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The Things We Lost: An M/M Omegaverse Mpreg Romance by Eva Leon (18)



Ten Months Later

“Let me look at you one more time,” demanded Jasper, putting his hands on Jules’s shoulders and spinning him around. “Why on earth won’t your bow tie stay straight?” He clucked his tongue against his teeth as he straightened Jules’s bow tie for the umpteenth time.

“I still think you would’ve looked fine without them,” said Jalie, folding her arms and grinning. “You’ve always known how to make a tux look good.”

“Thanks, both of you,” said Jules, fiddling with the buttons on his jacket. “If it wasn’t for you guys, I’d probably go wandering out there and forget my pants.” He chuckled to himself at the image. “You’ve saved me a lot of trouble.”

The three siblings were gathered in a small tent that had been set up specifically for Jules to prepare. A full-length mirror stood to one side and he checked his reflection one last time. He’d already spent more time fussing over his appearance today than he had on any other day of his life.

“It’s not like you weren’t instrumental in our weddings,” said Jalie with a smile. She gave her brother a hug. “I’m so happy for you, Jules.”

“Me too,” said Jasper, throwing his arms around both of them and giving them a good squeeze. “Now you can start taking a turn hosting family get-togethers,” he teased.

“I’m actually looking forward to it,” admitted Jules. “This whole thing has been a long time coming.” He could already picture tables overladen with food as family members crowded into Kilo’s dining room.

“Jules? Are you ready?” his father’s voice called from outside the tent. “It’s almost time.”

“Dad, you don’t have to hang around outside,” chastised Jasper. “It’s not like everyone’s standing around naked or anything.”

“I just don’t want to embarrass anybody,” said their father as he entered the tent. “You look wonderful, Jules. I couldn’t be happier for you than I am right now. Seeing all three of my children happy, healthy, and united with their Alphas is a dream come true for me.” Jules had only seen his father in a tuxedo three times in his life. Jalie’s wedding, Jasper’s wedding, and now his own. According to their mother, the only other time he’d worn one was at their wedding.

He hugged each of his children as music began to play in the distance. “Sounds like that’s our cue to get moving,” said their father as he offered Jules his arm. “Let’s not keep that Alpha of yours waiting any longer.”

Jules smiled and took his father’s arm. Together they exited the tent.

The park had been transformed. Fluttering white tents had been erected across the lawn. The reception area was set up nearby, and the smell of food was already drifting out of the prep area that had been set up for the caterers. The DJ had arrived, and the dance floor had already been unpacked. Stringers of lights had been run along the outsides of the tents and between them. As soon as it started to get dark, the entire area would be illuminated by softly glowing lights.

Jules swept his gaze over his surroundings. He may have gotten a little carried away during the planning process, but he didn’t regret it for a second. This was his wedding after all, and he wanted it to be special in every way.

His father escorted him away from the reception area.

Rows of chairs had been set up beneath the branches of a massive tree. The same tree that Jules and Kilo had sat under the day India had her first taste of ice cream. It was a special place for them and held special memories. Near the trunk of the tree, in front of all the chairs, a small stage had been erected. A tall balloon arch arced over the stage, swaying gently in the soft breeze that blew across the lawn.

The chairs were full of family and friends. The guest list had swollen to a nearly unmanageable size and Jules had been forced to call on his siblings for help in paring it down. Even after three passes, there were still several hundred people that received invitations. Of those, probably about 60 percent bothered to RSVP while close to 80 percent actually showed up.

Thankfully, he’d listened to Jasper and Jalie’s advice and overestimated on the number of chairs and the amount of food he would need. All in all, being able to rely on his siblings’ wedding experience was a significant factor in how smoothly everything had gone thus far.

Music drifted out of speakers on either side of the stage, as the wedding party began their procession.

Jasper and Jalie were Jules’s groomsman and groomsmaid. Kilo had asked Mr. Cairns and his Alpha to stand as his groomsmen. The four of them wore identical gray tuxes, with only the color of their vests to differentiate who was supporting whom. Jalie and Jasper wore pale yellow, while Mr. Cairns and his Alpha wore blue. Standing between them, beside the officiant, was Kilo. The tall, muscular Alpha looked stunning in his tuxedo. Cradled in his arms, wearing the tiniest little suit jacket, was their son, James.

“Daddy!” shouted India as Jules approached the end of the aisle. She was wearing a poofy yellow and blue dress that she said made her look like a princess. In one hand, she clutched a basket containing dozens of rose petals.

“Do you remember what we practiced?” asked Jules as he knelt beside her.

She nodded emphatically and tilted her head as the music shifted.

“That’s your cue,” said Jules, gently turning her towards the stage where Kilo was standing. “Just like we practiced.”

India began her march up the aisle, literally marching, throwing tiny fistfuls of petals all around her as she moved.

Jules chuckled as he straightened and took his father’s arm once more. Together, they followed India’s trail of flowers.

Jules’s heart felt full as he drew near the stage where Kilo waited for him. In this moment, there was no hesitation or doubt in his mind. This was his Alpha. India and James were their children. Today was the day they were cementing their future together.

As he reached the stage and took his place beside Kilo, Jules felt as if his heart was about to burst.

The officiant said a few words before commencing the vows.

“Does the ring bearer have the rings?” he asked.

“He does,” chuckled Kilo, looking down at James, who was fast asleep in his arms. The wedding rings were strung on a small ribbon that had been fastened to James’s lapel.

Jules gently kissed his son’s forehead as he untied the rings from their ribbon.

Jalie quickly stepped forward and took James in her arms, soothing him back to sleep as she stepped back into her position to one side of the stage.

Kilo took Jules’s wedding ring and held it in one trembling hand.

“Jules I...I love you,” he began as he lifted Jules’s left hand in his own. “I love you and I adore you more every day that we spend together. It is my desire to spend every day of the rest of my life by your side. You make me want to be a better man, and I spend every day trying to be someone deserving of someone as perfect as you are. Your capacity for love...for forgiveness, leaves me in awe. I feel so blessed that you chose to be with me and I vow to strive to be someone worthy of that choice.” He gingerly slid the ring onto Jules’s finger.

Jules felt himself tearing up at Kilo’s words. Ever since they had renewed their relationship, the Alpha had done his best to make up for the accusations he had leveled at the Omega. That wound had long since healed over, but Kilo’s dedication to never making that mistaken again had given Jules the assurances he needed to move forward with their relationship.

“Kilo,” said Jules, taking the Alpha’s hands in his own. “Wow, your palms are so sweaty,” he chuckled. “You must be more nervous than I thought.” The guests laughed and even Kilo smirked at his comment. Injecting a little bit of levity into the situation gave Jules the momentary reprieve he needed to fight back the threat of tears. He cleared his throat. “Kilo, I honestly wasn’t expecting to find love the day I walked into your shop. I certainly wasn’t expecting the roller-coaster ride of a relationship that followed. These last few months, however, have been nothing but bliss. Waking up to your face, falling asleep with your arms around me, and seeing the love that you pour into every little thing you do. Even if it’s something next to impossible, like assembling a crib.” Again, a ripple of laughter moved through the guests. “I’m lucky to have found someone as humble, loving, and caring as you are. I’m overwhelmed by the lengths you go to to ensure that my needs are steal a line from your vows, you make me wanna be a better man. To be worthy of the devotion that you’ve shown. There’s no doubt in my mind that I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

He took a deep breath as he slid the ring on Kilo’s finger.

“By the power vested in me by the state, I now pronounce you Alpha and Omega,” declared the officiant. “You may now kiss your Omega.”

Kilo’s arms snaked around Jules and their lips met more abruptly than he’d anticipated. A cheer erupted from the audience as they stepped back from one another, their hands still entwined. As they turned to face the gathered crowds of their friends and family, Jules felt a deep sense of contentment settle over him. Whatever storms came next, he knew they would make it through. Together.


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Copyright ©2018 Eva Leon

This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons alive or dead is coincidental.