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His Takeover: An Enemies to Lovers Romance by Piper Sullivan (75)

Chapter Six

With the meeting finally over, I ignored the impulse to rake my hands through my hair. I was completely unprepared to see Angelique again today, let alone sit across from her for nine hours in a negotiation. However, I applauded her ability to mask the shock and maintain complete professionalism throughout the meeting. Following her lead, I ignored the overlaying sexual tension between us and focused on the deal at hand.

She and her father made quite an impressive duo, playing off each other well. Both were well educated on the history and financial status of my company, as well as being shrewd negotiators. They were fair but stuck to their guns on certain criteria.

Alistair on the hand had been exactly as I had expected him to be. Completely absorbed with himself, he had tried to derail every aspect of the meeting, often talking over and once even belittling Angelique in front of all us. It took every ounce of self-control not to jump over the table and choke him with my bare hands. But, as it turned out, I didn’t need to. Angelique for all her soft curves and warmth was a shark in the boardroom. More than capable of holding her own, she used her sharp tongue and wit to either underplay his insults or completely negate him all together. Seeing this side of her did nothing to tamp down the arousal that I had been fighting all day long.

“Well, gentleman and lady,” I said addressing Michael, Alistair, and Angelique, “I think we have made significant headway today.” Careful not to maintain eye contact with Angelique for too long, I continued, “I will fax these draft changes over to my attorney this evening and we will have the final draft ready for review for our follow-up meeting tomorrow morning.”

“Excellent,” replied Michael.

Alistair for once remained silent. His careful scrutiny between myself and Angelique unnerved me. I don’t know if he was aware of the underlying sexual tension between her and me, but he was definitely weary of something. Careful to mask my feelings, I extended my hand to each of them, careful to keep my contact with Angelique brief.

As we packed up to leave, I purposely lingered trying to be alone with Angelique. Luck was on my side. Michael asked Alistair to accompany him to the business center. They were due for a conference call with the defense group in about ten minutes, and he wanted to go over the meeting agenda.

I could sense Alistair’s hesitation at leaving the two of us alone, but he had no choice. Careful to keep my eyes down, I pretended to ignore the suspicious looks he threw our way. With no other choice, Alistair followed Michael out of the room.

Neither Angelique nor I spoke for a moment. Glancing at her briefly, I strode to the door and glanced down the hall to make sure that we were alone. We were. I turned around to face her. She already had all of her things packed but made no move to the door. Her expression unreadable.

Unsure of how to start, I asked the first thing that came to mind. “So, you really are an Angel.”

I’m not sure what she had expected me to say, but apparently not that.

Laughter bubbled up from within her, and she smiled widely before shaking her head, the tension ebbing from her shoulders.

“I wouldn’t go that far, as I’m sure no angel would have done what I did last night. But yes, my name really is Angel, or rather Angelique.”

At the mention of last night’s interlude, I felt myself grow hard. Setting my stuff down, I walked around the side of the table intent on taking her in my arms again. But she put her hands up to stop me.

“No Rafe. Not going to happen again.”

“Why not?”

Heat flooded her cheeks, giving them a rosy glow. “You know why,” she answered. “I don’t mix business with pleasure. Had I known who you were, I never would have…”

“What? You never would have what?” I asked. “Kissed me? Had mind blowing sex in an elevator?”

She could lie to herself, that this was supposed to be strictly professional, but I knew better. She wanted me. Her body said so. From the rapid pulse twitching at the base of her neck to her quick shallow breathing; I knew if I touched her right now she would be wet for me. Reaching up, I cupped her face in my hand.

“Rafe, please. I have to be professional. This is my career, my livelihood,” she urged. “I can’t just act like some schoolgirl with a crush and completely lose my head.” But she didn’t pull away.

“We can do both. One doesn’t have to affect the other,” I said as I trailed my fingertip across her plump bottom lip. It was painted an enticing shade of red. I stared into those emerald green eyes willing her to see what I felt.

She cast her eyes down and pulled my hand away from her cheek. Anguish was immediate. Not just at her rejection, but at what might have been. I couldn’t bear to watch her leave, knowing I would have to face her again tomorrow and not be able to touch her again. I cringed at the sound of the door shutting behind her.


I whipped my head around at the sharp sound of the lock being turned in place. Standing with her back against the door, a tentative smile on her face, stood Angelique. I crossed to her in two strides. She turned her mouth up to meet mine as my lips crashed down to hers.

Our mouths and tongues tangled together as our hands quickly went to work undressing each other. It was a flurry of clothes, as shirts and pants and shoes were quickly discarded. In the elevator, I hadn’t gotten the opportunity to see all of her in the flesh. But now as she stood before me in a matching pair of black lace panties and demi-cup bra I relished the sight of her luscious curves. She was thick in all the right places. The kind of woman, every man wanted to sink into, and she was all mine.

I wanted to take my time with her, to be able to spend hours nibbling and licking every delectable inch. But we were in a conference room, not my bedroom. Still, I wanted to give her more than just a quick fuck.

Lifting her up, I sat her on the conference table. Reaching around behind her, I unclasped her bra letting her beautiful large breasts spill out. Cupping one in each hand, I watched as the tiny little pink buds of her nipples hardened under my touch. Pressing her body back against the table I took one into my mouth, swirling my tongue around her nipple. Her body arched off the table when I scraped my teeth along the taut bud.

I trailed kisses down her body, stopping just above her panty line. Lowering my head, I breathed in her heady scent. Sliding her panties down her legs, letting them drop to the floor I clasped her legs in my hands and brought them up over my shoulders. Under hooded lids, her eyes watched me, dark with desire, as I lowered my head to taste her sweet nectar.

I slid my tongue up the opening of lips, enjoying the sweet taste of her warm honey as my tongue penetrated her folds. Spreading her lips wide with my hands, I went to work sucking and nibbling on her clit. She writhed beneath my skillful tongue, her orgasm building. I knew the moment my mouth sent her over the edge because her hands reached down to grab my hair pulling my head down as her hips bucked up and off the table. Tiny tremors wracked her body as I lapped up the decadent ambrosia that flowed from her.

Not giving her a chance to recover from the orgasm, I spread her legs wide and entered her in one swift move. Her pussy still damp, wrapped my cock like a hot velvet glove. Spurred on by her tiny moans, I punished her body with quick deep thrusts. With my own climax building, I reached up and pinched her nipples, rolling the buds tightly between my fingers. She reared up off the table and screamed my name as the pleasure rolled through her. Her inner walls clamped down on my hard length as I shot my seed deep into her womb.

After a few minutes, I released her legs and helped her sit up from the table. She looked beautiful, her cheeks flushed with passion. I kissed her lips softly before helping her off the table. We dressed in silence.

She unlocked the door and went to leave, but I put my hand to the door quickly.

“Let me see you tonight.”

I could see her weighing her decision.

“It’s just one night. Who knows when we will ever be able to see each other again?”

She smiled softly and nodded. “10 o’clock, no earlier.”

“10 it is.”

I let her open the door all the way. She carefully scanned the hall to make sure the coast was clear before heading out. I waited two minutes before I followed out after her.