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Devin (The Scorpion Series Book 1) by Delia Petrano (10)




It’s been three days since the meeting with Dalson and Pauly, to be honest I’m so not ready for my boys going into the maze. I been distracting myself with anything and everything. Cleaning up my office at Stars Publishing. I told Kenzi about me leaving, she was not happy about it but understood. Storm walks past me and he looks like he lost his best friend, everytime about this time of year in the fall and I don’t know why.


“Storm is everything okay?” I asked concerned.


“Yeah I’m fine, why do you ask?” I took a deep breath thinking  that this might be a rough topic.


“Because every time this time of year comes around, you look like you lost your best friend.” His face  is full of sadness, though so tough topic.


“Come with me.” He says calmly. I followed him into his room. He pats at a spot on his bed for me to sit down. I took off my shoes faced him and cross my legs.


“I don’t even know where to start.”


“How about the beginning?” Storm takes a deep breath, this is probably going to be hard for the both of us.


“I was born in a very bad predicament my parents gave me and my brother to people that use kids for their own amusement and agendas.” My mouth dropped open with shock.


“You have a brother? And your parents gave you to bad fucking people?”


“Correct he’s actually my older brother his name is Rain. He took care of me since the day I was born he did whatever I took to protect me from harm, didn’t always work we were both  beaten whenever we didn’t do what we were told. They made us do horrible things.” I’m in complete shock right now.


“What did they make you and your brother do?” I asked curiously. 


“To be honest with you Erika I don’t want to tell you.”


“Why not?”


“Because you look at me like I’m your big brother who walks on water and I don’t want to see the look in your eyes when you don’t see me like that. I might sound like a pussy right now but I don’t care. If you ever lost the light in your eyes or the way you look at me I won’t be able to survive that. I’ve always treated you like a little sister it’s the reason why we didn’t get along until now. I always thought of you as my family and that will never change ever, and I will do anything for you no matter what.” With tears filling my eyes, I grab his face with both my hands.


“Storm you will always be my big brother who walks on fucking water ever since freshman year when you beat the shit out of the guy who put his hands on me, that will never change no matter what you tell me.” He takes a deep breath, he looks nervous but I don’t care what he says he will always be my hero no matter what those assholes made them do.


“When I was seven years old they made my brother and I  had to help them  kill an innocent man, usually I was the decoy to distract people to lead them somewhere until I turned seven. I was involved in a lot of people's deaths, if I ever told them no they would hurt Rain or some other child. One time I did tell them no that I wouldn't do it anymore they killed a little boy in front of me to make a point that I have no other choice. When I was ten, Rain got me the hell out of there, he woke me up late at night we snuck on a truck until we got here, he told me to run when they caught up to us so I did what my big brother told me to and I ran until I ran into Felix. Felix took me in that day and and I  haven’t seen my brother since that day. Today makes fifteen years since that day.” These boys have been through so much in there life that’s it’s unfair they both deserve to be happy and together again and I will make that happen if it’s the last thing I do. Storm hasn’t looked at me since he started his story and it’s driving me crazy.


“Storm look up at me.” He shakes his head.


“No I’m good.”


“Storm Montgomery, look at me right now so help me god I will kick your big ass!” I demanded as I cross my arms. Storm slowly lifts his head but not really looking at me, I grab his face with both my hands.


“Look into my eyes do they look different?” He looks into my eyes.


“No they don’t, Erika nobody knows my story just that I have a brother.” He says with a smile.



“Exactly, I don’t think of you or your brother any different. You boys had a hard life to live, this shit you boys went through is wrong. Nobody should go through what you have been through especially at that age. You deserve to be happy and I’m going to help you be happy in anyway I can, same with your brother, I won’t say a word. I will find him and bring him home I promise.” His mouth dropped open.




“I’m going to find Rain. When you were a kid did you look like him?” I asked curiously.


“I did actually he always called me his mini me.” I couldn’t help but to smile at that. I wrapped my arms around Storm and hugged him tight and he hugged me back.


“You will always be my big brother who walks on water and I will find Rain.”


“Okay, but don’t get your hopes up on finding him. Erika, I have  been trying for years.”


“I understand why you don’t want to get your hopes up, but I will find him. It’s what I do find people that’s hard to find. It will take some time but it will happen.”


“Okay I get it rockstar.” I smile as I get up and start walking towards the door.


“Where are you going?” He asked curiously.


“Can’t waste time I have to find Rain. If you want updates just ask.” I walk out of his room grab my laptop off the table than sit on couch and got to work. 


“Hey Erika.” I hear Devin and Marco say.


“Can’t talk right now very busy.” I feel their eyes on me but I don’t look up.  I can hear their voices, but I’m searching for Rain so nothing else matters.


“What’s up with my old lady?” Devin asked, I couldn’t help but to smile at that.


“She’s looking for Rain.” Storm says.


“You told her about your brother?” They said shocked.


“Yeah apparently I have a look when it comes to this time of year and she noticed it. Erika asked what was wrong and I told her.” Storm says.


“I wouldn’t get your hopes up about her finding him If you couldn’t she won’t either.” I heard a member of the club say. I got up so fast I almost fell.


“If you ever say those words again I’ll shove this boot heel so far up your ass you won't be able to walk for a month.” He walked away and I sat back down pissed, who would say that to another member. My blood is boiling but I still focus on the matter at hand which is to find Rain.


“Rain is going to love her, I have no doubt about that.” I heard what Storm said, and I hope Rain does like me.


“That was scary, I feel had for anyone who says anything bad about him or even look at him wrong, she will kill them.” Marco said. Very true someone will get their ass kicked.


“Amen to that.” That was the last thing I heard, I zoned everyone out.


It’s been three days since I started my search for Rain and so far I got nothing yet. Today is the day the boys go off to the maze and I’m so not ready for this not at all. Storm wraps his arm around me and kisses the top of my head. 


“We are going to be just fine Erika don’t worry.” Storm says with a soft tone that made me believe everything will be okay they will all come back home to me.


“You know me I worry about everything.”


“It’s why I’m telling you to stop. We will come back to you I promise.” Storm says with a smile.


“You better or I will hunt you all down and kill you myself.” Storm starts laughing, and I couldn’t help but to laugh along with him. Dalson and Pauly walk in and I know it’s time for them to go. I hug each one of them, Devin wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck.


“You better come back to me Devin Donovan.” He leans into me and kisses me deeply.


“I will baby I promise.” I let go of him as they all walk towards the door I took a deep breath.


“Stay safe all of you.” I told them all. They all nod their heads.


“Keep yourself busy so you don’t lose your mind.” Dalson and Pauly said in unison.


“Got it.” Once they walked out of the compound I go over to the little bar we have and grabbed a bottle of tequila. I sit on the couch then take a sip.


Eight Years Ago


I hate going to the maze it’s scary and you can never find your way out, I have been in the maze so many times I started to find my way through the the maze.


“Don’t make me go  back in the maze.” I tell Kyle.


“If you would stop defying me I wouldn’t put you in the damn maze in the first place.” Kyle yelled. He grabbed me out of the car and push me into the maze than tosses me a bag.


“Don’t say I never did anything good for you.” I open the bag and there was water and snacks in it. He’s not all that bad when he wants to be nice he can be. Walking through the maze I saw my red marks that means dead end. I turn around and made two rights. That’s when I saw a dead body, I walked around the man’s body. He looks like he died from hydration. As I’m going through the maze I continue making marks in the maze to find my way out of this hell hole.


Present Day


 Shit I completely forgot about the marks I made in the maze. I grabbed my phone quickly and dialed Devin number. Come on answer your phone.


“Baby I know you’re worried, but you can’t call you will drive yourself insane.”


“I know but there something important I forgot to tell you all about the maze put me on speaker.”


“You’re on speaker.”


“Hi guys, in the maze I made marks so I can find my way through the maze when I first got stuck in there. Red means it’s a dead end, yellow you’re going in the right path and blue means you are almost out follow the marks and you all will make it out.”


“Thank you Erika.” They all said in unison.


“You’re welcome stay safe, love you all.”


“We love you too.” I hanged up and continue looking for Rain.