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His Takeover: An Enemies to Lovers Romance by Piper Sullivan (4)


Hiking. The insane woman wanted to go hiking. I leaned against my car as I scanned the parking lot in search of the purple haired woman who’d turned my plans upside down. Hiking. Women all over this city, and plenty of others, did all kinds of things to entice me to take them out, spend my hard earned money on them. All so they could be photographed with the other beautiful people, rub elbows with the rich and powerful and most of all, so they could finagle a commitment diamond from me.

But Poppy Masters had brushed all that aside in favor of hiking. Not just some simple trail that would allow her to strut her stuff in some skimpy hiking outfit, but a semi-difficult trail that would definitely work up a sweat. I was momentarily thrown, but not deterred. I wanted Out & About Apparel, bad, and I was prepared to do whatever it took to get it. I wanted the company and I knew a woman like Poppy Masters didn’t want the stress or responsibility of running a large company. She wasn’t that ambitious and I would help her see that.

A sleek midnight blue car pulled in a few spots away from my SUV and a woman stepped out. As soon as I saw the purple tipped high ponytail, I smiled. She had a bounce in her step as she approached and I couldn’t look away. Beige cargo shorts that should have looked terrible on her, highlighted long, legs, shapely and tan. She wore a too small black Aerosmith t-shirt and pink and beige hiking boots right out of the Out & About catalog. The shirt hugged her breasts and the long sleeve shirt tied around her waist showcased her hourglass shape. She wore a day-pack on her back and a pair of mirrored sunglasses that hid her eyes from me. I’d been wrong in my initial assessment of Poppy Masters. She wasn’t cute or even beautiful, she was goddamn stunning.

“You’re here,” she said by way of a greeting.

“In the flesh. Coffee?” I handed her a cup and she took it, careful to avoid touching me, I noticed.

“Coffee, mmm, thank you.” That sound, like a low moan, shot straight to my cock and I had to look away to focus on something else. Anything else. Maybe seducing her would be the easiest route. I could have her, get her business and forget her.

“Ready?” The word erupted much gruffer than I intended but she just rolled with it.

There were no tears or passive aggressive attitude, just a shrug as she passed me and tossed the full cup of coffee in the trash and made her way to the start of the trail. She was quiet as we went up the first steep incline, taking in the colorful flowers in bloom and the wild plants only found in this part of the state. I couldn’t help but look at her, specifically at the round curve of her ass and her long, confident strides. She wasn’t trying to attract me and that attracted me even more.

She was a hot little thing, Poppy Masters. She’d be a knockout if she actually tried to make herself attractive, like removing that silly purple from her hair and getting a proper haircut, getting rid of that damn green gem in her nose. Today was the first day I’d seen her in anything that wasn’t denim. Not that I was complaining.

“Are you all right back there?” Her voice sounded amused, like I was a joke.

“Fine. You?” I couldn’t deny that I was shocked at how well she’d handled the trail so far. She wasn’t chubby like Victoria said, but she wasn’t thin either. She was curvy, supple and feminine. Not hard like a woman who worked out regularly.

“I’m good. This is the perfect weather to do this trail now that so many of the flowers have bloomed.” She didn’t even sound out of breath, yet when we reached the second overlook, she took a few steps off the trail and handed me her water bottle.


“It’s extra refreshing.”

It was damned refreshing and I needed it. Badly. But to her credit, Poppy said nothing, just absorbed her surroundings. She split a baby banana in half and handed it to me. “Thanks. You’re prepared.”

“I do this hike at least once a week when the weather allows it.”

“Really?” She glared at me and I had to smile. “You just don’t seem like the outdoorsy type. More of a treadmill or yoga girl.”

She held up a finger. “Woman. I already told you this is my home. I guess your research is off once again, Mr. Sayers.” We got back on the trail and continued the brutal climb to the top.

“Blake. My name is Blake. Got it?” She was determined to get under my skin any way she could.

“Whatever you say. Mr. Sayers.” Her expression was serious. For about ten seconds and then laughter bubbled out of her, pretty and feminine. Sexy. “What about you Blake, what’s your story?”

“My story?”

“Yeah. What moves you? Why adventures and apparel instead of Wall Street?”

“I inherited Peak Adventures, but I’ve always loved it and I knew if I wanted to run it, I could. My brother and sister also own part of the company but I’m the majority stakeholder. We grew up in Seattle but moved to Portland when I was about fifteen.” My dad always thought Portland was the perfect headquarters for his company and as soon as he needed bigger office space, we’d all made the move.

“So you’re a company man and a true believer?”

A laugh escaped at the way she put it. “I guess you could say that. This company means a lot to me.” And I needed to know what meant a lot to her. “What about you?”

“Me? I was born and raised in Portland, raised by my grandma after my parents died. I run a little design firm and paint my nails all day long.”

“I didn’t mean it as a slight, you know.”

She laughed. “Of course you did. Don’t worry about offending me now, Mr. Sayers.”

“Blake,” I muttered back uselessly, taking a few moments to get my thoughts together. Agreeing to this hike, having my body compromised when my mind needed all the oxygen it could get to convince her to sell me her company, was a giant fucking mistake.

“This view never gets old,” she said a few minutes later when we reached the top of the trail that overlooked a large swath of green treetops and flowers for as far as the eye could see.

She wore a satisfied smile that I couldn’t turn away from, no matter how much my brain urged me to look away. There was something compelling about her and I hated it, because it made seduction tricky. “It must not if you hike it once a week.”

“It’s constantly changing.” Her tone was so reverent, so soft that once again, she pulled me in. Damn her.

“Maybe if you hiked a little less and put more into your design business, you won’t feel the need to keep OAA.” I was practically chained to my desk most days and even when I was out of the office, business never stopped. It was the key to success and someone needed to let her in on the secret.

She sucked in a breath as though I hit her, those blue-green eyes swirling with indignation. “My business does more than fine, thanks for your concern. Oh, and by the way, fuck you,” she said as cool as you please, stepped back on the trail and continued down. She didn’t look back for me once.

And when I got to the parking lot, her car was gone.

* * *

“This is Poppy,” she answered her phone with a chipper tone that I’d never heard before, certainly not directed at me. I’d decided to give her a few days to calm down after our hike, figuring she might not take my calls at all if I didn’t.

“Poppy, so good to hear your voice.”

She sighed and she didn’t bother to hide the exasperation. “What do you want, Mr. Sayers.”

“The name is Blake, surely you can remember that?”

“I could, but since we both know you have an agenda, why would I bother?”

She was straight to the point. I liked that about her. “Everyone has an agenda, Poppy.” The more I said her name, the more I wanted to say it. It was vibrant and fun. Energetic. “But today I just want to take you out to lunch, give you a proper apology.”

“For being such an ass,” she asked with a laugh. “You could just apologize right now and we could be done with it.”

Damn but she wasn’t easy on a man’s ego. Too bad for her, I recently discovered I like that in a woman. “I could, but then you won’t get to see just how sincerely sorry I am when I apologize.”

Her laughter sounded, thick and husky. “You’re just hoping that your good looks will do whatever work your charm can’t in getting me to give you my company.”

“Sell, not give.” It was an important distinction, to me at least.

“Either way, I think I’ll just consider this your apology Mr. Sayers. Have a good day.” She actually disconnected the call. I couldn’t believe it. Women never hung up on me, hell they waited around for me to call, texted me nonstop just to make sure I didn’t forget about them. They did not take shortcuts to avoid me.

I opened my mouth to say something else, anything that might get her to reconsider but my screen went black and I knew. It was too damn late. “Shit.”

“Wow,” Lacey said from the door, where Lukas also stood with an amused grin on his face. “I guess eventually even the great Blake Sayers loses his touch.”

Lukas laughed and flashed me a sympathetic look. “Does she know you’re rich? Has she seen your pretty face?”

“Did you come to eavesdrop on my private conversations or do you have actual business to discuss?”

“To be fair,” Lacey began because she was the biggest smartass of us all, “your door was open so it couldn’t have been too private.” She shrugged like it didn’t matter. “Eavesdropping was a happy accident, we came to talk about the new apparel. Or the distinct lack of new apparel.” Out & About would release their newest catalog in a few days, which had prompted Greta and her teams to come up with something new.

“Why on earth do we need new apparel when we are about to acquire an apparel company?”

Lacey and Lukas both stepped inside at the same time, again with their weird twin thing. I hated it, growing up when they would have whole conversations without a word. “Did we sign contracts with Out & About Apparel, because I haven’t heard the good news,” Lukas added with a level of sarcasm I didn’t appreciate. He was the levelheaded numbers guy, not the smartass.

“Don’t be a smartass. I’m working on it.”

Lacey scoffed. “Well unless you want our name to mean shit when it comes to apparel, we should still try to get our own clothing looking like something people might actually want to wear and pay money for. This new line for summer, it looks like Aunt Gertie’s closet threw up.”

“We don’t have an Aunt Gertie,” I reminded her.

“Well someone does and I’ll bet these butt ass ugly colors were found when her relatives cleaned out her closet. Or maybe her basement. We could just throw mothballs in for all orders over one hundred dollars.”

“We’re fine,” I assured her because that was my role. It always had been. Making sure they knew things were all right, that they could count on me.

“Wake up, brother. We are not fine. The only reason we’re doing even marginally better, which, let’s be frank, is a relative fucking term here, is because OAA is going through leadership changes. But they have excellent marketing and it’s working, they are bouncing back, Blake.” Lukas stared me down, daring me to brush aside his concerns as easily as I had Lacey’s.

“I promise I’ll look into it.”

“No, goddammit!” Lacey smacked my desk in frustration, making my nameplate slide to the floor. “Don’t be stupid, we need to do better. And to do that, you need to loosen the reins.”

“I said I would look into it, Lacey.”

“Right,” she scoffed and pushed off her chair. “Why do I even bother staying if my word means fuck all to you?” She didn’t wait for an answer before she stormed off.

“She’s right.” Lukas stood, his posture relaxed but everything about him was tightly coiled, ready to strike at a moment’s notice.

“I don’t know how many ways to say I’m working on it.”

“Work harder,” he insisted. “Or better yet, trust the people you hire to do their jobs. If you don’t trust them, replace them.”

When it came to running my company lately, everyone had a fucking opinion.