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Claiming Chastity: A Fake Marriage Romance by Tia Siren, Candy Stone (35)

Chapter 35


I knocked on the apartment door, trying to contain the nervous energy that I felt inside. I couldn’t wait to tell Nicole my idea after getting the go ahead from the captain. I looked up as I saw someone opening the door.

She still looked sleepy, but more beautiful than ever as she offered me a small smile. She was wearing the same clothes as before, and I was glad that she relaxed today. She would need it.

“Hi,” she said as she opened the door for me to come in. I shook my head and pulled her outside into my arms. I embraced her tightly. Nicole wrapped her arms around me as she laughed, sounding oddly relieved. “You’re okay?”

“Better than okay. I want to take you on a trip. I got a couple days off from work today, and I think that we need to get away,” I told her, pulling away to look at her face. An odd look moved across her features.

“I thought you were here to tell me something bad. I thought you were going to end things again.” Her expression morphed into something like fear as I leaned in to kiss her gently. “Where are we going?”

“That is a surprise,” I informed her, and she frowned at me. “I want you packed so we can get the hell out of here.”

She opened the door to the apartment, and I followed her inside. It was quiet, but I thought I could hear the faint sound of music coming from the bedroom.

“Come into my room,” she said. “Noelle and Brandon are in there, so we better knock.

I laughed at her. What she said was true, though I had no intentions of fucking her then. Well, the thought was there, but I wasn’t going to act on it. I had other plans for her. Fucking would come later – hopefully.

She knocked on the door, and Nicole yelled for us to come in.

“Hey. I need to pack up some clothes, do you mind going out in the living room with Brandon?”

They grinned at each other and brushed past us on their way out of the bedroom with knowing smirks on their faces.

She closed the door behind us and grabbed a suitcase from her closet. After setting it on the bed, she unzipped it and glanced up at me. Fuck she was beautiful. She moved to her dresser and threw things into the open suitcase as I leaned forward and acting like I was going to grab something out of the air. She wasn’t at all organized and something told me it was because she was ready to get out of there too.

“I figured we could both use a break from the real world for a little while,” I told her as she continued packing.

She smiled at me. “Thank you.” Then she left the room and just as fast as she left, she returned with her bathroom items. She put them all in her bag and zipped it up. Then she looked at me. “I’m ready.”

“That’s all you’re taking?” I asked with a smile. She had packed almost all of the contents of her dresser for a two-day trip.

“Oh hush. You said pack light, so I did. Never mind all that. Let’s go,” she said and swung open the door.

I grabbed her suitcase from off the bed and wheeled it out into the living room. She grabbed her purse from the table next to us and double checked that she had her phone.

“Oh shit,” she mumbled and ran back toward the bedroom, leaving me standing there confused. She came back out a moment later holding her charger.

I brought her bag out to my car and loaded it up. And we were off. We got settled in the car and I pulled out, taking a quick moment to check her out one more time.

“What?” she asked.

“You. That’s what.”

The blush on her cheeks was cute, but she was so much more than that. My cock twitched in my pants as I pulled my thoughts back from the edge of the gutter.

“Where are we going?” she asked, obviously turning the conversation around.

“It’s a surprise,” I said and kept my eyes focused on the road. I didn’t want to meet her eyes for fear that I might ruin the surprise.

“Please tell me. I hate surprises,” she pleaded with me.

I let out a laugh. I never understood people who hated surprises. “It’s some place you’re really going to love. I promise.”

She smiled at me, and it seemed to satisfy her. At least for the moment. I suddenly felt nervous and wondered if she really was going to love it. I felt that it was right for us and that it was something she would enjoy, but I was also wanting to impress her and if it turned out she hated the place, I would never live it down.

The next four hours were spent with us talking and her continuously trying to guess where we were headed.

“Are we going to the beach?” she asked when we crossed the border for California.

I pursed my lips and glanced over, winking at her playfully. There wasn’t much I could say to keep her from figuring it out. Especially since there weren’t many other places we could go, but I kept quiet as we drove on through California and into L.A.

I drove until I pulled up to our hotel, which just happened to be a beach resort.

“I knew it!” she yelled excitedly and pressed her fingers to her lips. Probably not the best place to draw my attention to, but I wasn’t complaining.

I laughed. “I was trying to make it a surprise but you kept guessing.”

“Well, what’s really west of Las Vegas that is fun to visit?”

I had to give it to her. She had a point. Maybe if I would have blindfolded her the whole way, she would have never figured it out. But that wouldn’t have been much fun. I got to watch her eyes light up when she realized what we were doing.

I shut the car off and we got out. We went inside of the hotel. It was a lot fancier than I thought it would be but it was nice. She deserved it and so much more.

“Hello. Are you here to check in?” The lady at the front desk glanced up as we approached.

“Hello. Yes, I have a reservation under Rogers.” I pulled my I.D. out and handed it to the lady.

“Alright. I have you in a suite. Room number 456. It’s on the fourth floor. Elevators are to your left and check out is noon,” she informed us before handing me a small envelope. “Your keys are in there and the pool closes at eleven.”

“Thank you,” I said to her.

“You’re welcome. Enjoy your stay.”

I took Nicole’s hand and led her out of the hotel and back to the car. We grabbed our bags and headed back inside. The elevators were off to the left, and I couldn’t help but thinking how sexy it would be to take her in one of them sometime soon.

Nicole smiled at me, her eyes bright and filled with excitement.

“Are we gonna fuck on the beach?” she asked me and turned to face me with lust in her expression. It would seem I wasn’t the only one thinking about spending some quality time together.

I cocked my head to the side. “What?” I wanted to make sure that I had in fact, heard her right the first time.

“Are we gonna fuck on the beach?” she asked again.

“Well, I don’t know. I guess if it strikes us, we can.” I laughed and pulled her into me. I gave her a hug just as the elevator dinged for the fourth floor. “I wanna fuck anywhere you want to, baby.”

She gave me a kiss. “Good. The beach it is, then.”

We walked out of the elevator, and I followed her down the hallway until she stopped in front of Room 456. She moved to the side, and I slid the key in and pushed the door open.

The room was bigger than I had expected. There was a sliding glass door leading out to the balcony. The bed was a king size with half a dozen pillows. The decorations were beachy. The color scheme was whites and blues.

Nicole went into the bathroom, and a minute later, she yelled, “Oh my God! You have to come check this out.”

“Oh yeah?” I walked over to the bathroom to see what she was freaking out about.

I turned the corner and stopped short. The bathroom was insanely big. There was a shower and separate Jacuzzi bathtub. Everything was marble designed and there were seashells decorating the counter top.

“This is amazing, right?” she said with a huge smile on her pretty face.

“Heck yeah, it is.”

I grabbed her and pulled her into me. We kissed, her perfect lips mesmerizing me with the way they moved. Her tongue found its way into my mouth. I pulled back, stopping her.

“Hold that thought,” I said.

“Why?” she asked, making a pouty face that was far too cute.

She looked so damn good that I would have stripped her down and fucked her right there in the bathroom, but we had reservations.

“Because I’m taking you to a nice dinner. I don’t want to miss our reservation.”

“Reservations?” Her eyes lit up again. I loved seeing that look in her eyes, and it was even better knowing that I was the guy making her feel that way.

“Where at?”

“The restaurant downstairs. It’s a five-star restaurant. Afterward, I was thinking we could walk on the beach. Take a late-night stroll,” I said before leaning in and kissing her once more.

“That sounds so good to me. So romantic.”

“I’ll leave you to freshen up then.” I turned and walked out of the bathroom before reaching down and adjusting my cock. Fucking on the beach was sounding better and better.

I closed the door behind me so that she could have some privacy.

I grabbed my duffle bag and pulled out a pair of black slacks and a nice button up shirt. I had chosen these specifically for dinner in the restaurant.

“What time is the reservations?” she asked from the bathroom after opening the door.

“Six. You have exactly forty-five minutes.”

“That’s not nearly long enough, but I’ll try to make it work.” I could hear the smile in her voice. Pretty thing.

I walked over to the balcony and opened the door. Stepping outside, I glanced around and took in the view as I breathed in deeply. We had the perfect hotel room. The ocean and sandy beach were right outside our windows.

I stood on the balcony and took in the view. It was magnificent, and it gave me this deep sensation that things were going to be okay. Everything between Nicole and I was going to work out.

“I’m ready,” Nicole said somewhere behind me.

I turned around and took her in. She was always pretty, but all dolled up, she was gorgeous. Breathtaking. Her hair was curled perfectly around her face, and she was wearing a sexy little, white beach dress and black sandals.

“Do I look okay?” she asked, looking a little unsure of herself.

“You look absolutely stunning,” I responded and stepped back in the room. I moved toward her and closed the gap between us. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her to me, planting another kiss on her soft lips.

She pulled back and looked up at me. “Thank you, Allen.”

“For what?” I asked.

“For doing this for me. For us. It’s so amazing, and it’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. Besides, you know, rescuing me from a scumbag too,” she said, with a nervous laugh. She tucked a curl behind her ear.

“You’re welcome,” I said and kissed her once more. “We better go before I decide that I just want to fuck you on the balcony.”

She laughed. “I don’t think there is anything wrong with that.”

“I do. We need food. Gotta get my energy up for tonight.”

“Oh really? You think you’re going to need a lot of energy?” The way her lip lifted had my pulse spiking. Sexy little minx.

“I know I do with a woman like you,” I said and laughed.

We pulled apart, and she grabbed her purse and phone from off the bed where she had tossed them when we first entered.

“I’m trying out that Jacuzzi tub when we get back to the room tonight. I don’t care if it’s three in the morning.”

I laughed at her. “I want to try it out with you.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” I grabbed her hand, our fingers lacing together. “Let’s go, pretty girl. I want to treat you like a princess tonight.”

“Only at dinner.”

“Oh yeah?” I led her back out of our hotel room and into the elevators where we shared one last kiss. “And then?”

“You’ll see.” She leaned in and kissed me again. The promise was there, and I couldn’t wait to explore it.