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Recharged by Lulu Pratt (83)

Chapter 48




The sun is shining on my face, and I have to blink myself awake. It takes a few seconds for me to realize where I am, but then I feel him, underneath me. It’s Blake’s breathing that woke me, not the sun. I’m sitting on his lap and his rhythmic breath, up and down, up and down, rocked me awake.

After we ate breakfast, the two of us made love again. It was deep and passionate, like the day before. And as we did, I rode him from the front so I could look him in the eyes the entire time. We never once broke eye contact, and as we came, we did it together.

But after that, we both felt a little worn out, hence the nap. Now, as I sit in Blake’s lap, I never want to move. The only thing that is making me even consider it is the idea that this is now my home and that I get to spend the rest of my life with him.

Very slowly, I climb from his lap, making sure not to wake him. Once up, I walk around the house, taking it all in. I have walked through this house a hundred times before, but never like this. It used to always be as a stranger, knowing that one day, I would have to go home. This time, though, I see the house in a whole new light.

I look over the walls and floor. I look at the decorations, the paintings and wall hangings he has. Some I like. Some I don’t. The entire house is in need of a makeover to change it from a bachelor pad to a family home. As soon as possible, too.

It’s as this thought hits me that I suddenly get an interesting idea. I bite my lip as I ponder it, wondering if it’s too early or not. A part of me knows that I should wait, at least a few days, but another part wants to start straight away.

Making up my mind, I hurry across the house to Blake. A little too excited now, I shake him awake.

“What?” He asks as he sits up, wiping his eyes. “What’s going on? Is everything okay?”

I don’t respond. Instead, I look down at him with a wicked smile.




“Are you sure you want to do this today?” He asks me, glancing away from the road for a second and looking into my eyes.

“I want to do this last week,” I say back. “So really, I’m running terribly late.”

The two of us are on our way to my old apartment so I can get the rest of my things and leave that life behind.

When he asked me to move in with him, or told me that I was, I could not believe it. A part of me still can’t. Maybe that’s why I’m so excited to get started on the move right away? When you want to start spending the rest of your life with someone, you want that to start as soon as possible.

“Okay, but my Aston Martin can only take so much.”

“Then we’ll just throw out whatever doesn’t fit,” I say quickly.


“I don’t think I can emphasize how serious I am being.”

He smiles and nods, keeping his eyes on the road. I reach across the car and stroke his face. As I do, he takes my hand, and kisses it. He is mine, and I am his.




“So, all of this, we’re throwing out?” He asks.

Piled in the middle of my apartment are stacks and stacks of my old things. There are clothes I never wear anymore, cutlery, crockery and other kitchen utensils I don’t need, and other bits and pieces I uncovered that I had forgotten I even owned. Essentially, it is all disposable.

“All of it,” I say.

I’ve already packed the car full of everything else that I need, and honestly, there isn’t that much of it. Most of the stuff that I do own and want is already at his, our, house. The rest is a remnant from a past life that I am eager to forget.

“Okay, so should I light them on fire here, or should I carry it outside? That way we can have a bonfire and dance around it while it burns?”

“Or option three. We can call someone to come and throw it out for us?” I suggest, trying not to laugh.

“Well, it’s not as fun, but it’s definitely more efficient.”

“Come on.” I walk across the apartment and scoop up a small box on the floor. “Let’s go.”

“Goodbye, apartment,” Blake says as he walks to the front door. “You won’t be missed.”

He walks out first, and I follow him. As I turn to close the door behind myself, I pause and look back into the small apartment that I once called my home. It’s funny, but I used to not mind this place, apart from how small it was. It was never impressive or grand, but it was my home, and for that, I loved it.

But now that I look at it, I see it for what it is. Cold, small and run down. Not the kind of place that anyone should have to live in. But I smile to myself when this realization hits me. The fact that although I once lived here, I no longer do. It’s a representation of my old life, of the person I used to be.

“Are you coming?” I hear Blake call from the car.

I take one final look inside the apartment, shaking my head as I close and lock the door. That part of my life is over. I walk down the sidewalk, seeing my man leaning against the car. He smiles and waves, and I smile and wave back. He is my new life, and I can’t wait for it to begin.