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Recharged by Lulu Pratt (86)

Chapter 2



I walk around the apartment, pausing to look up at the vaulted ceilings and exposed rustic beams. Under normal circumstances it doesn’t get better than a penthouse apartment, but nothing about this situation is normal, and this place is a dump. To be fair, I’m sure this is considered upscale to someone with average taste and a few millions in the bank, but it’s nothing compared to my mansion.

This place pales in comparison to my house with its eight bedrooms, six bathrooms, tennis court and pool. I love open space with lots of fresh air and manicured lawns. This condo is none of those things, but I know for a fact it will be well worth the investment in the long run, even though I’m positive my master bedroom is larger than this entire apartment.

Thankfully I’m only here for a month. I don’t think I can slum it any longer than that. My partners all think I’m crazy, but there’s a method to my madness. I like to dig in and get a first-hand feel for every business and piece of real estate I purchase. I didn’t land on the Forbes list by making stupid investments, and I won’t start now. Despite my short stay in a place below my typical standards, I wanted to make the place as homey as possible by bringing a few of my favorite items over. I only wish that included my fully equipped gym. There’s no way I’m using a shared facility like the one offered here. Besides, there is barely enough equipment and space for two people to work out in that tiny room they have the nerve to label a ‘Fitness Center.’

I make a mental note to look into the added costs associated with improving the modest gym so future residents can have a more inclusive living experience. I imagine everyone must pay for a gym membership, but if we could add that amenity, it may be reason to increase the asking price. Loosening my tie, I pull out my phone to check my jam-packed calendar for the hundredth time today. Amelia, my secretary, has my schedule laid out to perfection with several alarms set to go off at various times throughout the day, but with ever-changing markets comes a schedule that changes by the hour.

I wonder if I have time to run to a real gym for a quick cardio session. I’ve never been overweight or unfit, and I want to keep it that way by maintaining my muscular build. No matter how many meetings I have on my schedule, I always make time for fitness. I glance back down at my phone and consider shifting around a few meetings, scrolling to my contacts to call Amelia.

“Hello, Mr. Jordan. I was just about to call to let you know the movers will be bringing a few more of your items over later today.”

Amelia’s voice is raspy from years of smoking and it used to get on my nerves when I first hired her. I’m used to her now, and look forward to hearing it when she picks up the phone.

Typically, when I’m in the office, Amelia is at her desk, her ashy blonde hair slicked back into a bun at the nape of her neck with a pencil stuck between her teeth as she balances the ringing phones on her desk. She does all that and keeps up with the hundreds of emails I receive daily. I don’t know how she does it all, but she’s damn good at doing it.

“Perfect,” I say. “I was hoping everything else would be delivered today. You know I hate being without certain things, especially in this place.”

“Yes, sir. You know I’m on top of it,” she says. “Speaking of being on top of things, I have a few items to go over with you since you’re already on the phone.”

I listen as she rattles off a few changes to my schedule not yet entered onto my calendar, which reminds me of the reason I called in the first place.

“Listen, cancel my meeting with the Nova Corporation executives and reschedule them for tomorrow,” I say.

“That’s going to make tomorrow a long day, but I’m sure we’ll manage. Heading to the gym?”

She knows me so well.

“Am I that predictable?” I ask.

She laughs a bit before answering. “You sure are. The only time you start shifting things around on your schedule is so you can go work out.”

I smile and start walking around the apartment taking inventory of the growing to-do list as Amelia continues to go over the recent documents that came in during my absence. As I wander down the hall, I notice the floors need a good waxing and the crown molding needs replacing. I walk into a spare room in the back that I’ve dubbed my telescope room. The walls are covered with posters of different constellations and I have several high-powered telescopes positioned around the room.

Even as a child I loved anything dealing with space, and my constant cash flow has allowed me to invest in my little hobby quite handsomely. I had dreams of becoming an astronaut, but once I discovered my knack for mergers and acquisitions, I had enough work to keep me grounded right here on Earth.

I gently run my finger over my latest toy, a replica of a telescope used by NASA. I stoop down to adjust the focus of the lens on the scope. I like getting familiar with my equipment before I put them into use. I enjoy pushing all the buttons and turning the knobs, learning which thing does what. I chalk it up to my need to be hands on and in control.

Standing up, I glance at my Franck Muller to check the time. If I didn’t rein her in, Amelia would keep me on the phone for hours, updating me on every detail of my life. I rush out of the room and close the door behind me as I start to search for my gym bag.

“I’ve got to go, I don’t want too much time to get away from me,” I say.

“I’ve updated your schedule, and the confirmations should come through on your end soon,” says Amelia.

“Thanks. If I don’t talk to you later, I will see you bright and early tomorrow,” I say before hanging up.

I walk to the front door and look back at the half empty apartment again. I added several more tasks to my never-ending list. At some point, I need to have maintenance come in and change out the air filters and fix the leak in the guest bathroom.

So damn much to do.