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His Takeover: An Enemies to Lovers Romance by Piper Sullivan (96)

Chapter Three


Where was he? It was going on eleven o’clock at night and Asher was nowhere to be seen. I’d gone out to the bunkhouse and the guys assured me he was fine, simply easing his mind by checking on some of the newest cattle he worried might be lost. That was more than two hours ago, and I was officially worried even though I had no cause to be.

“Stupid man, out there, who knows where by himself. In the dark.”

Gazing out the window over the sink I squinted into the darkness hoping a tall, well-muscled figure would suddenly appear so my own heart could get to beating regularly again.

Hope was not my friend tonight.

So, I put on a pot of coffee and waited.

And waited.

By the time the clock struck twelve-thirty I had half a mind to go out there and look for him myself. But Jesse had assured me that Asher was perfectly capable of handling himself and ordered me not to worry myself silly. Like that was possible.

“Where have you been,” I practically yelled at him the moment the door opened.

“Oh my goodness what happened to you?” He looked awful, like he’d been trampled by a herd of elephants and left to die.

“A playful calf knocked into me and his mama objected,” he answered with a half smirk, half grimace that did nothing to conceal his pain. “I’m a little banged up but I’ll be alright.”

I let him lean on me and he did, which was proof enough to me that the man was badly hurt.

“Have a seat Mr. Hawthorne and let me make sure you’re alright.” It was important for me to maintain some distance, and addressing him formally was the first step.

He groaned and glared at me. “If you’re planning on playing nurse the least you can do is call me Asher.”

I nodded and grabbed the first-aid kit and some towels from the laundry room. I checked over his face and head, all fine. His arms were scratched, so I just disinfected them, but his hands were all messed up.

“Did you fall into something?” He was silent, so I grabbed his chin and tilted his face until his blue eyes met my own. “If I need to clean it out before bandaging it, I need to know Mr.--,”

He scowled at me again, cutting me off.

“Asher. Yeah, a long stretch of debris. Wouldn’t be surprised to find a few in there,” he said, nodding towards his hands.

I got busy, ignoring his intoxicating scent of sweaty male, horse, grass and something I just knew was unmistakably Asher. I gently washed his hands, picking out the tiny rocks embedded under the surface and pretending he was mine. Not that I wanted him per se, but it would be nice to have a big strong man to lean on once in a while. And a man like Asher would be easy to lean on, at least he would if he wasn’t so darn surly.

“I imagine you want to hop in the shower?”

His gaze slid to mine, confused and dark for a moment before he blinked. “Uh, well, yeah I’m kind of filthy.”

He was, but in the best possible way. In the way that makes a woman want to jump on him and get just as dirty for no other reason than to enjoy touching every inch of his body. And then for a chance to soap him up in the shower. I shivered, and dang he noticed.

“I just meant that these will need to be bandaged but maybe after the shower?”

When Asher stood, I had to back up just to give him room. He was so… imposing. I couldn’t stop the gasp that came out when he pulled the dirt smudged t-shirt from his body, revealing a gloriously tanned chest packed with so many muscles I didn’t know what to look first. His golden pecs, eight hard muscles took up the landscape of his torso or the smattering of blonde hair that was…mouthwatering.

“I think I have one on my back too, can you?”

Can I lick it? Why yes I can! I shouldn’t be having thoughts like that, especially about my boss. A man who on his best day barely tolerated my presence. So, I shook it off as best I could, saving those images for later.

“Oh my! It’s a large gash Asher, how on earth did this happen?”

He chuckled and the sound was deep and rumbling, like thunder during a spring storm.

“I told you, his mama didn’t like him playing with me.”

The gash was red and nasty with dried blood stuck to his skin and his shirt, I noticed.

“I’ll clean it as best as I can but I’ll need to bandage it once you’re clean.”

Twenty minutes later the man was—good lord—looking like my favorite desert as he stood in my doorway wearing nothing but a pair of flannel pants that hung sinfully low on his hips. The nearly white blonde hair went all the way down before disappearing into his waistband. He was big and blonde and buff. And completely and totally out of my league. Shaking my head I had to laugh at my thoughts. I wasn’t one of those big girls with self-esteem issues, I knew what I looked like and I embraced it. But Asher Hawthorne was a man that was out of most women’s league, never mind a wannabe chef from Cranberry, Georgia.

“Okay where do you want to do this?” I froze because I knew exactly how it sounded, especially after I’d spent the past minute and a half ogling his impressive physique.

“Have a seat,” I muttered.

“You were worried about me,” he finally said as I gathered everything I needed on the corner of the bed.

“Of course I was,” I told him as I smeared antibiotic cream on the long gash in his back. “You were much later than normal and out there by yourself. It wasn’t smart and I hope you don’t do that again.”

“Yes ma’am,” he chuckled again and I fought the urge to smack him. “I do know what I’m doing out there, you know.”

“I’m sure you do, but that didn’t stop me from worrying did it?”

He sighed and his shoulders slumped while I massaged cream into his back. “No I suppose not. I am sorry about that but it’s been awhile since I’ve had anyone to worry about me.”

That was, without a doubt, the saddest thing I’d ever heard.

* * *

“You must be my replacement. You’re much prettier than I expected.”

I stood in the doorway, mouth gaping open and closed like a darn fish at the older woman dressed like an adorable senior cowgirl. I liked her immediately.

“You must be Dolly. Come on in, I’ve heard a lot about you.”

She laughed and the sound was so contagious I couldn’t help but join in.

“Lies, all of it. Those rascals are nothin’ but trouble.”

I laughed because she was so full of it. The affection for those rascals rang clearly in her voice.

“They seem alright. Would you like something to drink?”

“I’ll have some of that sweet tea you’ve got.” She eyed me closely as I brought the tea and some ginger cookies to the table. “None of the boys giving you trouble, are they? It’s been too long since a woman as pretty as you has been on the ranch.”

“Not at all. They treat me the same as they treat you, I’d imagine.”

Most men fell into one of two categories when it came to me. They either treated me like their spinster aunt or one of the guys, being playful and completely platonic. Or they thought a girl my size should be grateful for any attention and spread my legs for them.

“And Asher? He treatin’ ya okay?”

I gave her a polite smile and nodded.

“I think he misses you but he’s been alright too.”

I sipped my tea and waited. She obviously had a reason for her visit and the topic of conversation, so I figured I’d let her get to it in her own time.

“Asher takes some getting used to honey, but he’ll warm up to you. He don’t much trust city girls.”

“Because of his ex-wife?”

Her silvery eyes shone with surprise.

“Told about her, did he?” I nodded. “Yeah well she didn’t last long, but Lord the woman could complain. About everything. So he’s wary and a woman like you would just press all his buttons.”

I sat up now, feeling well and truly offended.

“I haven’t asked Mr. Hawthorne for a thing, certainly not his attentions or affections.”

Dolly smiled. “I never thought you did honey. But you’re a gorgeous girl and you have a body that makes a man think about sinnin’.”

I laughed because I wasn’t sure if that was a compliment or if she was calling me a slut.

“Well none of that is going on here. At all.”

Ever. I liked Asher as much as you could like someone so gruff and I was extremely attracted to him. But he was my boss and I had no plans to act on it. “Our relationship is strictly professional.”

“For now. Neither of you are blind, and if I’m not mistaken you can both help each other heal.”

I stood to refresh the tea.

“I think you’re mistaken Dolly. We can’t help each other with anything other than the duties I was hired to perform.”

Silver brows rose and a smile split her face. “If you say so.”

I did. “How is your sister doing?”

“She’s fine. Her busted leg is healing nicely. She’s at physical therapy now, thank the lord because she is worse than a man, always complaining about her pain and lack of movement. Shouldn’t have been dancing on the bar over at Earle’s, I told her.”

I couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled out of me. “That’s how she broke her leg?”

Dolly’s smile widened. “If you can believe it. Broke it in three places and at her age, that’s a long recovery time.” Her expression changed to one I couldn’t identify and she gave me an assessing look. “A lot can happen in that time.”

“You’re a matchmaker,” I accused which caused her to giggle. It was a soothing sound; one I hadn’t realized I’d been missing until I heard it again. The ranch was a fine place to work but spending most of the day alone meant there wasn’t a lot of laughter.

“Guilty as charged.”

“Guilty of what,” Asher asked as he stepped inside the kitchen.

“That’s girl talk and take off those filthy boots!” She smiled when he obeyed. “Now come here,” she held out her arms and Asher walked into her embrace, picking her up and pecking her cheek.

“How are you Dolly?”

“Can’t complain. Dot is worse than you lot combined,” she shook her head with an affectionate smile. “I need to go pick her up so I’ll see you two around. Walk me out Asher.”

He did and then they were both gone, leaving me to wonder what in the world had just happened. Dolly fancied herself a matchmaker and the delusional woman had me in mind for Asher.

What a joke!

By the time Asher returned I had the table set and piled with food for lunch. They would all be in soon and I planned to spend that time out in the garden. Being around Asher was hard since my silly heart and wanton body couldn’t stop thinking about him all shirtless and sexy. Hot. He woke my body up in a way I hadn’t thought possible and that scared the hell out of me. I couldn’t be with a man like Asher, he would leave me wanting things I had no business wanting from a man like him.

And I’d be left alone and heartbroken. Again.

“Dolly didn’t give you a hard time, did she?”

I shook my head. “Not at all. She’s great.”

The sandwiches were all set, so I laid out mustard, pickles and mayo along with coleslaw and potato salad.

“Have a good lunch,” I told Asher and turned to exit the kitchen.

“Clara wait.” I turned to look into confused blue eyes. “You’re not eating with us?”

“Nah. Figured I’d get some gardening in while the sun is still high in the sky.”

He nodded but I could tell he wasn’t done yet. Several times those lush pink lips parted and then closed again before he spoke.

“Would you like to have dinner with me this Friday? We could go to San Antonio.” Asher looked nervous about my answer, like maybe it mattered to him.

I did the only thing I could do. I flashed a bright smile and told him, “I’d love to have dinner with you Asher.”

And by the time I sank my hands back into the garden dirt, I knew it was true.




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