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His Takeover: An Enemies to Lovers Romance by Piper Sullivan (177)

Chapter Five

On the way to the diner they made small talk, mostly about inconsequential things. They weren’t really having difficulty making conversation, but came to some unspoken agreement to keep things light after the drama of the morning’s incidents. Eventually, Jay’s curiosity got the better of him though. He asked Kathryn, “So, what is going to happen now, with Mister Grabby?”

“Well, if I know him, he’s on his way to our main office to talk to the senior partners. He’ll most likely fabricate some story about how I came on to him, in an attempt to keep his position with the firm.”

“Aren’t you worried that they will believe him?”

“Why would they? It’s pretty well known that he has problems with women in authority, and this won’t have been his first offense, I’m sure. And I have your eye-witness statement, if you’re willing to give it.”

“Of course I do not mind. Any filth that feels the need to force himself on a woman deserves to face the consequences of his actions.”

Jay’s obviously protective statement warmed her heart, and added to the already glowing coal burning deep in her belly. “Could this guy be any more perfect?” she asked herself. He was tall, strong, handsome, sexy as hell, and obviously wealthy. All in all, he was one hell of a catch, so much so that a sudden worry crossed her mind. Many wealthy men who traveled for business were less than scrupulous when it came to portraying themselves as single men, and he was of an age that marriage, or at least a long-term relationship, was likely. She surreptitiously checked his hand for any sign of a wedding ring, looking for the tell-tale impression of a removed wedding band, and found none. “Maybe in Africa, they don’t wear them.” she thought. She decided that she wanted to know for sure, so she asked. “Are you married Mr. Contee?”

Jay was surprised by the question. His species rarely ever married. For one reason, they lived much longer than the average human, and for another, they were unable to sire children with anybody but their one ordained life mate and those were exceedingly rare. His father had found his mother, but in their generation, they were one of the few mated couples of the family. His uncle was almost 120 years old and had still not found his mate. Nor was he likely to, at his advanced age, yet another reason that the pride was not more prolific. According to his mother, there were signs that you had found THE ONE, that were impossible to misinterpret or ignore. Of course, none of this meant that he couldn’t enjoy the company of beautiful women, so he was content for now.

He answered her honestly, pleased with the sign of her interest, “No, I am not married,” he said, “and before you ask, I have no woman either.”

She smiled up at him with inner relief. As much as she wanted this man, she wouldn’t stoop to taking him from someone else. “Good” she said, confident that he was telling her the truth. There didn’t seem to be any dishonesty in the man, and she considered herself an excellent judge of character.

They made their way to the counter of the small diner and took seats next to each other. They laughed and joked through breakfast, lingering over their meals in order to enjoy one another’s company for as long as possible. They were shoulder to shoulder throughout the meal, both enjoying the physical contact, but not wanting to be too obvious about it. Eventually, they were pressed together from knee to shoulder, leaning on each other comfortably. The sexual tension was unmistakable, and extremely strong. Kathryn looked at her watch and was shocked to see that over two hours had passed since they sat down. Not once had there been any awkward conversation or lengthy pauses. He made it very easy to hold a conversation, asking plenty of questions, and actually seeming interested in what she had to say. It was a nice change from the men who constantly talked to her chest; not that he hadn’t looked. She had seen him drinking in the sight of her on more than one occasion, but not in an offensive way. She actually enjoyed him looking, it made her feel sexy and desired. She had spent her fair share of time perusing his fine form as well.

They did have business to conduct, unfortunately, so she said, “I hate to break up the party, but you came to see me for a reason today. I would be remiss if I didn’t at least attempt to take care of your business needs at some point today.”

“Oh, yes. Well, I do have some properties I need to purchase for our family business, warehouses mostly. I do have a list of properties I would like you to look in to and acquire for our Corporation. Being unfamiliar with U.S. property laws, we thought it would be easier to work through a lawyer already well versed in this type of business activity.”

“I can certainly help you with that.”

“I will email you the list of properties then, but I have to ask you a question first.” The look on his face prepared her for some out of the ordinary mischief. “Are YOU married?”

It took her a moment to respond, and when she did, it was with a knowing laugh, “No, I’m not married either.”

“That is fantastic,” he said and reached over and took her hand, swiveled their stools toward each other so that one of her knees was between his strong legs. He gently, but firmly pulled her toward him, cautiously, in case he encountered resistance, he leaned forward and slowly reeled her in, meeting her half way, but leaving the decision to her if she would cross the rest of the way and give him the kiss he desired. She offered no resistance, but paused to look at him; he was waiting patiently, but without pressure, for her to decide. This moment was always so much more important than men thought. That first kiss could tell you everything about the potential of a relationship. If he was a poor kisser, or if there was just no spark there, the relationship was doomed as far as she was concerned. She closed the distance, their lips met, and the fireworks started. His lips were soft but strong, gently exploring the contours of her mouth and lightly tugging on her plump lower lip. Her body responded by lubricating itself, making her feel like she was liquefying inside, instantly dampening her panties. He slowly reached up and cupped the side of her face as he kissed her before sliding his hand back to the nape of her neck and tangling his fingers in the short hairs there, sending a shiver through her entire body. Jay reluctantly retreated from the kiss with a broad, slightly smug smile on his face, obviously satisfied that she had felt the same strong reaction he did. He was the first to speak, a reverent, “Wow!” that had Kathryn smiling just as smugly.

It was crazy, she thought, how she was responding to this man. She had never experienced anything like it. Her whole body seemed to be straining towards him, wanting to mold itself to every hard angle of his body. If sex with him was anything like that kiss, it was going to be epic.

Jay rose from his place at the counter and held his hand out to her. She rose to meet him, feeling a little unsteady on her feet, rocked from the impact of that kiss. “Time to get you back to work, I think.” he said and led her from the restaurant. She fairly floated the two long blocks back to her office, still holding hands comfortably, like new lovers.

He left her at the elevator with a promise to pick her up at 8 for dinner. She might just have to cancel their dinner reservations though; she suddenly had other plans in mind…




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