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Pretty in Pink (Housemates Book 6) by Jay Northcote (7)


Ryan was pretty sure this was a terrible idea.

After what just happened in the toilets, he didn’t think that fucking Johnny was going to help get him out of his system. He suspected it would have the exact opposite effect. But right now, Ryan’s libido was in the driving seat, putting its foot down, and his rational brain was tied up and locked in the boot. Because damn, he wanted Johnny so badly he couldn’t think straight—no pun intended.

They walked quickly and in silence. The silence wasn’t exactly comfortable, but it wasn’t awkward either. It was filled with sexual tension and an air of purpose as they strode home through the dark streets. Ryan kept his hands shoved in his pockets to stop him doing something crazy like reaching for Johnny’s hand, or putting his arm around him. If he was with a girl going back to fuck, he wouldn’t have hesitated though. He glanced sideways at Johnny, his fine features intense as he walked, pale hair whipped by the breeze.

“What?” Johnny met his gaze, catching him looking.

“Nothing.” Ryan wasn’t going to admit where his thoughts had been. Would Johnny let him hold his hand? Did Ryan actually want to, or did he just think of doing it because it felt natural after what they’d been doing—and what they were going to be doing soon?

“Not having second thoughts?”

“No,” Ryan said firmly.

Johnny rewarded him with a grin. “Good.”

Ryan waited as Johnny unlocked his front door, and followed him inside. His heart was beating hard, and not just because they’d hurried home.

“Wanna go straight up?” Johnny asked.


Ryan was hoping to get up to Johnny’s room without meeting anyone, but his luck ran out on the upstairs landing when Ewan and Dev came down from the top floor as Johnny was opening the door to his room.

“Oh!” Ewan said in surprise. “Hey, Johnny. And Ryan. Hi. Fancy meeting you here.”

“Hi,” Ryan muttered, meeting Ewan’s broad grin, and giving him a feeble smile back. “Hi, Dev.”

“Hey,” Dev said, ducking away from Ryan’s gaze. Dev was pretty shy at the best of times and Ryan was grateful for that now.

“Come on, lover boy.” Johnny grabbed Ryan’s hand and tugged him into his room. “See you later, guys.” He closed the door firmly behind them, but Ryan could hear Ewan laughing as he and Dev went downstairs.

“Lover boy. Really?” He raised his eyebrows.

Johnny smirked. “Whatever.” He put his hands on Ryan’s shoulders and drew him close. Nose-to-nose they stared into each other’s eyes and Johnny’s breath tickled Ryan’s lips.

Transfixed, Ryan held still as Johnny pushed Ryan’s jacket off his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. Then he unzipped Ryan’s hoodie and slid that off too. Running his hands over Ryan’s chest, he murmured, “I love how muscular you are. The jock thing really does it for me. Lift your arms up.” Ryan obliged, and his T-shirt came off next. “God, you’re hot.” Johnny stroked his shoulders and down over his pecs with hands that were cool from being outdoors. They felt good on Ryan’s flushed skin. His nipples hardened under Johnny’s touch, tingling as Johnny rubbed them with his fingertips. “Does that feel good? You sensitive there?”

“Yeah,” Ryan managed. It came out embarrassingly husky. And when Johnny dipped his head and licked one of his nipples, Ryan couldn’t hold in a moan.

Johnny started stroking Ryan’s cock through his jeans as he licked and sucked, circling Ryan’s nipple with his tongue, and Ryan’s legs felt like they were going to give out with the rushing swoop of arousal that flooded him. He clutched at Johnny, frustrated at the lack of bare skin for him to touch. He tried to reach the zip on Johnny’s leather jacket but couldn’t get to it. “Take your jacket off,” he said.

Johnny straightened up, licking his lips. He met Ryan’s gaze as he slid the zip down teasingly slowly. He shrugged the black leather off his shoulders and it hit the floor with a heavy thud. The purple T-shirt looked so good on him, bright against his smooth, fair skin. Ryan kissed Johnny again, then worked his way down over his jaw to his neck. Johnny moaned in appreciation and tilted his head back, hands coming up to grab Ryan’s hips and pull him flush against him. Ryan trailed open-mouthed kisses over Johnny’s warm skin, breathing in the scent of him. There was just the barest hint of stubble against his lips, reminding him that Johnny was a guy—if he could have forgotten with their dicks pressed together.

Pulling away again, Ryan growled. “T-shirt off.”

Johnny’s lips curved in amusement and he raised his eyebrows. “I like it when you’re bossy.”

“Yeah? Good.” Ryan was okay with being in control. He felt safer that way.

He watched as Johnny stripped off the purple T-shirt in one sinuous movement, his slender torso flexing as he pulled it over his head and tossed it aside. “What do you want to do to me?” Johnny asked.

Ryan swallowed. For the moment he just wanted to look. Johnny was so beautiful, flawless even in the bright overhead light of his room. Footsteps on the landing and the sound of voices reminded Ryan they were in a house full of people. The things he wanted to do to Johnny would probably result in them being pretty noisy if the previous time was anything to go by. “Can you put some music on?” he asked.

“You planning on being loud?”

“I’m planning on making you moan like last time. So unless you want your housemates to hear you….”

Johnny’s grin was wicked. “I don’t care if they hear.”

“Well I do.” It wasn’t only embarrassment. Johnny’s noises were for him, and Ryan didn’t want to share.

“Okay.” Johnny got out his phone and did something with it, then put it on a docking station on his desk. Music filled the room, something slow and sexy with a heavy beat that Ryan didn’t recognise. Perfect music to fuck to. Johnny turned on the lamp by the bed. “Mood lighting too? Wanna turn off the main one?”

Ryan hit the switch, and flipped the lock on the door just in case.

He turned back to see Johnny standing by the bed. Still in his black skinny jeans and boots, a tangle of blond hair falling around his face and skimming his shoulders, he reminded Ryan vividly of the guy in the magazine in the leather trousers.

“Well?” Johnny spread his arms out. “You’re in charge.”

“Turn around,” Ryan said, his throat dry.

Johnny gave him a quizzical look, but he complied. The heavy boots emphasised the length and grace of his legs. His shoulders were wide, and the cut of his shoulder blades was brought into sharp relief by the shadows. The curve of his arse was the only softness to him, and it drew Ryan’s gaze like a beacon. He rubbed his cock through his jeans, rock hard at this merging of fantasy and reality. Needing more, he unzipped so he could wrap his hand around himself and stroke properly. Wet with precome already, he didn’t want too much stimulation, but he needed something.

“Look at me… over your shoulder.”

When Johnny did, his gaze dropped to Ryan’s cock. “Fuck. That’s hot. But are you going to actually touch me? Or do you just want to look at my arse and jerk off? Because if it’s the latter, then can I jerk off too?”

“Oh I’m going to touch you. But I like looking first.” Ryan was definitely going to touch. There was no way he was wasting this opportunity. “Bend over the desk.”

Johnny obeyed immediately, moving to put his hands on the flat surface. Legs slightly apart, hips tilted, he let his head drop. He didn’t speak, but his ribs lifted with each rapid breath as he waited.

Ryan moved in behind him, pressing his cock against that perfect arse as he leaned forward and kissed Johnny’s shoulders. Johnny moaned and pushed back against him, the rough denim rubbing Ryan’s dick. “Please,” he said.

“Please what?”

“Do something. Anything. Touch my dick, my arse, both….”

Ryan grabbed Johnny’s arse cheeks in his hands and squeezed. “Like this?”

“Yeah, only with less clothes would be good.”

Less clothes sounded good to Ryan too. He reached around and popped open the button on Johnny’s jeans and slid the zip down. He eased the fabric over Johnny’s arse to reveal skimpy purple briefs. Remembering the pink lace panties, Ryan felt a flash of disappointment, but these still looked good. He worked Johnny’s jeans down around his thighs and kissed his shoulders again, grinding his cock insistently against that pert little arse. Reaching around, he rubbed and squeezed Johnny’s cock through his underwear, then worked his hand into the waistband to stroke it skin-on-skin. It felt weird having another guy’s dick in his hand, familiar, yet not. Johnny was smaller than him, in all dimensions, but he was harder than Ryan ever got. So hard it felt like it would snap if Ryan was too rough with it.

“Feels good,” Johnny gasped as Ryan experimented, stroking Johnny harder, letting the head pop through the grip of his fist. He pushed his arse back against Ryan’s erection and distracted him. Because while stroking Johnny’s cock was more fun than Ryan would have expected, Ryan was way more interested in getting inside his arse.

Letting go of Johnny’s cock, Ryan pulled Johnny’s briefs down with his jeans. He ran his hands over the backs of his thighs, the fine blond hairs tickling his palms. Then when he dropped to his knees, the sight of Johnny’s balls was another reminder of Johnny’s masculinity.

Johnny tried to widen his stance, but was trapped by his clothing. He gave a huff of frustration. “Come on.”

“What do you want?” Ryan stroked his arse cheeks, which were smoother than his legs. He parted them to see Johnny’s hole, the secret furl of it exposed for Ryan’s admiration.

“I want you to lick my arse.” Johnny thrust his hips back. “I know you want that too.”

Unable to wait any more, Ryan gave into his instincts. Burying his face in Johnny’s crack, he tongued his hole, burrowing in to find where the texture of his skin changed. He was rewarded with a gasp, so he did it some more.

“Oh yeah.” Johnny reached back and slid his fingers into Ryan’s hair, holding him where he wanted him. “That’s so good.”

Losing himself in giving Johnny pleasure, Ryan licked up and down, around in circles, working his tongue in deeper as the sounds Johnny made grew louder. He stroked his own cock at the same time, just enough to keep himself hard but not enough to get close. He wanted to be able to fuck Johnny without coming too quickly after he was done with rimming him.

Johnny’s moans got progressively more desperate. “Need more,” he finally begged. “Fuck me. Please.”

“You got a condom?” Ryan drew back, wiping spit off his face.

“Chest of drawers, top left.”

Ryan rummaged in what seemed to be Johnny’s underwear drawer. It was an interesting mixture of boxer briefs, briefs, and obviously feminine underwear in a variety of colours. But he didn’t find any condoms. “Are you sure?”

“Right at the back.”

“Oh yeah.” Ryan felt the box with his fingertips.

“There’s lube in there too.”

After a bit more digging Ryan found it, and also discovered a bright pink dildo of generous proportions. He left that where it was, and brought the lube and a condom.

Johnny was still leaning over the desk. Head down, arse sticking out, he was slowly sliding a finger in and out of his hole.

“Jesus, you look hot like that.” Ryan wished he could take a photo so he could remember this forever. “Want me to fuck you here? Over your desk?”

“Yeah. Hurry up.”

Ryan chuckled as he tore into the condom wrapper. “I thought I was in charge.”

“You are as long as you do it right.”

Ryan shoved his jeans down. Not wanting to waste time taking his shoes off, he’d have to manage with them around his knees like Johnny’s were. There was something hot about being partly clothed. The desperation of not pausing to get naked was a turn on, like Johnny sucking him in the toilet earlier had been. He rolled the condom onto his cock, then slicked his shaft. “You’re going to have to get your finger out of your arse if you want my dick in there.”

Johnny let his finger slip free as Ryan moved in close behind him. Rubbing the head of his cock over Johnny’s hole a few times, Ryan grinned as Johnny cursed him. “Fucking tease. Get on with it!”

Ryan lined up and pushed. There was resistance for a moment and then blissful tight heat as he slid inside. Now it was Ryan’s turn to groan, as Johnny squeezed around him, gripping his cock like a sleek, hot fist. Resisting the urge to start fucking him, Ryan muttered, “This okay? You need a moment?”

“No.” Johnny eased forward and pushed back, taking Ryan even deeper. “No. It’s good this time.”

“You sure?”


Gripping Johnny’s hips, Ryan started to fuck him. Johnny groaned, leaning lower over the desk, the muscles in his back tensing as he pressed back to meet each thrust. Ryan already recognised what Johnny sounded like when he was enjoying himself, so he fucked him harder, watching his cock sliding in and out like a piston. Their skin slapped together, and soon sweat began to prickle on Ryan’s back with the effort.

Johnny still had both hands braced on the desk, so his dick wasn’t getting any stimulation at all. It was hard for Ryan to imagine how it felt good, but Johnny was still moaning and muttering curses and words of appreciation. Ryan was getting close, so he changed his rhythm, slowing to a gentle grind of his hips as he lowered his body over Johnny’s. He pressed his chest to Johnny’s back, sweat slippery between them, and reached for one of Johnny’s hands. Lacing their fingers together, he kissed Johnny’s shoulders and the bumps of his spine as he squeezed his arse gently with his free hand. “You love being fucked, don’t you?”

“No, it’s horrible.”

Ryan froze for a second, then realised he was kidding. “Wanker.” He slapped Johnny’s arse, intending to be playful, but it ended up a little harder than he’d intended.

“Ouch!” Johnny jerked.

“Sorry, sorry.” Ryan smoothed his palm over the skin apologetically. “I didn’t mean to do it so hard.”

“It’s okay. I like it. I just wasn’t expecting it.”


“Mmm.” Johnny wriggled his arse as Ryan thrust in deep again. “And to answer your original question. Duh. Yes I love being fucked, Captain Obvious.”

Ryan gave him another slap for being cheeky, making him gasp. “Even when you’re not stroking your cock?”

“Yeah. Sometimes it’s better when I’m not stroking my cock, because then I’m totally focused on my arse and how it feels. But when I want to come, I like both.”

“Do you want to come?” Ryan reached around to feel Johnny’s cock. He was hard and wet as Ryan stroked him slowly, trying to time it with the thrust of his dick in Johnny’s arse.

“Yeah,” Johnny said breathlessly. “And I’m going to do it really soon if you keep doing that.”

“Cool.” Ryan carried on, his own climax at bay while he concentrated on what he was doing to Johnny. He adjusted his grip slightly, so he could stroke faster.

“Oh yes. Don’t stop!” Johnny pushed back against Ryan’s cock, meeting each thrust, and fucking into Ryan’s fist as he moved forward again. “Yeah. Oh fuck.”

Hot come spilled over Ryan’s hand as Johnny stilled, moaning and clenching around Ryan’s dick. Then another jet of come splattered onto the desk. Releasing Johnny’s cock, Ryan got both hands on his hips and started to fuck him again. “This okay?” he asked, unsure if it would still feel good for Johnny now he’d come.

“Yeah. You going to come soon?”

“Yes.” Ryan looked down, and the sight of his cock sliding into Johnny’s hole pushed him closer. He gave a breathless chuckle. “I left a handprint on your arse when I slapped you.” The mark was clear, pink on Johnny’s pale skin.

“How does it look?”

“It looks hot.” Ryan fucked him harder. “Would look even better with my come all over you.”

“Do it,” Johnny said.

“You sure? It’ll be messy.”

“I’ve just come all over my desk. I think we’re past worrying about mess.”

“Yeah. I guess so.” Ryan drove his cock in deep a few more times, getting himself right to the brink, and then he pulled out. He stripped the condom off frantically and wrapped his hand around his dick, groaning as he began to stroke.

“Yeah, come on.” Johnny reached back; gripping his arse cheeks and holding them open so Ryan could see his hole, shiny with lube. Johnny dipped two fingers in, pumping them in and out. The sight of that tipped Ryan over the edge and he came with a groan. The first spurt hit Johnny’s crack and the second shot over his back, leaving white streaks up as far as his shoulders.

“Don’t get it in my hair!” Johnny said.

Ryan laughed. “Sorry. I meant to aim lower, but I think I missed it.” He squeezed out the last few drops with his fingers and rubbed it over the pink marks from his hand.

“You’re dirty,” Johnny said, looking over his shoulder with a grin. “I like it.”

“You’re the one who’s dirty. I think you need a shower.”

“Pass me something to mop up with.”

Looking around the room, Ryan couldn’t see anything useful, like tissues. “Um… anything in particular?”

“My T-shirt will do.”

Ryan pulled up his trousers and underwear so he could move without falling over and went to get Johnny’s T-shirt from the floor. On his way back he paused to admire Johnny again. Leaning forward over the desk, black jeans around his ankles, boots still on, covered in Ryan’s come, he made quite a sight. If Ryan hadn’t just come he’d have got hard looking at him.

“Dude, come on. My legs are knackered. I need to lie down.”

“Can I take a photo of you like that?” Ryan blurted out.

Johnny turned to meet his gaze, amusement on his face. “This do it for you?”

“Yeah,” Ryan admitted. “You look amazing.”

“Okay then, but don’t get my face in it. And I want to see it. If I don’t like it, you have to delete the pic.”

Ryan got his phone out of his pocket and took a few from different angles. He made sure that Johnny’s face wasn’t visible. When he was done, he wiped the come off Johnny’s back and arse with the T-shirt, and then mopped up Johnny’s mess on the desk. “Um… I think you came on your bank statement.”

“Never mind,” Johnny said, straightening up. “That might make the state of my bank account more exciting.” He pulled his underwear and jeans up, and sat on the edge of the bed to take off his boots. When he was done he lay back with a groan. “Damn. My legs nearly gave out while you were fucking me. I’m knackered now.” He patted the bed beside him. “Come here and show me your spank bank pics then, so I can veto them if my bum looks big.”

Ryan toed off his trainers and went to lie beside him. He scrolled through the pics and Johnny made approving noises.

“Yeah okay, you can keep them. I do look pretty hot like that.”

“You look amazing,” Ryan said, closing his phone.

“Are you going to jerk off looking at them?” Johnny asked.


Johnny smiled, like a satisfied cat. “That’s hot. Send me a photo when you do.” He moved closer and ran a hand down Ryan’s chest to his stomach. Leaving it there, he leaned over and kissed Ryan on the lips.

Surprised by the affectionate gesture, Ryan hesitated a moment before kissing him back. A strand of Johnny’s hair tickled his face, so he reached up and tucked it behind Johnny’s ear.

Johnny eventually drew away and lay back with his head on Ryan’s shoulder. “So…. How do you feel about hooking up again sometime? I’d be up for something regular if you were.” Johnny’s voice was casual, but his arm over Ryan’s torso felt tense.

Ryan’s head reeled at the question. He’d come out tonight half-hoping that this second hook up wouldn’t be as good as the first. Then it would have been easy to move on and forget about Johnny. Only it hadn’t panned out that way. This time had been just as good as the first, maybe even better. And now he had photos of Johnny’s arse on his phone that he was definitely going to be using as wank fodder—probably for the rest of his life. It would be crazy not to say yes if the real thing was on offer, wouldn’t it?

“Um… what do you mean by something regular?”

“No strings,” Johnny said quickly. “Just like a friends-with-benefits kind of deal. The chemistry between us is great, and living next door to each other is very convenient. Seems like a shame to waste that opportunity.”

The idea definitely had its merits. Although Ryan wasn’t sure whether living next door to Johnny, the potential for complications would outweigh the convenience. But as long as they went into this with clear boundaries it should be okay. “Yeah. I guess we could give it a try. As long as we’re clear about what we’re doing. What does no strings mean to you?”

“No commitment, no expectations. We’re both free to see other people, but we meet up when it’s mutually convenient and we’re in the mood for sex.”

That sounded manageable. Not that Ryan had the time or inclination to pursue other people at the moment when he was supposed to be focused on revising for his finals. But having Johnny to let off steam with would be perfect. Regular sex was a good stress relief and being able to do that without the hassle of a relationship was ideal. “Okay. That sounds good.”

“Cool.” Johnny patted Ryan’s stomach. “Right. I’m going to kick you out now so I can shower. You okay to let yourself out?”

“Of course.”

Ryan dressed quickly, and gave Johnny a quick kiss before leaving. “So, text me I guess? Or I’ll text you. Not sure how often you were thinking we’d meet.”

“Tuesday evening any good for you?”

“Yeah, Tuesday works.” It was only two days away, but Ryan was already eager for more.

“Okay. We’ll sort something out for then.”




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