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Protect Me - Spotlight Collection, Book 2 by Hart, Cary (34)

To the kids who I watched this summer – one, you better never read my books. Two, because of you, Kool-Aid breathed new meaning into Protect Me. Thank you for going through a gallon of Kool-Aid a day. #WhatsYourKoolAid

Cary’s SweetHarts & VIP’s – I love you guys! My reader tribe. You give me reason to keep writing. Thank you for loving my words, for loving me and for keeping my group alive. You guys rock! #SweetHartsFoLife #LoveYouHard

Brittany – this book would not have seen the light of day without you. The summer may have kicked my ass, but you made sure I never gave up. Thank you for always believing in me. #DontStopBelievin #HyH

Stephanie – you whore! Sometimes I think we share the same brain. Then you say something like Taco Bell is not real tacos and then I realize I was wrong. #YoQuieroTacoBell #TacoGirl #TacoOG #HippyShit

Crystal R. – I love you more than Stephanie. #JustSayin #GIFstyle

Christy – you were the sanity to my summer! I wouldn’t have made it without those seven AM phone calls. #TalkSoup #GirlsRule #SideKick

Linda – through sickness and a hurricane... we did it! You were the calm in my crazy-ass storm. Thank you for all that you do! #BossLady #FairyGodmother #WheresYourCape

Missy– you said don’t worry. You told me it can be done. I believed you and you were right. You are my miracle worker! You read between the lines and then made me fill them. What can I say, but thank you! PS – I should have had you edit this section. #MiracleWorker #RealAF #LifeSaver

Marla – I skipped one too many English classes in high school. All because it was after lunch and I wanted to go shopping. Having an amazing proofreader like you, makes me realize I have no regrets. Skipping class was worth it. #WinkWink #MyMenDontTwitch #LayVsLie #TowardsorToward

Fabi – thank you for always listening. You calm my soul. #SoulSister #OilMe

Tammy – you aren’t just my beta, you are EVERYTHING. I cherish every opinion and one day. I’m going to give you more! #AlwaysMore #EagleEye

Jenni P.– we bonded over Joseph Cannata and because of that, Shapiro came to life! Thank you. #HottieAlert

Heather – where would I be without your three hundred plus pics of Shapiro? Thank you for having a major obsession with Joseph. You made my research easy. Because of you, I never have to find a face for a hero again. #ManCandy #ManHunter #matchmaker

K. Street – I feel like I struck gold with you. One of the most genuine people I know. Thank you for being one of my biggest cheerleaders and somehow knowing when I need a break. You get me. #ShesAKeeper

Mom – your my mom, my business partner, my best friend. I love you SO much. #ImTheFavorite

Let’s not forget Spotify –thank you Spotify! I will never leave you! You are my forever! #MusicIsLife #Inspiration #FeedMySoul

Last but not least... To my husband and kids – I love you guys so much. Oops, I did it again!

#LoveYouToTheMoon #MyBuddy