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Recharged by Lulu Pratt (77)

Chapter 41




Sitting across the table from Amy, I can’t help but think about how different this meal is from the one that Blake and I had with Ben and Janet.

That was a much quieter affair, even with the children. There were a few drinks that I avoided. There was light banter and an all-around enjoyable time. But Amy is a whirlwind. She stormed into the house, screaming at the top of her lungs about how much she had missed me, even though I went for lunch with her only the week before.

She demanded I give her a tour of the house and then was adamant that the two of us get smashed. I was able to oblige the first, but I had to work to dodge the second. I’d managed to avoid the subject of not drinking in front of her so far, but I was telling her tonight that I was pregnant.

Our dinner is far louder than either Blake or I had anticipated, either. She chose the music, and it is blaring. She also bought vodka for us to drink, which Blake is drinking for the two of us, and she is even hinting that we go out after.

Although Blake is obviously a little put out by Amy’s behavior, I can’t help but laugh. This isn’t really what Amy is like, not usually, anyway. She is just excited to see me and wants to get the most of me in while she can. She is only here for the weekend.

“So,” she says, and she looks back between Blake and me. “You two are going to show me a good night, right? Take me to a Beverly Hills club, maybe? Maybe then I can meet a rich so and so, and get myself set up?”

I still haven’t told her yet. I keep meaning to, but every time I am about to say it, she barrels forth with a comment about being single, or how she misses me, or how she can’t wait until I am back. I thought Blake was being silly for not telling Ben and Janet sooner. Now I see how hard it is.

But Blake is my rock. He sees that I am struggling and reaches across the table and takes my hand.

“So, Amy,” he says, turning to address her. “Carrie has something she wants to tell you.”

“Oh,” Amy says. “Does it involve a reason why your glass is still full? Chug that drink, and then tell me.”

“Actually,” I begin. I take a deep breath and prepare myself. It is time. “I can’t drink that, Amy. And I haven’t drunk anything all night. Blake has been drinking my half.”


“I’m pregnant.” I say it quickly, and I hold Amy’s stare as I do. I want her to know that I am being serious for once, and that this isn’t a joke.

She looks back from me to Blake. Blake is holding my hand, and he lifts it to his mouth and kisses it. I put my hand on his lap and give it a rub.

“You’re pregnant?” She asks.

“That’s right,” I say, with more resolution. “Definitely pregnant. With Blake’s baby, obviously. I’ve been meaning to tell you.”

“Oh my God!” Amy screams. She leaps from her chair, runs around the table and pulls me into a massive hug. “I can’t believe it. This is amazing. This is wonderful news!”

She has let go of me just long enough to get the words out. But now that she has, she pulls me into another bone-crunching hug.

“You’re not mad?” I ask.

“Mad? How could I be mad? My best friend is having a baby. Which means I’m going to be an aunt. Which means I’m going to cry.”

And sure enough, tears begin to pour down her cheek. She bats at her eyes, trying to fan them off.

“I’ll let you two talk.” Blake stands and heads to the bathroom.

“Seriously,” Amy says as she calms down. She walks back to her seat, falling into it and letting out a long sigh. “I am so happy for you. My heart hurts.”

“I’m so happy that you are. I was worried that you might not approve.”

I look back to the bathroom door as I do. I don’t want Blake to overhear. Amy is aware of who Blake is, and if anyone is going to have it in for him, it’s going to be her.

“Well, to be honest, if you had told me this before tonight, I probably wouldn’t be so behind it.”

“Yeah?” I ask.

I’m not that surprised. She and Blake have gotten on really well tonight, better than I could have ever hoped. It’s as if he knew he would have to win her over.

“Well, yeah, after what he did.” I look over my shoulder at the still-closed bathroom door. “But he seems like a great guy. He’s handsome, he’s funny and he is obviously a good provider. Like what’s the deal? Are you two getting married or what?”

“Whoa,” I say quickly. “Hold on there. We haven’t discussed that yet.”

“Well, excuse me for thinking that two people having a baby together might be getting married,” she scoffs. “Either way, you mark my words. I know things, and I know people. I’m a hairdresser after all. And you two are going to be together for a while. Longer than that even.”

“You think so?” I ask, unable to suppress my smile.

“I know so. Forever and ever. You heard it here first. Now if you don’t mind.” She leans across the table and picks up the very full vodka-mixed drink that sits in front of me. “Seeing as you can’t have this.”

She takes a big gulp and then another.

I pay her hardly any attention. I look from the still-closed bathroom door to Blake’s empty seat, and I smile a big, goofy and unbridled smile. I don’t want to jinx it, and I have tried not to think of it, but as if Amy’s words have let the cat out of the bag, now I can’t think of anything but. I love Blake. Plain and simple, and I can truly see us spending the rest of our lives together. So much so that I don’t even bother to tell Amy about the pregnancy contract.

I just hope that Blake feels the same way.