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Devin (The Scorpion Series Book 1) by Delia Petrano (6)




Frank stop it. He kicks me some more with tears running down my face I try to protect my stomach but I don't think it's working well. He keeps on kicking me. Seeing blood run down my legs I start crying harder. I wake up with a jolt. I'm safe I'm not there, I’m  in a safe place he can't hurt me no more. I get up slowly so I don't wake up Devin. I walk outside the compound close the door fell to the floor and start crying. I hate this time of year, this is the day I lost my child for he or she was born I hate today.


“Erika what's wrong?” I heard Storm voice and I jump up and wipe my tears always.


“Nothing I'm fine.” I tell him. Who am I kidding I'm not fine not at all.


“No you’re not what's going on when will you tell us who your running from we can protect you.” Funny how they want to protect me and I been protecting them for years they just don't know it.


“I don't want to be a burden and I don't want you guys to look at me differently especially Devin.” He grabs my arm and pulls me to his body he hugs me tight and it feel comforting  to be held like this.


“We won't look at you differently, I promise.Whatever you’ve been hiding is killing you I can see it we all know it. Devin he's been in love with you for years he won't look at you differently.” That's my point what he finds out he's not going to want me no more.


“Once he finds out he's not going to want me no more I just know he won't.”


“That's not true. You both need to tell each other your secrets it's killing the both of you they need to come out in the air like now.” I know he's right and I hate it between Storm and Marco they are always right.


“Okay just not today I can't deal with it today.”


“Okay how about tomorrow?” He asks. I smile, he  is so determined for Devin and I to get this off our chests, but I'm terrified to tell him. Not only he's not going to want me no more he's going to blame himself for what happened when it's not his fault. Storm walks me back in the compound and pours me a drink. Storm walks over to talk to Devin I know he’s telling Devin everything he knows and that's not much but the look on Devin face telling me that we are going to be having this conversation soon. We both want to know each other big secrets and that terrifies the both of us. I saw Marco he was getting ready to go to the bar.


“Hey Marco do you mind if I go with you when you go to the bar?”


“No not at all I'm leaving in a few minutes so get ready.” I nod my head. As I'm getting dressed Devin walks in.


“Erika is there something you want to talk  about?” He asks.


“No not today. Is there something you want to talk about?” I ask him.


“Not today.” I nod my head.


“I'm going with Marco to work today.”


“Okay I'll be there soon there’s something I have to handle.”


“Not a problem I will be safe with Marco.” I tell him and we both know that he will protect me no matter what.


“I know you are.”


“Erika it's time to go.” I hear Marco yell. Devin kisses my cheeks as I was walking out of his room. I like the baby steps idea I told him we are finally making attempt at something with each other. When we got to the bar I help get everything ready.


“Rough day Erika?” He asks.


“Yes today is a rough time for me.”


“Do you want to talk about it?” I shake my head.


“Okay I'm here if you need me Storm and Devin as well.”


“I know thank you.” He gives me a small smile I know they are worried but I will get through this I always do. I just wish I can sleep this day away. As the day slowly goes by I'm drinking tequila. I have been drinking since I got up from that horrible nightmare. It's not just a horrible nightmares but a horrific memory that I won't forget no matter how hard I try. The guys are in the bar and I'm still drinking Marco tired to cut me off but I snapped on him so he just left the tequila bottle with me he senses that I need it today. It's about nine and I'm past half way through the bottle.


“Don't you think you had enough?” Devin ask. I glare at him.


“No I don't.” He tried to grab the bottle and I smack his hand.


“Damn it Erika you don't need anymore you are drunk.”


“I don't care I'm not drunk enough.” He looks confused.


“What are you trying to forget Erika?” He ask.


“Just leave me alone. Just for today just leave me the fuck alone.” Both our hands went into a fist I know I'm being a bitch but I just can't deal with today.”


“Fine.” He storms over to the table and I poured tequila in my cup. The door opens and I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I got up slowly than turn my head. No fucking way. I jumped  over the bar. I sat on the floor and put my knees to my chest. Frank shouldn't be in this bar he shouldn’t even be in the Scorpions territory. Why is he here.


“Erika what's wrong?” Marco asks. I didn't say a thing. He looks up and all I hear is yelling and get the fuck out of my bar that’s all. I can't breathe. I'm safe he can't hurt me no more. I start rocking in place.


“Devin, she’s having a panic attack.” I think Marco says.


“Shit.” As my body is moving back and forth it's getting harder to breathe. I feel someone touch my leg.


“Erika it's okay,  you’re in a safe place.”


“No I'm not I'm bleeding get it off.” Tears roll down my face.


“Baby girl there's no blood on you, you are completely safe.”


“No it's everywhere it's running down my legs.” Trying to take deep breaths but it's not working and I can't even think straight right now.


“Baby girl there’s nothing there I need you to stand up for me.”


“Is everybody out of here Marco?”




“Baby girl I'm going to help you stand okay everything is fine you will be just fine.” Devin wraps his arm around me and squeezes me to his chest. As I'm listening to his heartbeat and feeling the pressure of our body's together my breathing is starting to calm down. This is the only way to calm me down from a major panic attack.


“Marco I need you to take us to the compound in your car I can't leave her like this even to drive. I have never seen her have a panic attack this bad before.”


“Yeah no problem do you have her?”


“Yeah I have her.” Devin said. I can barely hear what they are saying. I feel my body getting picked up. I think we are in a car and I'm on top of  his lap I think I'm so out of it. Things start going black.


  When I woke up I had a killer headache in a flash I remember everything that happened that was the worst panic attack I have had. I get up from the bed and start to walk out the bedroom. As I stumble into the room everyone goes quiet. Marco hands me a bottle of water and some Tylenol.


“Thank you I can really use this right now.” Devin wraps an arm around me and sits me on the couch. Devin grabbed a chair and sat in front of me. Here we go.


“Do you remember last night?” Devin ask.


“Yes I do. I drank almost a whole bottle of tequila by myself. Sorry I was such a bitch to you both.” They nod their heads.


“I had the worst panic attack I ever had.”


“What caused that panic attack Erika?” Devin ask. I take a deep breath.


“I saw Frank.” They all looked at each other than back at me.


“Is he the one you're scared of?” Marco ask. I nod my head.


“Why what did that bastard do to you?” They all said in unison.


“That's a long story but only part of that story has to do with the Scorpions.” They all looked at each other than back to me.


“How?” Storm ask.


“I'm a part of the Scorpions.” They all looked confused especially Felix, Devin, Storm and Marco. They all are trying to figure this out.


“That's impossible you were never exactly been a part of our MC. There was no vote on bringing you in to it or anything like that.” Storm says.


“Yes that's right but that's not the only way into an MC either. You can also be born into it.” Felix nods his head.


“Okay I still don't get where you going with this. Your parents weren't involved in this.” Devin says.


“No, but remember I was adopted. I was adopted at the age of one. My grandpa was apart of this MC, he was actually one of the top guys.” I looked at Felix and I saw him thinking and calculating things in his head.  He had a look of surprise and shock on his face when he figured out who I am.


“Who's your grandfather?” Marco ask.


“Morgan.” The confusion on their faces says a lot.


“That's impossible his granddaughter died at the age of one.” That's the story.


“That's what everyone was supposed to think that but no I was adopted at one.” Felix comes up to me with tears in his eyes.


“Do you mind if I make sure you are her?” Felix says. I nod my head. He grabs my leg and moved my leggings up my leg a little when he saw the Scorpion mark the tears start to flow.


“Hi.” I said. He grabs me and pulls me into a tight hug and I wrap my arms around his neck. Everyone was confused to say the least.


“Can someone tell me what's going on?” Storm says in frustration. Felix wipes away his tears.


“I should of known it was you we didn't change your name or anything. Why didn't you say something sooner?”


“I was scared mostly. To answer your question Felix is my godfather and Morgan is my grandpa.” Their mouths drop.


“Felix is your godfather?” Devin ask.


“Yeah I'm a part of this MC I always have been. I did everything I could to protect you all my family.” This is just the part of the story now I have to get to the hard part.


“Sweetheart you need to tell us the rest of the story.” I take a deep breath.


“I know it's just not going to be easy. I found out about all of this when I was ten years old. Grandpa left me a letter and when I was to turn ten I was able to find out everything about my real family.”


“Smart bastard.” Felix says and I laugh.


“So I found out about the both of you and that if I wanted to contact him I could. And if I was ever in trouble to go to the Scorpions Bar that I will always be safe there. That's one of the reason why I'm always at the bar I always felt safe there. After finding that out I took a walk to clear my head. That's when I bump into you Devin, and you gave me my birthday present that I always wear. When I got home that's when everything went downhill. I found my dad bleeding in the kitchen he told me to run so that's exactly what I did I ran to the bar but before I got there I was kidnapped.”


“Hold the fuck up are you telling you were taken on your tenth birthday. How long? Who took you?” Devin demanded to know.


“He took you didn’t he?” Felix ask.I put my head down than nod. Felix threw a glass cup against a all.


“Who did?” Devin asked again.


“The Devil's did but it was my uncle he's a part of the Devils. He wanted me to do whatever he wanted me to do and I did.”


“Hold on again your dad, did he die that night?” He ask confused.


“Yeah he did.” He got up.


“No that's impossible there's no way.” We all looked at him confused.


“What are you talking about Devin?” I ask.


“You know how I have a secret that I don't want you to know about.” I nod my head.


“Well that's it I killed your parents in that car accident I had when I was sixteen it was your parents car I saw them in that car.” I got up and grabbed his face I can't believe he’s been having this on his chest for this long.


“Devin you didn't kill my parents they were already dead since I was ten you were set up you didn't do it.”  I saw the scared expression on his face, and I got that he was scared that he would lose me?


“I didn't?”


“No my uncle killed them when I was ten it was not you.” He grabs me and hugs me tight. He lets go of me and gives me a nod for me to continue.


“I escaped when I was seventeen I'm not going to get into all that. For this next part that I really don't want to talk about the whole club don't need to know this part.” Felix sent all the others away all that was left was my guys, my main family.


“Take your time.” Devin tells me. I take a deep breath.


“When I was sixteen I was raped.” I have never seen them so pissed off in my life. Devin had a glass cup in his hand, he squeezed it so tight the it broke in his hand. I grab the first aid kit and start cleaning his hand.


“Forget about my hand Erika. That bastard is dead I will kill him. Who was it?” He ask.


“It was Frank and I'm not done yet. Because of that I got pregnant but when he found out about it he beat me until I lost my baby.” Tears start running down my face.


“No matter how it happened I wanted that baby and he took my child from me before he or she was born. That all happened six years ago yesterday me losing my baby the whole thing about me bleeding that I kept on saying it's because my mind went back to that day.” Tears still running down my face Devin pulls me onto his lap and I just cried. When I looked at them they didn't look at me differently they were just pissed.


“How did you get out?” They asked in unison.


“That I can't tell you I have to keep that to myself for safety reasons.” They nod their heads.


“He won't hurt you ever again you know that right?”  Devin says.


“Yes I know yesterday was just not a good day for me. Why the hell was he in the bar and in our territory that's what I don't understand?”


“He made up some lie about wanting a drink some other bullshit.” I nod. I grab my laptop and pulled up my cousin’s email. He hasn't emailed me in a while  this is weird.


              Dear Dalson,

  Is there any way that Frank could of found me? He showed up at the Scorpions Bar. Why was he in our territory?

                                       Love Erika




       I close it then put it always this can't be happening like what the hell is that bastard thinking. Dalson and my plan to get him in charge needs to happen like now.


“Do you mind me staying here for a few days?” I ask.


“Sweetheart you don't need to ask this is your home you stay as long as you want. This is your MC after all. That if you want to be a part I'm not going to force you into this but if you want to you can just let me know. We usually vote on it but we don't need to do that.” I smile.


“That is the same thing grandpa said to me in the letter and when I met him. If I do decide to join I think you should do a vote.” He smiles at me. I lay on the couch. I know Devin wants to talk about it but I know he doesn't want to get into an argument so he's not going to say anything about it right now I know him like the back of my hand.


“Marco put the radio on.” When the radio goes on one of my favorite songs is on. So I start to  singing.


“Baby I'm sorry I'm not sorry.” I start dancing around the compound and everyone have smiles on their faces. After today and yesterday we all need this. Marco starts dancing with me and we are just having fun. Seeing everyone let loose and have fun is nice to see I'm going to make it my mission to make this happen more. I guess that's my and Felix answer.