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The Boss’s Secret Baby by Charlize Starr (134)

Chapter Three


“Honey, this is Lagavulin,” Cain’s friend said. “This is beyond the top shelf. You don’t shoot it, you savor it.”

Brock didn’t know who that woman was, but he knew he liked her. She was tall and curvy with a head of dark curly hair and a perfectly fitting dress. Most importantly, she didn’t seem impressed with Cain at all. If anything, she seemed bemused by him.

“You finally break out the good stuff?” Brock asked as he elbowed his way past body shots.

“Only for the three of us,” Cain said. “Only those who appreciate it.”

The other girls seemed to finally get the message and with a huff they loudly stomped out of the kitchen and went back to the party. It was better once they were gone. There was more room without their suffocating and desperate attentions.

“Hi, I’m Brock, it’s nice to meet you,” Brock said extending his arm past Cain and towards the beautiful woman.

She looked him up and down and he could see the small, flirtatious smile that was playing on her lips. She took a slow, delicate sip of her drink and appraised him over the rim of the glass.

“I’m Michelle Handsworth,” she said extending her hand. His hand easily encompassed hers. Her hands were smooth and warm, but her handshake was firm. She had a good grip and she maintained eye contact, staring right back at him. “I’m Mr. Samson’s contract attorney.”

“Mr. Samson,” Brock said, his eyes wide.

“I’ve told her not to call me that,” Cain grumbled.

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone refer to you as Mr. Samson,” Brock said. “I’ve heard people call you Cain and Samson and asshole and son-of-a-bitch and a few other words I won’t say in polite company.” He smiled at Michelle and his heart lurched when she smiled back.

“Don’t hold back on my account,” she said.

It was like something out a movie. All of the music and chatter and everyone else at the party seemed to disappear. It was just him and this beautiful woman who smiled at his jokes.

“So how do you know Cain?” she asked.

“I’m part of his training team.”

“Brock Thaddeus,” she said finally realizing where she knew him from. “My brother has all of your workouts. He subscribes to your YouTube channel. He loves you.”

“Let’s hope it runs in the family,” he said. There was that smile again. It took over her whole face, from her mouth to her eyes. Everything seemed to light up when she smiled. There was something about her he couldn’t quite put a finger on. She wasn’t like the other girls at the party. For one thing, she had been there for ten minutes and still hadn’t taken out her phone for a picture. She didn’t care who might be here, she wasn’t concerned with being seen.

“Brock is my best trainer and closest friend,” Cain said. Throwing his arm over Brock’s shoulder. “We’re practically brothers. Nobody pushes me like this guy does. I wouldn't be half the athlete I am without him.”

“That’s high praise,” Michelle said appraising him anew.

“There you are! Why are you hiding in the kitchen?” Cain’s publicist Elizabeth rushed into the room. She had two cellphones, one in each hand. She shoved one in her purse as she grabbed Cain by the hand and pulled him towards the doorway.

“There’s a guy from SpikeTV here who you have to meet,” she ordered.

“I don’t want to-.”

“It’s just a conversation. We’re not agreeing to anything and Brock and Michelle will still be here when we’re done.” Cain gave one last desperate look over his shoulder. But Brock was glad for the interruption. He wanted to talk to Michelle alone so he gave a wave as his closest friend was pulled out of the kitchen.

“Finally, we’re alone,” he said pouring them each another glass.

“We only met about four minutes ago,” Michelle said.

“But already it feels like I’ve known you forever,” he said.

“That’s a pretty corny line.”

“It’s working a little bit, though. Right?”

“Maybe a little,” she said with a shrug.

“So,” Brock said. “Anything ever happen between you and Cain?”

“Would it matter if something did?”

“No,” he said shaking his thread. “I just wanted to ask you out, but if you had dated Cain I would run it by him first. He is my best friend and the guy code, though a great secret, does exist.”

“Nothing ever happened between me and Cain. As his attorney, it would be unethical for us to date. I could actually get into a lot of trouble for something like that.”

“Even though Cain says you’re the best, I’m glad you’re not my lawyer.” That smile appeared again. Her entire face lit up and he had the sudden urge to lean in and kiss her. He wanted to taste her lips and run his hands all over her body. It had been a long time since he felt an attraction this strong. “So, what are you doing this weekend? Can I take you out to a very fancy dinner?”

“You’re sure you don’t want to check in with Cain first?” Michelle asked.

“I was never a very patient man,” he said taking a step towards her. “Besides, Cain had his chance. If he didn’t jump the moment he saw you, that’s his loss. Not mine.”

She looked up at him through her lashes and bit her lip as she debated something in her mind. There was something fantastic in that thoughtful look of hers and his body was urging him ever closer. He couldn’t hold himself back any longer. He reached out and touched her arm, his hand caressing her smooth, dark skin.

“Alright. One date, but no funny business,” she said with a shake of her head, her curly hair bouncing in a halo. “I’m not that kind of girl.”

“Fair enough,” he said giving her arm one last touch before pulling away. She pulled out her phone and gave him her number as he snapped a quick picture of her perfect face before saving the contact. “Are you allergic to anything? Gluten-free? Vegan?”

“Nope,” she said. “I have a very adventurous palate.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” Brock said. “I’ll try and live up to that challenge.”

“It’s a date,” she said grabbing her glass. “I have never actually been in Cain’s house before and so far the kitchen is the only part I’ve seen.”

“Let me give you the full tour,” Brock said. He had to fight the urge to touch her. He wanted to put his hand on the small of her back, he wanted to stroke her arms, hold her hand. But he held himself back. She had said no funny business and she was the kind of woman who meant what she said.

He led her around Cain’s penthouse until they ended up out on the balcony with a handful of other people. The Chicago skyline was a light in the darkness. It was a beautiful view. Far below them people hurried in the streets.

“So, why did you become a lawyer?” he asked. It was quieter out here and for the first time, he didn’t have to yell over the music. The wind was pushing her hair over her eyes and she brushed it aside.

“I was always fascinated with the law. I would choose CourtTV over Sesame Street every time. It’s the only thing I ever wanted to be. I got into contract law in law school. It sounds strange, but I really like reading through contracts. I like figuring them out and finding loopholes.”

He nodded. She was going to be a challenge, but the best kind. She was smart, smarter than him for sure. She wasn’t going to be the kind of girl who was going to put up with any bullshit. She wasn’t just going to fall into his arms. But Brock didn’t mind. He loved a challenge.