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Recharged by Lulu Pratt (52)

Chapter 16




Every time I kiss him my body shakes. His hand runs through my hair, guiding my face to his. As our lips meet, he holds it there. Not that he needs to. I could kiss him for hours.

Our lips lock, dancing back and forth in perfect rhythm. I have never felt so comfortable kissing someone before. I have never felt so sexually alive. His lips are moist and warm, while his tongue is soft. It pushes into my mouth, lapping at my own tongue. I lick it back, pretending to nibble at it.

As I do, his hand leaves the back of my head and grips my waist instead. In the spur of the moment, I lift up my left leg, kicking it over his head and down by his other side. I’m now straddling him.

He is wearing khaki pants, and I can already feel his bulge, pressing up against my lips. He told me he has ten inches for me. That’s bigger than anything I have ever taken before, and although I thought he might be exaggerating, now that I can feel him, I think he might have been playing down its size.

“I think I should leave,” I whisper in his ear. I then lick his ear and nibble on it. He groans.

“Then go,” he says, keeping his hands firmly on my waist.

I don’t make to move. I stay right where I am.

I begin to move my hips back and forth, grinding into him. His bulge, pulsating in his pants, pushes itself up against my lips. I can feel it stroking the outside of my clit. My body trembles every time I grind myself forward.

His hands move from my waist and to my back, where they find the clasp on my dress. He undoes it, and I slump my shoulders, allowing for my dress to fall open. My breasts are now right in his face, and he pounces. First, my left, and then my right. He bites down on both with just enough pressure that I squeal, but don’t scream.

“You like that?” He groans as he pulls his mouth from my heaving breasts.

In response, I grab the top of his head and push it back into my breasts. I want more.

As he continues to play with them, his hand moves down to my thighs. He pinches my thigh as his hand breezes past it. He then begins to stroke my panty line. My body shakes each time his finger goes near my pussy. I am so wet, and all I want is him inside me.

I am going to ask him to take me, but I stop myself. He has to do it on his own accord. I want him to want to. Luckily, I don’t wait long. He strokes the outside of my panty line and pushes it to the side, exposing my lips. His finger runs up the outside.

I shudder and grab him by the back of the head. He lets out a chuckle and then plunges his finger inside of me. I bite down on his neck as he penetrates me. I breathe into his ear. I let out a moan. His finger pushes itself inside of me, and I scream.

Someone knocks on the door.

We both freeze where we are. His finger is inside of me. My exposed breasts are in his face. We both look to the door, and then back at one another.

“Yes?” He calls out.

“Sir, it’s Marge. I have an urgent email that I forwarded you an hour ago. I really need you to read it.”

“Give me five minutes,” Blake yells through the door.

“Thank you so much, sir. That’s perfect!”

We remain frozen, and I hear the footsteps disappear down the hall. The moment they are gone, I slide off Blake’s lap. I am still hot and bothered, but I feel that the moment is all but gone.

“When can I see you again?” He asks.

I smile openly as I do up my dress.

“Saturday,” I assure him. “Like I said.” In truth, I don’t think that I can wait until Saturday. I’m more turned on than I have ever been, and I have to have him soon. I just might explode otherwise.

“I am not sure I can’t wait that long.” He stands up, taking my hand. The bulge in his pants is still there, demonstrating that he is telling the truth.

“Okay,” I say. “How about tomorrow night? Your house?”

“I can’t wait,” he says as I make my way to the door. We share a kiss as I step outside, and I make sure to close the door behind me.

As I walk to my car, I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. I pull it out, smiling to myself as I see who is calling. It’s Amy.

“What’s up?” I ask as I reach my car.

“What’s up with me? What’s up with you? You told me you were meeting Blake again today. How did it go? Tell me everything!”

“Yeah, it went pretty well. Nothing too exciting.”

I look over my shoulder, as if someone might be watching me. The lie is an obvious one, and even I don’t believe myself.

“Girl, you have got to be the worst liar. Just tell me! Something obviously happened. What was it? Sex? A blowjob? Oh, you definitely blew him didn’t you? You dirty little…”

“I didn’t blow him,” I hiss into the phone. As I do, I climb into the car and strap myself in. “But we did almost have sex. Like really close to it.”

“Amazing! Where are you now? What are you doing? I want to hear everything. Oh wait! Is that the time? Shit! Look, I have a client. What are you doing later?”

“Nothing.” I chuckle as I shake my head at my friend’s eccentric nature.

“Okay, I’ll call you. I want to hear everything.” She hangs up the phone, leaving it beeping in my ear.

I shake my head again as I start up the car. As I do, I notice that my hand is still shaking. In fact, my entire body is. That moment with Blake has left me a wreck. I need to get home as soon as possible and take care of this aftershock. If I don’t, then I truly will explode.