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Devin (The Scorpion Series Book 1) by Delia Petrano (3)




What is taking them so damn long to get here? It's been like an hour and a half they should be here by now. I start pacing at the table when I hear the door open I saw Storm by himself.


“Where the fuck is Erika?” I demanded.


“She’s home asleep.”


“I told you to bring her here.” I yelled.


“I know but she said she wasn't coming over today that's she was tired and she looked very damn tired. I didn't want to argue with her so I took her home explained everything then let her go to sleep. If you want her here go get her yourself.” Why does she define me all the damn time. I storm out of the bar got into my car and start driving towards her house. Getting out of my car I slam the door close. I walk up to her door and start banging on it with my fist.


“Erika open this damn door.” I yelled as I keep on banging the door I heard the door unlock so I stop banging on her door.


“What the fuck is your problem Devin?” She’s piss but I don't care right now.


“You was supposed to come to the bar with Storm not stay home.”


“I don't care what you wanted Devin I was tired so I went to bed I had a long damn week so excuse me for deciding to go to bed early.” She tries to  slam the door, but I stop the door with my foot. I walk in and slam the door closed then lock it.


“I wanted you there so I can protect you why do you always defy me on every damn thing.  I'm just protecting you.” I yelled.


“I get that Devin I really do I can protect myself, but you have to understand that I'm exhausted my boss is a dick he been making me do every damn thing this past week. I need sleep Devin if it will make you feel better you can stay the night I'm going back to bed whether you like it or not.” She walks to her room leaves the door open and lays back down. I take a deep breath as I sit on the couch. Way to go Devin that's a perfect way for you to lose her yeah keep on losing your damn temper with her that's what's going to happen. I'm a dumbass. It's two in the morning and I hear footsteps I get up but sit right back down when I see Erika. She goes to the kitchen and grabs a bottle of water. When she saw me she walks towards me.


“Devin have you slept yet?” She asks I think concerned.


“No I haven't I'm here to protect you not to sleep.” She rolls her eyes I swear when she does that I want to bend her over my knees and spank her.


“You need your rest Devin I'm not going to argue with you or Storm any more it's tiring,but you still need your sleep you can't protect me if you’re exhausted. I'm going to give you a choice you can come to bed and sleep or sleep on the couch. Either way you are going to bed.” I don't know why she even cares.


“I don't know why you even care.” She smacks her forehead.


“I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that and it's just you haven't slept yet. But since stupidity came out  of your mouth your choice is now my choice to make.”


She sounds hurt from my comment but I don't know why I didn't mean to hurt her. She grabs my hand and pulls me to her room so not a good idea.


“That's not a good idea Collins.”


“I don't care right now we are going to sleep nothing bad will happen. I'm tired you're tired it's time to sleep.” I stop fighting her and climb into her bed with her. Don't touch her, don't get close to her and everything will be fine. She can't be yours Devin and you know it stop giving yourself a little hope. It's been an hour and I start to close my eyes until Erika moves and puts her head on my chest fuck me. She's not your’s get that through your head. The voice in my head said. I shake my head to get rid of the voice but accidentally wake up Erika.


“Is everything okay?” She asks softly.


“Yeah everything is fine go back to sleep.” I kiss the top of her head and she relaxes and the weird thing is I did too. I start to drift off to sleep. Hearing my phone go off I noticed the time it's eleven holy shit I can't remember the last time I overslept. I have a lot of missed calls and messages.


“Hello Pres.”


“You finally decided to answer your phone.”


“I'm sorry I overslept.”


“It's fine I was just worried. How's Erika?”


“She still sleeping. I know she’s a strong women but I don't want her to be a part of all this.”


“I know. But she has been a part of this for a while she’s not stupid Devin and she cares about you. I know you love her but you’re staying away, I don't think that's a good idea to do that anymore. Stop making yourself miserable.” I rolled my eyes.


“It's not that simple Felix.”


“You love her she loves you there's nothing more simple than that Devin.”


“She deserves better than me she won't love me if she knows my past.”


“You don't know that until you try don't make the same mistake I did. You know I think of you as a son and I don't want you to go down the same road I did  it's not fun being a king if you don't have a queen or a another king by your side. Your case is a queen and she needs a king you have a pass so does she. Think about it come by whenever your ready.”


“Thank you.” Erika wakes up and goes to the bathroom. I don't know why he is pushing me to be happy with her I'm not good enough for her.  Hearing the shower running I sit back on the bed. I didn't have a nightmare last night. When she is with me her light shines away my darkness. I wish I can have that all the damn time. You can if you stop pushing her away. I hear Felix voice in my head.

She comes out in a towel my cock takes notice no no not for you. I walk out of her room and I swear I saw a smirk on her face.


“When you finish getting ready we are going to the bar.” I said near the door that is still open why didn't she close it.


“Okay.” When she walks out she wearing dark blue jeans and a black t shirt. Her long  beautiful purple hair smells like strawberries she always smells like them. She smells so damn good. She has her bag with her she carries that bag with her everywhere she goes.


“Are you ready to go?”


“Yes I'm ready.” She locks up her place then gets into my car.


“There's things I have to do so you will stay in the bar until I get back alright.”


“Yeah sure.” She not arguing with why. Maybe she was telling the truth she’s tired of always arguing with us. I should meet her half way well try to at least. Walking into the bar Marco waves at her I know he will keep her safe no matter what he cares about her and I do trust him to protect her. Erika walks off and gives him a hug knowing she’s here safe I can finally breathe. I walked over to Storm and Felix.


“Did you guys find him yet?” I ask.


“No not yet he's hiding very well right now.” I slam my hand on the table. I feel her eyes on me I take a deep breath and give her a small smile and she gave me on back.


“We need to find him now if he gets anywhere near her.”


“He won't.” Felix said.


“How do you know that.”


“Because Erika is your women that means she’s family and we won't let nobody hurt her.” I nod my head and sat down.


“We have the exchange today but I'm going to leave Marco here this time so he can keep an eye on her.”


“Okay that sounds good. I'm going to tell her that I'm leaving give me a minute.” I walk towards her a poke her shoulder.


“I have to go. Marco will be here, if you need something let one of the members know and they will get whatever you need.”


“Okay see you later Donovan.” I couldn't help but to smile a little at that.


“See you later Collins.” We never say goodbye to each other that's was our number one rule for each other when we were kids we never say goodbye unless we know for sure we won't see each other again. We made that rule when I lost my mom when I was eight. To this day we don't say those words. We walk out of the bar got on our motorcycle and ride. When we got to our destination, Storm and I checked the guns to make sure everything was good. We gave a nod to Felix and he gave The Crows the money they checked it real quick.


“Alright everything's good here if you need any more just give me a call.” The Crows President said.


“Will do until next time have a good day.” Felix said. We put the guns in our van. It's been two hours since I left the bar and I don't like being away from her this long I know she’s safe but I still like to see that with my own eyes. We got back on our bikes and ride to the compound. When we got there everything was fine. Members of the club were working on cars everything is fine here now I just need to get to the bar. The guns are put away now I can finally get back to her before I lose my mind.


“If everything is fine I would like to get back to the bar if that's okay.”


“Yeah that's fine check up on your girl.” Felix says with a smile and I shake my head. I get on my bike and ride to the bar. When I got to the bar I didn't see her and panic stirs in my chest. I rush over to Marco.


“Where is she?” I demanded.


“Erika is fine she’s right over there.” When he point to her a took a breath. Jesus, Devin calm the fuck down.


“Sorry about that.” I tell Marco.


“It's fine.” I look at her again and she was on the phone.


“Who is she on the phone with?” I ask.


“I have no idea she got a call, grabbed a pen and notepad from her bag and walked over to the corner.” I wonder who she’s talking to. She doesn't have a boyfriend does she? Stop Devin don't go there. She hangs up the phone and walks towards the bar.


“Is everything okay?” I ask something is wrong I can feel it.


“Yeah everything is fine.” She is lying but I don't want to argue with her no more.


“Okay I'm going to be at the table if you need me.” Every time I look back at her she’s on her laptop she looks focus on whatever she doing on it. The bar is starting to get packed with customers.


“What the fuck?” I hear Storm say.


“What's the problem?” I ask.


“Look at the bar.” I turn around and Erika is behind the bar helping Marco with customers first off when did she learn how to make drinks. He never lets anyone help him this is crazy.


“Holy shit.” I said.


“Yeah, when did he start letting anybody help him?”


“I don't know man I don't know.” Knowing that he trusts her that much is a great feeling. He is starting to open up and trust more. It's getting late I should take her home I never understand why she likes coming here so much.


“Ready to go home?” I ask.


“Yeah I'm ready.” She grabs her bag gives Marco a hug then comes next to me. When we got outside I noticed she stopped following me towards the car she’s looking at my bike and I remember the first time I ever gave her a ride on my bike she loved it I was really surprised that she like it at all.


“Do you want to ride on the bike?” I ask with a smirk.


“Yes I do.” She says with a smile. I walked over to my bike handed Erika her helmet and she smiled.


“You still have my helmet?” She was very surprised that I still have it. I bought her that helmet awhile back when we just got to high school which feels like years ago.


“Of course I do.” I got on my bike. I felt her arms wrap around my waist and it feels so damn normal and good. Feeling her  breasts on my back is getting me hard. Down not for you I tell my dick. Erika gets off the bike when she takes off the helmet and shakes her hair she looks sexy as hell.


“Are you coming up?” She ask.


“No not today. Storm will be watching you while you’re at work. I will feel even better if you let him take you to work.”


“Fine.” I gaped at her she Series, not even argument about she can take care of herself.


“Okay I'll let him know he will meet you down here tomorrow morning.”


“Goodnight Devin.” She tells me with a smile.


“Goodnight Erika.” Something is going on with her I just don't know what it is. Since she was seventeen something changed in her nothing really bad. Besides that she was very jumpy for a while. I'll do anything to keep her safe she’s the most important thing to me according to Felix that is the most important thing to have. I'm still trying to figure how I thought it was bad because I'll put her in danger but Felix says it's the opposite and I'll figure it out one day. I hope I do figure it out one day soon.