinners since Momma passed. But before that Momma had been the one to organize these functions. She was always organizing something. She really enjoyed helping and being productive.

The long walk through the corridor gave me time I desperately needed to adjust to the feeling I had of Jax's hand covering mine; for show of course. His hand was warm and tense; the insurmountable stress was palpable in his touch. The doors were opened for us; two suit-clad men stood rigid as they greeted us with an unwelcome pat-down sliding unnecessarily across my breasts.

A snarl erupted from Jax’s’ throat and the man quickly stepped away. “Sorry, Mr. Moretti, my apologies.” Jax’s eyes were wicked. He had to maintain authority and composure if he was going to have the respect the boss needed to lead this family. I’d seen it for years with Papa, he’d never take anyone’s shit.

Our feet smoothly stepped in line with each other’s. Jax wore a dark suit, crimson tie, and matching handkerchief folded neatly into the pocket of his jacket. My eyes fell to the ground watching our feet stride in sync. His strides were longer and smoother than mine. I desperately prayed my long gown wouldn’t cause me to trip on my face. I also needed to maintain composure as his wife. Could you imagine the laughs behind our backs if I messed this up? But as if he knew I was anxious his hand clutched tightly onto mine.

“Moretti.” The bald-headed man who had approached reverberated. “Welcome to my home.” His beady eyes met mine and a smile pecked at his thin lips while his hand extended towards my torso. I wasn’t sure but it felt as if Jax’s hand had tensed at Tito’s approach towards me. “Isabella. Your father was a good man, a respected man.” His eyes were mischievous. I’d seen that look before. I’d of course seen several of these men at Papa’s funeral, but they only shook my hand giving their condolences and then departed ways.

“Yes, it’s good to see you again.” My voice cracked while an involuntary shiver tattered my skin. I was all too aware he was the epitome of a made man.

His eyes stayed on me for a second too long making me feel uncomfortable, but I wouldn’t let him know how he made me feel. Screw that shit. I was Bella Sagatori, well actually I was Bella Moretti, but I was still my father’s daughter and weakness wasn’t in our blood. So I smiled, meeting his stare head on. I stood tall in my three-inch heels and squeezed his hand, not like a dainty princess, but like a woman who could reach into her bag, take out a gun, point it to his portly temple, and pull the trigger without hesitation. Okay, I’m dramatic, I didn’t have a gun because they weren’t allowed inside these gatherings. They were kept in the car or confiscated. Jax had left is gold finished guns; the ones he always carried— in the car, and I didn’t have a gun so that was pretty much wishful thinking.

Momma had a few of these ladies over when I was younger, and I’d see them drinking wine and laughing, but that was grown up time. I played upstairs with the other children who came with the women, the other Cosa nostra children. We were clueless what our parents’ had been up to. We didn’t care either. They loved us and that was all that mattered. To others, our life may have been strange, but to us, it was as normal as it could possibly be.

Jax drew me into his side. I could hear his breaths, feel his chest heave once then twice. “Stay with the women… I’ll be back shortly.” I nodded again. “Dominic will be with you the entire time, if you need anything ask. Understand?” I didn’t answer. I examined him, seeing worry etched into the lines around his darkly shadowed eyes. Apprehension. “Bella, do you understand?” He dipped his head, so I did what I always did. I rolled my eyes and turned towards Dominic. I wasn’t his puppet, he could fuck off. But as soon as I turned he was behind me grasping my shoulders tightly with his lips were at the apex of my ear. “If I give an order it’s for a good reason. If you'd like to be difficult, wait until we’re home.” I turned and met his glower. From my peripheral, I could see a few women advance so I smiled, and yes, I nodded. I would’ve simply walked away, but showing my disdain at that moment would’ve led to trouble, so I simply nodded like a good little wife.

Jax dipped his head for the ladies and walked into the direction of Tito. Subconsciously, I watched as he sauntered away. Right hand tucked loosely inside his suit slacks, elongated stride, the smooth edge of his bottom, and the flex of his shoulders. His footsteps halted and his torso swiveled into my direction revealing a glimpse of his perfection. His dark eyes met mine with hunger; a fire loomed over him and goosebumps peppered my flesh.

“Isabella, welcome to my home. I was wondering when I’d get you over here,” Margarete exclaimed. She was an older woman, approximately early fifties. Dark brown curly hair. Four eleven, round pudgy torso. She was perfect. The smile on her cheeks told me she was happy I was there. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all. She looped her arm with mine and leaned into me. “I hate this boring shit.” She sighed. My eyes swelled. She was not what I had been expecting... I liked her already. “Wine?” she asked as a waiter approached holding a silver tray.

“Yes, please.” I rotated my wrist watching as the fruitful liquid swirled in the glass. My eyes wandered around seeing the ladies in beautiful gowns. The room was white. All white. Very modern and yet classy-elegant. Margarete had good taste.

“So, tell me about yourself,” she said as she leaned her black satin clad arm on a chair.

I smiled. “My father is, or…was, Anthony Sagatori.” Well, he was my father. He is, still, but now he’s gone.  I pushed back the knot in my throat and drew a smile to my lips. “I’m married to Jax Moretti and…”

She shook her head. “No dear, tell me about you. I know all of those other things already, sweet girl.” I was surprised by her response. I thought I was supposed to just smile and nod at these functions. But now, I’m supposed to make friends? Okay, I was confused, but I’d roll with it. I didn’t trust these people. My father taught me never to trust anyone and except for a select few, I’d never trusted anyone completely. I wasn’t stupid. “Listen, you’re the boss’ wife. Fabulous. But if you want to fit in with these ladies you’re gonna have to be yourself. These women are good women, Isabella. Just give them a chance.” She seemed sincere.

“I just…”

“Honey, I knew your mother very well. If there was one thing that women are good at, it’s making friends. She loved a good party and her family, but she knew how to just be… ya know what I’m saying?” I did understand.

“Yes.” I smiled.

“Good.” She bowed slightly. “Let’s meet the ladies. That’s Tonya in the pink. She always wears pink. She lives in cotton candy land.” I threw my hand to my mouth stifling a laugh, but she ignored me. That’s Jezebel or “Jess” in the blue. Very funny and sweet girl, but,” she pointed her finger. “If you piss her off you’d better hope your weave is stitched in.” Noted. “Trista, she's the one wearing the white dress. Smart girl, but lets her shit for brains husband walk all over her.” She moved her head back and forth. She drew me around, watched me, her eyes a dark brown. “You don't know anyone here, do you?” I shook my head. “Okay let's introduce you to the girls. Lizzie is somewhere around; she’ll show up eventually.” Margarete held my arm as she walked us into the grand great room. How did she keep all of this white so…white? “Ah, Lizzie,” she said from my left side. I turned into the direction she'd been speaking to see a beautiful blonde crossing the corridor. She wore a long green dress and silver shoes peeking out from just under the hem. Her hair was wrapped in a bun, and her lips were hugged by a bright red smile. I’d noticed that this group of ladies all wore something different, and it surprised me that no one else wore red after seeing how beautiful they all were. Crimson has always felt like such a powerful color. I suppose when I walked in here tonight I had preconceived notions about these ladies, but maybe they weren’t all bad. I, on the other hand, was forced to wear this loud vibrant color.

“Who do we have here?” Lizzie spoke with apprehension.

“This is Isabella Moretti,” Margarete answered with a soft tone.

She took me in, her eyes stalked me. “I know who you are. I need a cigarette, care to join me?” She reached for her clutch.

I didn't answer. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know her and definitely wasn't comfortable with leaving Margarete. “Come on, I don't bite, princess.” She pulled a cigarette out of her clutch.

“I don’t smoke.”

She laughed, “Neither do I.” She winked.

“You two go ahead. I really need to speak with the chef and I'll catch back up with you, Bella.” Margarete smiled before hurrying off.

“Well, I must say you are a stunning sight, Bella.” She wrapped her arm inside of mine.

“Thank you,” I answered. I stood tall and refined. Lizzie wasn't a girl on the refined track, yet she was brilliant in another sort of way. The shake she had in her hips was one you'd smack your husband for eyeing.

A man stood a few feet in front of us ogling our bodies as he guarded the exit. “Ladies.” He tilted his eyes, skimming our body's with lust. His lower lip sucked into his mouth biting against his desire for I'm assuming Lizzie. She'd make any man hard. My eyes crossed her wink so faint I would have missed it completely, if I hadn't spotted her in that one second.

“Thank you,” she said crisply as the guard opened the door for us to pass.

We stepped over the threshold seeing the lights of the city darting across the blackness of the night. A glance over my shoulder allowed me to see that Dominic followed very closely, while giving me space, and I appreciated it.

“So, Bella, what do you think about the party?” The flame flickered as she lit her cigarette. Her hand lifted with an extra cigarette for me.

I eyed the white tube and shook my head. “No thank you.” She shrugged forward. My throat cleared, and I leaned on the railing looking down onto the grounds.  Dizziness washed over my head and nausea kicked in. “It's lovely.” I stepped back but still held onto the railing for dear life.

She choked on the smoke. “Oh wow, so proper. Just like your mother.” However grateful I was that she hadn’t caught the weak moment, she had made a dig and I'd quickly set her straight.

I shot off of the railing in a second and pulled the hem of my floor length gown into my palm. “You know nothing about my mother. Keep your mouth shut about my family.”

She didn't budge, not even an inch. She remained tall while holding a smirk raised at the corner of her mouth. She pulled her cigarette to her red lips and blew the smoke in a billowing cloud that surrounded us. “I like you, Bella. I like you.” She pointed and then leaned into the deck railing. “So much fake bullshit, but you're real. I knew if you were like your mother, I’d like you.”

I remained in a clenched position, surprised and feral. I had wanted to punch her in her pretty face one moment and the next I didn't.  “How did you know my mother?”

She remained quiet for a moment then turned her head to mine. “She was someone who helped me once.” She tossed her cigarette to the floor of the deck, blew out a cloud of smoke, and dug into the butt with her two-thousand-dollar shoes. “Come on, let's meet the other girls.” She tucked her arm through mine and led me into the house.

I quickly saw Tonya, long red hair with wide curls flowing down her back. Smooth cream skin, and diamond dripped ears. She was someone's princess. “Who is this?” she growled protectively.

“Isabella Moretti.” Lizzie winked.

The creamy wash of Tonya’s face flushed pink. “Oh my God.” She was embarrassed. “I didn't… Sorry, I'm Tonya.” Her eyes darted back to Lizzie's as she held out her hand.

“Hello, it’s nice to meet you. I'm Bella.” I smiled. Woman in the Cosa Nostra were protective of their circle. I knew that and expected it. Really they were being much nicer than I thought they'd be.

Margarete’s hand landed softly on my arm after she approached us. “Dinner will be served in five.” I thought we'd be waiting for the men before we ate.

“Will we be dining alone?” I asked over my left shoulder.

“No dear, they’ll be joining us.”  Her eyes focused forward.

A loud clank echoed across the space, and all heads turned toward the white distance of bright flowers and crisp decor. The darkness of suits approaching from the direction of the bright colors was hard on the eyes. Music played in the background. Drums hummed against a piano and a whispering voice hummed in my diamond pierced ears. Jax stood behind three other suit-clad men who smiled against the lies they told every day. His eyes found mine quickly. They were dark, hungry, scary, worried, electrified, and dangerous. I knew that look. I knew what that darkness meant.

The piano took over the air as he surveyed my own eyes then my body. I swallowed down another drink of wine and drew in a breath. “Bella.” He reached me, his dark suit was kissed with the crimson tie and handkerchief. He slid his fingers across my peppered flesh and combed through hand my hair as he loomed over me… observing my reaction. He leaned into the cusp of my ear and an involuntary gasp of air escaped my lips.

His lips kissed the tip of my ear, sucking my earring into his mouth. I didn't move or speak. The room was empty for as much as I was aware. The back of his hand slid down the inner side of my arm reaching my palm, a shiver crossed my flesh, and my nipples hardened. I didn't like that. I didn't want Jax to have that kind of effect over me. He wasn't interested in me, this wasn't done out of love or, hell, it wasn't done from lust either, I was certain. Instead, this was for appearances only. I wasn’t interested in being used.

My eyes found his as I released from his soft hold. He pulled in a deep breath and pressed another kiss to my temple while he clenched his jaw; the tightening was easily felt… slow and calculated. I'd really pissed him off. Good.

“Shall we?” I smiled before turning on my heels into the direction everyone had been walking.