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Then We Happened (Happened Series Book 2) by Sandi Lynn (24)


“What the hell just happened?” Ashton asked.

“Did you tell him?” I spoke through gritted teeth.

“No. He must have suspected because he tricked me. He told me you went to the restroom and said that you were excited to see me again.”

“Shit.” I shook my head. “I have to go. I’m so sorry.” I gave him a light hug.

I ran out of the club after Cameron but didn’t see him. James wasn’t expected to pick us up until I called him, so I decided to hail a cab home. As soon as I got into the cab, I pulled out my phone and dialed James. Tears were streaming down my face.

“Hello, Sierra.”

“James.” I sniffled. “No need to pick us up. Cameron and I got into an argument and he left the club. I just hailed a cab home.”

“Sierra, what’s going on? You sound really upset.”

“I can’t talk about it now. Please understand.”

“Okay, sure. Call us if you need anything.”

“Thanks, James.”

I ended the call and wiped the tears that fell upon my face. Once I talked to Cameron, he’d understand and forgive me.

The cab pulled into the driveway of the house. I gave the driver some cash and quickly climbed out. I opened the door and stepped inside as fear washed over me for I honestly didn’t know what to expect. Walking into the kitchen, I glanced out the patio door and saw Cameron standing out by the pool with his hands tucked in his pants pockets. The nervousness inside me intensified, and at the moment, I felt powerless.

“Cameron,” I softly spoke as I stepped onto the patio.

“Leave me alone, Sierra. I don’t want to talk to you right now,” his authoritative voice spoke.

“Please, let me explain.” I softly placed my hand on his shoulder.

He jerked away from me.

“Do not touch me. I’ll be sleeping in the guestroom tonight.”

“Please don’t. We have to talk about this,” I pleaded.

He turned and looked at me with anger splayed across his face. I’d never seen that look before. It was pure hatred.

“Talk about this? You had plenty of opportunities to tell me what you did and you chose not to. You led me to believe I got those jobs on my own. I specifically told you to stay out of it and you didn’t listen!” he shouted.

“I was only trying to help,” I cried. “I love you, Cameron.”

“You weren’t trying to help. You were trying to control. Just like you always do. You have to have control over everything and everyone. Why don’t you dig deep down and find the real reason you went behind my back? And don’t you dare tell me you love me. Because if you truly did, you would have respected my wishes! And that right there goes to show you have absolutely no respect for me!” He slammed his hand down on the patio table.

“You’re wrong. I do respect you.” I grabbed hold of his shirt with my hands.

He swung his arms, forcing my grip to let go.

“Don’t touch me!” His finger pointed at me. “I’m going to bed. I can’t even stand to look at you right now and I’m going to say something I may ultimately regret.” He walked away.

I stood there in shock, my knees shaking and weak. The air I breathed became constricted and panic settled inside me. I fell to my knees with my palms face down on the cement. He wouldn’t even let me explain. I felt sick to my stomach. Sick enough that I had to get up and run to the bathroom off the kitchen. I barely made it. I slowly climbed up the stairs and went into my bedroom, where I threw myself on the bed and cried myself to sleep.

I awoke the next morning, still in my clothes from last night. I tried to sit up, but my head was hurting so bad that I couldn’t move. Looking at the clock on the nightstand, I noticed it was eight o’clock. I managed to drag my aching head and body to the bathroom so I could wash my face. I stood in front of the mirror and stared at my mascara-stained and red, swollen eyes. My heart was heavy and aching with the things Cameron said to me last night. Nothing mattered to me but him and fixing things. After washing my face with cold water to try and wake me up, I changed into a pair of sweatpants and a tank top and headed downstairs for some aspirin. When I reached the kitchen, I saw Cameron sitting at the table drinking coffee and looking at his phone. He glanced at me and then back to his phone.

“Good morning,” I spoke in a mere whisper.

No reply.

Reaching into the cabinet, I pulled out the bottle of aspirin, shook a couple in my hand, and then chased them down with water. My stomach was in knots as I poured myself a cup of coffee and bravely took the seat at the table across from him. The minute I sat down, he got up, walked out of the kitchen, and then I heard the front door slam shut. Tears started to fall again as I sat at the table and cried.

I got up from my chair and reached into my purse for my phone. I had five text messages from Kirsty.

“James told me you and Cam got into an argument. Are you okay?”

“Do you need us to come over?”

“I’m here if you need me.”

“I bet you’re having hot makeup sex and that’s why you aren’t texting me back.”

“I’m worried about you, Sierra. You always have your phone on you.”

I responded.

“I need you, Kirsty.”

“Oh my God, I’m on my way.”

I felt like I had to vomit, so I went upstairs to the bathroom and leaned over the toilet. Within seconds, I was sick. After wiping my mouth, I pulled the covers back and climbed into bed. What I really needed was a bottle of tequila, but my stomach was too upset to even think about taking a drink. I closed my eyes and heard a light tap on the door before it opened.

“There you are,” Kirsty softly spoke.

The minute I saw her, I broke down and she immediately ran to my bedside.

“What happened?” she asked as she put her arms around me.

“He found out about the jobs.”

“Shit, Sierra. I knew this would happen. Where is he?”

“I don’t know. He left. He won’t even look at or speak to me.”

“He’s upset right now. He’ll come around.”

I continued to cry in her arms until I had no more tears left. As she went into the bathroom to grab me a box of tissue, she looked around my room.

“What?” I asked.

“Why aren’t you drinking? Where’s the tequila?”

“I’m too sick to my stomach right now. I threw up last night and this morning.”

“Senorita, what has happened?” Rosa came storming in my room.

“I called her,” Kirsty spoke as she looked at me.

“Cam found out about the jobs.”

“Oh,” Rosa spoke. “I knew this would happen.” She shook her finger at me. “Secrets are not good.”

She looked at my nightstand, felt around my bed, and then stared at me.


“Where’s the tequila bottle?” she asked.

“She’s too sick to drink, Rosa,” Kirsty replied.

“Say what? Sierra’s never too sick for the tequila.”

“She threw up twice.”

I rolled my eyes, which made my head hurt worse.

Rosa placed her hand on my forehead.

“Are you sick?”

“Yeah, with a broken heart.” My eyes started to fill with tears.

“I’m going to make you my homemade chicken soup. You’ll feel better after you eat. Where’s Builder Boy?” Rosa asked.

“I don’t know. He left.” I laid my head down on my pillow and Kirsty climbed in on the other side next to me.