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Art of Forgiveness (A Stern Family Saga Book 2) by Monique Orgeron (24)



Mom called earlier and said she expects us all to be at her house tonight for dinner. We are to have an impromptu family gathering.

After Gabriel and I finish all the work that needs to be done for the day, we both head home together.

“Gabriel, do you know what tonight’s events are about?”

“No, Mom didn’t say, and Fallon just said it was nothing important, just a get-together.”

“Wow, Mom hasn’t had a family dinner in a while. She must be in a good mood.”

“Fallon was in a good mood, too. Not once did she bitch at me for making her fat.”

I laugh at that because it’s true. Even though Fallon is still beautiful pregnant, she walks around pouting about how fat she feels and how it’s all Gabriel’s fault. I know Gabriel secretly loves it, though; the more round she gets, the more he swoons with pride. Sort of in a way of “I did that, that’s my baby she swells with.” All macho like.

As we pull into the parking garage, I see Vin and Zander are already here. We find them sitting in the living room together, having a drink.

“Pour us one, too, Vin. Hey, where’s Mom?”

“I’m right here. I’m so glad you all arrived on time.”

We all stand and kiss her cheek. I notice Mom is dressed really well for just a family meal. So, I ask, “I thought tonight was just family?”

“It is, but we will have one special guest. I would like for you all to be on your best behavior.”

“What are you up to?”

“You’ll see. I think you will all be pleasantly surprised. I think Jeffery is finished setting up. Shall we?”

We all sit down in the dining room. Once seated, Mom asks about our interviews with the police about the missing senator. We tell her what we all agreed to say. The police department has been investigating the missing senator for some time now. As of today, they have no clues leading to what might have happened to him. They never will. Our team are experts; there will never be any trace of him again.

We put an end to our discussion about senator when I notice Fallon isn’t with us. But Gabriel asks first, “Where’s Fallon?”

Mom tells us all she’ll be down shortly. As soon as she finishes her sentence, we hear noises coming from the stairs. From my chair, I can see the bottom of the staircase, and my heart stops and I almost fall out of my chair trying to stretch my neck to see more. It’s Fallon holding hands with Avery. A very different looking Avery. She’s beautiful, wearing a tight dress that shows off her figure. I’ve never seen her in a dress, besides the ugly white cotillion dress she wore the night we were introduced. As they get closer, I notice her hair is shorter and lighter. Her face is radiant, not caked with makeup, but just enough to make her looks flawless. Perfection is the only word I can think of.

As Fallon and Avery enter the dining room, all the men stand. Fallon kisses Gabriel and then introduces Avery to him.

Gabriel kisses Avery’s hand and says, “It’s a pleasure to finally officially meet you, Avery.”

She giggles and then eyes him up and down. Fuck, did she just swoon and check my brother out? He releases her hand and gestures towards the chair across from me. He then pulls the chair out for her to sit. Always the perfect gentleman, my brother. She glides into the chair and thanks Gabriel. He sits back at the other end of the table, he and my mom at opposite ends. I notice Avery smiles at Vin and then winks at Zander. What the hell?

Zander speaks first. “You look beautiful, kid. I love the dress.” Then he winks back.” Again, what the hell? Is there something I don’t know?

Vin follows. “I agree, I like the new look, it suits you very much.” Man, of few words, my ass.

She barely looks my way, so I decide I need to say something, too. So, I say the first thing that pops into my head. “I’ve never seen you in a dress, except for that ugly white one.” What a fucking idiot!

She stares at me like that’s exactly what I am.

Mom recovers for me. “I think Liam meant to say is he thinks you look beautiful in this dress.”

I clear my throat and nod my head. I can’t collect myself; it’s like my game has been thrown off completely. Like I have never been able to compliment a woman or get her to fall for me. Some so-called player I am. Not!

Jeffery brings out the prepared food, and we start eating. At first the table is a little tense until Zander breaks the tension by asking Avery, “So, we’re on for tomorrow, kid?”

She answers, “I think so, if you have the time. I’d also like to go to the range again, if that’s okay Vin?”

Okay, now I’m really confused. She knows them, and obviously I have been left in the dark.

Vin replies, “Sure, do you want to go before or after you meet with Zander?”

Zander jumps back in, “I can do the morning, and you can have her after. If that works for you, kid?”

She nods her head at the both of them and looks thrilled. I don’t understand what’s going on. Then Gabriel starts up his own conversation with her as I sit here, dumbfounded.

“Avery, if I understand correctly, you just graduated from Harvard University? That’s a very prestigious school.”

You can tell with him she’s a little nervous, but then she answers, “I did, and I’m very proud of myself.”

“You should be, it’s a huge accomplishment,” Gabriel boasts.

“Thank you, Gabriel. Your mother tells me you run the casino?”

Gabriel smiles. “Yes, I do, but my brothers work there also. Liam’s training with me right now to take some of the burden from me. That way, I can start spending more time at home with Fallon and the baby.”

At the mention of my name, her eyes lift to mine. I’ve been watching her since she entered the room. I can’t form the words to speak to her. I want to, there’s so much I want to say and ask, but I just can’t find my voice.

Everyone resumes eating; I find myself constantly looking up at her while she eats. She’s everything I have ever wanted and everything I shouldn’t have. Always so pure and innocent. Even now, after everything she has gone through, I still look at her the same way I used to.

I know I need to detach myself from wanting her, even more so now. Back when I freed her from me, I was concerned with how the possibility of my new life would affect her. Mainly because I didn’t know for sure everything that went on with the life Mom said I would have. But now I know what this life is about. I know the dirty and ugly side of our family business. Again, the realization hits me hard, she still doesn’t belong in this life. As much as I want her, I don’t know if I can involve her. I need to leave her alone like she demanded. I know it will be harder this time, especially now that I know how it was to be without her all these years. Having her back in my life, even though she’s not mine to have and hold, is something I’m not sure I can end. But I’ll try for her; everything I’ve ever done has been for her.

Mom gets our attention by clearing her throat. “I would like for all of you to know I have planned a party for Avery. It will be held here in three weeks’ time. I expect you all to be here.”

I notice Avery looks scared and shocked, like she wasn’t expecting this. I wonder what has her so scared. Is it the idea of being surrounded by people again, or is it something more?

Gabriel notices, too, and tries to take her mind off whatever is bothering her. He tells her about our business. He also says there might be some opportunities for her at the casino in the office handling the books. She seems to put aside what was worrying her and looks enthused about the prospect of working.

She used to talk about how one day she hoped she might be able to have a job she felt good about. But she always said her mother would never allow it. Avery was born to be a socialite, not work for a living. I’d love for her to get her wish and see her work at the casino, but I don’t know if I could handle seeing her every day like that.

Our family dinner runs late. We have a few drinks, talking and bullshitting the night away. Avery seems to be enjoying it very much. She even has an easygoing banter with my brothers. I, however, am on edge as I watch the woman I love pay attention to everyone in the room except me. After listening to their conversations, I slowly figure out how she knows Zander and Vin.

Zander comes and stands on the side of me, and I can’t take it anymore, so I ask, “You’ve started teaching Avery how to kickbox and never thought to mention it to me?”

With a big, conniving smile, he says, “Nope, never. Why would I?”

That son of a bitch. Why would he?

“Fuck you, Zander. You should have just because.”

“Well, brother, I don’t see you jumping Vin’s ass, and he had her first.”

I turn and throw my fist towards him, but he sees it coming and dodges my punch right before it lands. He starts to laugh while the rest of the room stares. He straightens his jacket and leans to whisper in my ear, “You have to be quicker, brother. I’ve been getting a lot of practice lately.”

My mother yells out, “My God, can’t we have any family gatherings with young women around that doesn’t lead to one of you trying to hit the other?”

Zander looks at Mom and says, “He started it.”

Later when my family starts to disperse for the evening, Zander reaches for Avery’s hand and tells her he would love to escort her upstairs. To my surprise, she accepts, and they walk away, leaving me alone to my misery.