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BELLA: The Begining: A Sagatori Family Saga by Kimberly Soto (33)




Our family waited for Jax and me in the living room.

“Ugh,” I sighed, not wanting to deal with anyone— let alone our family—right then.

“What’s wrong?” Jax reached from behind, pulling me into an embrace. “You’re the most beautiful woman in the world,” he said, nuzzling into my ear, knowing exactly how to calm me.

I smiled, unable to resist the upward curve of my glossed lips. Jax made me feel more loved since he’d come back than I’d ever felt before.

“I’m fine, ready to be with our family for an amazing dinner, of course.” I was lying. A ping of guilt washed over my conscience, knowing that I didn’t want to waste one moment with Jax.

“I’d rather be doing something more private with my wife, alone. But they’re waiting for their queen.” His hands slid across my body. “You ready to announce the pregnancy?” His hold became protective against my tummy. The protectiveness made me feel special and loved. I’d always wanted to be in the position of the men; respected. But when Jax was gone all I wanted was for him to protect me. Funny how things change when you fall in love.

I drew in a deep breath, relaxing into his hold. I leaned my head back so that his mouth was just at the nape of my neck. “Mmhmm.” I smiled when his lips rested on my heated flesh.

“After dinner, I’ll show you how much I love you.” His head rose as he looked into my eyes and a beautiful cocky grin stared back at me. His expression showed so much brilliant confidence and power that I loved so much.

I remembered a time when I hated that grin and now, now I can’t get enough of it. “Again?” I smiled up at him.

Jax was being strong, and he was, but he’d been hurt badly. Most of his injuries were healing because he was strong, stronger than most. When he woke up, he walked around the house like a sponge; God that was so hard to watch. And even though he’d been unyielding with his workouts and therapy, I wondered if he’d been hiding his weakness from everyone. I saw past it, however, I knew his recovery would be a difficult one. And because he’d been so relentless, he’d gotten stronger day by day.  I guess I worried he’d been hiding his progress or rather any possible lack thereof from me. I didn’t want to have secrets with him. No matter what was wrong I wanted us to trust one another with anything.

“Let's get this over with—” he reached for my hand giving an apologetic grin. “—so that I can get you back into bed.” He winked.

Jax held my hand firmly as we walked through the corridor that led us into the living room—the heart of the penthouse.

Alessandra, Mr. and Mrs. Moretti, Adam, Chase, Emily, Tony, Sal, and Dominic waited, talking amongst themselves. There was also a new face among our group, Wyatt, but he was here to guard us, specifically Jax.

“Look who the cat dragged in,” Adam laughed. I knew what that comment had meant. He was the least respectful of the three Moretti brothers.

I shook my head, already wanting to slap him in his spiteful mouth. “You are aware I know the innuendo in that comment, right?” There was something about Adam I simply didn’t like. I wished I had answers to the unknowing of what it was about him that didn’t set right with me. I’d kept that to myself, of course. I kept most things to myself not wanting to cause Jax any unneeded stress. With the Bratva still out there, everywhere, I couldn’t risk it. He needed to be focused.

Adam leaned forward palming his brandy glass. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he slurred and followed with a wink.

Mr. Moretti, Jax’s father, stood and raised his arms toward Jax preventing Adam from speaking further. He leaned in for a manly embrace and a pat on the back. Jax never let go of the grip he held on my hand while he greeted the entire family. I stood next to him, watching their smiling faces as they bullshit about how they knew he’d wake up. They all doubted that he’d make it. But now they claimed the opposite, and this infuriated me.

“Isabella, is everything alright?” Mrs. Moretti questioned.

My cheeks tightened the longer I stood in her narrowed stare. “I’m fine.” I gave a dutiful smile. After all, it wasn’t her that I was upset with; it was her son— the arrogant asshole, Adam—whom I wanted to smack the shit out of.

My eyes roamed the space seeing the family as they began gathering around the dining table, smiling faces all around. Jax waited for everyone to pass then pulled me along in the direction of the large oval mahogany table.

“Sit,” he offered as he pulled out my chair. Once I’d sat, he pressed a kiss to the top of my head before taking the seat next to mine at the head of the table.

“You look good, son,” Mr. Moretti spoke.

I hadn’t spent much time with Jax’s father; he was a fairly quiet man, only speaking when he deemed it appropriate. He hadn’t said one word to me directly in the short time that I’d known him. I was certain he didn’t approve of me and the outburst I’d had in the hospital, but that was his opinion. Whatever they were, they were his, and I didn’t need his approval.

Jax nodded his head. “I am good. Better than good, actually.” A smile lifted at Jax’s lips the moment his eyes slid to mine causing my heart to skip a beat. 

“What’s so good about all the shit you’ve been through?” Adam snorted.

Mrs. Moretti spoke quickly in Sicilian while lurching forward into the table. “Adamo Moretti!”

My eyes widened as I watched Jax’s mother getting onto her son for the first time.  “Adamo?” I whispered to Jax, giggling into my water glass.

“Sorry, Momma,” Adam batted his eyes at her. Did everyone fall for that? He had her wrapped around his finger.

“Mommas boy.” I pressed the cotton napkin to my lips and coughed.

Jax’s fingers tightened around my thigh, but before I had the chance to turn to him several eyes landed on me. Each person at the table looked appalled that I’d said it, but I hadn’t said anything that wasn’t true.

“Isabella, Adamo is a good boy,” she laid her hand on top of his and smiled sweetly.

My mouth opened as I watched the cocky grin wash over Adams face. I knew I shouldn’t say more, but once again I couldn’t help myself. I also knew it would end with a scolding. “Please don’t tell me your momma still irons your underwear?”

Emily erupted into a fit of laughter spitting the water she’d just taken a drink of across the table, Dominic being the unintended target. I also laughed while holding my mouth. I tried to fight against it but couldn’t. After a few minutes of laughing so hard we could barely breathe, I was finally able to draw in some air. When I looked up from my lap everyone at the table including Jax stared at Emily and me with disgust which quickly turned my heated face, pale and cold. Once Emily was finished laughing she too sat pale as a ghost.

“If you two have had enough,” Mrs. Moretti folded her unused napkin tossing it in front of her on the table.

I cleared my throat. “Sorry,” I apologized, folding my hands in my lap and letting my head fall there as well; feeling as though I’d just been scolded by my own parent.

Jax’s eyes that had fallen to mine were paralyzed there, watching me carefully. His posture casually rested into the high back dining chair. When his eyes turned from mine they focused on Adam harshly, but only for a moment. I saw it, but I sure no one else had. Was he angry with Adam? I watched his eyes hard and strained turn soft and beautiful as he relaxed his hand against the flesh of my thigh.

Everyone that sat at the table continued after another moment of silence. Quietly under the table, Jax’s hand focused on me. His fingers traced the outline of my panties through the silk of my red dress. Lightly skimming the fabric with his warm fingers causing me to relax into his touch. The fabric of my dress was thin enough to feel his touch as he moved closer to my heated arousal. My eyes blinked into his. Would he do this here, in front of his entire family? The cocky curve of his lip answered the question. He would, in fact, do this right here right now.

The others at the table chatted and laughed all while Jax continued on his quest. The soft touch of his fingers skimming over my clit that sat hidden behind the silk of my dress and panties caused me to jut forward with a harsh gasp. My mouth closed quickly and my eyes drifted across the table surveying the group that sat only feet from us. Not seeing that anyone had noticed, I turned back toward Jax. He leaned to the right of his chair in just a way that wasn’t obvious of what he was doing. The cocky curve of his mouth and the way his tongue swept his lips had me wanting him so badly.

Jax had everything a woman could want from a man and then some. Lust in the way he watched me, charisma in the way he charmed me, and confidence in the way he touched me. His strength as he sat with his muscles protruding through his white dress shirt and the ripple of his arms when he adjusted his position or picked up his wine glass drove me insane. His eyes curved into a smoldering stare, waiting for me to react to his touch. He was playing a naughty game.

“Bella,” a voice called.

I drew in a sharp breath, fighting the gasps that desperately wanted to escape through the pleasure he was giving me. I turned my head toward the voice that called my name and lifted my brows.

“Jax said you had a surprise,” Mr. Moretti asked as he set his wine glass in front of him.

I had no idea that I’d be put on the spot at dinner, and what the hell was he announcing that for? I turned toward the troublemaker himself. “Care to elaborate for our guests?” I shot him a raised brow.

His expression was nothing less than confident as his tongue swept across his lips. He was everything I wanted with his dark hair hanging just above his eyes, and his strong jaw covered with a perfect amount of dark stubble. “I thought you’d like to share.” His brow rose with the smirk of his lips.

“That was very generous of you,” I answered sarcastically. “I thought perhaps we’d tell them together.” I quipped.

“Oh for the love of God will you just tell us already?” Tony laughed.

“Bella and I are having a baby,” Jax blurted.

Silence followed before Tony’s eyes moved to Emily; Emily’s followed to Mrs. Moretti, and both Adam and Chase hadn’t seem fazed in the slightest. “Why does it feel like this isn’t new information?” I narrowed my eyes between Emily and Mrs. Moretti.

Emily coughed and readjusted the napkin that sat on her lap while Mrs. Moretti entangled her fingers in front of her on the table. I turned to Jax seeing a smile as he watched the other two troublemakers looking as if they had just been scolded.

“Because it’s not,” Tony said as he watched Emily stir in her seat.

“I don’t know why you bother to tell her anything; hell, she probably knew before you did,” Jax snorted.

“Honestly, do you ever quit with the jokes?” she said on an eye roll.

“Oh please, save the arguments, it doesn’t matter—” I turned to Jax pulling a smile to my lips “— What does matter is that Jax is here and our precious baby is growing inside of my belly as we speak.” I reached my hand toward Jax.

“That’s exactly right! No need for blame here,” Emily nodded as if I didn’t know it was her that spilled the information.

“Oh please, I know it was you.” I glared.

“She can’t help herself, Bella, she’s a rat,” Chase laughed.

Jax’s laugh mimicked Chase’s; a strong bobbing chuckle from his chest. I watched the happiness wash over his face causing my heart to fill with joy. His hands swept across his jaw with relaxed motion before stilling it on my thigh squeezing the tips of his fingers into my flesh protectively. I was his and he was mine. I knew that— I felt that— but there was an undeniable fear that grew each day into the pit of my stomach that something bad was about to happen.

“Bella, this is the most glorious news! I can’t tell you how truly excited we are about a baby!” Mrs. Moretti clapped her hands together unable to contain her excitement. “When is the baby’s due date?” She’d already known that I was pregnant but she didn’t know the details.

All of the men at the table were excited as well, each of them jumping up from the table to congratulate Jax.

“New Year’s Eve.”

“There is so much to plan! Emily and I will get started on a baby shower.”

“Oh, yeah that will be so much fun,” Emily said, not looking too interested in joining Mrs. Moretti with the task.

“Thank you, that’s very kind of you.” I smiled. I wanted to cry—probably because of heightened hormones, but also because my mother wouldn’t be here to help plan such a beautiful event.

“Hey, we’ve got this. Just think of all the cute little baby things you’ll get.” Emily smiled.

I wanted to smile and agree, but I couldn’t and if I didn’t get out of the chair and excuse myself to the restroom I’d cry in front of everyone, and I couldn’t do that again.

Emily reached for my hand. I was certain she knew what was wrong and I appreciated her, but no one could take that pain away.

“If you’ll excuse me.” I stood from my chair and left the dining room letting the tears escape when I was safe from their stares.




I smiled as my mother became excited about planning a baby shower for Bella. The excitement I expected to come from Bella never did, however. She stilled in her chair, stiff as a board and her face was hardened by the glow of the chandelier.

Emily leaned toward Bella whispering somethin’, but I couldn’t hear what it was.

“If you’ll excuse me.” Bella’s chair slid back a few inches, letting her escape in a hurry.

I turned my attention to Emily, who was watched Bella. “What the fuck did you say to her?” I stood.

Fear lit Emilie’s face. “It’s her mother, Jax,”

“What do you mean, dear?” Momma asked.

“Her mom is gone and it’s times like these when she needs her the most.”

I took in a deep breath and scratched at my chin and widened my eyes. “Yeah, I didn’t think of that.”

“Go see about her, Jax.” Momma waved at me.

I tossed the napkin to the plate in front of me and went in search of my wife.

“Bella?” I called out, but she didn’t answer.

Alessandra entered from the hallway waving me over.

“Have you seen Bella?”


I approached the door with doubt that I could help her. I didn’t know what she was really going through. I had both of my parents, but she didn’t even have one. I was all she had.

I raised my hand to the door handle and turned, but the door was locked. “Bella, baby, are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” she answered,

“Baby, open the door,”

“I’m fine, Jax, go back to your family.”

“Open the door, Bella.” She didn’t respond. “Open the fucking door!” With no response from her, I leaned into the door with my shoulder and shoved—one, two, three times— before the door broke at the frame.

“Jax, you broke the door.” Her face was smeared with make-up; she’d been crying all alone with no one to soothe her pain.

I held the handle with my left hand and gripped the frame with the other— watching her— seeing how fragile she truly was. Standing a few feet from me, I reached forward and took her into my arms with a single step away from the door. Her eyes were red and wet, covered with a pain—stained face.

“You are my family, baby, don’t you know without you I’d be no one and have nothing. You and our child are all that matter.” I entangled my fingers in her hair and pressed her tight to my chest.

“I’ve been ripped off! I’ll never get to see them again, and they’ll never hold our children.” She wasn’t crying but her voice was soft, and I knew she was heartbroken. Her head fell back as she looked up at me.

“I want ten babies.” I grinned back at her saddened face.

A smile lifted at her lips. “Ten? You planning on giving birth to them?” A laugh slipped through. “Cause I don’t think I can handle ten.”

I traced her cheek with the pad of my thumb and shook my head. “I don’t care if this is the only baby we ever have, I’m just—” I took in a deep breath. “— I never saw this, a life with someone that I trust with every fiber of my being. Having a woman that would stand beside me no matter what and never judge me for the horrible fucking person that I truly am. You, baby, you are all I need in my life and if you’ll let me I’ll be that for you.”

“You already are.” Her lips quivered as she fought back the tears.

I’d been so wrapped up with business that I didn’t see how hard this was for her, and even more so with the baby coming. She had no family with her, but here she was even more beautiful as her vulnerability exposed its self, which happened so rarely. I needed to take this moment and burn it into my memory. I knew that it could all be taken away from us so quickly and I never wanted to forget what her beauty looked and felt like.

“God.” I traced the curve of her lips.

She swallowed hard and muttered, “What?”

“You’re perfect.” I leaned down and slowly traced my hot tongue across her mouth, forcing her lips to part. “Beautiful.” My hands slid from the nape of her neck to the exposed flesh from her open back dress. “Sexy.” My hands slid to the curves of her plump ass. I broke the kiss and traced my tongue along her neck. “Mine!” I growled, pulling the lobe of her ear into my mouth.

With the tug of her ass into my palm, she moaned through exacerbated breath, “Jax!” She grabbed at the lapel of my jacket. “The door.” Our mouths clashed. “Jax,” she said with bated breath.

I barely survived pulling myself away from her— my dick was nearly on the edge of ripping my pants off on its own. I pushed the door closed only for it to drift open. I thought of how to close it quickly when my eyes landed on the gray chair against the wall. It wasn’t large enough that it would keep anyone from entering if they pushed hard enough, but it would keep the door closed for now. I ripped off my suit jacket throwing it to the dark stone floor and pulled the chair against the door. It was completely closed for now. I turned seeing my wife against the wall watching me with a smirk.

“Our guests are waiting for us, ya know.”

“Let ‘em wait.” I stepped slowly toward her while I loosened my tie and then unbuttoned my white shirt.

“They’ll wonder where we’ve gone—” she pressed a hand to the wall letting her chest extend outward. Her breasts were fucking perfect. The dress she wore hugged her curvy body ending just above the knee.

“—They’ll come looking for us.” Her legs parted.

“Let ‘em look.” I licked my lips, watching as her body waited impatiently for my touch. “You belong to me, Bella, and I’ll fuck you in the bathroom any fucking time I like.” I pinned my arms against the wall on either side of her head. “Do you want me to fuck you?” Her doe eyes watched me fiercely. “Do you?” I pressed my chest into hers.

She nodded. “Yes,”

“Yes what?” I teased her with my lips barely touching hers.

Her heart beat hard against my fingers that aligned with her neck. “Yes, I want you to fuck me.” She wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me to her mouth. I pressed my hands hard against her back, shifting them to her ass once again, and then lifted her up so that her thighs wrapped around my waist, squeezing with want, with need.

We kissed as I held her in my arms, needing so fucking badly to be inside of her. I could feel the warmth of her pussy rub against me while her hands finished unbuttoning my shirt then reached for my belt unclasping it. I pulled her dress over her head, wanting the touch of her skin to cover mine. I needed that connection with her. It was about so much more than getting it in; it was about the stars that crashed into each other when we were together. It was about the violins that played sweet music to the sounds of our ecstasy. She was all I needed to be complete; just her simple touch to light my way, and through the darkest time of my life she would do just that.

My pants hugged my hips leaving room for me to free myself. I was ready to feel her all around me. I cupped her breast in my hand, licking softly at her nipple. As it hardened, I took it between my teeth, biting gently, causing her to release a moan and shift her head back.

Reaching from behind her, I moved her panties to the side letting my fingers slide across her folds; she was dripping wet for me, hot and ready. She wanted me as much as I wanted her.

I gripped her hips, shifting her over my cock, and with one move I slid inside of her. God, it felt amazing: wet, swollen, and tight as she sucked me in with force. I had no control when I was inside of her. She owned me, dominated me with her pussy. I‘d never felt anything like it.

She writhed against my body, begging for more, pushing down with each thrust forcing me deeper, harder, and faster. I gripped her shoulders moving even deeper; sweat from our bodies made the movements easy.

She was so fucking beautiful when her orgasm hit. Biting on her lips, she reached for my face and begged me to fuck her harder as she came all over my cock. I could feel the heat pour as her cum coated me. I exploded inside of her, pumping with force, pushing her down over and over while pressing my face into her neck, biting her as my orgasm came to a close.


She giggled against my shoulder, “Damn.”

“Did you approve?” She didn’t answer and instead flashed a wicked grin. I think that was meant as a yes.

“What are we going to do about our guests?” she asked, serious now. “We can’t go out there looking like this.”

“No, you can sneak down the hall and take the elevator up, and I’ll get rid of them.”

She nodded as I sat her on her feet. I quickly dressed as she began gathering her clothes into a pile and then slipped on the guests robe that hung on the wall near the shower.

She flashed me another smile. “Jax?”

“What, baby?” I turned from the door.

“Thank you.”


“Loving me.”

“More than anything, baby.” I loved her so much more than anything she could possibly imagine and then some. “I’ll see you in the shower.” I winked.

Buttoning my cuff, I slipped into the dining room where everyone continued eating and laughing.

“Everything alright?”

I nodded. “We’re gonna call it a night, but please—“ I looked to my parents and then the rest of the guests. “— Finish your dinner.”

“Is Bella alright?”

I wrinkled my brows fighting a smile. “Yeah, she’s fine she’s just gonna go to bed a bit early.”

“I’ll bet she is,” Emily joked.

Everyone said goodnight, and I left the dining room and headed back to my wife.