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Loch: A Steel Paragons MC Novel by Eve R. Hart (25)












It had been over a week since the party at the clubhouse. Nate said we were going to talk and I was actually excited and relieved. I felt it that night. I felt that he wanted to let me in. I felt that he wanted more with me than what we had.

But then something happened. I still wasn’t sure what was going on, but I could sense the anxiety and tension thick in the air as I left that morning.

Nate said we weren’t done and now I all I could do was wait and hope that he was alright. I knew he was still alive because he sent me a text every night. Usually a simple ‘good night’ followed by him saying he either missed me or was thinking about me. And every single one of them made me smile. I decided I would be there when he needed me.

However, I didn’t sit around and wait for him, and as the week went on I started going to places other than the bar. It was time for me to breakout. Besides, if I sat around I would only go crazy with all the thoughts that went through my head. I would over obsess about what he wanted to talk about. I would stress out like crazy worrying if something happened to him. Or any of the guys, for that matter.

I spent the afternoon sitting in the window of the coffee shop-slash-bookstore. It was a small place with only about one bookshelf for each genre. The coffee shop part was your choice of regular coffee or hot tea. You had your choice between three different tea bags. There was no Batista, either. Only a table in the back. With a sign and a jar for you to put your money in front of the pump dispenser pots. I cringed as I wondered how long the coffee had been sitting there. There were three tables situated in the big window that faced the street.

I bought a cheesy comedy about a girl who solved mysteries in a small town. The main character was a little ditzy and seemed to just stumble upon the clues. I made it through half the book when the sun started going down. Deciding that it was a good time to head home, I finished the chapter I was on and cleaned up my mess.

Being that it was Thursday, I knew Nan was presumably already at bingo. I contemplated stopping by as I walked past the community center. But changed my mind and continued the ten-minute walk back to the house.

The sun was about to set behind the tree line by the time I reached the front door. As I climbed the stairs I realized the porch was dark. I looked up and noticed that the light was off. Knowing that Nan always left it on, I figured it must have burned out. I shrugged as I pulled out my keys, thinking I would change it later. I wanted to do it before Nan got home, but I knew I still had a few hours before that would happen.

Once inside, I slipped off my boots and hung my keys on the hook beside the door. The house was eerily quiet. I shook off the shiver that ran down my spine as I made my way up the stairs. At the top, I flicked the switch for the hallway light. To my surprise, nothing happened. I contemplated if there was a brownout as I flicked the switch a couple more times. It had been extremely hot. With everyone running their air conditioning non-stop, brownouts had become a regular thing. I let out a frustrated sigh as I wondered how long this one would last.

I walked into my room, shrugging at the situation. It wasn’t like there was anything I could do to fix it. I tossed my purse and book onto the bed as I headed to the dresser. I opened the second drawer to pull out some comfy clothes when the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I froze.

“Hello, Reagan.” His voice was cold and I closed my eyes tight hoping it was a bad dream. “I have you now. I’ve missed you. I know you have missed me, too.” How did I not see how crazy he was? I should have seen the warning signs, but he must’ve been able to cover it well.

I tried to run. My legs stumbled as I lunged myself forward towards the stairs. Before I could make my way down, Lance grabbed my hair at the crown of my head. My whole body jerked as he yanked me back and I could feel the hairs ripping from my scalp. Before I could even attempt to regain my balance, he pushed me forward so hard I went tumbling down the stairs. I tried to grasp onto something and stop my fall. But nothing seemed to be working. My back and head slammed into the wall at the landing, crippling me. Pain radiated through every part of my body and white dots spotted my sight. I blinked, trying to clear my vision. I looked up to see his towering body slowly and menacingly climb down the towards me.

My brain was screaming at me to get up. Only three more stairs to the bottom floor, then turn the corner and in four steps I would be at the front door. I repeated that over and over in my head, willing myself to get up and make the move. Time was running out.

His repulsive cologne filled my nose as I tried to push myself up. His hand wrapped around my throat and he slid my body up the wall like I was a limp ragdoll. I tried to scream but it came out as a strangled squeak. My legs dangled below me, the tips of my toes brushing over the carpet.

His dark eyes glared into mine. They were black and void of any kind of life. I gasped for air and he tightened his grip on my throat for a second. He was letting me know he had all the control and power. Without releasing my neck, he set me down so my feet were planted on the floor. Then he kicked my legs open and stood between them. I had no chance of kneeing him this time, even if I could get my legs to work.

I felt something warm trickle down the side of my face and I wondered if I was bleeding. His hand reared back and he punched me, hard, on the side of my face. The crunching sound and pain made my stomach tighten and I swallowed hard to keep the bile from coming up. Then he punched me again and again; landing hits to my face, ribs, and stomach. An evil glint appeared in his eyes as he worked me over. My body tried to curl inward but he firmly held me upright.

“Please,” I whispered. My throat felt raw like I had swallowed sandpaper. Unstoppable tears ran down my face. I knew my plea was useless. The sinister smirk that spread across his face told me so. I knew I was going to die. I was going to end up just like Liz.

“Liz…” Her name spilled from my lips as I thought about her.

“She didn’t die that night. I know you thought she was dead when you interrupted us, but she wasn’t just yet.” He laughed and it sounded like the Devil himself. “That was going to be your birthday gift, but you ran away before I could give it to you. I even tried to save her death for you to watch, but I guess the Texas heat was just too much. Maybe I shouldn’t have left her tied and gagged in the trunk for so long.” He paused and his eyes focused on me again.

“But, in my defense,” he continued, “I didn’t plan on being in that whore’s club that long. You know, the one you used to work at. There was this little peach of a girl that looked just like you and I ended up taking her in one of the rooms. Poor thing didn’t even look like herself when I was done.” He shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal. “I’m glad you weren’t like one of them. Not that being a cocktail waitress is any better. Anyway, Liz is still in the trunk of her car. I’m sure she’s smelling pretty ripe by now. It’s not far. I left it off the side of the road along the highway. I tucked it away so it’s not noticeable from the road.”

The thought of Liz suffocating and suffering like that broke my heart. I felt like it was all my fault. If I hadn’t left her there. If I hadn’t been her roommate. Too many things flowed through my head. I felt dizzy and woozy. My legs trembled. Then I felt the cold sharp blade of a knife skim over the thin flesh right below his hand on my throat.

Nate. Thoughts of him flooded my mind. I wished I could’ve had one more night with him. I wished I had told him I loved him and that nothing had ever compared to the way he made me feel. I wished I’d found the courage to tell him I wanted forever with him. I wondered if he would miss me when I was gone.

Before I could think anymore, the knife sliced through the top of my shirt. He gripped it with one hand and ripped it apart. It hung open, still held together at the bottom. Then he sliced through the left cup of my bra. He pulled my breast out after sliding the knife back into the side of his pants. He twisted my nipple so hard I cried out.

“Shut up, bitch!” he roared, spittle flying from his mouth and landing on my cheek.

His hand snaked down the bare skin of my stomach. I closed my eyes and tried to go somewhere else. He reached my pants and roughly slid his hand into my panties. I coughed and swallowed the bile back down. It burned my throat and nose. He roughly shoved his finger inside of me. I cried out in pain and fear. It only seemed to egg him on. He leaned in and licked up my neck, leaving a hot and sticky trail that made me feel dirty through to my soul. I was dry and it felt like he was scratching me as he continued to thrust his finger in and out. I felt his teeth sink into my shoulder so hard I knew I would bleed.

“What, you can get wet for that trash biker, but not for me?” His words like a slap to the face. How did he know about Nate? How long had he been watching me? “I’m going to teach you a lesson. If I feel teeth, I will kill him and your grandma. I’ll kill that other trash you hang out with, too. Filthy fucking bikers. Maybe you are just a stupid whore.”

He slapped me hard and my face whipped to the side. I was drenched in cold sweat. He let go of my neck and I fell into a limp pile on the ground. My body shook. He pulled the top of my hair until I was on my knees. Then his free hand released his zipper and he pulled out his dick. A putrid funk wafted into my nose and this time I did vomit. Chunks stuck to my chin and hair. He grabbed my jaw and shoved his dick in my mouth. He crammed it down my throat and I couldn’t breathe. My head shook back and forth trying to free my mouth but his grip tightened on my hair and face, holding me still. His hold on me so hard it felt like my jaw was going to break.

“Fuck yeah, you like it little bitch.” He laughed and pulled back a little. I sucked in as much air through my nose as my lungs would allow. My throat was raw. He rammed forward again. I gagged and tried to cough around him, but he shoved it in further. Snot poured out of my nose and my eyes burned with tears. I felt like my throat was ripping apart. “I’d love to kill you this way. Watch you die choking on my cock. Feel that? Just the thought it is making me harder.”

I was fading. My body was shutting down. My vision was blurry. He kept going over and over. I was finding it harder to inhale a fresh lungful of air every time he pulled back and I felt my body giving up. I was angry and sad. I feared I would pass out and he would kill me. I was going to slip away and miss my last few moments on earth.

With the last ounce of energy I had, I brought my hands up and pushed at his thighs with all my might. It was a dumb move. I was too weak and he didn’t even budge. Fear shot through me and I scratched at the flesh on his arms. At least I would die knowing I tried. With all the strength I could muster, I attempted one last fight. I balled up my fists and hit his hips as hard as I could. Then my arms fell slack and useless at my sides. I started to slip into the darkness.

There was a noise somewhere off in the distance, but my brain couldn’t process what it was. Without warning, Lance pulled away from me and I was being held against his body. His chest heaving against my back and his arm wrapped around my neck. Then I felt the sharp prick of his blade against my neck. I realized he was using me as a shield, but my eyes couldn’t focus on who else was there.