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Rockstar Baby: An Mpreg Romance (Bodyguards and Babies Book 2) by S.C. Wynne (8)

Chapter Eight



When we landed in Denver, it was a whirlwind of activity getting everybody over to the hotel. Tom mostly ignored me. If he spoke to me at all, he was curt and didn’t look me in the eye. I wasn’t sure why he disliked me so much, but it was obvious he did.

It felt natural to be with Riley again. The second I’d set eyes on him and caught his scent in the limo, my entire body had come alive. I loved being near him, and I could tell it was mutual. We’d weathered that one small bump at the beginning, but now I felt like Riley understood that we had to keep things professional or I would have to leave.

Tom checked the group of us in, and I went up with Riley to his room. We had connecting suites, and he opened the adjoining door. I had less privacy with the door open, but I liked being able to see him at all times. I knew we couldn’t be lovers, but that didn’t stop me from enjoying looking at him every chance I got.

Riley showered after he was unpacked, and I made sure to keep myself busy in my room while he wandered around his suite in nothing but a towel slung on his narrow hips. My lust was ever present, but I was able to keep it in check if I focused on other things.

I went into my bathroom to change into more casual clothes for when we headed over for his rehearsal. When I came out of the bathroom, Riley walked into my room wearing skinny jeans, an orange tank top, and boots.

“Tom called. He said we should meet him down in the lobby in ten.” He ran his dark gaze over my clothes. “You changed out of your suit.”

“I don’t want to stand out too much.” I slipped my sunglasses on.

He licked his lips. “Those pants fit your ass nice.”

“Riley.” My voice held a warning.

He laughed. “Can’t I give you a compliment?”

I wasn’t sure how to respond. It wasn’t his fault my cock warmed the second his gaze touched me. “How far away is the venue?”

“Not far.” He sighed and moved back into his own room.

I wanted to follow him and put my arms around him. I wanted to push my face into his soft, blond hair and inhale his delicious scent. I wanted to push him onto the bed and let him fuck me as hard and as long as he wanted. But instead, I stayed in my room and willed my arousal to go away.

When it was time, we went down in the elevator to meet Tom. I recognized a young blonde girl next to Tom. Riley hugged her, and she smiled shyly at me.

“I remember you.” She surprised me when she hugged me too.

“Hi.” I straightened my sunglasses, aware my face felt hot.

“I’m Amanda. We met the night Frank went crazy.” Her laugh was lilting, and she touched Riley’s arm.

He put his arm around her shoulders. “Amanda flies all over with us selling T-shirts and hats. I don’t know what we’d do without you.” He kissed the top of her head. “You’re the queen of merch.”

Her cheeks were bright pink. “It’s the least I can do for all the pleasure your music gives me.”

Riley grimaced, but he didn’t respond.

“Come on, come on. We need to get to the concert hall.” Tom’s growl interrupted the warm and fuzzy reunion.

We all left the hotel and piled into the stretch limo. Tom was on his phone as usual, and Amanda and Riley chatted amiably while I sat in silence. Amanda touched Riley a lot. I knew it was none of my business what was between them, but I couldn’t help but wonder if maybe they’d slept together. Amanda looked young but legal; my guess was she wasn’t much older than nineteen. Riley was an affectionate type of person, so it was hard to tell what his real feelings were toward Amanda. Would he actually go so far as to sleep with girls to keep his secret safe? I knew some people did stuff like that, and I didn’t know Riley well enough yet to decide if he was that kind of person.

The venue was big, and it seated over twenty thousand people. Two security guards let us into the building, locking the gate behind us. Tom led the way to the main stage area. He’d come over earlier to check that the sets had arrived and all the sound equipment was delivered to the crew.

I stood in the wings between large drapes of black cloth and watched Riley walk out and greet the other musicians. He’d said he didn’t always play with the same guys. But I noticed when he greeted the bass player, they hugged and seemed more intimate with each other than the other musicians.

I was slightly embarrassed when jealousy prickled up my spine. I didn’t care for the way the guy touched Riley, his hands lingering longer than I liked on Riley’s hip. I shoved my feelings down, lecturing myself quietly that I worked for Riley and nothing more.

After an hour of setting up mikes and running leads, Riley started his first song. I recognized it from the concert Blade had brought me to. I liked it and I tapped my foot along to the music as Riley moved from one song to the next. The backup singers danced in the background, and Riley ran around the stage, paying lots of attention to the front area where tomorrow night all the VIPs would be seated. It was amusing to watch him talk to the empty section as if the people were actually sitting there. I guessed that every moment of the concert needed to be choreographed.

It was cool seeing Riley in his element. His alpha definitely came out when he performed. He owned the stage, and it was impossible to take my eyes off him as he worked the area. He moved around and sang for two hours, his body covered in sweat and his muscles gleaming in the ever-changing colored lights. By the time he finished, I was turned on and struggling to hide it. My cock pressed my zipper painfully, and I was thankful I still had on my sunglasses to hide my expression.

He bumped fists with the other musicians and headed toward me with a smile. He looked exhausted but happy. “I fucking love the sound on this stage.” He brushed past me and I caught his spicy scent mixed with sweat.

It took control not to reach out and touch him. I wanted to feel his damp, heated skin against my hand, but I restrained myself. I started to follow him, but the bass player cut me off, running after Riley and getting between us. I stamped down my irritation and followed them to the private room off the main stage, where all the musicians chilled before and after the performance.

The bass player put his arm around Riley. “You were on fire tonight.” He had a faint British accent.

“Let’s hope it’s as good tomorrow when it really counts,” Riley said with a laugh.

“Baby, you couldn’t fuck up a performance if you tried.” The bass player nuzzled Riley’s ear, and Riley looked around nervously.

He pushed the guy away, but he smiled. “The walls have eyes and ears, Julio.”

Julio frowned. “Sorry. I always forget your little rules.”

Riley grimaced and met my blank stare. I knew he couldn’t read my emotions with my glasses on, and that was a good thing. I was struggling with the obvious intimacy between Julio and him.

Julio was an alpha, and he didn’t seem to take Riley’s standoffish behavior to heart. In true alpha fashion, he moved closer to Riley, pushing for more of what he wanted. “I’ve missed you. I’ve been touring with a metal band, and I’ve had a permanent headache for the last three months.”

Riley laughed. “You’re getting old, man. Next you’ll be screaming at kids to get off your lawn.”

“Nah. But it’s nice to play with you again. It’ll be a refreshing change to know the audience can actually hear what I’m doing.”

“You were definitely in the zone.”

Julio beamed. ”Thanks, man.” He looked around and then asked softly, “Got anything going on tonight?”

Riley hesitated. “Not really. You should come by my room tonight. We can hang out.”

“Fuckin’ A.” Julio grinned.

I wasn’t prepared for the wave of jealousy his invitation to the guy sent through me. I had zero business weighing in on who he brought back to his room. I was well aware that it wasn’t at all unusual for performers to invite people back to their rooms. Hell, that was how I’d first hooked up with Riley. But knowing that logically and witnessing it firsthand was very different. I hadn’t really thought about how difficult it might be for me to keep my emotions out of things.

“Just for drinks,” Riley said softly. “Nothing more.”

Julio pushed out his lower lip in a pout. “Awww. Really?”

Riley nodded and I caught his surreptitious glance toward me. “I’m tired from the trip.”

“Oh, sure. I get it.” Julio nodded.

Riley cleared his throat. “Are you coming to Texas with us too?”

Julio shook his head. “I thought I was, but Tom told me he’d hired a different bass player for the next few cities.”

Riley scowled. “Why? You know all the sets. Why the hell would we need to break in another bass player?”

“Why the fuck does Tom do anything?” Julio shrugged.

“Maybe I’ll talk to him. That’s bullshit. It just makes more work for me and the other guys.”

“Let me know what he says. I have another job possibly lined up. If you want me to hang around, I need to know ASAP.”

Riley craned his head as if looking for Tom. “I’ll talk to him on the way back to the hotel. I’m in the presidential suite. Come by in about an hour.”

“You got it.” Julio smacked Riley’s ass and grinned.

Riley looked annoyed, but he didn’t say anything. I waited patiently for Riley to talk to all the people he needed to touch base with. I was distracted with thoughts of how to handle Riley’s relationship with Julio. I figured I could just go to bed and let the two of them hang out alone. But a part of me didn’t want to leave them alone together. Would they sleep together if I bowed out for the evening? Obviously Julio didn’t resent Riley hiding his sexuality. He seemed only too willing to jump into bed with Riley.

It’s none of my business. Riley can sleep with whomever he wants.

When we got in the limo, Riley was unusually quiet. He messed around on his phone, and we sat in silence waiting for Tom. I wanted to ask him about Julio, but I knew it wasn’t my place. I also felt a little stupid that it hadn’t occurred to me this sort of thing would come up. Riley was an alpha after all, and the idea of him not fucking anyone for the next eight weeks had been naive of me. Especially considering I’d made it clear I wasn’t going to be the one sleeping with him.

Tom finally arrived, and he was his usual ball of energy. “Amanda is staying behind to set up the T-shirts and merch.” He shut the door firmly and signaled the driver he was ready to go. “Man, that’s a great venue. I think this will be one of your best shows yet.”

“Yeah, it’s a cool place,” Riley said softly.

“We’re completely sold-out, and the local paper is sending a reporter over tomorrow to do a story on you.”

“That’s great.”

Tom tapped his fingers furiously on his phone. “When we get back to the hotel, you should order room service and then go to bed early. You need to be at your best because tomorrow is going to be a long day.”

Riley cleared his throat. “I’ve invited Julio over to my suite.”

Tom scowled and looked up from his cell. “Why?”

“To hang out. Why else?”

“Riley, you can hang out with him tomorrow after you have the first concert in this city under your belt.”

“What’s the difference?”

“You need your rest.”

“It’ll be fine. You worry too much.” Riley slumped down in his seat.

“That’s because there’s a lot to be concerned with.” Tom sighed.

Riley grunted. “Hey, Julio says you have some other bass guy playing with us in Texas.”

“Yeah. So?”

“Why? Julio knows the sets like the back of his hand.”

“Julio was booked.” Tom sounded distracted.

Riley gave a stiff laugh. ”That’s not what he said.”

Tom exhaled as if irritated. “Julio smokes a lot of weed. I wouldn’t listen to anything he has to say.”

Riley scrunched his face. “If he’s available, I’d rather have Julio.”

“I’ll bet you would,” Tom muttered.

“What does that mean?”

“It means I know you fucked the guy.”

My stomach clenched at his blunt statement, but I kept my face blank. It wasn’t any of my business who Riley slept with, past or present.

Riley inhaled sharply. “That was a while ago, and you know it.”

Tom continued mumbling as if he hadn’t heard Riley. “Apparently that’s your thing now; surround yourself with all the guys you screw.” He shot me a surly glance.

I shifted uneasily, but I didn’t say anything. I was here to keep Riley safe, not to engage in petty bickering with Tom.

Riley’s cheeks were pink. “You seem unusually interested in my sex life lately.”

“That’s because you’re not being discreet anymore.”

“How did we get from I want Julio to play with us in Texas to who I fuck? I’m confused.”

“Keep this shit up and you’re going to be outed, kid,” Tom growled.

“Jesus, I want Julio to play with us because he knows all the music and it makes it easier for me. But even if I did want Julio around so I could fuck him, it’s none of your business.”

“You’re my business,” Tom snapped, leaning toward Riley, his body language aggressive. “Every little thing you do affects me.”

I tensed because Tom’s energy was so combative, and I put my hand out. “How about you back off a little?”

“Fuck you,” Tom snapped.

I sucked in a calming breath. “Tom, come on. You both need to calm down and just talk.”

Tom curled his lip. “I’d have thought you would be on my side.”

I wrinkled my brow. “Come again?”

“Why would you want another piece of ass hanging around? Won’t that cramp your style?”

My face warmed, but I kept my features immobile. “I work for Riley. Our relationship is purely business.”

Tom guffawed rudely. ”Let’s see how long that lasts.”

Riley made an impatient sound. “Tom, you’re out of line.”

Tom narrowed his eyes. “Whatever. I’m tired of worrying about this. If you don’t give a fuck that people know you’re gay, why the hell am I worrying?”

“You’re overreacting and jumping to all the wrong conclusions,” Riley snapped. “All I said was I wanted Julio on the tour because he knows the music.”

Tom slumped in his seat, his face dark with irritation. “Fine. I’ll let the other bass player go, and you tell Julio he’s in. Maybe you should just book all the musicians from now on.”

Riley crossed his arms. “Jesus, you’re a pill lately.”

“That’s because you have no idea how hard I work orchestrating this whole monster of a tour. What I don’t need is you going around firing and hiring people constantly. First it’s Tony, now it’s Julio. Let me do my fucking job, will you?”

Riley pressed his lips together. “By all means, do your fucking job. And stop butting into my sex life.”

The tension in the car was borderline unbearable. “Neither one of you is really listening to the other person,” I said quietly.

Tom gave me a grumpy look, but he didn’t say anything, and Riley crossed his arms and stared out the window.

A heavy silence fell. The hostility they had toward each other wasn’t going to lead to anything positive. They needed to talk this out, and as uncomfortable as I knew that would be, it was essential. I sighed and shifted toward Riley. “I’m sure it’s no picnic trying to organize this tour. I can see where Tom might be annoyed that when he finally nails something down, you want to change it, Riley.”

Riley scowled. “You’re on his side?”

I grimaced. “I’m not on anyone’s side.”

“Could have fooled me,” Riley chuffed.

“I’m simply saying that a ten-week tour isn’t easy to pull together. Tom has to think fifty steps ahead. If you change stuff on him, it affects all his other decisions.”

“Yeah? Well, you wouldn’t be here if I didn’t second-guess some of his decisions,” Riley grumbled.

“I know. And I’m happy to be here. But that doesn’t mean I can’t still see things clearly.”

Riley grunted.

I met Tom’s cool stare. “But Riley has a point too.”

“Oh, really?” Tom smirked.

“Yeah, really. Riley’s not ten. Maybe you should run shit by him a little more before making things final. It’s his tour. I can see why he feels like he should have a say in things.”

“I’m the expert.”

“Sure. But he’s not an idiot. Take for example his desire to have Julio on the tour. That’s based on his experience performing. He knows what makes for a good performance, and you should trust his knowledge about that.”

Tom rolled his eyes, but some of the anger seemed to leave his face.

There was another long, awkward silence.

“This animosity is counterproductive,” I muttered, frustration eating at me. “You’re both on the same team. You aren’t enemies. You’re sharing this amazing experience together. You should enjoy it and trust each other more. Maybe think back to why you two first became friends. Do either of you even remember what the hell the dream even was?”

“Of course we do,” Tom grumbled, looking a little sheepish.

“I remember,” Riley said quietly.

“You two are letting the stress of this get to you too much. Great things are happening, and neither of you seems to recognize that. If life has taught me anything, it’s that you have to appreciate the little moments.”

Riley’s astute gaze settled on me, and he nodded slowly. He hesitated, and then he faced Tom. “Look, I know you bust your ass for me, Tom, and I do appreciate it.”

Tom glanced toward Riley. “I’m doing my best. Maybe I’m not perfect, but I have a lot of balls in the air at all times.”

“I know.” Riley shrugged. “I’m just tired and grumpy. Julio would make my life easier, so I felt frustrated he wasn’t going to be in Texas. The less I have to think about the technical part of the performance, the more I can focus on the audience.”

Tom grunted. “Then let’s use Julio. I don’t really care that much.”

“If you don’t mind, yeah. I’d prefer to have Julio.”

“Done,” Tom said.

I was amazed they seemed to be actually talking instead of screaming, and I didn’t dare say anything in case I ruined the moment. I had no illusions they wouldn’t go at each other again in the future. They were both under a lot of pressure. But for now, the tension in the car was gone and they didn’t seem like they hated each other anymore.

Glancing up, I met Riley’s amused gaze. “Bodyguard and psychologist all in one. How did we get so very lucky?”

My face warmed. “Shut up.”

Riley chuckled.

I sat up straighter, and for the first time since I’d met him, Tom gave me an actual smile. Then he shook his head and pulled his phone out and went back to ignoring me.




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