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Blood Oath: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Satan’s Kin MC) (Alpha Inked Bikers Book 1) by Zoey Parker (17)

Chapter Sixteen



Carson steered me into La Casa Pasta with one hand. The restaurant was practically empty; I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. It smelled amazing. Roasting meat and vegetables and a rich aroma of wine filled my senses. I looked up at Carson in surprise.


“This is incredible,” I whispered softly. “Have you been here before?”


Tommy grinned. “For Josh’s birthday last year, we got catering from here,” he said. “It was out of this world amazing.”


I had to smile. “You mean you tough motorcycle guys don’t cook for your own parties?”


Carson mussed my hair and a chill of desire went down my spine. “Course not,” he said. “That would take too much time away from what really matters.”


I blushed when I heard him say the words; I imagined that ‘what really matters’ consisted of strippers and coke. As the hostess led us to a table, I looked around in awe. It wasn’t the nicest place I’d ever been to, but it was definitely the nicest place I’d been recently. My stomach rumbled as I sat down. Even drinking all of the coffee earlier hadn’t ruined my appetite.


Carson ordered for us—veal parmesan and a nice bottle of wine—and in no time it was like things had been before. He was so easy to be around; I loved how he could laugh and joke and poke fun at himself, but he was still such a tough guy. He pretended to get offended every time I mentioned the wine he’d ordered, but secretly I knew he was proud that he’d managed to make me happy.


Sometimes I looked at Carson and really saw a future with him. It wasn’t hard to picture. Carson was a guy with a stable job and I could tell that he really liked it. It wasn’t impossible to imagine that maybe he wanted to be with me, too. Or at least that he wanted to be around me more often. It seemed hard to believe how we’d met, and how eager I’d been to keep him out. Now, I was happy that I’d told him everything. If I’d told him everything and he still stuck around, that meant that he really liked me. I grinned to myself.


“What are you smiling about?”


I blushed. “Nothing,” I said softly. “Just that I think I believe you.”


Carson looked offended. “I bet,” he said, spearing a piece of asparagus and lifting it to his mouth. “Did you get enough to eat?”


I looked down at the table. We’d both cleared our plates, and I felt comfortably full. But when Carson looked me like that, my insides felt warm and melty again. I knew that in a matter of time, we’d be alone together. The thought made me get wet between the legs. I shifted uncomfortably on the seat and the sensation of my jeans rubbing against me was pleasurable.


“You look pleased about something,” Carson commented. “Do you want dessert?”


I looked him and licked my lips seductively. “I do,” I said. “But not here. Let’s get something and take it home.”


Carson grinned. “I like that idea,” he said in a gruff voice. “Check!”


Just as we strolled out to the parking lot, it started to rain again. “Shit!” I cursed. “My hair!”


Carson laughed at me as he handed me a helmet. “Just put this on,” he said. “It keeps the top of your head dry at least.” He smirked. “You look adorable when you’re wet, by the way,” he added. “Very cute.”


I frowned. I could feel the water dripping down my face and soaking my whole outfit. In a matter of minutes, my jeans were clinging to my wet skin uncomfortably. I climbed on the bike behind Carson and wrapped my arms around his wet leather jacket. Even damp, he had an immense warmth to him, and I closed my eyes and snuggled closer as he drove out of the parking lot.


When we were moving faster, the rain started to feel like little pellets of agony. I yelped as it pelted my bare arms. I realized that the leather jacket protected Carson, almost like armor would do, and that was how he was able to ride in all kinds of weather. I smiled secretly to myself; even in the uncomfortably cold and stinging rain, it still felt like an amazing rush to ride on the back of his bike with him.


As we pulled out of town, I didn’t recognize the roads and streets we were on. With a jolt, I suddenly knew that we were going to Carson’s apartment instead of mine. I shivered when I thought about what it would look like. I knew that Carson wasn’t exactly hard up for money, but I couldn’t imagine him living in luxury. I hoped that he didn’t have a roommate.


We pulled up to a brick complex, and Carson parked his bike. The rain was coming down so hard that he had to yell at me when he told me which apartment was his. “I’ll be right back!” he shouted as he turned away and jogged off. Frowning, I wrapped my arms around myself and climbed up the stairs. Carson had given me his keys and they felt alien in my hands. I struggled for a moment before I could finally figure out which one was his house key.


The inside of Carson’s apartment smelled damp and musty when I opened the door. Groping on the wall for a switch, I flicked it up and dull light flooded the room. His apartment actually looked remarkably like mine, except decorated in black and grey instead of pink. I smirked as I looked around. It was every inch a bachelor pad: ashtray overflowing with cigarette butts on the coffee table, nudie mags in the bathroom. The fridge didn’t have anything but beer and a stick of butter that looked more grey than yellow. I shuddered and grabbed a beer, popping it open on the counter and waiting for Carson.


When he got back, he was dripping wet. I watched with amusement as he peeled off his jacket and threw it over the back of the couch, raking a hand through his blond hair. He flipped his head back, spraying me with water, and I cried out.


Carson crossed the room and pulled me into his arms. When he kissed me, I thought I was going to die of happiness. I closed my eyes and savored the salty, warm taste of his mouth. I could catch a hint of the wine from dinner and it made me shiver; every nerve ending, every cell in my body was paying attention. It was like I had to be around him or I would die. Eagerly, I slipped my tongue into his mouth and played with his. Carson groaned and wrapped his arms around me. His body felt cold at first because of the wet clothing but the longer we stayed pressed together, the warmer I felt. I moaned softly as he nipped at my lower lip. Before I knew it, his hands had slid underneath my bottom and picked me up, pressing me against his torso.


“Caroline,” Carson moaned softly. “You’re so sexy, babe.” He growled with lust and buried his face in my neck, nipping at the soft skin until I was crying out in pleasure. I could feel my heart thudding fast in my chest and I tangled my hands in his wet hair and pulled his head close. As always, Carson felt so strong, so secure and confident under my grip. I shivered as he held me close and kept me wrapped in his arms. I felt him lifting me higher and higher and carrying me down the hallway, entering a dark room, and tossing me down on something soft.


“What about dessert?” I grinned up at him in the darkness. “Didn’t you say you had something at home?”


Carson tugged me down on the bed so I was laying on my back with my legs spread. “You,” he grunted. “You’re my dessert, Caroline.”


I blushed hotly in the dark, glad that he couldn’t see me. “Okay,” I said before giggling. Suddenly I felt so shy around him. Carson kept his eyes trained on my face as he pulled his wet clothes off and tossed them on the floor. When he was standing next to the bed naked, I could see his cock sticking straight out. The sight of it made me gasp. He was so beautiful naked, I could have spent hours worshipping his body and licking him and kissing him. Or running my hands over him and pleasuring him.


I closed my eyes and suppressed a soft moan when Carson crawled onto the bed and climbed on top of me. He unsnapped my wet jeans and they were clinging to my skin so fiercely that I had to help him tug them down. Carson pulled away my wet panties in a second and tossed them on the floor. He pushed up my shirt with his fingers and tugged it over my head before I had a second to react. When he pulled off my bra and threw it to the side, I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. The feel of his damp skin against mine made me shiver, but in a few seconds we were both warmed up. The full-body contact of his skin on mine was super intense, and as we kissed, I could feel his cock nudging against my thigh. I spread my legs and tried to pull his hips close but Carson pulled away. He gave me a wicked grin.


“Not yet,” he teased. “I want to make you crazy first.”


I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. “I’m already crazy for you,” I whispered. “I want you so much right now.”


Carson didn’t answer. He nudged my head up and kissed and bit my neck, trailing down and planting kisses all over my chest. I waited with baited breath as he took one of my stiff nipples into his mouth and sucked at it until I was crying out. Little bolts of pleasure were swirling around in my body and I closed my eyes and moaned loudly, digging my fingers into his soft, damp hair. Carson bit down hard on my sensitive skin and I shrieked. When he lavished my nipple with his tongue I felt some of the pain melt and disappear.


“You feel amazing,” I whispered as he kissed and sucked at my breasts. Carson slipped a hand down my body and let it rest on my lower belly, just above the little tuft of pubic hair that I keep in the front. I groaned and arched my back, trying to move his hand lower. Carson grinned at me and took his hand away. When I cried out, he laughed and reached down to pinch me. It hurt, but I cried out in frustration, wanting more pleasure. I writhed my body around on the bed, desperate for attention.


“Please touch me,” I begged softly. “I need to feel you, Carson, please!”


He grinned at me and nipped at my earlobe. A sharp jolt of arousal shot through me, and with all my strength, I pushed hard against his chest. Carson sat up and I grabbed him and tried to pin him down on the bed. He resisted but I threw my weight against him until he was laying flat on his back. As I straddled him, he groaned softly.


“Oh, fuck, Caroline,” he whispered. “I need you, I fucking need to be inside of you right now.”


I grinned and rubbed the lips of my pussy against his rock hard erection. “I know,” I said in a teasing voice. “But now I want to make you crazy.”


The sensation of Carson’s cock rubbing against me was almost too much to bear. I could feel my arousal dripping out of my pussy and coating my thighs. He groaned and shifted his hips into the air so the first inch of his cock was inside of me. It felt incredible and I moaned and threw my head back, grunting with pleasure.


Carson grabbed my hips and pulled me all the way down on his erection. When it impaled me, I cried out with pleasure and delight. Carson had a way of making me feel so full, so stuffed, that I could think of nothing but him. We made eye contact and I shivered with the intensity of it.


“I need you, Caroline,” Carson grunted. “I need you right now.” He began to rock in and out of me, slow at first, then faster and faster until I was screaming with pleasure. Carson shoved his thumb underneath me and began to rub and press at my clit as his cock slid in and out of me. It felt incredible and I moaned, closing my eyes and seeing stars. I could feel a hot flush all over my whole body, and I shrieked as Carson pounded me hard. Leaning over him, I dug my hands into his hair and looked close into his piercing blue eyes.


“I need you,” I whispered, grinding my hips against his cock. “I need you forever.”


Carson screamed my name and dug his fingers into my hair, yanking and pulling as I rode him. I could feel my pleasure building and building until finally, right when I was about to climax, Carson reached up and put his fingers around my throat. He glanced at me. “I need you,” he hissed. I could only moan in response; the light pressure around my neck was just what I needed to send me over the edge. As I came, flashes of light exploded behind my closed eyes. Darts of pleasure swarmed through my body like a crowd of bees, and I shivered as the delicious sensations racked through me over and over again.


When I was finished, I looked at Carson. He was panting and groaning. When he dug his fingers into my thighs I braced myself on his chest and rolled onto my side. Carson grunted and pulled me close so that we were hugging with his cock still inside of me. I spread my legs and wrapped one over his back, moving gently against him and pleasing him. We moved our bodies in sync until I could feel my pleasure start to build again. Everything felt hot and wet and torrid, and I closed my eyes and pressed my face into Carson’s neck as we made love. He kept his arms wrapped around me and thrust up into me slow and steady, just enough to drive me crazy. Carson moaned loudly and dug his fingers into my ass. When I felt his cock pulsing and twitching with orgasm, it set me off, and before I knew it, we were moaning and gasping and coming together.


Afterwards, Carson nuzzled me. I looked into his eyes and he ran a hand through my hair. “That was awesome,” he said quietly, pulling me close.


I nodded sleepily. “I’m exhausted,” I said with a yawn. Carson reached down to the end of the bed and grabbed a blanket, pulling it up and covering us both. “Can we sleep for a while?”


Carson started stroking my hair and before I knew it, I was out like a light.


In the morning, I felt shy again. My hair had dried wavier than normal from the rainstorm, and I blushed when I realized that Carson had been watching me sleep. He chuckled when I pulled the blanket around my body, shielding my breasts from his prying eyes.


“Babe, it’s not like I can un-see your tits,” he said with a smirk. “And they’re so beautiful, can I look? Please?” He gave me a mock-pouty face and finally I grinned, dropping the blanket back on the bed. The air chilled me and when he stepped closer, I expected more sex. Instead, Carson covered me back up.


“I know you’re freezing,” he said with a smirk. “I just wanted to see you again.”


I bit my lip and grinned self-consciously. “Feel like getting some breakfast?”


Carson shook his head. “I have to work,” he said. “Oh, this is for you.” I watched as he pulled an envelope out of his jacket pocket. When he handed it over, I gasped. There was well over three thousand dollars in cash—enough for the rent I owed, plus a little extra for next month. I gaped at him.


“I can’t take this,” I said, shoving the envelope back into his hand. “Really, I can’t. Thank you, but it’s too much.”


Carson shook his head. “You’re taking it, Caroline,” he said. “Don’t even fight me on this.”


I rolled my eyes. “Carson, it’s too much,” I said firmly. “I don’t feel comfortable accepting this from you.”


Carson pushed the envelope firmly into my hands and closed my fingers around the paper. “You have to,” he said with a smirk. “I can’t take it, Caroline. That’s your money. Go pay your rent. You don’t wanna be evicted, do you?”


I shook my head. “No,” I said, looking down. “But this is too much. I can’t repay you, at least not right now.” I exhaled sharply. “Probably not for a really long time if you want the truth. I’m sorry.”


Carson nodded. “This isn’t a loan, it’s a gift,” he said. “It’s yours. Take it.”


I blushed and finally tucked the envelope into my purse. “Okay,” I said finally. “But let me do something for you later. Let me cook dinner for you tonight. And don’t show up with wine or anything, let me do all the work.”


Carson nodded again and he grinned. My heart did a swoop and I felt like little hearts were floating around my head. You’ve got it bad, Caroline, I told myself. Just remember to watch out.




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