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Cave Man's Captive by Juliana Conners (12)


Fucking her was everything that I could have imagined and then some.  Her beautiful body with her supple skin was mesmerizing.  From the moment that I entered her, I knew that this was going to be an experience like none other.  The way that her pussy glided over my dick drove me wild.  She felt so good that I had to fight hard to control myself.  I wanted to ravish her.  And I was thankful for the condom that I was wearing because it lessened the sensation.  If I wasn't wearing it, I would probably have exploded the second that I entered her.  As I fucked her, stroking her juicy pussy, listening to her moan as her lips smacked with delight as I opened her up.  I could feel her trembling as she braced herself as I moved deeper inside of her.  He put her hand on my stomach to try pushing me back, which made me only push deeper inside of her.  I wanted to fill every crevice of her pussy so that she remembered the way that it fit around my dick… perfectly like a glove. 

"You have an absolutely incredible body.  You turn me on so much," I admitted breathlessly.  She was curvy in all the right places.  I loved her thick frame.  I had never really been impressed by the skinny, supermodel types.  But women like Michelle, with an hour glass figure were women of substance.  I stroked her soft pussy gently, willing her to cum rivers all over my throbbing manhood.

"You're so big," she said from her throat.  I couldn't take my eyes off of her.  She looked so stimulated, like she is savoring every minute of it just like I was.  I pulled my dick out a few times so that I could calm the feeling down that was beginning to mount, threatening to bring an end to this wonderful experience that I never wanted to end.  I fucked her until I just couldn't take it any longer.  I came so hard that I had to hold still for quite some time afterward while I waited for the shock of the orgasm to die down.

I felt so lucky to have met Michelle and been able to have this experience.  Not only was she incredibly sexy, smart, and kind, but she also had a pussy that could become addictive.  If I could, I would fuck her all day every day.  As I lay there, my mind went to thoughts of the many positions that I wanted to put her in and all the places that I wanted to do it.  We could check off "fuck in a cave" from that list.  I wanted to fuck her up against a tree in the woods.  I wanted to go up on top of one of the mountains and fuck.  My mind pinged all over the place as I thought of all of the places that I wanted to fuck her.  But more importantly, I just wanted to keep my eyes glued to her voluptuous body and gorgeous face while I feel her tight, slippery pussy wrapped up around my big dick.

And the fact that she has been a virgin was a huge turn on.  We could spend time exploring and learning each other without trying to compare it to another experience.  Or at least that's what I wanted to think.  Michelle seemed to enjoy herself, too. Her writhing around under me passionately is what ultimately excited me to the point of cumming as hard as I did.

"Welp, now I've worked up a good appetite," said Michelle after a while, breaking the silence.  Her voice bounced off of the cave walls sounding like beautiful music.

I laughed at the comical way that she made that statement.  But the gurgling of my stomach told me that she was right.  I figured that we might get hungry along the way, so I made sure to pack plenty of food.  I hadn't anticipated that we were going to work up an appetite the way that we did, but I was glad that I came prepared, in more ways than one.

I stood up and helped Michelle get fully dressed before putting on my own clothes.  I grabbed the green duffel bag that I had left in the corner and started taking out its contents.  I had pulled some ham out of the freezer that I had cured from a hunting trip to Tennessee.  It was an unseasonably warm October and I had been traveling all over the country, looking for a good place to make a home.  Instead, I spent a few days hunting and found some of the finest pigs that turned out to be some of the best meat that I had ever prepared.  I also brought mashed potatoes since potatoes seemed to go well with everything.  I handed Michelle a tin plate with a sandwich on it and a heaping scoop of mashed potatoes.  Michelle eyed the plate reluctantly.

"There's really no way to heat up the potatoes, unfortunately," I explained.  "But, it's food."

"I appreciate it," she said.  "As hungry as I am right now, I could eat a dirt sandwich and it would probably taste like a gourmet meal.  But, this is a mountain man meal, for sure."

She took a bite from the sandwich like she was evaluating it.  While shrugging, she began eating the rest of the sandwich.  She left the mashed potatoes untouched.

"I suppose a woman who likes to bake cakes would make something better," I said.

"I wouldn't mind whipping up something.  As a matter of fact, I'll make a deal with you.  If you decide to have me back to your lovely cave abode sometime in the future, I'll be sure to bring a proper meal for a couple, complete with a red and white checkered picnic blanket."

"Deal," I said. "Only you have to promise me something."

"Oh yeah?  What's that?" she asked.

"I'm game for a good picnic as long as we can fuck on the picnic table when we finish eating."

She turned bright red and laughed nervously.

"Okay.  Deal," she said.

I was getting turned on all over again imagining me pounding her pussy until she screamed on top of a picnic blanket.

When we finished eating, I noticed Michelle trying to stifle a yawn. 

"You're getting tired and it'll be getting dark soon.  We will either need to head back now or stay the night.  So, what will it be?"

"Ummm...Wow...I hadn't expected you to ask that..." said Michelle, her voice trailing off.

"Well?" I asked, anxious for her reply.  I would love to spend the night with her, but I didn't want her to feel pressured.

"Did Whitney and Harlow put you up to this?" asked Michelle.

"Huh?" I said, thoroughly confused.

"It's just that last night they told me that if I decided to stay gone for the night that it would be okay.  I told them that I didn't think that that would happen.  And now, here you are asking me if I want to spend the night with you."

"Well let me assure you," I said.  "I have not talked to Whitney or Harlow since we were together yesterday.  And before that, I haven't talked to them since we were in the SEALS together.  In fact, yesterday was my first time I ever met his wife.  And besides all of that, I asked you to spend the night with me because that's what I want to do.  I could care less about any of them."

She smiled, brushing her hair away from her face.

"Okay," she said easily.

"So, what do you want to do?"

"It's funny that Whitney almost seemed to predict this very moment.  She said, 'You're going to call, telling me not to expect to see you for a few days.'  I don't think that it will be that long, but she was right at least about tonight."

We shared laughter.

She thought about it and I waited.

"Well, what do you want to do?"

"I want to stay the night," I blurted out.  "I have sleeping bags in the back of the truck.  I can make sure that we keep the fire going and we have enough food to get us through the night, at least.  What do you say?  Shall we do a cave sleep over tonight?"

She peered at my face, her eyes fixing me firmly into place.

"Well...I guess it might be okay if we spend one night out here.  And besides, I can't remember the last time that I slept in a cave."  I knew that she was joking again, and it made me chuckle.  I knew that she had never spent the night in a cave and probably would never spend the night in a cave again.  I was just glad that she wanted to spend the night with me.  I didn't really care where we spent the night.  As long as I spent it with her. 

The fire that I had built earlier had died down and was a smoldering pile of burnt wood.  I gathered more pieces from the pile in the corner and went to work building another fire.

"Hang on," I said.  "I'm going to run to the truck to grab the sleeping bags."

"Maybe I should come with you," said Michelle, looking around like she was scared.

"No, it's okay," I told her.  "You might be too tired to walk all the way there and back.  I won't be gone long at all."

I disappeared from the cave before she had a chance to protest.  I took long strides back to the truck, walking with a little more pep in my step than when we first started on our hike.  Busting a nut would do that to you.  But then I realized it was more than aboutt cumming; it's more the fact that I get to spend time with a wonderful, intriguing woman like Michelle.  Not only had I spent the day with her and fucked her really well, I was going to get the chance to spend the night with her.  I got back to the car, grabbed the sleeping bags, and locked the truck up for the night.

I all but flew back to the cave.

"You're back.  Good," exhaled Michelle.

"You alright?" I asked, amused by the mild panic over her face.

"Yeah, I just thought that I heard a noise and that it might have been a bear or something.  Plus, I have no idea where we are, so if something would have happened to you, I'm not sure how I would have found my way back to Darren and Hope's cabin."

"Wow," I said.  "It seems that in the few minutes that it took me to go to the truck and come back, you created all types of scary scenarios."

"Yeah, I guess I have," said Michelle, running her hand through her hair absentmindedly.  She looked so cute sitting there.

"It's okay," I told her, putting on my most brave face.  "I'm here now and I'll make sure that you stay safe." 

She looked at me gratefully and smiled.

I lay down the sleeping bags and while lying down myself I motion for Michelle to come lay next to me.  She did, melting into my arms.  We lie cuddling, enjoying each other's space and company.  We didn't have to say anything.  Just holding each other was enough.

This was so out of the ordinary for me, lying there cuddling with a woman.  But, with Michelle it felt so natural.  I wished that I could freeze time so that we could lie there holding each other forever.

But in that moment, I was happy to hold her just for the night.

"This has been one of the best vacations that I've ever been on," said Michelle in barely a whisper. 

I held her, kissing her face and neck while I wrapped my arms around her tighter.  I felt her body go slack in my arms and I could hear her snoring lightly. 

Everything about this felt right. 

I fell asleep with the thought that I could definitely get used to holding her like this every night.