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Playing with Fire (New Hope Fire Department Book 1) by Kay Gordon (21)

Chapter Twenty-One











“Holy shit,” Kelly said as we got into her car.

My heart was pounding and I felt like I was going to vomit as I nodded my head. “That sucked.”

“I feel like a super spy.” Kelly grinned at me before looking back to the road. “That was awesome.”

I rolled my eyes at her and willed my breathing to slow down as we drove back towards home. It had been Kelly’s idea to go to the festival so she could see the parkour demonstration and it’d been a lot of fun up until the moment we had to run away. We’d spent over an hour wandering the booths before the smell of the wings had called me to them. And then I hadn’t even had a chance to enjoy them because Nick had devoured the rest while Simon and I had been making out in the truck.

The thought of being caught by Alex was almost too much. I couldn’t wait until we got to the point that we didn’t have to hide at all. It wasn’t fair to any of us.

My phone buzzed from my pocket and I pulled it out to see a text from Simon.


Simon:      Looks like you’ve got that power of super speed after all.

Me:      But I lost my chicken wings in the process.

Simon:      That’s heartbreaking.

Me:      I know. I’m mourning them right now.

Simon:      If I took you to dinner tonight, would that ease the pain?

Me:      Definitely. Where do you want to meet?

Simon:      I’m going to pick you up. Heading to a fire so I’m not sure what time yet. Call you when I’m leaving the station?

Me:      Okay. Be careful, please.

Simon:      Always. Talk to you soon.


I smiled and stuffed my phone into my pocket. Kelly glanced over at me and shook her head.

“You’re in deep, Gan.”

I was. When we got home, I immediately showered to make sure I was ready whenever he called. I put my pajamas back on but made sure my hair was straight and shiny and that my make-up was done perfectly. I knew Simon was supposed to be off at two but I figured he’d have to stay at the fire until it was out.

I fell into our reclining chair next to the couch and turned on the TV for background noise. I picked up the book I’d started the week before and submersed myself in that for a while. It was a little after two that the TV caught my attention. I looked up for a breaking report and gasped when I saw the images that flashed across the screen.

A fire in New Hope was burning several large buildings and it looked like it’d spread to the brush behind it. The fire was out of control and the aerial video made it seem like it went on for miles.

“All available fire personnel are on the scene right now but the wind speeds have increased to thirty miles per hour. We’re being told that it’s burned more than six hundred acres and there presently isn’t any containment.”

“What’s that?” Kelly asked as she fell onto the couch, startling Simba who’d been asleep there.

“A fire Simon’s fighting.” I groaned when the breaking news coverage ended and we went back to the episode of Friends that had been on before.

“Facebook will have more coverage. Just keep an eye on it there.”

I blinked at Kelly and shook my head. I wasn’t an avid Facebook user and she knew it. “What?”

“Were we even born in the same decade?” She grabbed my phone and did something before handing it back to me. She was right. The local news stations were all over the fire and posting constantly about it.

“Thanks, Kel.”

I spent the next few hours reading my book and obsessively checking Facebook. They finally reported some form of containment at four, but even then that was only five percent.

Kelly made me go to the complex pool with her and we spent the hour swimming and talking. She distracted me by telling me about the date she had for the upcoming weekend and how things were at the rehab center. She’d also casually throw out the name of Simon’s co-worker, Nick Christos, but I saw the spark of interest behind her eyes when she did.

It was after nine when my phone rang and I let out a sigh of relief when I saw Simon’s name.


Simon let out a long breath on the other end of the line. “Hey, gorgeous. I am so sorry.”

“No,” I said with a shake of my head. “Don’t be sorry. I saw the footage from the fire. Did you guys get it out?”

“Not yet but it’s almost fully contained and company 22 tagged us out. I’m just walking out of the station house.”

I chewed on my lip nervously. “Are you going home?”

“I guess.” His voice was quiet and I heard the door to his truck close. “I was hoping to see you tonight.”

“Come stay the night with me again.” The sentence was rushed and I sounded like an idiot.

Simon’s low chuckle made me smile. “You’re so adorable when you’re nervous. I’m on my way. Is it okay if I shower there? I showered before I left but I still stink.”

“Of course.”

It was almost ten when Simon knocked on the door. I jumped up quickly and Kelly shook her head.

“You would suck at playing hard to get. You know that, right?”

I stuck my tongue out at her like a two-year-old as I pulled the door open. Simon was wearing pair of black shorts and a white t-shirt and, even with the smile on his face, he looked exhausted.      

“Hi.” I stepped back so he could come inside and he paused to place a kiss on my lips. I was used to Simon always smelling faintly like smoke but it was suddenly overpowering.

“Hey, beautiful.” He glanced over at Kelly and offered her a wave. “Hi, Kelly.”

“Well, good evening, hero. It smells like you brought the fire with you.”

I scoffed and shook my head at my little sister. “So much tact, Kel.” I turned back to Simon, who was chuckling. “Are you hungry? I made some chicken pasta.”

“I’m starving but your sister is right. I stink. Can I use your shower first?”

I nodded and offered him my hand. He took it instantly and we walked to my side of the apartment. I grabbed a towel out of the closet and dropped it on the sink in my bathroom before turning to him with my hands on my hips.

“What else do you need?”

Simon grinned and gestured towards the shower. “Company would be nice.”

“Yeah?” I raised my brows and stared at him for a beat before tugging my t-shirt up over my head. Simon sucked in a sharp breath when he saw that I wasn’t wearing a bra and his lips were against mine before my shirt was on the floor.

I moaned when our tongues met and I pulled his t-shirt off quickly. My hands moved to rest on either side of his jaw and Simon wrapped his arms around my back. Between his erection pressing into my lower stomach and my breasts rubbing against his bare chest, I was so aroused that my breaths were coming out in pants.

“You are so loud when you’re turned on,” Simon murmured as he ran his lips down my chin and to my neck. His hand teased at my waistband for a second and then slowly snaked it inside the front of my pants. I moaned again as he sucked on my skin and shook my head slightly.

“Is that a bad thing? Want me to shut…” I gasped rather than finishing my sentence when Simon’s finger ran across my center twice. Without pausing, he pushed inside of me and pulled his lips from mine. I forced my eyelids open and my gaze collided with his. Simon’s blue eyes were bright and intense as he watched me.

“I never want you to shut up, Megan. Every noise, every word, everything you do is perfect.”

He added a second finger as he sped up his movements and he made sure the heel of his hand brushed against me each time. I could feel the orgasm building in my body quickly and I knew it was going to bring me to my knees. My breathing stuttered and I shook my head as I looked at him.

“Si. I’m… Si.”

“Yeah, Megs. Come for me, beautiful. I want to hear you.”

I did. My eyes slammed shut as the orgasm washed over me, turning my body into a pool of ecstasy. I let my eyes open slowly when I finally came back to earth. Simon was still looking at my face but his lips held a small grin.

“That was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.” He reconnected our mouths as his hand left my pants and he pressed me against the wall while he fumbled with the faucet to the shower. When he couldn’t get it, I pulled away so I could reach over to start the water.

“I need to tell you something,” I whispered breathlessly and Simon raised his eyebrows.

“What’s wrong?

I shook my head before letting it drop to the wall behind me. “Nothing’s wrong. I just need to tell you before I chicken out again.” His face hinted with worry and I reached up to smooth out his brow with my thumb. “I love you, Simon. I am very much in love with you.”

I didn’t have time to panic over saying those three words because a handsome grin immediately lit up his face as he pressed his lips to mine for a moment. He pulled back and stared at me for a second.

“I love you, too, Megan.”

Elation filled my chest at his declaration and I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding.

Simon pushed his pants and boxers to the floor and I mimicked his actions quickly. I followed him into the shower and we immediately reconnected our lips as I pulled the shower curtain shut. Simon’s hands seemed to be everywhere- my ass, my breasts, my face, and when they settled on my hips, he turned me so my palms were against the wall opposite the shower curtain.

“Okay?” His voice was a murmur as he pushed my hair off my shoulders and ran his tongue along my skin. I didn’t speak but just nodded my head instead. Simon spread my legs before slowly filling me from behind and I cried out at the sensation. One of his hands snaked around my front and squeezed my breast while his other gripped my hip. His touch was too gentle and too forceful at the same time and it made my stomach coil in pleasure.

Simon thrust in and out of me until I was screaming his name again and he let out a low, guttural groan as he found his own release. My forehead dropped against the fiberglass wall as I let out a long breath. Simon pulled out and turned me so he could crush his chest to mine. His heart thrummed quickly under my cheek and I closed my eyes as I savored the moment.

When our breathing was under control, I looked up at him with a smile. “You wash. I’m going to heat up some pasta for you.” I grabbed the showerhead and cleaned myself up before pressing a kiss to his chin and getting out.

I put on my cotton robe and tied it as I walked through my bedroom so I could get out to the common area. Kelly heard me coming down the hallway and her head turned towards me as I walked into the kitchen. She followed me and propped herself up on the counter as she watched me.

“Have you always been a screamer or have I just not noticed before now?”

My face flamed in embarrassment as I snapped my gaze to my sister. “What?”

“Gan,” she said pointedly with a chuckle. “Don’t even pretend like you don’t know what I’m talking about. I think we’re lucky your bedroom and bathroom are on the outside wall.”

She wasn’t lying. My throat was scratchy and sore, something I’d never experienced after sex. I cleared my throat as I dished up some pasta for Simon and I paused for several long moments before responding.

“Well, that’s humiliating.”

“Why? I bet Simon loved it.”

“I loved what?” Simon appeared in the kitchen with fresh clothes on and his hair wet.

My cheeks went hot again and I became very interested in the buttons on the microwave. Kelly laughed, obviously highly amused by my mortification.

“Her screaming.”

Simon chuckled softly and I could feel him walk up behind me. “Don’t embarrass her, Kelly.” I jumped slightly when his lips grazed my ear. “I did love it, though. And I love you.” He pressed his lips to my cheek before pulling back.

His words caused a thrill to run through my body. Simon loved me. After months of thinking I couldn’t have him, the feeling was very surreal.

I still didn’t turn around until his food was warmed up and I heard the two of them sit at the kitchen table as they chatted about the fire he’d been fighting. Once his food was ready, I joined them and pretended like we hadn’t been talking about my sex life.

“Do you guys always work on the weekends?” Kelly asked as I placed the bowl in front of Simon.

He looked up at me with a smile. “Thanks, Megs.” I sat down in the chair next to him as he looked back at my sister. “Generally we’ll work two weekends in a row and have a third off. I work twenty-four on and forty-eight off. The days off work so they are on a three week rotating schedule. With how dry the summer’s been we’ve been working a bit more and less consistently. Normally we’d always start at 0700 but we’ve been adjusting to accommodate the overtime.”

Kelly nodded in understanding. “So you don’t work again until Wednesday now?”

“Right. Unless they need us before.” Simon took a bite of his pasta and grinned at my sister. “Oh, Christos wants your phone number.”

“Did you give it to him?” Kelly raised her brows and Simon shook his head.

“I wanted to ask you first.”

I scoffed as I rubbed my eyes. “She won’t shut up about him. You should definitely give him her number.” I stood from the table and gave them both a smile. “I’m going to go put some clothes on. I’ll see you tomorrow, Kel.”

She said goodnight and Simon promised to be back shortly. I headed into my room and pulled on the clothes I’d been wearing before we’d attacked each other in the bathroom. After my teeth were brushed and my contacts were out, I turned on the TV and settled on my bed. It was already after eleven and I felt wiped out. My eyelids were heavy when Simon walked in a few minutes later. He just smiled as he took off his shorts and t-shirt.

“Do you mind if I use your mouthwash? I have stuff to shower with in my backpack but apparently no toothbrush.”

I shook my head as I smiled at him from my pillow. “You’re going to think I’m a weirdo but I am one of those people who keeps spare toothbrushes around the house. I put one on the counter for you.”

“You’re seriously amazing, Megan.” Simon walked over to the bed and dropped a kiss to my forehead before disappearing into the bathroom. He reappeared a few minutes later and got in bed behind me so his chest was pressed to my back. His arms came around me in a tight hold and I covered his hands with my own.

“You smell good,” I murmured as I turned my head so I could run my nose along his forearm.

Simon chuckled and kissed my hair. “I don’t smell like smoke anymore?”

“You smell like the perfect mixture of whatever soap you use and of a very faint campfire. It’s my favorite combination of scents in the world.”

Fingers gently touched my face and I realized that Simon was pulling off my glasses.

“Thank you,” I said quietly as he put them on nightstand next to me before settling back in his spot. “I forgot I was wearing them.” I paused and turned in his arms so I was facing him. “You’re the first person other than Kelly to see me with glasses in years.”

“Really? But you spent the night with…” He didn’t finish the thought but we both knew he meant Alex.

“I just slept in my contacts.” I paused for a moment. “You know, I timed when I stayed the nights with your days off so I could see you. The best part of my day was watching TV with you. That’s terrible, right?”

Simon shook his head and ran a hand down my cheek. “I always hoped you’d be there so I could see you but dreaded you being there because you’d be with him. Those hours in front of the TV were my favorite, too.”

“I’m sorry for everything I put you through, Si,” I whispered quietly. “I never wanted to hurt you. I really do love you.”

“And I love you. You have my heart, babe, and now that we’re finally together, I’m not letting you go. Stop apologizing and go to sleep, okay?”

I buried my face into his bare chest and nodded. “Okay.”





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