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Playing with Fire (New Hope Fire Department Book 1) by Kay Gordon (33)

Chapter Thirty-Three











“Where are you guys staying?” Kelly asked as she ran over my eyelids with a make-up brush.

“The Venetian, I think.” I cringed when she almost jabbed me in the eye. “Jesus, careful.”

My baby sister let out a long breath and fixed me with a look that reminded me so much of our mother that it was scary.

“Hold still, Gan.”

It was the middle of October and Simon was taking me to Vegas for the night to celebrate my birthday. We were going to dinner, a show, and staying the night and Kelly had insisted on doing my hair and make-up for me. She had also had picked out exactly what I was supposed to wear and had forced me to sit on her bed in only a pair of underwear and a strapless bra.

She inspected my face one more time and then gave me a nod. “Done.”

I stood from her bed and went into her bathroom to inspect myself. She had done a great job. My make-up looked professionally done and whatever she’d put around my eyes really made the hazel stand out. She had curled my brown hair and pinned it in a messy updo that was off-center and more to the right.

“Damn,” I muttered as I looked at my reflection. “You’re amazing, Kel.”

“I know.” She grinned and held up the hanger holding a plum colored dress. I didn’t say anything as I let her help me step into it and when it zipped up, I let out the breath I was holding.

“I told you it would fit,” Kelly said before turning me so she could hook the silver belt that went around the middle. “You’re such a worry wart.”

I shook my head and glanced down at my chest. “It’s a little snug. Either my boobs are bigger than yours or your stomach is smaller than mine.”

“Your boobs are not bigger.” Kelly puffed out her chest and stood shoulder to shoulder with me to try and prove it. We stared at each other for a moment before we both laughed and Kelly shook her head.

“See? Now go look in the mirror.”

I did as she said and couldn’t help the smile that hit my face. The dress only had one strap, leaving my right shoulder bare. My cleavage teased at the top and the dress fell about mid-thigh. Kelly had set out some silver heels that she wanted me to wear and they were going to pair well with the belt. I was wearing the opal earrings that my sister coveted and I was pretty pleased with the reflection in front of me.

“Thank you, Kel.” I turned to give my sister a tight hug and she beamed.

“You’re going to have one happy boyfriend.”

She fussed with little details for another ten minutes when a knock sounded on the front door followed by it opening and closing. Kelly gave me on final nod.

“You’re good.”

I wrapped her in another hug and walked out of her bedroom to find Simon heading to my room. He was wearing a pair of grey dress pants and light blue dress shirt that was tucked in. When I said his name softly, he turned his head and froze as he caught sight of me. After a long moment of running his eyes up and down my body, he shook his head and grinned.

“You look incredible. I feel like the luckiest man in the world right now.”

I felt a blush rise in my cheeks but I just shrugged with a smile. “You look really great yourself, Si.”

“You ready to go?” he asked as he walked up and ran his finger along my bare shoulder. I shivered slightly and tugged on the navy blue tie that hung on his neck.


Kelly was leaning against her doorframe while watching us with a smile. I thanked her again while hugging her and she waved as we headed towards the door.

“Have fun and be safe. Happy Birthday, Gan.”

I picked up the new, silver clutch that Kelly had given me for my birthday but Simon grabbed my overnight bag before I could reach it and he led me out to his truck. He offered me his hand to help me in but didn’t move once I was settled in my seat.

“Fuck. It’s going to be a long night. When we get to the hotel room, Megan, I’m going to keep you up until morning.” He grabbed the door and stared at me seriously. “Fair warning.”

His words instantly turned me on and I considered telling him to skip dinner and the show but he was already shaking his head when he got in behind the wheel.

“Patience, Megs.” He leaned across the console and pressed a quick kiss to my lips, like he didn’t trust himself to give me anything else.

He directed us towards Vegas and we chatted the whole way there. We checked in at the hotel and let them take our bags up to the room as we went back out front to take a cab to the Stratosphere. We ate dinner in the restaurant at the very top that had a breathtaking view of Las Vegas. Our table was right by the window and I felt like my face was going to break as I continually stared between the beautiful city and my handsome boyfriend.

“I’d do anything to keep that smile on your face,” Simon said softly after our dinner and dessert plates were cleared. I reached across the table for his hand and he squeezed mine instantly.

“Just keep loving me the way you are, Si.” I shook my head as I held his gaze with my own. “You make me so happy.”

His smile widened and he leaned forward so he could press a kiss to my hand. We didn’t say anything else as the check came and I excused myself to the restroom while he paid. When I came back out, he stood from the table and took my hand. We didn’t speak on the long, and somewhat terrifying, ride down the elevator. I leaned into Simon the entire way and he just chuckled.

“Are you scared of heights?”

I shook my head and pressed into him a little more. “I can handle heights. It’s the thousand foot elevator ride that gets me.”

He laughed again and dropped a kiss to the top of my head. I let out a long sigh of relief when the elevator stopped and we walked out into the casino. Once we got to the transportation booth, Simon wrapped his arms around me and kissed my nose.

“Ready for the show?”

I reached into my clutch and closed my fist around something I’d just put in there. I stuffed my hand into the pocket of Simon’s pants and shook my head. “I think we should go back to the room.”

He frowned and reached into his pocket. He began to pull out what I’d put in there until he realized what they were.

“Are you kidding me?” he asked quietly as his other hand drifted down my back and to my bottom. He groaned when he realized that I had, in fact, shoved my very small and very lacey pair of underwear in his pocket. “Fuck.”

His mouth covered mine and I brought my hands up to his neck as we kissed frantically. When I realized that he was gripping my dress and pulling it up in the back, I tugged away from him and shook my head.

“You’re about to reveal my bare ass to everyone, Si.”

He immediately let go of my skirt and shook his head. “I vote no show.”

I laughed as someone called to us that our cab was there and Simon basically dragged me over to it. Once we were in the back seat, we reached for each other at the same time and reconnected our lips. My whole body felt like it was on fire and getting closer to Simon was the only way to douse the flames. When he softly nipped at my lower lip, I let out a low moan that caused him to pull back.

He glanced at the driver, who was staring straight ahead, before looking back at me. “Those noises…”

I couldn’t even respond because I was breathing so heavily. I felt drunk and I’d only had a single glass of wine. Everything was pure Simon. Being drunk off of him was the best kind of intoxication I’d ever experienced.

When the cab stopped, Simon quickly handed the driver some money and pushed out of the cab before helping me out, too. He pinned me in the corner of the elevator the second we were inside and the doors were closed.

“I fucking love you so much,” he murmured as he ran his tongue along the bare skin of my neck. I let my head fall back as I sighed.

“I love you, Si.” I placed my hands on his cheeks and directed his mouth to meet mine. As we kissed, he pushed his body forward so I could feel just how badly he wanted me. I gently shoved him away when the elevator chimed and we were through the doors once they opened. Simon had the keycard out when we approached the room and he slammed the door open, tugging me through with urgency.

With my back to the closed door, Simon undid his pants and gripped my thighs as he lifted me. I sucked in a sharp breath when he pushed himself inside of me with one swift movement. Our mouths instantly pressed together and my legs wrapped around his waist. His thrusts were the opposite of slow and gentle and I felt like my body was going to explode. I pulled my mouth from his as I gripped fistfuls of his hair.

“Simon. Simon.”

He ran his lips along the tops of my breasts and nodded as his eyes stared into mine. “Yeah, Megan. Come for me, beautiful. I’m with you.”

His words, his touch, his scent, his taste… It was all so overwhelming and I felt my body combust into pure pleasure. I probably called his name, I probably moaned, I might have even cried, but I would never know because pleasure had overtaken everything.

When I finally regained my senses, my heart was pounding and I was panting like someone who’d run a marathon. Simon’s cheek was resting on my chest and I let my lips press to his hair. He was still holding me against the door and I knew his arms had to be tired.

“Every time is better than the last,” he whispered as his lips trailed along my bare skin. “Being with you is perfection, Megs.”

I ran my fingers through his hair and nodded my head slowly. “I feel the same way.”

He lifted his head and looked at me before walking us through the room as if I weighed nothing. He held my eyes while he separated us and placed me on my feet next to the bed. He grabbed a handful of tissues and handed them to me with a small shake of his head.

“I’m going to take that gorgeous dress off of you but I want to give you your birthday present first.” After he’d taken a second to clean up, I watched as he pulled up his pants and reached into the pocket of his bag. He took a seat on the edge of the bed and grabbed me so I was sitting sideways across his lap before handing me a small box. “Happy Birthday, Megan.”

The little white box could fit in my palm and it had a red bow on top of it. I looked up at Simon and he smiled before gesturing towards it wordlessly. I pulled the top off the box and unfolded the grey piece of satin that was inside of it. A large, silver ring lay in the middle and I pulled it out to look at it. A blue symbol, worn from use, was at the top of it with a G. As I examined it, I noticed an inscription on the inside of the band.

“‘Without you, there is no us’,” I said quietly as I looked up at Simon. He nodded and dropped his head to mine.

“My father was a member of the Freemasons and my mom got him this ring for their first anniversary. My dad would let me hold it when I needed to feel better and when he died, it became mine.” He ran his nose along my ear. “And I want you to have it.”

I shook my head and turned so I could press my lips to his. “It’s beautiful, Si. Thank you.”

Simon watched as I slid it onto my thumb, the only finger it would fit on without falling off, and we immediately reconnected our lips. We pulled each other’s clothes off quickly and I climbed on top of his naked body so I could show him just how much I appreciated the gift.

We probably only slept about three hours that night. One of us would wake the other with our lips, our hands, or even our words and we’d make love again. It was definitely the best way to celebrate a birthday.


As the weeks went on, our two lives became one. Simon rarely stayed at his place, even during the weeks the kids were home. Stacey was there often and he was needed less, something that he didn’t complain about. The apartment I shared with Kelly became more of a home to him and the bedroom made it obvious that a man lived there, too. I loved those noticeable changes.

We spent Thanksgiving at my parents’ home and Simon’s whole family came to dinner, including the kids since they’d eaten lunch with their mother’s family.

I watched everyone converse over pie after the food had been eaten and I couldn’t help but smile. Our families seemed to meld easily and I could see my life full of moments like that. I hadn’t been looking for a love like Simon had given me but I was certainly glad I’d found it.

“What are you thinking about?” Simon asked as he wrapped his arms around me from behind, pulling my back to his chest. I smiled, gripping his arms while snuggling into his hold.

“I was thinking about how happy I am. How happy you make me.”

His lips pressed to my cheek and let out a long, content sigh. “I’m so happy, too, Megs. Our future looks good, doesn’t it?”


We went home that night loaded up with leftovers and we argued about whether or not we should go Black Friday shopping. Simon was dead set against the idea but I bugged him about it even after we were in bed. I knew I’d won when he groaned.

“Fine, but if you start fighting with little old ladies over shit, I’m going to pretend like I don’t know you.”

I grinned and stretched my neck so I could kiss his lips. “Deal.”

His phone rang shortly after seven Friday morning, while we were both still sleeping, and he muttered angrily as he grabbed it from the nightstand.

“Seriously, Cap? It’s barely light outside.” He paused for a moment and listened to his boss while running his lips down my bare shoulder. “Shit. Okay. I’m in. Flying or driving? Okay, I’ll see you at the house by eleven.”

He dropped the phone to the bed and snaked his arms back around me, his hold tight. I trailed my nails up his forearm as I waited for him to speak. After a long moment, he sighed.

“We’re leaving for Arizona to help with that fire. The captain expects us to be gone for at least a week.”

I’d heard about the fire that was burning down there but I hadn’t realized Simon’s company would ever need to help. It must have been bad. The thought of Simon being sent there made my stomach hurt and I suddenly felt like crying. As if he could sense my turmoil of emotions, Simon only increased his hold on me.

“Babe. Everything is going to be okay.”

I heard his words but they didn’t register in my brain. Ever since the fire that had sent him to the hospital, everything had become more real. The dangers of his job, how quickly life could change… I was scared to death to lose the man that I’d come to love with all of my heart.

“Get out of your head, Megan Elizabeth,” Simon growled as he maneuvered us so I was on my back and he was hovering over me. “Let me make love to you. I need my fill because a week without you is going to feel like an eternity.”

Our tongues tangled together quickly but the rest of our movements were slow as we tried to savor every moment. I lost myself to his touch, my mind becoming devoid of everything that wasn’t Simon’s body, and he brought me to two powerful orgasms before finding his own.

We showered together afterwards, our hands unable to stop touching the other’s naked body. Despite our session in the sheets, we had sex again against the shower wall and the word ‘love’ passed through our lips constantly.

“Do you want me to drive you?” I asked as he stuffed things into his backpack ninety minutes later. He shook my head and zipped up the bag before meeting my eyes.

“I want you to wake up your sister and go Black Friday shopping, Megs.”

I rolled my eyes and played with the ring on my thumb. “You have to come home, okay?”

“Babe.” He sat down next to me on the bed and pulled me into his lap. “It’s going to take more than a fire to keep me away from you.”

“Will you be able to call?”

Simon shook his head and brushed his lips against my temple. “Maybe once or twice but probably not. I’ll try to text as much as possible. I programmed a number into your phone for NHFD dispatch. If you have an emergency and can’t get ahold of me, call them, okay?”

I curled my arms around him and held on tight for as long as possible. I could feel my bottom lip quivering when I walked him to the door and I watched him and Kelly embrace in a long hug.

“I love you, Kel. Take care of her, okay? Keep her distracted and make her go shopping today.”

“Will do,” Kelly replied softly as they stepped apart. “Stay safe, big brother.”

Simon nodded before crushing me to his chest. When he let me go, he kissed me hard and purposefully. “I love you so much, Megan. I’ll see you soon, okay?”

“I love you, too. Be careful out there.” I swallowed back the tears that threatened and Kelly’s arm came around my waist when I stepped back. “

“I will.” He smiled at the two of us and opened the front door. Before he was all the way through, he turned to look at us. “Don’t get into too much trouble, you two.”

And with that, he was gone.





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