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Billionaire Desire: A Billionaire Romance by Lauren Wood (9)


“I’m running late. I got in a fender bender with a guy and he is insisting on calling the cops. He won’t take a check, so I need you to reschedule the meeting.”

“Why? Get over here and I will stall them.”

I hadn’t thought of that and I liked the idea of it. I didn’t want to cancel with the Core Group. They were doing big business in the area and this was my first meeting. Lasting impressions are going to be made and I needed to make sure that it was going to be a good one. I knew that Evony did know her stuff and she would do a good job. I just knew it.

“Yeah Evony. Pitch them and see where it goes. Just let them know that I’m on my way, but you’re fully prepared to answer any questions about it. You really know your stuff.”

“Are you sure Hail? I can stall them if you don't take too long.”

I had been wanting to put her out there for a while now. We have been working together almost a month and in that time, I realized that Evony was soon going to be my competition. I didn't mind though. I was ready to talk to the boss. I was going to miss her as an assistant, but she was wasting your talents. I had seen her with the clients, and I knew that it would be better for the company as a whole, if she became a salesperson. I was even working on some ideas of us working together in the future on some really big projects that I didn't think I would be able to tie down by myself. I needed that little panache that Evony brought to the table.

She had to be talked into it a little bit and I know that it was because she was nervous. It was going to be her first big meeting and I was so glad that it worked out this way. I believed in her, but now I'll show her how to believe in herself. Evony was going to go far.

I got off the phone with her and looked at the police cruiser that was coming towards us. The driver was out of the car and he was on the phone. I don't know who was calling and it didn't matter. I knew that the meeting was in good hands with Evony.

“I just can't believe it Hail.”

“I told you that I would talk to the boss. It was time for you to move up.”

“Yeah, I know you did. I just can't believe it.”

“You’re ready to move up in the world Evony. You’re ready.”

She had just gotten the news of her promotion to sales and I was happy to be there to see it. Mark had been clear that he wanted to give her more time or put her on a trial basis, but I told him that it wasn't necessary. I also gave up part of the top floor, so that she could have an office there as well. I wanted to work closely with her, even if she wasn't my assistant.

“I am ready, but what about you?”

Evony never ceased to amaze me. She was getting a huge promotion and all she could worry about was me.

“What are you worried about?”

“I mean, what are you going to do for an assistant?”

“As much as I like to say that you are unreplaceable Evony, I am sure that I will find somebody to do the job. Not as good as you of course, but good enough.”

“Wow, Hail.”

She ran into my arms and hugged me tightly. We had never really been this close before and I think we both recognized the danger of being so close rather quickly. She looked over at me almost reluctantly and smiled with embarrassment.

“Sorry, I just am so happy. Should have took a running start, you’re so tall.”

She looked away shyly and I knew then that I wanted to take her as my own. Badly. Right now. Just that second of contact had played with my mind, more than it should have. It was innocent. And maybe that was the problem. Everything with her was innocent, but that didn’t mean that I was happy about it.

“You are going to do just fine Evony. You were made for this job.”

Evony looked happy and I was glad that I was the one to make her that way. It had taken a little bit of working, but the real fact was that I didn't want to lose her as an assistant. I’d gotten used to working with her as closely as we did and I didn't want that to go away. She had made me more effective and more organized, which made me more money in the end.

“I know, but I was just getting used to working with you. We were finally started to get into a good rhythm Hail.”

I smiled at her answer because, I had to agree. It had been easy to work with Evony and I knew that it was going to be hard to find a replacement. No matter what I told her, it was going to be impossible to find someone close to her. That is why I liked the idea of her working up on the top floor with me. Yes, I would less space and less prestige, but that didn't matter. At the end of the day, all that mattered was the idea that I was close to her.

When I first found out about her situation with her boyfriends, I tried really hard to become her first. It was all I could think about and for at least a week, it was all I could project onto her. No matter how badly I wanted to deny how I felt, I knew that I wanted her. This time, when I realized that I couldn’t have her in all the way that I wanted, so I had to take what I could get. Being her friend and someone to flirt with, was better than nothing. It wasn't a roll I had found myself in before, but that is where I was at the moment. Until something changed. And it will.

“I was wondering if you wanted to get some drinks after work today?”

She agreed with a smile and once again it was contagious. Evony was close again, like she was going to rush into my arms, and I wished that she would. At the same point, I wished that she wouldn't, because I was so worried about what was going to happen next. My body had already reacted to the slight touch of her and I knew that it was only going to get worse.

After a moment, I said something about having to get some things done and begged off being there with her. I wanted to be there, and I wanted to see the smile on her face, but at the same time it was hard to see. That smile was brought by the fact that she was not going to be no longer working with me. It wasn't something that I relished, but I knew that I had to do the right thing. She deserved this.

As I was getting into the elevator, I looked back and I could see her getting her phone out. I didn't know who she was calling, but I did know, that whoever it was, was lucky. Anyone in Evony’s life was lucky to have her.

The driver was waiting for me when I got to the car and he asked me where I wanted to go. The problem was that I didn't have an answer for him.

“I don't know. Just take me anywhere, but here.”

“You got it boss.”

“I didn't have it this time. While I knew it was the right thing to do, helping her make sales, it didn't mean that I didn't regret it already. Because I did. I really, really did.