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Art of Forgiveness (A Stern Family Saga Book 2) by Monique Orgeron (10)



I awake screaming. I have to get away. I start thrashing and kicking. I feel hands grab me and hold me down. My screams get as loud as I can make them as I try hard to get away. But I can’t. I can’t get away. Blackness takes hold of me as I hear Liam’s voice in my ear.

“Avery, it’s Liam, baby. I have you. I won’t ever let anyone hurt you again. I have you, baby. I promise, Avery. I promise.”

The darkness completely takes me now. I dream now of a day forgotten.

I can’t believe my mother convinced Liam Stern to escort me to the cotillion. I’ve had a crush on him my whole life. Everyone has, really; he is the most gorgeous boy in school. He’s a football player with an athletic build, tall and strong. I never realized how tall he was until he held me while we danced. He has to be at least six-foot-three, while I’m five-foot-five or six. When I was introduced to him, if that’s what you call it, was the first time I was ever that close to him. His blue eyes bore into mine, and I couldn’t help smiling. He has this easy, natural look about him, blue eyes and sandy blonde hair. You know, the look of the boy next door. So handsome.

I only had one dance with him while I wished for more. My mother and Adam dragged me away from him, and my night was over; at least I had a dance. I was finally able to feel what it felt like to be in his arms, and it was incredible; I could die now, happy.

If last night was a dream, then today is a nightmare. All day at school, I keep getting looks and whispers about poor Avery and how Liam had to be my date and how he hated it. The girls are the worst. At lunch, I sat alone again, trying to just get through the hour. Marcy and her friends came to where I was sitting and started harassing me. They told me how there was no way in hell Liam would ever find me attractive. That if it weren’t for my mother, he would have never been my escort. Marcy goes further and tells me how Liam fucked her all night long after he left me. She goes on and on about how pathetic I am.

My head stays down, taking their attacks until I hear Liam’s voice.

“Hey, leave her alone. She didn’t do anything. Marcy, you don’t have to be jealous. Didn’t I find you? And didn’t I spend the rest of the night with you?”

Marcy smiles up at him, then throws me a nasty glance. “You sure did, baby.”

“Good. Come on, let’s go eat. All of y’all, leave Avery alone.”

They leave me, and I try not to cry, I fight it as hard as I can. But I feel humiliated. I know he didn’t want to take me, and I know he doesn’t want me, but why did they all have to shove it in my face? Why make me feel like a bigger loser than I already am?

I look up and see Liam staring at me. He almost looks sorry and concerned. I can’t take anymore; my tears start to fall, and I grab my bag and run to the bathroom. I call my mom and tell her I’m not feeling good. I beg her to call the school and have me checked out so I can drive myself home. I’m surprised when she agrees.

I continue to cry throughout the day and night. As a junior in high school, my life feels over. I hear my phone ding and see a message from a number I don’t recognize. It says: “Come to your window.” My window?

I debate whether to go to my window or not, but my curiosity wins; I walk over and move my sheer curtains. Then I see him, Liam, he’s in the old oak tree right in front of my window. I gasp as I open it.

“Why are you here, and how did you get my phone number or address?”

“That was easy. I can get anything I want.”

I roll my eyes. Of course he would say that.

“Okay, so why are you here, Liam?”

“I wanted to see you; I need to explain. Can you meet me downstairs?”


“Come on, Avery. I climbed a tree for you, and I’m not leaving until you hear me out.”

“Suit yourself. Goodnight.”

I close my window and then my sheers. As I walk back to my bed, my phone pings again.

LIAM: “Avery please, don’t leave me out here all night.”

Another ping.

LIAM: “I’m serious, I’m not leaving until you come out. I will sleep in this tree all night if I have to.”

Shit, he can’t be serious, it has to be a trick. I go over to the window again, and he waves. I open it and ask, “How do I know you’re not tricking me? I can’t handle much more, Liam. Please just leave me alone.”

“I can’t, Avery. Please, I just need to talk to you. It’s not a trick, I promise.”

I look around, and I don’t see anyone else, so I nod.

I go down the stairs as quiet as I can. Not sure why, though; my parents always take something to sleep, and their bedroom is downstairs, way on the other end of the house. They would never hear anything. Even if I have a party, I doubt they would even notice.

I unlock and open my front door and see Liam standing there.

“Now I’m here. What do you want?”

“Nice pajamas.”

I look down and notice I forgot; I’m dressed for bed. I have a pair of really short boxers on with an old T-shirt on that says, “Kiss my grits,” and my hair is in a topknot. Shit! At least I shaved.

“Well, nice hat. What do you want, Liam?”

Did I mention I’m a loser? I mean, really? All I can say is ‘nice hat’? But it is nice. He looks extremely handsome. He stands here in a baseball cap turned backward and a tight T-shirt with a pair of jeans that hugs him perfectly.

“I want to apologize for today. I didn’t know Marcy and her friends would do that. I mean, I knew Marcy was going to be jealous, but not to that point. That’s the only reason I met up with her after.”

“What do you mean?”

“I figured if I showed her some attention, then she wouldn’t worry about you.”

“I guess you didn’t do your job well enough.”

Liam bends over, laughing. “Honey, I always do my job right. Did you ever think maybe you’re the reason it didn’t work?”

I look at him like he’s crazy.

“Come on, Avery, you’re beautiful. Someone like Marcy knows she can’t compete. That’s what pissed her off.”

“You’re insane; Marcy can get any man she wants. She wouldn’t worry about me.”

“You’re right, Marcy can get any man she wants, but only because she spreads her legs for all of us. That’s why she’s worried about you. She knows she doesn’t have what you have.”

I’m shocked. I don’t know what to say; he just left me speechless.

“Avery, can we sit for a minute?”

I nod my head, still in shock, and sit next to him on my porch step.

Liam scoots closer. “You smell pretty.”

“I just bathed. I use a fresh scent soap. I can’t use all that flowery stuff. I have sensitive skin.”

Oh my God, did I just say I have sensitive skin? I’m such a dork. I just need to shut up.

“I know, you smell like you. It’s clean and fresh, it’s perfect.”

Oh my God, oh my God, is Liam Stern flirting with me?

“I like you, Avery. I like you a lot, but I’m scared if people found out, then every day would be like today. I don’t want you to have to go through that. Marcy will never stop.” He pauses, looking up at the sky. “I’d like to see you again if you want.”

I swallow hard. “I’m scared. I don’t want to be made a fool of.”

He looks at me, turning his body to face mine. His hands come up to my face, holding my head.

“I would never do that to you.”

My eyes fall.

“Look at me, Avery. Do you believe me?”

I nod my head.

“Do you like me, Avery?”

I stare into his eyes and see kindness. “Yes.”

He smiles as he leans in and kisses me. My stomach does a flip; it’s my first kiss. Liam Stern is the first person to ever kiss me, and it’s perfect. His hand slides to the back of my neck as he gently kisses my lips. I feel his mouth opening, I follow his lead, and our tongues meet. I never knew a kiss could be like this. I never knew he could be like this. He releases my mouth, and I reluctantly allow it.

He smiles again and says, “That was a perfect first kiss.”

Did he know it was my first kiss?

I nod, still speechless.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.”

He walks away, and I can’t move. What does he mean, tomorrow?