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Then We Happened (Happened Series Book 2) by Sandi Lynn (27)


The work at Delia’s was almost complete, which allowed me to pull a few guys off that job and start on Sweetberry’s.

“I’m very happy with your work, Cameron,” Delia spoke.

“Thanks, Delia. I appreciate it.”

“How is Sierra? I haven’t heard from her all week. Not that it’s anything new.”

It was obvious Sierra didn’t tell her what happened, but then again, I figured she wouldn’t. I wasn’t going to be the one to tell her.

“She’s really busy with work,” I spoke.

“I see. Well, I hope she’s not too busy for you.”

This conversation was getting uncomfortable.

“Nah.” I gave a small smile.

I ran to the truck, grabbed the invoice, and handed it to Delia.

“Follow me into Clive’s office and I’ll write you a check,” she spoke. “I was speaking to the ladies at the country club and told them what a wonderful job you have done with the house. A couple of them are looking to do the same. I told them you would give them a call.”

“Thanks, Delia.”

She sat down at Clive’s desk, pulled out a checkbook, and began writing me a check.

“What did Sierra do?” she asked.


Her eyes diverted up at me.

“I know something is going on with you and my daughter. I can tell by your body language and the look on your face.”

“We aren’t together right now,” I spoke.

“Sit.” She pointed her finger to the chair across from the dark cherry wood desk.

“Delia, I—”

“I said sit down, Cameron.”

I sighed as I took a seat. The last thing I wanted to do was talk to Delia about my and Sierra’s problems.

“Now.” She folded her hands. “What happened?”

“Sierra went behind my back and got me the Patina and Luxe jobs. I specifically told her to stay out of it because I wanted to do it on my own. But she didn’t have enough faith in me so she stepped in and offered them free advertising in exchange for hiring me.”

“I see. Sounds like Sierra. She gets that from her father, you know.”

“She said she was just trying to help me out, but I specifically told her that I didn’t want or need her help.”

“There was your problem right there.” She pointed at me. “Sierra always does the opposite. She always has. That’s why she’s such a successful business woman. Why is it so hard for you to accept help?”

“It isn’t.”

“But it is, darling. I believe it’s your ego. You feel like Sierra runs the show and you want to show her that you too can run the show alone. You’re seeking approval from her.”

“That’s not true, Delia.”

“It is true, Cameron.”

“She emasculated me.”

“Why? Because she got you a couple of jobs? Jobs that could lead to more and more jobs? Jobs that could make you one of the leading construction companies in Los Angeles?”

“The point is, Delia, she lied to me. She had every opportunity to tell me and day after day went by and she didn’t. She kept it to herself and pretended it never happened. That was complete disrespect on her part. Are you just going to forgive Clive for not telling you about his affair?”

“Absolutely not. But Sierra didn’t have an affair.”

I sighed as I ran my hand through my hair.

“She went against my wishes, helped me when I told her I didn’t need it, and then kept what she did a secret. If that’s how our relationship is always going to be, I want nothing to do with it. I don’t live a life based on secrets, Delia, or dishonesty.”

“Sierra did what she did because she’s scared.”

“Scared of what?”

“Scared that you’ll leave. That your business wouldn’t amount to what you want it to and you’d regret moving to California. She feels as if you’d resent her for making you move here. She did what she did to give you the opportunities you deserve. This is California, for god sakes. Competition here is fierce and it all boils down to connections. Sierra has those connections and I’m sorry you felt emasculated for my daughter trying to help you out, but in my honest opinion, you’re being a brat.”

“Excuse me?” My brow raised.

“Do you think Mr. Adams started Adams Advertising, and poof, it was a success? No, in fact, after the first year, he almost closed the doors. Nobody wanted to hire an ad agency that was just starting out. He accepted help from others. Others who gave him the connections he needed to grow the business.”

“Did Sierra tell you she was scared?” I asked.

“No. She doesn’t have to. I know my daughter. She has reasons behind everything she does. She doesn’t do it for the hell of it.”

She handed me my check.

“Give some thought to what I said. I don’t say this very often, but I like you. You’re good for her. You keep her grounded and I know she loves you very much. I’d never seen her look at anyone the way she looks at you.”

I inhaled a deep breath as I got up from my chair.

“Thanks, Delia. I better get going. I have to drive out to Orange County.”

“What’s in Orange County?” she asked.

“We’re remolding and expanding Sweetberry’s bar.”

“Nice.” She nodded. “And how did that job come about?”

“The owner was at Luxe the night it opened and was impressed with the work we had done.”

“Ah. So it was a referral from the nightclub job Sierra got you?”


“And you wouldn’t be doing that job right now had you never remodeled Luxe?”

“No, I guess not.”

She gave me a small smile.

“Enjoy the rest of your day,” she spoke.

“You too.”

I walked to my truck, climbed in, and gripped the steering wheel. I picked up my phone I had sitting in the cup holder and read her message again about Kirsty and James’ party. Maybe we could talk then. I still was hurt and the sense of betrayal still hadn’t eased up. I forgot to mention to Delia about what Sierra did for my office. I needed to think long and hard about everything. The hardest part would be trying to trust her again.

“I’ll be there,” I replied.