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Cave Man's Captive by Juliana Conners (98)

Chapter 3 – Ramsey



“Here’s to the end of that bullshit lecture we had to sit through,” says Jensen, as he raises his glass of Jack and Coke.

“You mean stand through!” I laugh.

“And here’s to the next two days of hell that lay ahead of us,” Harlow says.

We all clink our glasses and down our drinks. A good ten of us from the unit have gathered at Louie’s, something that’s become a tradition for us to do before and after training sessions and deployments.

It was Jensen’s idea to come here, since he belongs to a motorcycle club called the Desert Dogs and this is their local watering hole. It’s not exactly my kind of place but I enjoy the comradery and the chance to get together with my brothers and other SEALs.

For the first time, however, we have ladies among us: Jensen’s new wife Riley, and Harlow’s girlfriend Whitney. They won’t see their guys for the next couple of days due to the training, so they wanted to come out and spend time with them.

Whitney looks particularly clingy, as she puts her head on Harlow’s shoulder with a slight pout. He doesn’t seem to mind though, as his arm encircles her waist and he lays his head down on top of hers for a minute.

I guess it must be hard for a couple deep in love to be separated for six months. I wouldn’t know, and not wanting to know or care is one of the reasons I’ve stayed single.

Being an active duty SEAL is no life for a committed man like Harlow is now, or a family man like some of our fellow SEALs are. It requires solitude, isolation and a reservation of emotions.

Why Jensen would choose to mess that all up by tying himself down to Riley is beyond me. Sure, she’s pretty, smart, and she clearly loves him. But that doesn’t mean he had to go and marry her. What ever happened to a good old- fashioned one night stand?

Whitney takes a drink out of her fancy Cosmo and says, “We sure are going to miss you boys.”

She and Riley do a toast between themselves. I can’t believe that Harlow let himself get tied down either. At least he hasn’t gone and gotten married yet.

“I didn’t know this bar served those girly drinks,” I remark, in an effort to lighten the mood.

“Yeah, you guys should be kicked out for even ordering them,” says Brian, another member of our team.

“Before we know it, female fighter pilots will be coming here to order their pink drinks that match their pink planes,” Jerry says.

Everyone laughs, except for me, but I’m glad that at least we’re not here on official business, and at least they’re not making these dumb comments in front of Monica. The way everyone else views it, they’re just some guys shooting the shit after a hard day at work. Which is one of the reasons that many of them don’t want women invading our ranks.

They think it would make things awkward, uncomfortable, and that everyone would feel like they had to censor themselves. But in my opinion, maybe if they weren’t such douchebags, then they wouldn’t have anything to censor.

“Female fighter pilots?” asks Riley, raising her head to search Jensen’s eyes. Her interest is piqued.

“Yeah, there was one at the training today,” he says. “She flies the new fighter jet of the same type that’s accompanying the unit to Afghanistan.”

“Awesome,” Whitney says. “That’s really cool that there’s a woman in your midst.”

I can tell that Jensen and Harlow are both trying to refrain from rolling their eyes.

“That’s what Ramsey and Jensen thought,” Jerry volunteers. “They about kicked a newbie’s ass for saying anything less than positive about the lady.”

“Oh, come on,” I say, trying to keep my tone good-natured and light, but I’m annoyed at his characterization. “‘Anything less than positive?’ Those comments were outright sexist, and could get the entire unit in trouble for sexual harassment or hostile work environment claims or something equally as damaging.”

“That’s true,” Riley agrees, always the lawyer. “And I think it’s really cool that you guys stuck up for her. Good job.”

She kisses Jensen on the cheek, and everyone coos. He actually blushes.

“Well, I was mostly just making sure I had Ramsey’s back,” Jensen says, taking a masculine swig of his drink, most likely in an effort to show the other guys that he’s no pussy. “I was in charge of the guy who was disrespecting him. But I don’t know why he had such a stick up his ass about the chick.”

“Oooh, does someone have a crush?” Whitney asks.

She says it in a playful manner, but she’s peering at me quite cheerfully, almost hopefully.

I have to admit to myself that I do wish Monica had come to join us. She was probably too scared off by all the jokes made at her expense.

I guess I do have a bit of a “crush” on her, if crush means wanting to get into her pants. But the principle I was fighting for is bigger than any crush or lust I might feel towards just this one female fighter pilot.

“I don’t know when or why or how it’s become manly to make fun of women, or girly or crush-like to put a stop to that kind of behavior,” I say, quite seriously. “But I won’t stand for it in our unit, or with any accompanying unit or crew. We’re all a team and no one should be treated badly.”

“Yes sir,” the men say, some mumbling it out of obligation but others appearing quite earnest, and seeming to respect my words.

I know I’m not the only guy here who feels this way. I have a good team made of men who mostly agree with what I’m saying, even if it’s fun to make jokes about the female fighter pilot.

“Holy shit,” says Jerry, who is slightly turned towards the door. “Speak of the devil…”

We all turn and look in that direction.

My heart leaps up almost as much as my cock does.

Fuck. Why am I so fucking stuck on this chick I just met?

“Who invited her?” Brian says, practically spitting the words out.

Everyone shrugs, and I do the same, trying to appear nonchalant.

But Whitney catches my eye and smiles. I try to look innocent.

“You guys are always shouting about how we’re off to Louie’s, or whatever,” Jerry says. “I’m sure she heard and thought it was an open invite—”

He shuts his mouth— luckily— as Monica approaches us.

“Hey everyone!” she says, smiling a bit too widely, trying a bit too hard.

But it’s cute. She looks at me and I want to wink at her, but I refrain.

“Hi,” Riley thrusts a hand out to her. “I’m Riley Bradford. Jensen’s wife.”

“Nice to meet you,” Monica says, looking genuinely relieved as she gratefully shakes her hand.

“And I’m Whitney Reid, Harlow Bradford’s girlfriend.”

Whitney winks at me as she introduces herself to Monica, obviously pleased that my “crush” showed up.

Whitney and Monica shake hands as well, and Brian rolls his eyes. I know he wants to remark that now this is like a triple date. But he refrains because he knows I’ll punch him if he makes any more stupid comments.

Monica says, “Sorry I’m late. Got a bit lost. But I was intent on coming because I’m looking forward to getting to know you all a bit more before our training session tomorrow.”

She looks at me, for a brief minute, and I silently blink my approval. I appreciate her not blowing my cover.

Plus, I remind myself, she can’t openly admit she came to meet up with an inferior. Technically I’m just enlisted and she’s an officer.

A rather awkward silence follows, and then Monica looks around again and says, “Well, it looks like my choices are a stiff rum and coke, or a girly Cosmo.”

Everyone laughs. Even the guys.

“You obviously know what we prefer,” Whitney jokes, as she nods toward Riley.

“Oh, there are a lot of choices,” I tell her. “And some appetizer specials too. Come on, I’ll take you over to the bar so that Jessa can hook you up.”

“You guys come here a lot, then?” she asks, as we head over to the bartender.

“Jensen makes us,” I can hear Jerry joke, and then Jensen mumbling, “Come on, you guys like it here too.”

Soon it’s just Monica and me, by ourselves in a corner of the bar, and I feel uncharacteristically nervous. I wonder what the guys must think, so I sneak a peek over to our table, but they all seem to be talking amongst themselves, rather than paying any attention to us.

I guess it’s pretty normal that I would offer to show a lady around a bar that she’s unfamiliar, or buy her a drink. I’m just overblowing the situation in my mind, because I’m afraid that what Whitney refers to as my “crush” is blindingly obvious to the others as well.

I clear my throat, but Monica jumps in with a conversation starter.

“So, this place looks a little… seedy, but also pretty chill.”

She glances over to the pool table section, where some less-than-upstanding-looking stoner-type kids are shooting pool.

“Yeah, that’s Albuquerque in general for you.”

We laugh. Her chuckle is so damn cute.

“Have you ever been to our fine city before?” I ask.

“No, it’s my first time. So, thanks for showing me around. Otherwise I’d just be vegging out at my hotel, instead of having the opportunity to see this fine establishment.”

I smile and then Jessa nods at me from where she’s busy pouring drinks, and I touch Monica’s arm to get her attention.

“Any idea what you’d like to drink?”

“A Long Island,” she says, without hesitation.

“Very nice,” I tell her, impressed that she’s no lightweight ordering a glass of wine or a light beer.

She puts her hand on mine, as if it belongs there, and laughs.

“You don’t know me very well,” she says.

“Not yet.”

I squeeze her hand and then brush her arm as I move to take my wallet out of my pocket and pay for her drink, shocking myself with my brazenness. While it’s not unusual of me to move quickly and strike fast, I feel an intense draw to her and a sense of rush, knowing she’s only in town for three days and two of them are going to be hell on earth.

It doesn’t appear as though she wants to reject me. And being with her is dangerous for our careers, but since when has fear stopped me from doing anything?

Apparently she’s not afraid of much, either. And the attraction I feel for her seems to be mutual, so, now’s my chance.

It’s now or never, cowboy, I tell myself. Saddle up and get ready for the ride.