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BELLA: The Begining: A Sagatori Family Saga by Kimberly Soto (7)




Tunnel vision blocked everything in the room. She’d been crying, she was sad and heartbroken. Her father asked me to come today hoping I’d agree to marry his daughter. He was selling her to the highest bidder. The payment of choice: a safe and comfortable future for his princess.

He'd leave her a fortune, but he was worried someone would take it from her, and he was right to worry. She was his only heir.

Bella’s fragile but strong. She was like a flower, they wilt if not kept watered every once in a while, but could survive harsh summer heat if needed. Her tears weren’t coming from weakness; they’d been coming from a place of love and sadness. Her father had for one, just told her he was going to die. And two, he'd insisted she marry someone that she didn’t love, but one day she would, I would make sure.

I didn’t know why I agreed to marry her. I guess I couldn’t bear the thought she was going to be thrown to the wolves by marrying Casconi. I knew what that sick fucker was capable of, and I knew his days were numbered. He’d eat her alive if given the chance. He’s tough but only led by greed, putting himself first. He had no heart or a soul to speak of. He couldn’t protect her and instead would hurt her; that’s why I had agreed to marry her before she came in.

Since Rebecca died, nothing had been the same. Food had no flavor, work was bland and boring. I went to work and then a penthouse in the sky that looked down on all of the chaos. We had a house and only lived there a month before she was killed. I couldn’t go back after she died. I tried once but couldn’t do it. I’d never loved anyone the way I loved her. She was my queen, and together we were going to take over Chicago. All of that felt like a lifetime ago.

“Jax will take you home,” Anthony ordered Bella.

Anthony Sagatori didn’t ask, he told. And if you were a smart man you did as you were told. Just thinking about the things he could do to someone was enough to shake them up a bit. But I didn’t think Bella knew what her father was really capable of.

Bella stood next to me in front of the large wooden desk. She leaned forward bracing herself along the edge. “Papa? Am I dismissed?” she asked flippantly. Definitely, the only person who could get away with speaking to him that way.

“Go home, Isabella.” His focus landed on me before his head nodded towards the door.

I extended my hand offering it to her, and when she took it I entangled my fingers with hers. She needed to feel safe. She wiped another tear away and nodded. She didn’t look back… she really was strong.

Tony and Anthony’s assistant jumped to their feet as we left the office and closed the door behind us. “Bella? You okay?” the assistant asked.

“I’ll see you later.” She didn’t stop to speak with them.

“Bella, wait,” Tony said. Bella faced the elevator but didn’t turn around or answer him. He approached, giving a knowing nod. He knew what was wrong, I could see it in his eyes. “Where are you taking her?”

“Not your concern.” I turned nose to nose with him.

“She is my concern, Moretti. She will always be my concern.” He wasn’t going to back down and even though I wanted to put my gun to his forehead, I had to respect him for it.

“You guard Bella?”

“Yes.” He gripped her bag.

“Not anymore, we’re going back to Chicago.” I dismissed him.

“Chicago? Who the hell…” He growled at me.

Not smart.

My gun was out of my jacket before he could finish his fucking statement and the tip pressed flush with his temple. “I’ll fucking end you right where you stand. Isabella Sagatori will be my wife, and you will continue to be nothing. You ever speak to me with such disrespect again… I’ll bury you in your mother’s front yard, do you understand?”

“Tony!” The boss growled from the doorway of his office.

He nodded. “Your bag.” He lifted it to Bella, but she was in shock oblivious to his reaction.

“I’ll take it.” I reached for the strap gripping it into my palm.

“Hold her hand, she’s terrified of elevators,” Tony finished with a snide grin.

My face remained hard as Mickie pressed the first-floor button. I turned towards Bella and saw her eyes were closed and her jaw was tight. I reached for her hand, and she remained silent.

The doors opened, and I gave a tug for her to follow. We left the building and stepped out onto the concrete. She seemed like a zombie, silent, no expression. Eyes blank and lifeless. I watched her just to make sure she was okay. Honestly, I didn’t know what to say or do.

When we walked through the glass doors, the wind picked up, blowing her over a few inches, I pulled her close when she didn’t fight against it. I covered her shoulders with my arm and tucked her into my side protecting her.

She stepped into the limo willingly. I stood at the door watching her for a brief moment before looking up to Sagatori’s office seeing he watched as well. I couldn’t imagine what either one of them were going through.

“Have you eaten?” I asked when I’d gotten into the car.

“I’m not hungry,” she answered flatly.

“I didn’t ask if you were hungry, Bella, I asked if you’d eaten.”

“No.” She nodded, meeting my stare.

“Okay, I’ll feed you.” I gave a nod to Mickie, and he pulled the car out of the parking lot.


The short drive was quiet. She hadn’t spoken, I hadn’t either, but I didn’t know what to say. When we pulled up to the restaurant, she sighed.

“I look like death warmed over.” She pinched her cheeks.

“I think you look beautiful.” She was beautiful and real.

“Thanks,” she closed her eyes and whispered.

Mickie opened Bella’s door. He took her hand and she stepped out. I followed, brushing against her as I stepped out.

“Will it be just the two of you, Mr. Moretti?” the hostess asked.

“Yes, thank you.” I nodded.

I pressed my hand to Bella’s back, offering support as we walked through the dark restaurant. We were seated in a quiet corner and left with menus.

“They have the best lasagna.” I offered some conversation as she opened her menu and stared off into space.

“I thought he’d live forever,” she finally spoke.

I leaned forward and reached for her hand. When my fingers touched hers, she pulled away.

“My father is crazy, Jax. I’m not marrying anyone,” she scoffed.

Nodding, I replied, “He wants what’s best for you.”

“You offering to marry me is insane.” Her head fell. I wanted to know what she was thinking. “I’m really sorry about your wife. I really didn’t know.” She sipped her water right after the waitress sat it down in front of her.

I ordered our food and waited for her to relax. She was so tense. I couldn’t say I blamed her or thought she should act any particular way. She’d been hit with a lot and taking it all pretty well I’d say.

“Moretti. I didn’t put all of that together last night. You’re the Chicago boss.” My eyes rose. “You were at my mother’s funeral. I remember you being there. Papa said I had to stay away from everyone.” She rolled her eyes. She didn't like rules, that was obvious.

I didn’t think she’d noticed me. “Yeah, my entire family was there.” But we were just a kids then.

“I know your brother Adam.” Her hands mindlessly played with the silverware.

My brows rose. “How?” He wasn't someone that she should be associating with. However, I’m not either. Her father was smart to keep her away from the familia her whole life.

“I went on a date with him once,” she said with apprehension.

“A date? As in just one?”

Her head ticked back and forth. “Technically it was two, but who’s counting.” Her eyes wandered the room.


“He was a little too obnoxious for me. Honestly, I think it was my name he wanted to date. The boss’s daughter. He showed me off the entire time we were out. Get in with the boss and your golden, right?”  She rested her chin on her folded hands.

I attempted to keep my anger at bay and combed my hand through my hair. Standing, I removed my jacket, folding it on the back of my chair. “You won’t be around Adam alone… ever,” I said taking my seat.

“You’re nothing like your brother,” she suggested. Her eyes hid something and I wanted to know what It was. I’d unfold her piece by piece.

“Thank God.” I laughed.

She smiled. “I really do appreciate what you did for me last night and what you’re trying to do today, but I’m not marrying you or anyone for the matter. Your wife was a lucky woman, though,” she  unwrapped her cloth napkin onto her lap. I mimicked her actions. “Hmm.” She hummed.

“I’d like to ask you something.” I watched as she bit her juicy full lip.

“Shoot.” She reached for the wine glass.

“Did you scratch Casconi's neck?” Getting into the middle of this could backfire. Fuck it, she was mine now!

“You know Sam?” Her voice broke. I didn’t like the fear I saw dance at the corners of her eyes or the way her lips thinned.

“Of course, I know him.”

She nodded. “He’s crazy, Jax. My father refuses to listen or believe me. And I’ll tell you one thing, the second I get the chance, I’m gonna kill him,” she said behind her clamped teeth while her eyes narrowed with anger.

“Why do you hate him so much? What has he done?” There’s a huge backstory here. Makes me wonder why Sagatori didn’t believe her.

“Where do I begin?” She snorted. “Could it be the insatiable stalking or the fact that he’d threatened my father?” Her jaw tightened. “I can put up with a lot. I can, but you threaten my family and I’ll stick an icicle in your fucking heart.” She’s a tough girl. I see that she’s loyal. Something that wasn’t common these days. I knew that all too well.

“He won’t hurt your father.” I happen to know he’s well-guarded. I was surprised that I didn’t see Sal today, though. And the fact that Tony backed down so easily didn’t set well with me. If Sam did have his eye on the gold, she needed to be protected. I'd see to it from here on out.

Her eyes met mine with uncertainty. “He’ll do anything he wants.”

“No, it’ll work out.” I’d see to that personally as well.

“Who’s going to stop him, Jax? He’s the up and coming boss. Face it, when Papa dies he’ll take over. He’s made it very clear since I was a teenager he was going to have me. He always gets what he wants.” She swallowed hard.

Heat took over my body at the admission she’d made. “Look at me,” I growled, and her head snapped to mine. “I’m not gonna let anyone have you,” I promised between my teeth as they ground against one another.

“Has he had… you?” My hands gripped the cloth napkin in my lap at attempt to hide my anger. I realized the thought of him touching her brought back the rage I’d tried to tuck away.

Her eyes narrowed with tremulous grief.

I was hoping she’d say no, but the answer was clear and I wanted to kill him. I would kill him.

“Why would you marry me?”

“Someone has to protect you, Bella.”

“You don’t know or love me and frankly you have no idea what you’re up against.” She breathed.

“I know exactly what I’m up against, Bella.” My chest tightened. I’m not scared of Casconi. I’d always been more feared than him. I hold many cards up my sleeve with action as far south as Kansas City. Casconi has nothing I fear. He should fear me.

“Then why would you stay… if you know?”

“What?” I asked, confused by the question.

“If you know, then why would you put yourself in a position like that? What’s in it for you?” She’d been questioning a few things, my integrity, honor, and loyalty. I didn’t like that.

I shook my head. “You think I’m scared?” I know the damage Casconi causes. I’ve seen his wrath. I’ve witnessed the fallout. But I wasn’t fucking scared.

“What if we did get married? What would that be like?” She took a small bite of her lasagna that’d arrived only moments before.

“Honestly, I hadn’t thought that far into it.” I shrugged, resting my elbows on the table. “You’d come to Chicago with me, and we’d continue as normal until…” I paused hearing myself. I’d have her with me in Chicago and that alone got my dick hard.

“Until?” I didn’t reply. “I’m not going to Chicago, Jax. I’m not going to agree to getting married. I don’t see the reason. Giving myself to someone that I don’t love just because it’s convenient seems ridiculous.”

“I get that. I never thought I’d marry out of convenience either.”

“But yet you’d do it.” She sipped her wine. “I won’t do that to you. He’ll kill you.”

Oh, Bella Sagatori you have a lot to learn.

“You’re scared of him.”

“Presumptuous much?” Her fork dropped to the porcelain plate.

“Yes, it’s what I do… remember?” I watched her sparkling eyes wander into darkness.

“And sure of yourself.” She retorted. If anyone else in this world spoke to me like that I’d gut them. But when Bella did It…spoke to me with her beautiful mouth I only wanted to turn her over and fuck her into obedience.

“Always.” She was flustered, it was amusing to watch.

When we’d finished our meal and I was satisfied she’d eaten enough, I paid the bill and we left the restaurant.

“Jax,” A voice screeched from behind us just as I tucked my arm around Bella, shielding her from the wind.

I turned seeing Beatrice, Rebecca’s mother. “Bea, how are you?” I released Bella and approached her. I hadn’t seen her for a while. I’d avoided her family, but they were also from Detroit which made things difficult when I had to travel here.

“Well…” Her eyes slid to Bella. “Didn’t take you long, did it, dear?” Her nose lifted with disgust.

“Hello, I’m Isabella Sagatori.” Bella extended a hand to Bea. She was kind even after that comment.

Bea’s eyes never left Bella’s. “Sagatori?” she asked not reciprocating the gesture and instead walked away without another word.

Bella’s hand tucked into the sleeve of her sweater to keep warm I assumed. After I helped her into the car, Mickie took his place behind the wheel driving away. “Where’s your coat?”

“In the car at the office. I’m fine.” She deadpanned.

I  explained who Bea was and apologized for her behavior, hoping she didn’t feel accosted by her less than welcoming attitude.

“Jax, she’s hurt. Her daughter’s gone, and you’re  all she has left from that, ya know. She’s grieving. She probably thinks you’ve already replaced her baby girl, I get it.”

Bella had a way about her that drew you in. I was seeing that more and more. “You’re very insightful.”

“Meh. I don’t know about that, but I have seen it before. My grandmother acted that way with Papa after Momma passed away. She was hurt and needed to push that on someone, you know. I imagine your wife’s family feels the same.”

I hadn’t considered that. I’d barely spoken to Rebecca’s family in months. I was doing good to go day to day with normalcy. Add in the in-laws and it made it damn near impossible. They constantly talked about her. Sometimes I didn’t want to talk about her. Sometimes I wanted to forget her. Especially knowing whose arms she’d been in right before she died.

“Where are we going?” Bella asked thirty minutes into our drive. She’d been distant in thought since we left the restaurant so the sudden question surprised me.

“I’m taking you home.” I felt a sway as we rounded the crazy ass corner. This road was a death trap.

She laughed into the sleeves of her sweater.

“What’s so funny?” I asked as Mickie pulled into the drive of her home.

Once the car was in park, she shifted into the seat. “This is the safe house, Jax.”

“Oh, I didn’t know.” I can’t believe Sagatori let me leave last night knowing where his safe house was.

“Don’t worry about it, and Papa isn’t going to make you disappear, just yet.” She winked and stepped out.

“Just yet?” I stepped out behind her seeing Mickie's glare as he closed my door.

Her body turned towards me, her hair in the cutest bun on top of her head. She was smiling with color reaching her dark eyes. They sparkled with the hint of sun peeking out from behind the clouds. She was absolutely beautiful. Fuck!

“Where do you really live?” We slowly made our way onto the porch.

“How about we go inside, warm up, and have a drink?” She turned, brushing against me.

She was close enough for the scent of her expensive perfume to swirl in the air around me as she unlocked the door, but she fumbled with the keys. After a few seconds, I stepped next to her, bringing my hand to hers. Her back was to me with my head over her right shoulder. She turned, the smell of her hair finding me. My heart beat hard and fast. For the first time since… a lifetime ago, I was intoxicated by another woman.

“I’ve got this.” I leaned into her neck, whispering. Her hand fell away from the door.

The door opened and the alarm gave a warning, she pressed a few buttons and it quit. “Sorry it’s cold, we turn the heat down when we’re not here. I’ll turn it up.” She left the foyer. “Oh yeah…you knew that.”

I removed my coat and scarf, hanging them on the wooden rack. I loosened my tie as I let my eyes roam the house as I entered the great room seeing that she stood behind a large bar.

“Drink?” she offered looking up to me.

I nodded.

I approached the fireplace, rolled up my sleeves, opened the fireplace, and placed a few pieces of wood inside. I moved them around lighting it then watched the wood spark Into flames.

“You’re good at that,” she said as she sat next to me on the brick. She handed over a glass. “I love fires. They’re one of my favorite things about winter.” She reached up with her free hand to pull her dark hair out of the bun. She shook her head a few times and her hair fell in dark waves around her beautiful face.

My eyes locked on her unable to break away. When she lifted her eyes from the fire they locked on mine.

I felt alive, brought on by her scent, smile, full lips, and bright round eyes. I reached my hand to her hair, taking a few strands into my fingers. Bella’s eyes didn’t move not even to blink; she was scared. I tucked the strands of her soft, silky hair behind her diamond pierced ears and dropped my hand.

She fidgeted, and her full lips parted just enough for her tongue to sweep over them.

“I can take you home.” If I didn’t I was going to lose control with her. I needed to separate myself before I did something I’d regret.

“Tell me about your wife,” she asked curious.

My gaze fell to the fire. I don’t want to talk about Rebecca. Not because I didn’t miss her. In fact that’s exactly the reason. It’s too painful. Knowing what she did was too much to consider.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry. You don’t have to talk about her if you don’t want to.”

What was I supposed to say about a woman who broke my heart right before she died? What could I say about someone who lied to my face right up until the end?

Bella stood and walked across the room holding her arms to her chest. “I’ve never been in love,” she admitted, facing away from me. “I don’t know what it’s like to have that connection with someone. Guys have always been to scared to approach me… to give me a chance.”

“Not Adam.” I stood and approached her from behind. I wanted to take her.

“Adam was an immature boy. I needed a man.” She turned, finding me… right there, breathing in her intoxicating scent. Her head lifted with surprise.

As I lowered my eyes to her lips, I saw the pulse in her neck throb quickly. Mine was pounding just as fast.

“Is it everything that people say it is?” Her lips barely parted as she asked.

I swept her hair up and out of her face and then took her flushed cheeks Into my palms. “Do you want to find love, Bella? Is that what you want for yourself?” My heart raced with every second I touched her. I was fighting it, but that wouldn’t last long.

“Yes.” She breathed. “Don’t you?” Her eyes slowly fluttered under my touch.

My eyes closed to her question, and I realized I’d never not wanted something so badly in my life. “Love can be… overrated.”

“So I’ve heard.” She leaned into me.

Pulling her close, my lips found hers. She was warm and soft. Unbelievably decadent. I swept my tongue across her lips tasting her sweetness. She kissed me back, pushing her body deeper into mine.

I wanted her. All of her.