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Second Chance by Natasha Preston (18)






“Happy Birthday!”

I jumped awake, ready to murder my parents in cold blood. They stood by my door wearing ridiculous matching smiles.

Groaning, I pushed myself up on my elbows. “Yeah, thanks.”

“It’s almost ten, love, come on, up out of bed.”

“Your Mum’s cooked a full English and it’s almost ready.”

“Now that I’ll get up for.” I swung my legs out of bed. “And presents? There are presents, right?”

Mum shrugged, trying not to smile. “There might be one or two.” That meant she’d gone a little mad again. I was an only child and although I was never spoilt to the point where I got whatever I demanded – I wouldn’t ever dare demand! – she did like to go all out on my birthday and Christmas.

“Do you want to get dressed first?” Dad asked.

I looked down at my plan purple pyjama shorts and matching spaghetti strap top. “Not really. Do I look bad?” It was hot today already and I was at home. There was no need for me to get dressed before breakfast.

“Of course not, you never look bad,” he replied. “Downstairs then.”

My parents traipsed behind me; the excitement from Mum was palpable. Birthdays and holidays were her thing. She loved celebrating anything with family and friends.

I rounded the corner and almost jumped back, knocking them both over.

“Happy Birthday!” Nell, Logan, Cassie, Julia and Daryl shouted.

Now I got the are you going to get dressed question, it was a prompt. But these people were practically family, so I didn’t really care.

“Thank you,” I said, returning Julia’s bear hug.

“Your parents invited us for breakfast, I hope you don’t mind us tagging along?” she said.

“Of course not. I’m glad you’re here.”

I was ambushed by Logan next. Bracing myself, I wrapped my arms around his waist as he hugged me. “Happy birthday, sweetheart.”

My heart did all kinds of somersaults.

“Thanks,” I replied a little breathlessly.

Cass, Nell and Daryl gave me a quick hug and then we went to eat the food that was making my mouth water. I did notice a massive pile of presents on the coffee table. Most were wrapped in gorgeous metallic purple paper with silver ribbons and bows – from my parents. The rest were mismatched and I suspected from our new guests.

I sat down next to Logan by habit while the parents pottered around getting breakfast onto plates and making tea and coffee. Nell and Cassie gossiped about what they’d missed from each other’s lives. They weren’t really close but got along well when they were together.

That left me with the guy that I couldn’t get out of my head, a guy that I really couldn’t want.

“So what have you got planned for your birthday?” he asked. “Wallowing in your lost youth? Crying because you’re not just twenty anymore you’re well into your twenties?”

“I’m twenty-one,” I said dryly. “And no, I figured I’d make Cass and Nell take me out and get me good and drunk. Girls’ night sounds perfect to me. You know I don’t want anything big.”

He nodded. “Also a good idea. Are men not invited?”

They would’ve been but being drunk around Logan wasn’t a good idea. The other night I danced too close to him, was too drunken flirty. I was afraid of what I’d do if my inhibitions and let’s face it, morals, were lowered by booze.

“Nope, sorry. Girls’ night.”

“I’m up for that,” Nell said, cutting in quickly before going back to her conversation with Cass.

“Fine, have your stupid girls’ night but you’d better have a naked pillow fight.”

“Really? And you do know it’s supposed to be an underwear pillow fight?”

He grinned like a naughty schoolboy and his topaz eyes brightened. “Not in my head.”

Oh, I knew how to wipe that smile off his face. “It’s me, Nell and your sister.”

His smile to fall I expected. What I didn’t expect was over the top gagging and him playfully shoving me. “You’re disgusting, Chloe!”

“You said it.”

“No, I didn’t. You’ve ruined naked pillow fights for me now, I hope you’re happy.”

The rest of the table fell silent and we suddenly had the full attention of six people, who were also gaping at us.

I smiled. “Inside joke.” Logan scowled into the distance.




“You’re wearing that out?” Logan asked, eyeing me pretty closely. Heat bubbled under my skin, trailing the path of his gaze. Stop it!

“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” I asked a little breathlessly. What was he anyway, my wardrobe police?

“Nothing. Everything.”

His words gave me nothing but Logan was protective so my money was on the dress being tight and short.

“Why don’t you wear that knee length dress with the sleeves?”

I raised my eyebrow. “Mmm, that’ll look lovely out clubbing.”

“Exactly. It’s very nice and very… covering.”

“Thank you for the concern, Logan, but I think I’ll be alright.”

“If any guys try to cop a feel?”

“Sharply jerk leg up between their legs.”

“Then punch them in the face. Goes for you too, Cass.”

She rolled her eyes.

“Come on,” I said, linking my arm through Cassie’s, “let’s go get Nell.”




Never again. I would never drink again and I would never speak to Cassie or Nell again. They’d promised me they wouldn’t let me get drunk, and I knew logically that it wasn’t their responsibility, but they were the ones buying me a new drink and a shot before I’d even finished the previous one.

My phone rang and the shrill noise made me want to launch it at the wall. It was Logan, which made me want to launch myself at the wall because my heart was still doing that thing where it went crazy at the thought of him.

I wanted to be able to blame it on alcohol or the fact that he was nice to look at and I was female but deep down I knew it was more than that. I was developing real, big feelings for him.

I let it go through to voicemail, too guilty to answer and face him. It didn’t help that Jace was staring at me from the photo collage I had on my wall. I felt like he knew. His eyes, that at the time were smiling, now felt angry and judgemental.

Liking Logan was betraying Jace and I wasn’t sure how to deal with that other than to take Logan out of the equation altogether. It wasn’t a solid plan, I was too close to his family to be able to ignore him forever but right now it was the only plan I had.

Nell, who was now sleeping on my bedroom floor – when did she get up or fall out of bed? – stirred and groaned. “Chloe?” she said.


“Why am I on the floor?”

“No idea, but I hope it’s as uncomfortable as my head.”

“I think it probably is. Did you have a good night, though?”

I shrugged even though she couldn’t see me because her hands were over her eyes. “I think so.” My phone started ringing again.

“Are you going to get that?”

Logan again. “It’s too early and I’m too hung over to talk,” I said, hoping that’d be it and she’d let it go. I flicked the damn thing on silent and put it down.

“Who is it?”

“Logan. I’ll speak to him later.”

“Wow, you don’t usually cut him off. What did he do?”

He was Logan and made me like him. That was what he did.

“Nothing, I just feel like shit and I know he’ll be cheerful and possibly smug.” Definitely smug. “I don’t want to be around cheerful right now.”

“Mmm hmm,” she murmured.

I wanted to leap out of bed, shine my computer lamp in her eyes and ask her what she knew. That mmm hmm was not innocent. She couldn’t know how I was feeling about him. Could she? God, I’d turned so paranoid.


“Huh? Oh, nothing. I need food pretty soon or I’ll be seeing all that vodka again.”

“Right,” I replied, forcing my legs to work and get me out of bed. “I’ll make us something. Do not throw up in my room.”

I took my phone downstairs with me, she would answer it if she saw it flash. I had a text from Logan and Cassie. Groaning, I filled the kettle up and flicked it on before reading them both.

Logan: I take it since you’re not answering you’re dying. Call me back so I can make fun properly. And drink water!

I smiled and tried to calm the new feelings he was giving me.

Cassie: I don’t like alcohol. Hope you had a good birthday. Xxx

I didn’t reply to either of them because they lived in the same house. I didn’t want Logan to know I was maybe a teeny bit avoiding him if Cassie mentioned I’d texted her.

With a brief pep talk about how everything was going to be fine and if I just kept to myself for a few days this little thing for Logan would disappear and order would be restored to the universe, I turned the oven on to warm some croissants for me and the sick one.