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Recharged by Lulu Pratt (107)

Chapter 23



The warmth of the sun bears down on my face, slowly pulling me from my deep slumber.

With my eyes still closed, I reach up over my head and stretch. Clearly, sex is the ultimate form of exercise. Who knew something so pleasurable could make your entire body ache so badly? I reach out for Asher, but only feel the luxurious linen beneath my fingertips. My eyes crack open a little so I can check that I am indeed alone. I turn my head to the bathroom, but it’s dark and empty. Where did he go?

My stomach rumbles loudly and my mind switches gears to food. An open-faced egg sandwich topped with feta cheese and green onions would be perfect right now. Based on what I know about Asher and his lack of food knowledge, I’m positive none of the ingredients I need are in his house.

Maybe he’ll be up for a quick store run, or perhaps we can convince Ed to pick up a few things for us. A glass of fresh pressed orange juice would hit the spot.

I roll around like a big kid, kicking my feet, enjoying his spacious king-size bed. My ears perk up at the sound of Asher’s voice booming from down the hall. I sit up, holding the comforter to my bare chest as I survey the room.

I know it’s a bachelor pad, but it could stand to have a little bit more life to it.

The last time I stayed the night I was too focused on the sensual bath we took and getting back home in time to complete my chores to really take in how bare everything is. I know Asher said he was only staying in the building temporarily and the sparse furniture in the room reflects that.

I wonder what will happen to us once his time is up here? Will he go back to his house in the Hills and completely forget about me?

My heart sinks a little and I try to push the negative thoughts from my mind. I bring my attention back to the large empty room, staring at the bed, which is situated directly in its center with only a small nightstand next to it. Asher has a few of his suits in the open closet and several gym bags laying around on the floor. I spot what appears to be a laundry basket of clean clothes and see one of his T-shirts is within arm’s reach, so I grab it and quickly pull it over my head.

I hope he won’t mind, but there’s no way I’m putting that tight dress back on until I absolutely have to.

The floor is cold under my feet, so I quickly make my way down the hall to the sound of Asher’s voice. I can’t quite make out what he’s saying, but the tone of his voice sounds aggressive and possibly even angry.

I find him in a rather large office down the hall, facing a computer with a deep-set frown on his face. His cell phone is pressed to his ear and he’s silent, listening to the person on the other end. He looks up at me, still frowning.

“I’ll call you back later,” he says, abruptly ending the call.

“Hey you,” I say, taking a few steps forward nervously, unsure if I’m welcome. “You didn’t have to hang up the phone like that, I didn’t mean to interrupt. It’s just that the bed was empty when I woke up and I wanted to see where you had slipped off to. What are your thoughts on a quick store run so I can whip us up some breakfast?”

Asher looks me up and down and sighs heavily. My stomach drops with anticipation. My attempt to change the topic haven’t worked.

“What’s wrong? Did I do something? Are you upset about the shirt?” I ask, looking down.

He reclines back in the chair and shakes his head. “That’s not it,” he says. “You are more than welcome to put on anything you like. It’s just…”

The long moment of silence is killing me, and my stomach churns with anxiety. If he doesn’t hurry up, I’m going to pass out.

“What? You’re making me nervous,” I say, shifting my weight back and forth on the balls of my feet. I hate the moments that pass when I’m waiting on something to happen. It’s like my body doesn’t know how to handle the delay, so I end up feeling nauseated.

“Come here,” he says. “I want you to see something.”

I nervously close the gap between us, forcing my feet to propel me forward. Honestly, I don’t want to see whatever it is, especially since it has Asher behaving so strangely, but on the other hand I’m curious what it is and how it relates to me. What could possibly have him this upset?

Asher turns the computer screen around to face me and I can’t believe what I’m seeing. What we thought was a private moment has been captured and shared all over the world. I look at the screen for a moment and then at him, and then back to the screen. Now I understand why he’s unsettled by the image that has the potential to turn things upside down for both of us.

I exhale slowly and fold my arms across my chest. “Shit,” I say.