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Wash Away: An MM Contemporary Romance (Finding Shore Book 4) by Peter Styles, J.P. Oliver (20)


Like a lot of love stories, Nick’s started with a swift kick in the ass by his friends.

He had a lot to thank his friends for. For always having his back, for always being there when he needed them—for encouraging him to go on a trip that would help him meet his true love and family, for helping him pack up all his shit when he decided to impulsively move halfway across the country to be with them full time, and for only giving him shit about the important things, like missed birthdays.

Which was why when his best friend Peter called him and asked him to please actually come home for his birthday this year so they could all celebrate together, it was hardly a chore to do.

Though it had been a bit of a chore to convince his boyfriend Joel and his daughter, Janie. Janie originally had been with her father, arguing that they could celebrate Nick’s birthday much better at their beach house than far away on a farm in Kansas. But after Nick had laid down the facts, Janie was on his side—the facts being 1) neither of them had met any of his best friends, 2) neither of them had met his mother, 3) Janie knew absolutely nothing about farming and that was a damn shame and 4) he’d missed his Kansas birthday tradition last year by moving to California and refusing to miss Janie’s school talent show. Once he explained how long Peter had bitched about it, Janie conceded quickly. And once Janie was on his side, it really wasn’t that difficult to get Joel to agree. The man was stubborn and strong, but was a bit of a pushover when both Nick and Janie attacked him with double puppy dog pouts.

Which was how they ended up in Poplar, Kansas a year and some change after Nick first went to California and met the Cetokaviches. It seemed impossible it had only been a year most days—other days, it felt impossible it had even been a year at all. Life with a thirteen year old and her handsome, rugged father was not something that Nick had anticipated.

But he was quick to learn that the things you don’t anticipate were sometimes the best.

Nick leaned back in his chair, one arm thrown around the chair that Joel sat in. Though their group hangouts used to be drinking beer in somebody’s house, now their little family tradition was bigger. Peter and Drew sat side by side, eyeing Ash nervously—Ash, who had volunteered four months prior to be their surrogate and had met her own girlfriend a month into pregnancy. Nancy sat holding Ash’s hand and listening intently to whatever Damien was saying to his wife, Allison. Next to them were Matt and Sebastian, their own hands near each other on the table but not quite touching—though Nick knew they loved each other dearly, they weren’t really into public displays of affection. Unlike Wes and Sam, who had started hanging out with the group more officially once Nick left. Sam was Sebastian’s partner at the local sheriff’s station and it was their three kids who sat in the corner booth of the restaurant with Janie. Drew and Peter sat closest to Nick who, having turned thirty-one a few hours prior, sat at the head of the table.

Their family was big. And there were way more gay men in it than Nick had thought probable for a small Kansas town. But it was their family and it was a good one.

Nick smiled over at Janie and she grinned back, waving, before being pulled into whatever game the other kids were playing.

“You ever think about having more?” Drew asked, looking towards Joel. Joel’s face went ashen. Drew’s lips twitched. “Sorry, man. Just fucking with you.”

Peter slapped his husband on the shoulder. “Stop. We’re never gonna get Nick to move back if you alienate his boyfriend.”

“But he’s new,” Drew said, as if that explained it all.

“That’s fair,” Wes popped in from the corner. He had one eye on his kids and the other on the conversation. “We were hazed for like four months.”

“See?” Drew asked. Peter rolled his eyes.

“Well, either way,” Nick shook his head. “No way we’re moving back here. There’s an ocean in the backyard, guys.”

Peter sighed. “We have got to come visit.”

Drew slid his hand into Peter’s. “Maybe after the baby?” Peter grinned and nodded.

“House guests,” Nick said to Joel, raising his eyebrows.

Joel smiled, laughing. “Thank you for the warning.”

“Hey, what about cake?” Drew said suddenly.

Only Joel looked surprised. Nick took pity on him. “Drew’s a baker. He’s been rehearsing the best time to mention his cake for at least a half hour.”

“Forty-five minutes,” Drew said, winking. He stood up. “Wanna come with, New Guy? Promise not to ask about procreation.”

Joel lifted his hands in a shrug. “Well, I can’t say no to a proposal like that.”

Nick watched as he disappeared behind the swinging kitchen doors.

Janie was at his side before he could even look up to get her attention. She was bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet. “Is it time? Is it time?”

“Janine,” he scolded, looking around. Everyone was watching them, but luckily her voice hadn’t seemed to carry into the kitchen. “For cake? Yes.”

“Not cake,” she spat the word as if she herself didn’t absolutely adore cake. “Is it time for—”

Nick cut her off with her name again. He could feel everyone’s curious looks. “Janie, some presents are better without an audience.”

Janie raised an eyebrow. She darted closer and stuck her hand into his inside jacket pocket, pulling the ring box out and waving it in the air. He heard his friend’s shocked gasps and a few variations of his name. Janie ignored them all. “Not this one. I’m the one who almost drowned so that you guys could meet.”

Nick suppressed his laugh. “Fair enough.” He reached over and plucked the ring out of her hand, sticking it back in his pocket. He leaned conspiratorially. “You can be there then. But not everyone I grew up with.”

Janie sighed. “Fine, but I’m excited.”

“Excited for what?” Joel’s voice broke the bubble and no less than three people at the table jumped and exclaimed loudly. He looked between them all, confused, before looking at Nick to explain.

“Cake,” he managed to get out.

Joel smiled and came back to them, Drew following him with the cake in hand. “Me, too. It looks great.” He slid into his chair and pulled Janie down on his lap. She squirmed and said Dad! loudly but otherwise didn’t protest.

Nick grinned at them. “Yeah,” he said, heart clenching. His chest felt so full it might burst. “It really does.