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Levi (Forbidden Desires Book 2) by Justine Elvira (15)



After setting the foam donut-shaped pillow on my chair, I sit down and sigh in relief. The foam creates a perfect cushion for my sore bottom.

The last several weeks have been amazing. I couldn't ask for a better life. I have a secure job, an amazing BFF, and a new lover who turns my world upside down in the most incredible way.

After Levi and I gave in to the inevitable and hooked up in the bathroom of Club Desire, we've been insatiable. Not a moment goes by where I'm not thinking about him and what I want him to do to my body. We've fucked in the office, the security room, every hidden corner and space at the club, and in the supply closet. He's fucked me against the outside stairwell, in the back of a cab, and on a few occasions he's come back to my place for a couple rounds before heading home to get Brody up for school. We even fucked on the chair I'm sitting on–twice.

He went from being abstinent to being a nympho and I'm glad I'm the one he's giving all of his attention to.

I'm sore. I'm so sore. We're probably overdoing it and my pussy could use a break, but I can't stop. I can't say no to him and he can't say no to me. It feels too good to be with him. The moment he's near me my body craves him. It's a craving that grows and grows at a rapid pace and won't stop until he's inside me. Once it's over I feel good for a moment, but then I start going through withdrawal and I crave him all over again.

I've never felt this way about a man before. I've never felt an unhealthy need for a guy until Levi. Just being around him makes everything better.

There's really no reason to complain. My life is perfect right now. A deliciously sore vagina isn't going to sour my mood or stop me from sleeping with Levi. I mean, fuck! I knew the sex would be good. I wouldn't have pursued him for so long if I thought it would suck, but I never knew sex could be as good as it is with him. We have a chemistry I had only dreamt about.

The ringing of the phone puts a temporary pause on my thoughts and I'm forced to do some work. "Forbidden Desires, Incorporated. What's your pleasure?"

"I'm looking for my best friend. Have you seen her? She has the looks of a model with the mouth of a trucker."

"I always thought I had more of a comedian's dirty mouth."

"Convince me. Say something funny."

"Fuck you!" I retort. "You're right. I'm more of a trucker."

"So where have you been? I haven't seen you in a while. It's unlike you to not harass me with desperate calls trying to get me to work out with you."

I squirm and adjust in my seat, trying to sit on the pillow just right so it relieves some of the sting. "I don't have the energy in the morning now that I'm working out every night with Levi."

"You work out together?"

I laugh. "Yes, in a way you and I will never work out together."

"Okay, I get it." She giggles. "Noah's complained about the two of you a few times. You've screwed in view of the cameras and he caught the security guys watching a free show."

"We try to cover the cameras beforehand but in the heat of the moment sometimes we forget."

"So things are going good between you two?"

"Yeah, he's great. Skye, he's...AGH! I don't want to jinx it but he’s the sweetest guy. He asks me about my day. He's attentive and caring, and he fucks like he's trying to win a prize for best lover. I never want it to end."

"I've never heard you talk about a guy this way before. You usually hit it and quit it."

"He's different," I reply honestly, because he is. It's something I've known all along, but only confirmed as I've gotten to know him. He's not like every other guy I've been with. He's better. That's probably why I'm stepping out of my comfort zone with him and hoping this turns into something serious.

"So things might be getting serious, huh? I'm so excited for you!"

"Well, don’t get too excited. It's still really early."

"What does Brody think? If the kid likes you, you're in."

"I haven't seen Brody since that day at the market."

"Isn't he around when you’re at Levi's place?"

"We never go to Levi's place. We either fuck somewhere at work or back at my place."

"What about after a date. Do you always go back to your place after a date?"

Her questions are making me uncomfortable. She's stirring the pot and I can feel her pointing things out that I've been trying to avoid.

"We've never been on a date." There's silence on her end. "Say something, Skye."

"So you guys just have sex? How is that special or different? You only ever have sex with guys."

Ouch, that hurts a little.

"I don’t know, Skye. It just is."

Like a game of twenty questions she spits out another question faster than the one before. "Do you want more than sex?"

I'd be lying if I told her I didn't. Starting a real relationship with Levi has crossed my mind on several occasions I've just never let the thought take over. It took so long to get him to where we are. Things are going so well. I'm afraid if I try to change that, what he and I have will fall apart. I don't think I could handle it.

"Yes, but–"

"Have you told him?"

"No, but–"

"You need to tell him, Ken. Men are oblivious to these things. He'll never know what you want unless you tell him."

She's right and now it's my turn to ask a question. "But what if he doesn't feel the same way?"

"Then at least you know."

“I don't think I can tell him. I like how things are now. I don't want to ruin it."

"You can, Ken. Start small. What's something you've wanted in this arrangement but haven't asked him yet?"

"I want to see his place. I want to spend the night."

"Okay, next time you talk bring that up–"

"I have to go," I blurt into the receiver and then hang up. I'm distracted by the sound of the door.

The knob turns.

The door opens.

In walks Levi in a pair of dark slacks and a Bar Forbidden t-shirt. He has one hand behind his back, and after closing the door behind him he slips his other hand in his front pocket. My body stirs with excitement that he's here, which is crazy because we've only been apart since early this morning.

"It's a little early to be sneaking over here already. Didn't your shift just start?"

"Yes, but if I waited to stop in I couldn't give you these." He moves the hand behind his back to his front and he's holding a beautiful bouquet of yellow and purple wildflowers. I jump up from my seat, holding back the urge to scream in pain from getting up too fast, and rush over to him to grab the flowers from his hand.

"They're beautiful," I whisper in wonder–the scent of the flowers already filling the room. I lean in and kiss him on the cheek. Then I go back to admiring my bouquet. "Where did you get them?"

"There's an open field I walk past every day on my way to the subway. It's a beautiful patch of land that doesn't seem like it belongs in my area of the city. The flowers and long grass that grow there are beautiful. Many days I've thought of picking some flowers for you, but I always chickened out." He brushes a hand through my hair and kisses my forehead before adding, "Today I was less of a chicken."

My fingers trace over the petals of the flowers as I'm filled with joy. "I can't remember the last time someone gave me flowers. I think it might have been when I was in high school. It wasn't a bouquet, it was a corsage and the corsage ended up on the floor of the backseat of his car, along with the panties I never got back."

"Maybe you shouldn't tell me the details."

I smile and nod. "You're probably right. I just wish I had a vase for these. They're beautiful and they smell amazing. I just hope they stay alive until I get home. I know I have a vase there."

"If they die I'll pick you more tomorrow." He shrugs his shoulders acting as if it's no big deal, but it's a very big deal. This small act of affection makes me feel special–like I matter to him a little. It shows what's going on between us is more than just sex to him.

Reaching over I set the flowers on the edge of my desk and wrap my arms around his neck, as I stare into his eyes. "I like that you think about me."

He rubs his nose along mine affectionately. "You're hard not to think about."

Our mouths tentatively touch and I breathe him in as our lips find a slow and steady rhythm. His musky scent mixed with the aroma of wildflowers intoxicates me as his hands move down my sides, past my waist, until he grips the round mounds of my ass. I groan into his mouth and then slide down his body, my fingers trailing down his chest as I get down on my knees.

"What are you doing?" he growls.

I ignore his question and reach for his belt, undoing the buckle and sliding the leather belt through his pant loops before tossing it on the floor. I unfasten his pants and lower them below his hips. I lower his boxers next and his long, heavy cock springs to attention.

"I really should get back to work," he confesses, as his right hand gets lost in my hair.

I look up at him and lick my lips. "Let me show you my gratitude first."

I lean in and lick the underside of his length and he groans. His hand in my hair tightens as he brings his other hand to his mouth and bites down on his fist. My lips wrap around the pink, swollen head of his cock and I suck, enjoying the way he feels in my mouth. I slowly take more and more of his erection in my mouth as he thrusts his hips forward and back. Drops of pre-cum hit my tongue and it’s an aphrodisiac. Relaxing my throat, I take more of him and he hits the back of my throat. Then I release him and he groans, missing the warmth of my mouth.

With one hand gripping his hip, I fist the base of his length before teasing him with my tongue. My mouth and hand work together, creating the perfect friction and Levi's cock swells between my lips. He fucks my mouth with increasing speed. I suck as much of his length down as I can and practically choke as his erection swells some more.

"That's it, baby. Take it all." His command is laced with desperation. Knowing I have this much control over the outcome of his satisfaction sends a shudder down my back and I surrender to the needs of my body. With one final thrust he comes down my throat and I take it all, hungry for the salty taste of his cum. My nipples harden, my clit swells, and I could come just from feeling him orgasm in my mouth.

When he's finished, I stand up and he kisses me passionately, not even waiting for me to wipe the lingering drops of his cum off my lips. It's ridiculous how much that turns me on. Everything Levi does turns me on. I've never had this kind of sexual chemistry with a guy before. We could fuck all day, every day, and it still wouldn't be enough.

"You tasted me. Now it's time I taste you." He turns me around with playful force and bends me over my desk, but before things can progress his cell phone goes off. I start to get up but he places his hand on my back, holding me there, and I'm forced to stay pressed with my chest flat on the desk as he takes the call.

"Hey, boss."

I can't hear the other end of the call but since it's Noah calling, Levi and my playtime together is over. We'll have to continue this after work.

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute."

He hangs up and releases his hand from my back before helping me stand up.

"There's an issue at the bar. I have to go back across the street."

"No big deal."

His eyes appraise my body and linger on my hard nipples. "It feels wrong leaving you without a release." He cups my breasts and massages each curve before stroking his thumbs over my nipples.

It's torture.

Biting my bottom lip, I lean into his hard body and whisper seductively, "You can finish me off later tonight."

He takes a step back. "I'm leaving early tonight. Laura isn't feeling well so Noah's letting me leave at midnight to relieve her so she can go home and get some rest."

"That's okay. Give me your address and I can come by once I'm done here."

He frowns. "That's not a good idea."

"Why not?" I ask dumbfounded. "I like you. I feel like this could really go somewhere. You’ve been to my place several times. I should be able to go to yours."

"That's completely different. You live alone. I live with an eight-year-old."

"If we're going to be in a relationship don't you think I should get to know Brody?"

Shaking his head he puts his hands in his pockets and takes a deep breath. "This is exactly what I was trying to avoid. It's why I stayed away from you for so long. I can't have more than what we have now. I can't be in a relationship. I'm too busy being a dad."

I know he's just being honest and I appreciate that he's always felt comfortable telling me the truth, but that doesn't change the fact that hearing those words hurt. For the first time in my life I'm ready to try and be in a committed relationship and now the guy I'm with has the issues.

"Don't you want to at least try? I'm not trying to take time away from your son. It's the opposite actually. I want you to have just as much time with your son as you had before. The only difference would be that I get invited to some of that time together."

"And what if you and I don't work out?" he asks honestly. "If Brody gets attached to you and then we don't last he'll be devastated. He's never had a mother and he's dying for someone to step in and fill the roll. I can't do this to him."

"Then we don't tell him I'm your girlfriend. We just tell him I'm your friend."

"It won't work. The kid's not stupid."

"It will work. I promise not to touch you in front of him. There will be no sleepovers. I'll just be like one of the guys."

"I don't know–"

"Just think about it. Please?" I beg, fluttering my eyelashes and shooting him an innocent look. "He's a part of you and I want to know everything about you."

He's quiet. I'm quiet. We watch each other in this long stretch of silence and as much as I want to talk and convince him a little more, I stay quiet. This isn't the time to try and sell the idea of us. We've been together for weeks. He knows what he'd be getting with me. He needs to decide if what we have is worth fighting for. I don't want to say anything that will make him stop thinking this is a good idea.

His cell phone rings again and he looks at the screen. "Fuck. I need to get over to the bar." He studies me for another moment before continuing to speak. "Okay. We'll give it a try. Brody has a baseball game Saturday morning. You should come. I'll text you the address."

He leans in and kisses me on the cheek before rushing out of the office and I can't help the huge smile that spreads across my face. He's giving us a try. He's going to let me get to know Brody. He's made a lot of personal sacrifices over the past five years in order to not have a revolving door of women in Brody's life. Letting me in is a big deal.

I just hope I don't fuck this up.