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Devin (The Scorpion Series Book 1) by Delia Petrano (14)





     A Month Later



Kids think of school as a prison while I think of it as my freedom even if it’s for a few hours,and five days a week. I get away from the Devil’s for a few hours and it feels of freedom.


“Hey Erika.” Kenzi says with a smile.


“Hey Kenzi.”


“My brother’s looking for you.” She tells me with a smile.


“Really is everything okay?”


“Yes everything fine, you know my brother likes you and he heard you were in the maze this weekend he wants to check up on you.” I nod my head.


“I’ll go look for him talk to you later.” Walking towards the the back of the gym I saw Ben playing basketball. I walked up to him, he turns around  then puts the ball down.


“How are you doing Erika?” Ben asked. He grabbed my hand and walked me to the wall where no one can see us.


“I’m okay. I’m here safe and sound.” Ben grab my face and puts his forehead on to mine.


“Are you sure you are okay?” He asked concerned.


“Yes I’m fine I promise.” Ben leans in and kisses me and I felt like I can fly. When he broke the kiss he has a big smile on his face.


“I always wanted to do that. We will get out of this you, my sister and I we will find a way to get away from them, I promise.” I lean in and kiss him back, I smile up at Ben he always tries to protect me and  I love him for it.


“Erika.” I snapped out of my day dream and shook my head.


“Yeah what’s up?” I asked.


“Are you okay?” Storm asked.


“Yeah I’m fine.” I really need to stop thinking about Ben it hurts way too much. Storm drives me to the bar and I start working right when I step inside. Working for an hour my phone buzzes.  Taking my phone out of my pocket I saw Tessa’s name on the screen.


Tessa- Hey boo are you busy?


Erika- Not really is something wrong?


Tessa- I’m going to be here longer than I wanted to be :(


Erika- Why can’t you leave yet?


Tessa- Because in order to hear mom’s hole will I have to stay here for two to three months. She wants me to get closer to my brother and the guy she wants me to be with. This sucks I just want to go home I miss you and I don’t want to be with that guy.


Erika- Wow you’re mom  is dead and she still trying to run your life from the damn grave. I don’t trust your brother and that guy gives me bad vibes and I miss you too.


Tessa- Exactly I should be home by two months from today hopefully. How’s Storm?


Erika- He's good so I was thinking when you come home I can introduce you both to each other. Trust me everything will be fine.


Tessa- I hope so and that sounds like you have a plan  up your sleeve. Can't wait to come home I have to go talk to you soon.


Erika- Keep me updated love you.


I put my phone away and jump when Storm walks in front of me with his arms crossed.


“Jesus, Storm you scared the shit out of me.”


“Yeah I can see that. Who was you talking to, you look worried.” Storms says.


“I was talking to your girl.”


“Excuse me my what?”


“Remember the girl I was telling you about her name is Tessa she can’t come home yet due to family crap I’m just worried about her that’s all.”




“ I’ll let you know if anything happens.” He nods his head. 


“Please tell me I’m not the only one you’re playing matchmaking with.” I couldn’t help but to laugh at that.


“Of course you're not the only one don’t worry.” I tell him with a big smile.


“Marco?” He asked.


“Of course he’s a work in process.”


“With who?” He raised an eyebrow.


“I’m going to keep that to myself for now.”


“It’s Paul isn’t it?” What the fuck how did he know that?  Storm laughs.


“How did you know that?” I asked curiously.


“I have eyes Erika, the day you yelled at me for getting up when I was checking up on Marco it was all over both their faces and I’m cool with it I like Paul he’s a good guy, but that’s not going to be an easy one to pull off.” He’s very right on that one.


“Yes I know, but it’s in the works they just need a little push. Do you want to help me with it?” He shrugged.


“Why not?” I hug him and he hugged me back. Hearing my laptop bing I run and pushed people out of my way.


“What the hell Erika?” That’s all I heard, when I got to the laptop I saw that Rain is back in Miami.


“I found him.” I screamed. I ran behind the bar and grab my small traveling bag I packed when I first started looking for him. Then I started running when Strom picks me up.


“Slow the fuck down Erika, what are you talking about and what’s with the bag?” I dropped my bag and Storm let me go.


“I found Rain! Storm, I found him.” I look into his eyes and all I see is hope and happiness in them.


“You really found him?” I smiled up at him.


“Yes, I really found him.” Storms grabs me and hugs me tight and I hugged him back.


“I have to go get him.”


“Hold up where are you going?” Devin asked with his arms crossed.


“Miami, that’s where Rain is at the moment and I know you want to argue with me but don’t because you won't win this. No you guys can’t come with me,  you are all still healing, I can do this by myself I can take care of myself and I need to move fast before he leaves Miami again.” Devin groans.


“Be careful please don’t get yourself into trouble.” I kiss Devin and hug the guys. When I get to the airport I was lucky enough to get on the plane that’s leaving in thirty minutes.


  Getting off the plane I turn my phone on and send a message to Devin.


Erika- Landed in Miami safely don’t panic if  I don’t answer your message right away.


Devin- Okay but try to message letting me know you are okay.


Erika- Okay I will try I love you.


Devin- I love you too.


Looking at my phone it looks like Rain is at a bar nearby. I bought myself a bottle of water than started walking to the bar. Walking inside the bar I looked around and there was a guy at the bar that looked just like Storm from the back that has to be Rain. I walked behind him and took a deep breath.


“Rain Montgomery?” I ask nervously.


“Yes, who’s asking?” He voice is deep, sexy with a little rough around the edges.


“My name is Erika Collins, I’m friends with your brother Storm.” Rain turns around so fast I got a little dizzy.


“Come with me.” He walks behind the bar and I follow him. There was a table at the back of the bar Rain pulls out a chair for me to sit down next to him.


I sit down and that’s when I see the family resemblance, they look so much alike.


“You and Storm look so much alike that you could be twins.” Rain starts laughing.


“And a similar laugh.”


“There’s a reason why I always called him my mini me.” I smiled.


“He mentioned that to me once.”


“Really how much did he tell you?”


“He told me his story and a little bit that had to do with you and I told him my story.” He nods his head.


“My brother must trust you a lot to tell that horrible story and you trust him as well for telling your dark story.”


“How do you know it’s a dark story?” I asked curiously.


“It’s in your eyes.”


“What do you see in my eyes?”


“That you have been to hell and back and you saw some shit but you still have a shine in those eyes and I’m very impressed.” I nod my head.


“What are you doing here Erika?”


“To bring you home.” He looks confused and curious.


“I don’t have one Erika, where do you think my home is?”


“With your brother where your family is at. Storm is like my big brother who is a big pain in my ass. Maybe one day you can think of me as your family as well. It took me about two months to find you and I’m not leaving here without you.”


“Erika, no matter how much I want to leave and see my brother I can’t just leave. They will hunt me down and hurt anyone in the process and I won’t let you or my brother get hurt.” I smile these brothers have beautiful souls they care more about others than themselves.


“I know you just met me, but I need you to trust me.” Rain looks at me as he runs his hands through his hair.


“I trust you Erika. I’m guessing you have a plan.” I smile.


“Of course you can’t go on a rescue mission without a plan. You don’t have to worry about anything I got everything under control. I do have to go for the time being, but I will see you later. By the way it’s nice to finally meet you Rain.”


“It’s nice to meet you too Erika.” Walking out of the bar, I grabbed a cab and went to a hotel. After I checked in I sat on the bed and wait. It’s been ten minutes and there was a knock on the door about time, it took them long enough. I open the door and there was two big men waiting.


“How can I help you?” I asked.


“Our boss wants  to have a word with you.”


“Okay, but don’t touch me that’s the only warning I’m going to give you. If you touch me you will regret it.”  They laugh but nod their heads. I went with the two big ugly monkeys. Getting to the building I walked in front of one of the monkeys and one was behind me. They walked me into a room where there was a couch, I sit on the couch  and wait for the boss to come. I waited five minutes for some men to walk in the room.  The boss walks to the middle of the room and looks right at me.


“What do you want with Rain Montgomery?” He asked calmly.


“I want you to let Rain go and let him come with me and you don’t ever bother him again.” I said calmly.


“Who the fuck do you think you are little girl?” A man says who is next to the boss.


“I’m not talking to you, I’m talking to your boss.”


“You bitch.” He came at me and I got up quickly.


“Leave her alone.” The boss says, he has a hint of amusement in his tone.


“Who are you and why do you want Rain for?” I smile.


“I’m the queen of the Scorpions, I want Rain and I want you to let him go forever and don’t ever come to him again.” I looked into his eyes and I know he’s scared. We are well known everywhere.


“You can have him.” He says and I smile.


“Boss you can’t give her Rain away, he’s mine.”


“Not any more.” The boss says. I hear a door slam open.


“Where is she? I swear if any of you touched one hair on that pretty head of hers you are all dead.”


“Erika!” I hear Rain scream and I couldn’t help but to smile. Rain and Storm are so much alike.


“I’m in here Rain.” I said. Rain bursts through the doors and rushes to me.


“Did they hurt you, I swear I’ll kill them all.”


“No Rain, I’m fine they didn’t hurt me.” He grabs my chin  and looks into my eyes then he took a deep breath and nods his head. I got up and stand next to Rain.


“You are free to go Rain.” The boss says. Rain looks at me than to the boss than back at me with shock.



“I can go, I don’t ever have to come back?” He asked.


“No Rain you’re free to go.” The boss says.


“This can’t be happening.” The other guy says.


“Tim stop bitching, you can get a new guy now shut up. You are both free to go, I’ll have my man drop you off at the hotel.”


“Thank you.” I said, Rain and I start walking and someone grabbed me and I punched Tim right in the nose.


“Didn’t I say don’t touch me.” Tim is holding his nose and blood is dripping. Rain and I walked out of the house and went into a car. When we got to my hotel room it was late and he was staring at me.


“How did you get him to let me go? By the way nice right hook.” Rain says with a smile.


“Thank you, all I said it that I wanted him to let you go and that I wanted you.”


“And…” Rain says.


“That I’m the queen of the Scorpions.” His mouth dropped open.


“Holy shit. Does that mean my brother is a part of the Scorpions?” Rain asked curiously.


“Yes he is, he’s the right hand man.” Rain looks impressed.


“My brother has done good. He found a good family and a great little sister. I’m glad he found you.”


“Thank you, we will be leaving tomorrow morning. And one more thing please don’t run away.” He smiles.


“Trust me I’m not going anywhere.” 



Getting off the plane we went straight to our cab.


“How are you feeling Rain?” I asked concerned.


“A little nervous I haven’t seen him in fifteen years.”


“I know but you will both be fine.” We got dropped off at the bar.


“This is our bar, but they are not in there yet, we are going to the compound it’s not far from here.” Rain nods his head. When we were right outside the compound door, Rain took a deep breath.


“Are you ready?” I asked.


“Yeah I’m ready.” When we walked in everyone got quiet.


“What the fuck? Why is everyone so damn quiet for?” I hear Storm yell as he walks out of his room and stopped right outside his room. The brothers stared at each other, but neither of them moved. I grabbed Rain’s hand and start walking him towards Storm and he slowly walks towards us. When they are a inch from each other they wrapped their arms around each other and hug each other tightly, now this is a beautiful picture. When the brothers stopped hugging Storm pulled me into a big hug.


“You are the best little sister a brother can ask for.” Storm says. A tear rolls down my cheek, I’m so happy that I found Rain. He’s going to be bringing the family closer together. Storm kisses my forehead. Storm introduces everyone to Rain and it was amazing we haven’t seen Storm this happy before and I love it. Arms went around my waist and I lean into Devin.


“You did very good baby girl. You added the missing member to this family.” I nod my head, I turn around and kissed Devin. It feels good being back home.