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Homecoming Queen by Kerry Watts (9)

Chapter Ten

Annie stepped out of the shower and tightened the towel round her body. The upstairs hall of the farmhouse was still as cold as she remembered. Her bedroom wasn't much warmer so she rubbed herself dry as quickly as she could then threw on her dressing gown while she laid out her wedding outfit on the bed. The morning she decided to go to the wedding, which in itself was a tumultuous decision, Annie went designer dress shopping. After trying on fourteen outfits she opted for a short, purple, straight-cut Stella McCartney piece with a plunging neck line to show off the Native American necklace she bought for the occasion. A black dream catcher with purple feathers at the end of a long black chain. Her shoes were a simple pair of black Jimmy Choo heels. Her hair didn't take much styling, not when it was this short—a bit of wax and it's done. She sat on the corner of what was also her childhood bed and put the finishing touches to her makeup—smoky grey eyes and lilac lips. It was a struggle but she managed to pull up the zip of her dress without help. She slipped her feet into her shoes and stood in front of the mirror and stared. Annie couldn't get last night with Billy out of her mind and hoped it wouldn't be too long before it happened again.

Gordon Marshall fiddled with his tie as his shirt stuck out above his trousers.

“Here, Dad, I'll do that.” Annie kept her tone quiet so her dad wouldn't get agitated by the stress of forgetting how to do up his tie. “You look so smart.”

Annie smiled but noticed the look of confusion on his face. He scratched his head and frowned; his expression briefly vacant.

“It's Kate's wedding in an hour. We better get a move on.” Annie slipped her arm through Gordon's. “Betty will meet us at the hotel she said. I've said she can sit with us and Billy.”

Annie felt herself blush when she said his name. Gordon nodded.

“Shall we go, then?” Annie grabbed the door key from the hall table and headed outside with Gordon.

“Mr Marshall, you scrub up well, sir.” Billy laughed as he locked up his cottage door.

Gordon chuckled at the compliment and shook his head. Billy's eyes widened when they drifted to Annie. Annie's cheeks burned when her eyes met Billy's. His shirt was pulled tight across his chest, which wasn't surprising given the size of it and his massive biceps rippled under the short sleeves. His trousers were a neat fit over his pert, tight bum. Annie fantasised about taking hold of him and pushing him back inside that cottage for round two.

“Well, well, Annie Marshall, aren't you a sight for sore eyes.” Billy grinned like a Cheshire cat as his eyes roamed over every part of her, coming to rest on the flesh between the plunging neckline. He walked over to join them and whispered into Annie's ear, “You look beautiful.”

Annie couldn't stop blushing which made Billy smile and follow his compliment. “You weren't so coy last night.”

Before she could respond in kind, Billy had walked a little ahead next to Gordon, making small talk as they made their way to the wedding.

The main reception room of The Highland Lodge hotel had been decorated exquisitely for the ceremony. There were white silk ribbons and bows along with Kate's favourite pink roses. Betty waved the group over to the row of seats she had kept for them. The glare Matty threw Annie bore into her like a knife as she took her seat. Craig was too nervous to notice her arrival and his parents tried to ignore her arrival altogether. Billy chose the seat between Betty and Annie and whispered a cheeky remark into Betty's ear.

“I'm a thorn between two beautiful roses.” His light-hearted banter relieved some of Annie's terror. The feeling of being trapped in this room full of people who hated her was awful. Betty gave him a gentle tap on his knee in response.

“You're a charmer you,” she turned to face Annie, “isn't he, Annie? We had a name for chaps like you when I was young.”

Before Annie could say anything, the music sounded from the back of the room and everyone stood for the arrival of the bride.

Annie was awe struck by how drop dead gorgeous Kate looked in her dress. It showed off her curves rather than accentuated her size. She was so beautiful. Annie felt a lump in her throat as she watched Kate's dad nervously walked her down the aisle to the song, Angels by Robbie Williams. If Kate had told her that was the song she'd picked she would have tried to talk her out of it because it was such a cheesy number but right then it was perfect. Kate looked perfect and Craig's face, when he saw her walking towards him, was so emotional that Annie wanted to cry. What Kate had with Craig was the most wonderful thing in the world. Annie heard tiny sniffles from the other side of Billy and caught sight of him holding Betty's hand while she wiped her nose on her handkerchief. Annie's heart melted. Billy was literally the stereotypical gentle giant. Craig's hands trembled as he took Kate's hand from her dad, who wiped away a tear before he sat down next to his equally emotional wife who had Sophie on her knee looking gorgeous in a blue silk dress with pink flowers on it and a pink ribbon in her long, blonde hair. Each of the boys were dressed in matching black trousers, crisp white shirts, and the same tartan tie worn by Craig, Matty, and Mr. McDonald—the McDonald tartan obviously. The registrar spoke with a soft highland lilt to ask if anyone here present knew of any reason these two should not be joined in matrimony. Not a sound could be heard but there never usually was, was there—apart from in Hollywood movies or soap operas, but this really was a couple who were meant to be to together. Kate and Craig had been together since he plucked up the courage to ask her to go to a party with him when he was fifteen and Kate was fourteen. She initially turned him down because she was embarrassed and shy until Annie told her, “Don't be daft. Go out with the boy, he really likes you.”

Annie also added that he's no oil painting but he could be worse. Not a glowing recommendation but it worked. They had been together ever since and had even survived the tragic death of his sister despite Kate's secrets. Craig's voice quivered as they exchanged vows—some of his words inaudible through his tears. Annie thought her heart would melt. Kate was so lucky. It was clear how much Craig utterly adored her. As the registrar pronounced the couple to be man and wife, everyone clapped and cheered and wiped away their tears. Once the formality of the photographs were over, Annie was relieved to finally eat. She appreciated the seating arrangement and took her place between Billy and her dad and opposite Betty. Champagne flowed like water throughout the meal and Annie was more than grateful. Even Betty was a bit tipsy after two glasses with her roast beef. The choice of dessert did not surprise Annie one bit. Chocolate fudge pudding covered in hot chocolate sauce. Kate loved chocolate probably more than she loved Craig.

Matty stood to give his best man's speech, and Billy saw that Annie was nervous and reached under the tablecloth and squeezed her knee. His touch instantly distracted her, especially as his hand didn't stop at her knee. Billy was now stroking her inner thigh, dangerously close to where she really wanted him to stroke. She closed her eyes and tried to blot out the rest of the room while he massaged her.

“More champagne for the toasts.” A waiter approached the table and Billy released his firm grip on Annie's body and nodded.

“You better fill us all up here. We're a thirsty bunch.”

The waiter laughed and left the bottle on the table for them. Billy held it aloft and stared into Annie's eyes. “Can I fill it for you?”

She giggled before she noticed Matty's glare. His icy stare made her so uncomfortable. Matty tapped his glass with his fork to attract everyone's attention.

“Hello, everyone. Thank you all for coming today to share this wonderful occasion with our family. Uncle Craig won't mind me telling you that he was a nervous wreck this morning and had to partake in more than one or two wee nips of a fine Glen Livet malt whisky.”

A ripple of laughter moved through the wedding guests at Matty's opening lines.

“As did wee Liam.”

Kate's eyes widened.

“Don't worry, I'm only joking.”

Kate grinned and shook her head.

“He got the cheap stuff.”

Matty was working the crowd well, and they loved his banter. Annie watched Danny proudly admiring his son's efforts.

“When Craig asked me to be his best man, I was honoured and delighted and didn't hesitate to say yes. He's been more like a brother to me all my life, and I love you, man.”

Matty raised his glass in the air towards Craig who lifted his in return and mouthed the words thank you.

“What can I say about Kate, lovely Kate? I'm not sure what I would have done without you in my life, and I am so happy for you and Craig. Where I've seen Craig more like a brother, I hope you don't mind when I say you've been like the mum I didn't get the chance to have. You were there for my first day at school. You listened when Shannon dumped me for Ryan that Christmas when I was fifteen…,” he paused, “…You're one in a million.”

Kate smiled and wiped a tear away delicately with a napkin as Craig cradled her hand in his. Annie's heart raced when Matty turned to stare straight at her.

“Anyway, enough of that. I'd like to see you charge your glasses.”

He lifted his glass high. “To Mr. and Mrs. Roberts.”

“To Mr. and Mrs. Roberts,” came the reply.

When Annie saw Matty sit back down, she heaved a sigh of relief which didn't go unnoticed.

“Are you okay?” Betty asked.

“Yes, I'm fine. You were right about how stunning she looked.”

Betty seemed satisfied by Annie's answer and turned back to sipping her champagne with vigour. Annie enjoyed seeing both Betty and her dad look so relaxed. She'd managed to get an appointment for her dad to see his doctor on Monday, but she hadn't told him yet.

“How does it feel to upstage the bride?”

Billy's words made Annie smile.

“Betty's not wrong about you. You are a charmer all right.”

Billy breathed deeply and glanced at the curve of her breasts and took hold of her necklace, allowing his fingers to skim her skin.

“Are you interested in Native American culture?”

“Not really,” his touch made her nervous,” I just liked this necklace really.”

As he dropped it, his hand stroked her skin more firmly, building the ache in her once more. “It suits you, stands out against your soft pale skin.”

“Not here,” she gasped and reluctantly brushed his hand away.

“You're right;” he kept his voice low, “I'm sorry.”

He sat back in his chair and lifted the bottle. “More champagne, though?”

“Yes, please.”

Annie watched Kate and Craig have their first dance as husband and wife. A moment later, they were joined on the dance floor by their children and the picture was complete. They made such a beautiful family, she couldn't stop the envy from invading her thoughts.

Billy held out his hand as an invitation to dance but Annie could only screw up her nose and shake her head even though she'd love nothing more than to feel his big arms around her and his hands on her body. Matty was there, dancing with his girlfriend.

“Come on, I'm not too old to throw a few moves,” Betty stood up and patted Billy's shoulder. “Let's show them how it should be done.”

Annie tried not to laugh at the sight of Billy dancing with Betty. They were such an odd couple. For ninety-five she could still move. Annie got up to go to the bathroom now that the speeches were over; she'd waited so long she thought she might burst. Seeing his chance, Danny followed her across the hall after first ensuring that Billy was still otherwise engaged. He waited patiently at the bar for Annie to walk passed on her way back to her table.

Annie held open the door when she heard footsteps behind her but was chilled to find Craig's mum walk into the bathroom after her. She didn't know whether to run or hide, but Mrs. Roberts didn't say anything. She just glared for a moment then acted as if Annie wasn't even there, as if she nothing to her at all. Annie wasn't sure how she felt about it. Her stare sent a shiver down her spine. She locked herself inside a cubicle until Craig's mum left. Annie checked her phone and looked over the five missed calls from Paul from last night. She slowly rubbed her fingers across the screen and deliberated, then stuffed it back down inside her bag. She will call him but not tonight.

Danny ordered double malt and waited patiently. As Annie turned the corner, he grabbed her arm and forced onto the stool next to him.

“Ow, that hurts.” Annie tried to peel his fingers off her arm which left unsightly red marks on her.

“What the fuck was that about last night?” Danny was clearly drunk and his face was twisted and angry.

He swallowed down the whisky and indicated to the bar man to refill his glass.

“I don't have to justify myself to you.” Annie got up to leave but Danny stood up to obstruct her escape.

Billy could see Annie's distress and rushed over to help her. Just as the night before, Danny felt himself move quickly backwards and onto the ground. This time his alcohol consumption increased his courage and decreased his good judgement. He rose to his feet, if somewhat unsteadily.

“Here's your knight in shining armour once again.”

“Go home, Danny; you've had too much to drink.” Billy hoped Danny would see sense and walk away but Danny wasn't giving up his woman that easily.

“Annie and I have a lot to talk about, so if you don't mind.”

Danny reached for Annie's wrist.

“I don't think so.” Billy grabbed Danny's arm and pulled him away. “I won't tell you again.”

Matty joined the fray when he heard raised voices, including his father's.

“Well looky here, Annie Marshall at the centre of the trouble again,” he sneered. “Whose life are you ruining now, because you've already destroyed mine and Dad's.”

Annie was terrified; she desperately wanted to run but Danny was still blocking her exit. When he wouldn't move, Billy tugged his shirt to allow Annie to pass.

“Get your fucking hands off me,” Danny shouted and threw a punch which missed its target.

“This is your last warning.” Billy's patience was wearing thin but he didn't want to ruin Kate and Craig's big day.

When Danny launched another fist in his direction, he had no choice but to hit him with one single punch, enough to make him understand he meant what he said. Danny dropped like a rock and Matty lunged for Billy.

“Don't bother, son, or you'll end up down there with your old man.” Billy bent Matty's arm up his back until he had to concede. With both Matty and Danny subdued, he reached for Annie's hand and led her outside but not before leaning over the bar to retrieve his payment for crowd control.

“Wow, thank you, Billy.” Annie flung her arms round him and hugged him close then kissed his cheek.

Billy grinned. “Come on, let's get out of here.” He ushered Annie away from the hotel and back in the direction of the farm.


14 July 1996

I haven't spoken to Danny for two weeks. I didn't tell him about the baby and I won't have to worry about that anymore. When I told Rita about it, she suggested it might be for the best for me not to have the baby. She said Mum was too young when she had me and she was already in her twenties. I was shocked by the suggestion at first, but the counsellor helped me to get things clear in my head. She helped me understand that I needed to get a college course under my belt and that I still have so much growing up to do myself. Caring for a baby would be unfair on me and the baby. So what's done is done. Rita thought a clean break is what I needed and said I could stay with her in Edinburgh for as long as I want. I think she's enjoying the company and besides, her flat is awesome. Five minutes on the bus and you're in the city, and she has the best pizza delivery place in the entire universe. Carrlochry doesn't even have a chippy anymore. But it does have Danny. God, I miss him. I miss his touch and his smell. I've spoken to Kate on the phone a couple of times and she told me that he's having time off work to grieve and look after Matty. He looks like shit but Lisa's mum and dad are helping him. I asked if he talks about me but Kate said she doesn't know. He hasn't mentioned me to her. Maybe it would be best for everyone if I never went back at all.




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