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The Boss’s Secret Baby by Charlize Starr (11)

Chapter 11 - Vivian


I rolled my suitcase out of my bedroom and tried to dispel the worries that were growing larger in my head by the moment. This trip was going to be a huge mistake, especially with the fake fiancée lie that Carter wanted me to play along with. I wondered if it was just a ploy on his part to draw me further into his web. He seemed like the kind of man to do that in the name of the business and the idea made me sad.

If that was the case, he hadn’t changed at all.

I jumped when I heard a knock at the door. Holy shit. This was really happening. I was going to LA as Carter’s fiancée.

Carter took my luggage to the elevator, remarking that he was surprised that it was only one. I laughed and said that I was a simple, but prepared girl. In truth, I didn’t have a lot to pack. I was going to add some clothes to my wardrobe after I got my first paycheck and for now, I was merely being as creative as possible with what I had.

“You’re hardly simple, Vivian. From what I remember, you never were.” I looked at him as he left the elevator ahead of me, wondering what that meant. We made our way to the limo as people stopped to watch, making me blush.

He got the bag into the trunk and we slipped into the seats. I felt my cheeks grow even warmer, remembering what happened last time we were in here. I crossed my legs and placed my hands in my lap. I stared out of the window, watching as the car pulled away from the curb.

“You’re thinking about it, too?” Carter asked. I turned my eyes to his gorgeous face.


“Last time we were in here.” I nodded and tried to choke down the weird giggle that was forming in my throat. “That was one of the hottest nights I’ve ever experienced, Vivian.” He tilted his head at me. “You got a call about your son that night, didn’t you?”

“He had a fever,” I said, hoping that he wouldn’t say anything more.

“Why didn’t you tell me that you had a son?” Carter asked as ice filled my veins.

“Oh, you know. I didn’t want to be one of those moms that make it all about her kid. I can work as well as anyone else,” I said.

“I know that, but he’s something to be proud of.”

I smiled, wishing for a fleeting second that this was about him being Mason’s father. But I gave that dream up a long time ago.

Carter moved on to how I liked it here in the city and we even talked about Vermont a bit. He admitted to missing the small-town atmosphere sometimes. “It appears that I own the world here or some shit like that, but I sleep with my television on because I miss the sound of crickets and frogs,” he said with a shy smile.

We both laughed. “Well, it’s loud here at night. I love Brooklyn, though.” I smiled as I thought about my new home and he stared at me across the car before moving closer to me.

“I’m glad you’re here. I know that I didn’t appreciate you like I should have before.” I stared at Carter in shock. “I was young and only thinking of moving here, Vivian. I didn’t think that I’d miss any of that.”

“You miss it?” I asked as he smiled wryly.

“As much as I do the frogs and the crickets,” Carter said, sounding sincere. “I don’t visit home as often as I should. But I bring my parents out here sometimes. Mom loves it at Christmas. How are your parents doing?”

“They’re good. They miss me but understand that the move would be good for me. I expect they’ll visit soon to check out my new place.” I smiled and looked down at the floor, feeling tears behind in my eyes. They used to help me so much with Mason and I missed them greatly.

“They enjoy having a grandson?” Carter pressed and I nodded. “They must miss him.”

“Of course, but I needed a change,” I said.

“I understand. There’s more opportunity here to grow.” Carter chuckled. “Maybe we’ll retire there when we’re older.”

“It is a beautiful town,” I said as I leaned back. “How many people here know about your life back in Vermont?” Carter stared thoughtfully past me.

“Very few. They all want to know the new Carter that has the money. Not the small-town boy.” He shrugged.

“I’m proud of you for doing so well. I did a little research before the interview. You did a great job building up such an amazing company.” I smiled at him as he beamed at me.

“Thank you. That means a lot, coming from you.”

He threw me another intense look and I tried to change the subject. “How long is the flight?”

“Five hours, no layover. We’ll check into the hotel room and freshen up for dinner. It’s going to be a fast-paced weekend. Are you okay with that?” I nodded. He reached into his pocket, withdrew something from his wallet and handed it to me. “Here’s a company credit card. It’s got a high limit and you can use it for anything business related that you need.” He put his hand in his pocket again. “Oh, and here’s the ring that will show people you’re my fiancée.”

“Oh. Okay.” He put the ring on my hand and I felt discomfort wash over me. I had to remind myself that this was for business and nothing else.

I looked out of the window as we sped to the airport. We talked about the holidays in New York. He claimed they were beautiful and I believed him, having seen the pictures that Lainie sent me last year. It was only August now though, so I’d have to wait a couple of months to experience them myself.

We got to the airport and checked in our luggage before making our way to the gate. I was surprised when we entered the airplane and found out that we sat in first class. I stretched out my legs and smiled. Mason and I had flown to New York in coach and there was barely enough room for us.

We got coffee from the flight attendant and sat back as preparations for takeoff began. I felt that Carter wanted to ask me things but he held back and observed me quietly. I admired the way he leaned back, confidence oozing from every pore. Carter was a sexy man and he made me want to throw all caution to the wind. But I had Mason to worry about.

The flight was uneventful, but we watched the view and enjoyed some great food. I soaked up the luxury as I dreamed of the day I could fly my son in first class to some exotic location. I’d love to take him to LA and Disneyland.


We left the plane and collected our luggage before going to yet another limo. I shook my head as we got inside, looking at the bright sun and palm trees with a smile. The hotel was even more luxurious than I’d ever imagined. The massive lobby was beautiful, with plants and leather couches everywhere. Carter told the three gorgeous women at the front desk his name and they scrambled to help him as I watched with amusement. He didn’t pay them any more attention than needed. They ordered another staff member to bring our luggage upstairs and told Carter that the elevator on the far left would take him to the penthouse. My mouth fell open.

“Expense accounts and a great accountant,” he told me softly as we made our way to the elevator. I leaned my head back as it moved up. I had some idea what to expect but when we got to the penthouse, the large living room with its wall of windows took my breath away. I walked over to look over LA through the glass.

“Like it?” Carter asked as I turned and smiled.

“It’s beautiful. Different than New York “

“I like both places. This has perks that New York doesn’t and a lot of great beaches.” Carter told me that he was going to take a shower before dinner and disappeared to the bathroom. I looked out the windows again to see the city until I had my fill. I turned around and set out to explore the rest of the penthouse. It had a kitchen as well. Amazing. The hotel rooms I’d ever been to had just one room.

I went into the next room and gulped. It featured a massive king-sized bed with a fireplace and a big screen television taking up most of the opposite wall. I turned around to find the other bedroom, but couldn’t. This was the only one. We were a couple after all. A fake couple.

I heard the bathroom door open and dread filled me as I caught Carter’s reflection in the mirror. He was naked. He walked into the room, toweling off his hair. Every muscle on his body was sculpted like that of a Greek god. I stared at him, letting my eyes rest on his flaccid cock. He pretended that he didn’t notice my gaze but his cocky smile told me otherwise.

Good game, Carter. I knew that he wasn’t going to win.