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His Takeover: An Enemies to Lovers Romance by Piper Sullivan (78)

Chapter Nine

I hadn’t really expected Rafe to stay the entire night, but I couldn’t help but feel a pang of disappointed when I woke up to find his side of the bed empty. Deliciously sore from our lovemaking last night, I stretched my limbs. The crinkling of paper distracting me.

Searching the covers, I found a note in what I assumed was his handwriting.


I couldn’t bear to disturb you this morning.

I had some business to attend to first thing before our meeting.

Meet me in the lobby at 8:30.


Unsure of what to make of his letter, I wondered what business was so urgent that he had to slip away in the middle of the night. And why did he want me to meet him at 8:30? Our meeting wasn’t until 9, if we even had a meeting. Fear clutched at my belly, at the thought of having to face Alistair again. How would he react after last night’s altercation? Would he try to pretend it never happened, or worse…what if told my father about Rafe and me? Surely, not.

There was only one way to find out. I had never been one to shy away from whatever life had thrown at me, but even I was weary of facing this firestorm. Resigned to the fact that I had no choice, I crawled out of bed and got ready for the meeting.

The swelling had gone down on my face, but there was not much I could do about the bright purple bruise that covered the left side of my face. I had a nice shiner forming. I did what I could with cover-up and then just blow dried my hair straight so that it fell over that side of my face in soft waves. It didn’t mask it completely, but it helped.

Curious about what Rafe had been up to, I arrived in the lobby a little earlier than 8:30. I spotted him off to the side, and he waved me over.

“Good morning, Angel.”

I was beginning to love the little pet name he had for me now. Eyeing him speculatively, I asked, “So, are you going to tell me what was so urgent that you had to leave me in the middle of the night.”

His blue-eyes twinkled. “Trust me, leaving you last night was the last thing I wanted to do. But, I just had to tie up a few lose ends before this morning.” With a guiding hand on the small of my back, he ushered me towards the boardroom, “Come on, I want to get to the room early.”

Uncertain, I asked, “Are you sure you want to do this? Walk in together, I mean.”

He squeezed my hand reassuringly. “Yes, I’m sure. Whatever happens, we will face it together.”

Walking together to the boardroom I hoped that since we were twenty minutes early, we would at least be the first ones to arrive.

Unfortunately, luck was not on our side. My face fell as we opened the door. We were not the first ones in the room. My father and Alistair stood at the back wall in deep discussion. At our arrival, all conversation ceased, and their gazes turned to us.

Judging from the expressions on their faces, my worst nightmare had come true. Alistair’s swarthy ass stared back, his eyes moving between Rafe and me not even trying to hide the smug grin on his face. My father, on the other hand, gave nothing away. His face a mask of stone. But the muscles in his jaw clenched, and he couldn’t quite look me in the eye. And that told me everything I needed to know.

“Daddy, I can explain,” I rushed.

“STOP.” I halted in my tracks at his harsh tone. “Just stop right there, Angelique.” I’d never heard him speak to me like that.

“Sir, if you could just let us explain,” Rafe tried, but my father was having none of it. His brown eyes were as dark as midnight, as he settled his gaze on Rafe. Standing tall, Rafe met his stare unwilling to wilt under his scrutiny.

“I’m surprised you had the audacity to even show up Mr. St. James.” His gaze flicked to mine before settling back on Rafe, “Let alone show up with my daughter.” I winced at his words. ‘My daughter’ had been said with such disappointment.

It didn’t help that I could see Alistair’s shoulders shaking with laughter behind him. Flushing from both embarrassment and fury, I shook my fist at Alistair. “What did you say to him!” I demanded. But he just ignored me.

“Enough Angelique. He told me enough,” my father responded sharply.

Tears threatening to fall yet again, I walked toward my father, eyes pleading. “Did he now?” Surprise marred his features at my tone. Never in a million years would I ever defy my father or speak to him in such a way, but I was furious.

With the tears falling freely now, I continued, “You think you know everything. I won’t deny that Rafe and I have been together.” My father’s jaw dropped slightly at this admission but said nothing. So I continued, “I’m sure Alistair was quite forthcoming with only part of the story. Did he also mention that he tried to rape me in the elevator?”

“Unbelievable!” Alistair exclaimed, outraged. “The lengths that you will go to hide your transgressions. It’s simply appalling Angelique.”

My father swiveled to look from myself to Alistair and back again, unsure of what to make of latest revelation.

“Made it up did I? If that’s true than how did I get this?” Pulling back my hair I pointed to the large bruise that circled my left eye. “How do you explain this?”

A shocked gasp escaped my father at the sight of the ugly bruise. His hands went up to touch it, but I backed away from him, still hurt by his actions.

“Well…er…Rafe could have just easily done that to you,” Alistair sputtered. “I’m sure the two of you dreamed up some ‘cockamamie’ story once you knew that you were found out.”

My mouth dropped. I was completely speechless at the ridiculousness of his suggestion.

Unsure of what to make of all this my father just stared open mouthed at the two of us.

“Excuse me, sir,” Rafe interjected. “I know that I am the last person you probably want to hear from but…”

“Of course, he doesn’t want to hear from you!” Alistair interrupted.

Shutting him up with one piercing gaze, Rafe turned back to my father. “I have proof of Alistair’s assault.”

“That’s impossible,” Alistair blustered. “Because it never happened.” But he didn’t look so confident. He was paler than usual, and a sheen of sweat had broken out on his forehead. My father regarding him closely, eyes narrowing. “Show me this proof,” my father ordered.

“When Angelique told me about the assault, I was ready to go after Alistair myself,” he said sending him a murderous gaze. “But she begged me not to. So I did the only other thing I knew to do. I have connections with the hotel and was able to secure the video surveillance tape of that assault.” He pulled his Tablet with a video already queued up and handed it to my father.

“I’m sorry,” he turned to me and said, his eyes apologetic. “This may be difficult for you to watch.”

Pressing play, the three of us stared at the video of the elevator assault. Despite there being no audio, it was quite clear that I was telling the truth. Unable to relive the ugly experience again, I hid my face in Rafe’s shoulders.

“Angelique,” my father called softly, but I didn’t turn around. “Angelique, please.”

Slowly I turned to face my father.

I have never seen my father cry before, but he stood before me now with tears in his eyes. “I never should have doubted you. You tried to warn me about him, and I refused to believe it. You will never know how truly sorry I am.”

Unable to find my voice, I simply nodded.

My father turned his gaze to Rafe. “I owe you an apology, but I need to take care of something first,” he said as he sent a menacing look to Alistair, who seemed to shrink under his gaze. “I can trust that you will take care of her while I handle this?”

“Yes sir, no more harm will come to her.” Pausing, he looked my father straight in the eyes before adding, “Ever.”

I looked up at him quizzically, but he just hugged me close and guided me to the door. I turned back to look at my father, but he had already turned his attention to Alistair.

“Maybe we should stay to make sure he is okay,” I said concerned.

“I think your father can handle himself,” Rafe reassured. “But, I took care of it just in case.” As we exited the hallway into the main lobby, Rafe acknowledged several police officers that were standing nearby. Once he gave them the nod, they proceeded down the hallway towards my father.

Relief flooded through me.

Turning toward him, I scrutinized the meaning of his last words. “A little dramatic don’t you think,” I asked.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I appreciate the knight and shining armor bit, but the ‘Ever’ comment was a little over the top,” I said smilingly.

Rafe put his hands on my shoulders, his eyes very serious. “I know this was sudden, but I meant what I said.”

I furrowed my brows in confusion, “What?” What did he mean? He couldn’t possibly mean what I think he meant.

“You are beautiful, and smart, and sexy. Everything I could want in a woman,” he declared. “And, I meant what I said to your father. I won’t let anyone ever hurt you again, ever.”

I still wasn’t sure I had heard him right.

“I mean that is if you will let me.” My heart thundered in my chest as I listened to his impassioned speech.

“Angelique, I love you. I have the moment I first saw you. It doesn’t matter to me how we met, or how long we have known each other. I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

Could this be real? Truth was, I loved him too. I knew it when he held me in his arms that night we made sweet love to each other. I knew this must sound crazy, but as I stared down at him in awe, those blue eyes shining with sincerity, I knew it was right.

“Yes. Yes, Rafe, I would love to give us a try.

Beaming with pride, he picked me and twirled me around in a heated kiss, sealing the deal.

* * *


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