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Claiming Cooper (O'Loughlin Brothers Book 1) by A.F. Crowell (5)

LAST WEEKEND, I TOLD ASH I didn’t feel good, but it was a lie. He kept asking what was bothering me, and I kept telling him nothing. I wasn’t sure it would work much longer. Graduation was last weekend and I sat at home, scrolling my Facebook page, looking at pictures and videos of my class walking across the stage. When I called my advisor, she said my diploma would be mailed to me.

Part of me wished I had the courage to go back, but a bigger part of me was still scared. I got anxiety at just the thought of seeing my roommates or the guys in the same frat as him. I couldn’t even bring myself to say his name. I certainly couldn’t ask any questions about him.

Anna made sure to call me three times on Saturday, just to be sure I hadn’t gone into a diabetic coma from gorging myself on ice cream. I assured her there were still two pints of S’mores ice cream in the freezer.

Cooper had been traveling burning up the road between the farm and his place. He came home each weekend but I knew the travel had to be taking a toll on him. Scott didn’t come right out and say it, but I could see how much he hated seeing him leave on Sundays. Two weeks had passed since I made a complete ass of myself in front of Cooper. We had been avoiding each other like the Black Plague, but that would have to end tonight. Ashton decided earlier this week while we were out riding that he wanted to have a party.

A pool party.


After the last one, I wasn’t overly thrilled at the prospect of being at yet another pool party with Cooper there when the booze was flowing. Unlike last time, Cooper knew now that I had a thing for him because I was a big, drunk dumbass. And if I were being honest, the idea of being at a party made me want to puke.

My phone rang and pulled me from my embarrassing memories. My screen lit up from the coffee table. I leaned forward, picking it up. It was Anna. I was a little surprised to see her name. For some strange reason, Anna’s number seemed to change every couple of months. When I asked about it, she gave me some story about her phone being through her father’s company and for security reasons they constantly changed numbers and phones. “Hey, Dollface. What’s up?” I muted the television and tucked my left foot under my leg, settling back into the couch.

“You know, same old thing. What’s up with you? You were supposed to call me back last night. Or did you forget while you were hanging out with Ashton,” she teased, snickering.

“I totally forgot,” I admitted. “Sorry, I haven’t been sleeping much and I guess it’s messin’ with my head. Forgive me?”

“Depends . . . got any juicy details to share?” I could practically hear her salivating.

Laughing, I replied, “I told you already, he’s just a friend.”

“I know, but Cooper wasn’t in those pictures you posted on Instagram. There is no way in hell he’s hotter than Ashton,” she swore.

“Times ten,” I disagreed, pinning my knees together as my sex clenched at the thought of him.

“Not possible. Nope, I won’t believe it until I see it with my own eyes. Which, by the way, will be soon.”

“You really don’t need to come all this way, Anna.” I didn’t want her to be inconvenienced coming all the way up here, but I really did want to see her. I missed her.

“Nonsense. You’re my best friend and you need some retail therapy. Plus, I may or may not have been makin’ out with Stephanie’s newest crush, so I need some time away from her incessant drivel.” I laughed. “I’m serious, Kins, she just keeps whining about it. He doesn’t even like her but it’s all my fault. Side note, you really should have told me that these bitches were crazy before I moved in. Without you here, there’s no buffer.”

While I had graduated, Anna would be stuck in Charlotte for one more year. She and I were in the same MBA program, but she had been concentrating on Real Estate Development and Finance. She was supposed to follow in her father’s footsteps and take over the family business one day. She never said exactly what the family business was other than real estate acquisitions. She always found a way to avoid the subject. I had tried to talk to her about her parents once, but she was pretty vague. Her father worked too much, and her mother battled with depression.

“Hey, I gotta run, Kins. Call me later,” Anna blurted out and rushed off the phone. I barely had time to say goodbye. I hated when she did that and it was often.

Slipping my shoes on, I headed to the house to see mom in the hope she had made dinner. I was starving.

“Hey, Mom,” I called out. Entering through the back, the comforting aroma of roasted garlic, olive oil, fresh basil, and simmering tomatoes filled my nostrils, making my mouth water. Something smelled amazing. Within a few seconds, she appeared out of the pantry.

“Hey, sweetie. Whatcha doing? You hungry?”

“I am. What’s for dinner?” I kicked off my shoes at the back door and padded alongside the open dining room to my right. My cell phone buzzed in my pocket. When I pulled it out I saw a text from Nicole.

Nicole: Hey sweetie. I just wanted to check on you. Do you want me to pack up the rest of your stuff? Mail it?

Me: I’m okay. Thanks for checking on me. I’m not sure what’s left, but you can give the clothes to Anna, everything else you can trash.

Nicole: I’m really sorry, Kins. No matter what anyone says, I know you didn’t have a choice. I’ll get your stuff to Anna. Call me when you have time.

Me: Thanks. I will.

“Chicken parmesan. Why don’t you sit?” She nodded to the barstools in front of the long island she was now standing behind. “I’ll make you a plate.”

“Where’s Dad?” Placing a hand on the back, I spun the wrought iron, padded stool around and sat down. Watching her take two white plates from the cabinet, I twisted back under the white quartz countertop and set my phone down.

“Late night at work. He had some contracts that needed his attention. So, it’s just me and you,” she said, plating pasta followed by sauce then chicken. The cheese stretched from the pan to the plate and my stomach cheered. “Want a glass of tea?”


We sat quietly eating until my mom brought up the topic of work. “Maria mentioned paying you to teach lessons and help Ashton around the barn.”

“Yeah, she did, but I don’t know about taking money from them while Scott’s sick.” My heart clenched at the thought of them struggling. Scott and Maria had worked together for years on that farm to make it successful. I set my fork down on the side of my plate.

“She also mentioned that she had to add extra classes because she had so many new students applying to train there. She says that’s because of you. You’re bringing them extra money. All those days of carting you from show to show and early mornings paid off. Lots of people remember how remarkable you were.”

Pride rose within me. “Yeah, she mentioned that when she and I were talking. I just feel bad taking their money.”

“Sweetie, it’s a job and according to Maria, it could be a full-time job if that’s what you wanted.”

Every cell in my body danced at the thought. A huge smile split across my face. Teaching and being in the barn all day was a dream, but to get paid for it, sounded like heaven.

“You could also start paying rent.”

My smile fell. Rent?

“Oh, honey, you should see your face.” She laughed. “That was priceless . . . I tell you what,” she said, waving her fork around as she talked. “You pay us twenty-five percent of your check. In turn, we’ll give you a roof over your head, electric, water, cable, and food. You can’t stay at home forever, so this will be a good way to get used to paying bills. And if you’re good, I might even make your favorite once a week.”

“I think I can do that,” I said, relaxed and feeling good about the arrangement. Twenty-five percent wasn’t that much. I needed to grow up and start helping my parents. It would be good to get used to paying rent, so I could eventually move out. My parents were well off, but they weren’t rich because they spent money frivolously. I learned from a young age to be responsible with money.

* * *

Scott was having an okay week and had even gotten out of the house to watch Ashton and I teaching a lesson together. One evening he and I sat on the picnic table near the ring and watched the sunset.

“Kinsley,” he said, “I’m counting on you to help Maria and the boys keep this farm in the family.”

I smiled at his request and replied, “I’ll make sure the boys don’t do anything foolish.”

“Like marry the wrong girl?” He smirked. “Sometimes men don’t know that the best thing in life is right under their nose. Or right across the road.”

“Scott, you know I love Ashton, but he’s my best friend,” I started, slouching down, feeling the burn of disappointment rising in my belly.

“And Ashton will always be your best friend,” Scott patted my leg, “but that’s not what I’m talkin’ about, darlin’.” He smiled at me. “I see the way you watch Cooper when you think nobody’s looking.” My cheeks burned at the truth. “I also see the glances he’s stealin’ when you’re payin’ him no mind.” As my heart swelled, Scott began coughing. Fear gripped my chest. I almost couldn’t breathe thinking that he could be gone at any minute.

“You okay?” I worried if I should get him inside. I looked around to see if Maria was done in the barn with the vet. My heart hurt seeing him that way. I wished I could do something to take it away. No matter how much or how hard I prayed, he got sicker.

“I’m fine. You listen to me, Kinsley. Sometimes timing sucks and the stars don’t align when you want them to. That doesn’t mean it’s not meant to be. It just means it’s not meant to be right now. Unanswered prayers are there for a reason. Be patient my girl,” Scott advised just before he was overtaken by another coughing fit.

“Okay, that’s enough fresh air. Let’s get you inside,” I declared, slipping my arm under his own frail limb and around his thinning torso. Ashton came out of the barn just as I had him standing and ran over to help.

“Lizzy, are you listening to me?” My dad’s voice pulled me from my thoughts. Suddenly, we were sitting around the dinner table, Dad to my right, Mom across from me.

“I’m sorry, Dad. I was thinking about something,” I apologized. Lifting my brow, I turned my attention to him as my cell buzzed on the table next to me.

Anna: Hey babe, what’s happening? Call me if you can.

I clicked the power button on the side, watching as the screen darkened. I would call her later.

“That’s okay, sweetie. I said, I heard back from Detective Mullins at CMPD this morning,” Dad said as he set down his fork on his plate, next to his tilapia and reached for the amber bottle of Yuengling.

My fingers lost all feeling and the fork I was holding clattered to the simple white plate below. Anxiously, I gulped and looked across to my mom whose eyes told me the smile on her face was a lie.

“How bad is it?” I asked, hearing my own voice crack. The fear sunk its claws further into my chest as I waited for the answer.

“The boy, Julian, should be fine. He’s still in the hospital, but he’s awake and stable and expected to make a full recovery,” Dad informed me, setting the bottle back down on the linen-covered table.

“Good.” With the word, my eyes closed, and my shoulders sagged as the weight of the world was lifted. I had been carrying the stress and dread for two weeks. I had been terrified he would be paralyzed or have brain damage. Or worse.

“But . . .” Dad continued, and my stomach knotted. “Detective Mullins said you’ll have to come back to testify.”

“No.” I shook my head. There was no way in hell.

“Baby, you have to.” Mom tipped her head and looked at me sternly.

“Liv,” Dad warned, leaning back in his chair.

“Don’t Liv me, Phillip. She’s testifying. She must. She’s the only one that was in that room. It’s his word against hers. Pictures of bruises and medical reports only hold so much weight in court. I would think you more than anyone would get that.”

I could feel my mother’s words come to life and wrap around my throat; squeezing. Suddenly, I was back in my bedroom in Charlotte and he was coming across the room after me.

“No!” I jumped up so quickly, trying to get away, the chair flipped over. Bending over to pick it up, I realized my parents were staring, shocked by my reaction. Before either could speak a knock at the door saved the day. “I’ll get that.”

Rushing to the door, I knew Ash would be on the other side of the thick wood, so I didn’t bother to look before I yanked the door open. I just needed the distance from the conversation. “Hey . . . uhh, Coop.” In front of me stood my walking fantasy. My stomach dropped like I was on a roller-coaster as my heart thumped rapidly but a strange sense of peace washed through me. It felt like I had been through a hurricane and found the eye. All of the panic and anxiety slipped away as I looked up at him.

“Hey, Kins.” He smiled. “I was wondering if you might, um, help me with Ford.” His hand rubbed the back of his tanned neck. His navy t-shirt had a sweaty v-pattern from the neck to middle of his defined, muscular pecs. A dark brown, aged-leather halter with matching lead hung off his left shoulder.

“What’s wrong with Ford?” I asked, eyeing him suspiciously. Ford was his chestnut Quarter Horse and he wouldn’t allow anyone to ride. Ever.

“He’s bein’ an ass. He won’t come in from the big field and every time I get close, he takes off.”

“Take the feed bucket out,” I told him with a shrug as if it was a no-brainer.

“Did that and carrots. Nothing,” he replied, tucking a hand inside the back-right pocket of his well-worn, snug jeans. “It’s like he’s fuckin’ with me or something.”

“Kinsley, who’s at the door?” my mother called from the dining room.

I turned and hollered back. “It’s Cooper, Mom. He needs help with Ford. I’ll be back.” I welcomed the chance to get the hell out of Dodge. The whole thing gave me hives.

Leaving the door standing wide open, I turned around to open the hall closet, reaching in and retrieving my dark tan and taupe duck boots off the black rubber mat just inside the door. Mom was a fanatic about no mud or manure on the hardwoods.

“Let’s go,” I said, stepping around him onto the front porch with my boots in hand. I crossed the porch until I reached the wide, single concrete stair. Sitting down, I quickly slipped my feet in the boots, laced and tied them, then stood. “Ready?”

Cooper had closed the door and waited behind me while I had put on my duck boots. “Yeah,” he said, following me down the steps to the driveway.

The walk from my house to his was a quiet one; neither of us willing to break the silence. Like an unopened letter, everything we said, already there in black and white but neither ready to acknowledge the effect of the words. Neither of us wanted to break the seal and expose what was waiting inside.

Finally, reaching the three-board paddock fence, instinctively my right foot lifted, finding the bottom board while my hands clamped down on the top board. I flipped my left leg over the fence, followed by the other then hopped down on the other side. Cooper followed suit, too thick to squeeze between the boards, like we all had done as kids.

Standing next to me, Cooper raised his hands, brought his fingers to his lips, and whistled loudly. In the distance, I could see the herd of horses near the pond. Peaches picked her head up first and came galloping our way. Mack, Rosie, Darryl, Doc, Jetta, and Ford followed her but stopped fifty or so yards away. Peaches skidded to a halt in front of me, snorting and winded from her sprint across the paddock.

“There’s a good girl,” I praised, rubbing my hand gently up and down her gray face. “Ford,” I hollered. “Come here, boy.” I clucked out the side of my mouth and started toward the others.

“Kins, be careful. I’m telling you he’s acting weird.”

Ahead, the rest of the horses walked toward me, inspecting me for any treats, but Ford stood his ground, making me go to him. I would get a few feet away and he would turn and walk away, stopping after five or six strides but looking back to see if I was still stalking him.

“Ford,” I called, all the while ignoring me, he continued toward the pond. Stopping, I turned to see Cooper and the rest of the pack following us but hanging back. Turning back around, I looked at Ford, who had again stopped in the open field along the dirt path they always traveled to the pond. Slowly, I advanced my position and Ford stood still.

“Hey, buddy. You’re okay,” I whispered softly, coming around him, giving myself distance from his back legs. The last thing I needed was to get kicked. He looked at me with his beautiful dark brown eyes, full of sorrow. Just as I got close enough to reach out and run my fingers along his cheek, he trotted off. Once again, he was headed to the pond, but stopped once more to look back.

“What are you doing?” I looked ahead and searched the grass-covered land surrounding the murky pond. Dusk had started to settle across the farm, making visibility difficult, but I continued on, walking and searching. When I got closer to the watering hole, I saw why he was acting so strangely.

“Cooper,” I screamed and took off running toward the pond, passing a startled Ford. Reaching the water quickly, I ran in without a second thought. The warm water splashed all the way up to my cutoff jean shorts and pink tank top. Knee deep, head barely above the water was a brown and white calf that couldn’t have been more than a week old, struggling to live. I bent down, wrapping my arms around the middle of its torso, and tried to lift it out of the water. It had been a long time since I had tried to pick up a new calf. They were much heavier than I had remembered.

“Shit,” I grunted, almost losing my balance and falling backwards into the pond.

Kicking up water as he ran into the pond, Cooper stepped around me and further into the water. He cinched his arms, rippled with thick muscles, around the calf’s body, just below my hold and lifted it effortlessly out of the water, into the warm evening air. With a renewed spirit, the limp baby cow came to life and begun to squirm and wriggle around in Cooper’s hold.

“Hang on,” he told the calf, wading out of the water. Cooper knelt, setting the green-algae-soaked calf down on the bank. With a thankful bellow, the little guy collapsed to its knees on the soft, green grass, then stood, steadying itself and took off toward the neighboring pasture that was lined with mooing cows.

“Holy shit. That was crazy. How’d he get in here?” I asked, trudging out of the water and flopping down next to Cooper.

“I don’t know,” he said, watching the calf run off. As it reached the fence, we saw how the little escape artist got into the horse paddock. In one of the sections, the middle board had fallen on one side, allowing him just enough room to squeeze through. On the other side, he was greeted by one of the agitated momma cows. “Hmm. Guess, I’ll be fixing the fence after I get cleaned up.”

Cooper turned with a smile. “Yeah, you should probably hose yourself down before you go home. Your mom would freak if you walked in the front door covered in green shit.

Looking down at my green legs, my nose scrunched up. “Gross . . . But I don’t have to go through the house.” I remember that I hadn’t told Cooper I was living above the garage out back. I had spent the better part of three weeks avoiding him. “Dad converted the old space above the garage out back into an apartment for me.”

“Cool,” he replied.

Nervously, I wiggled my toes in my boots, realizing they were soaked. “Yuck. My boots are filled with water.”

Cooper laughed as he looked down at his shoes. “Yeah, mine too. Let’s go hose off.” He nodded toward the barn. “I’m sure you don’t want pond-scum-water dripped all over your new apartment.”

“Definitely not.” I laughed, shaking my head.

Pushing himself up, he stood there, donned in green jeans and held out his hand to me. Slipping my hand into his, I allowed him to pull me up. His grip lingered a little longer than needed and I caught myself hoping for more. As soon as he broke contact, I sighed and started across the pasture. Why would you even think that, Kinsley? He’s already rejected you twice. Are you just looking for more humiliation?

The walk back wasn’t as quiet as the walk to the pond but damn close. Until we were almost to the barn the only noise to be heard was the sloshing of the dirty water still in my boots.

Finally finding my voice, I asked. “How’s your dad today?”

Coop sighed, refusing to look over at me. “He’s been having more and more coughing fits and isn’t getting any better.” The pain in his voice was almost enough to make me cry. So, I did what I do best. I digressed.

“I don’t get why Ashton needs to throw a party tonight of all nights,” I told Cooper as we climbed over the wooden fence.

“It’s Ashton. We stopped asking questions.” Cooper simply shrugged his shoulders, reaching down at the farm hydrant by the fence and pulling the handle up. The green hose at our feet flexed and bowed as water raced through it only to be blocked by the nozzle at the end of the long line. “We should probably take off our shoes first.”

Turning, I planted my butt on the second board of the fence and bent down to my feet. My fingers unknotted the laces and loosened them from the eyes, allowing me to toe off the stinky boots. God, I stunk. Standing, I looked down at my ruined clothes and algae covered legs.

A blast of shockingly-cold water to my chest pulled me out of my head. “Ahhhh!”

Cooper stood there laughing. “Sorry, I should’ve warned you, but that was hilarious.”

“You’re an ass. Just hurry up and get it over with, would ya,” I told him. “Just my legs though.”

With a wicked grin, Cooper’s hand wrapped around the nozzle, spraying me with the cold water. The pressure of the water was enough to peel paint off the barn, causing me to jump around and away from the stream. “Gah. Easy, Coop.”

His eyes gleamed as he stepped closer and squeezed the trigger half way, spraying my legs again. “Better?”

“Yeah,” I said with a half-smile. My heart fluttered when he smiled back at me. He made me want to forget everything and jump into his arms. “Here,” I held my hand out, “I’ll get you. You’re worse than I was. It’s all over your shirt. The back too.”

“Hang on,” he said, handing me the hose nozzle. Taking it, I watched as his hands crossed and gripped the hem of his shirt. In one fell swoop, his wet navy shirt disappeared. What remained was every woman’s fantasy. Jesus Christ. With a chest sculpted like the Jupiter of Versailles, his body was like a fine piece of art that should be studied and stared at for hours. He looked like perfection.

I could totally drool over him for hours.

With his shirt in one hand, he turned and flung it over the fence and kicked off his boots. His head turned before the rest of him and busted me staring, mouth agape.

“See something you like?” he asked with a cocky smirk.

Before I could register what I was doing, I nodded but quickly stammered. “No . . . I mean I . . . you’ve gotten bigger. I just . . . never mind.” I shook my head.

Holy shit, you idiot. Why not just say I want to climb on you like a monkey in heat? That would have been less obvious.

Cooper grinned like the Cheshire cat. He did until I remembered I had the hose and squirted him with the frigid water, curbing his arrogance. “Jesus, Kins, that’s freezing.”

Then, it was my turn to laugh while he danced in place.

“Okay, I’m good,” he said, holding his hands up to block the spray.

Pausing momentarily, I said, “You still have some stuff right,” I aimed at his face and squeezed the handle, “there.”

“That’s it!” Coop stopped playing and leapt forward at me causing me to drop the hose and run barefoot down the grass edge of the driveway. Giggling, I only ran a few yards, thinking I was clear. Looking over my shoulder I saw Coop, wet, shirtless and barreling toward me.

“Oh shit!” I willed my legs to run and my giggles to cease. Neither happened because as I turned, Cooper caught up with me. His arms went around my waist, lifting me off my feet and pulling me solidly against his firm, naked chest.

“Gotcha,” he laughed. “You didn’t think you’d get away from me that easily did you?” he whispered huskily into my ear. His breath was like a paralytic drug, freezing me in place. Only my body trembled. My laughter ceased. Spinning me around, our lips separated by mere inches, one of his hands released my waist and rose to my face. He swiped the calloused pad of his thumb across my cheek.

And I knew. I just knew it. He would be the one to kiss me that time. Inside, I screamed like a crazed maniac, swimming in excitement.

“You . . .” he paused, gazing into my eyes and I was hypnotized. Taking the milliseconds to etch that scene into my memory, “uhh . . . have some green shit on your face.”

Kill me now.

“What?” I pulled away, swiping my fingers over my cheeks. Color me mortified.

“I got it. You’re good,” he said, tucking his hands in his pockets.

“What the hell happened to you two?” Ashton asked from behind me. Turning, I watched him walking over from the barn. He didn’t look like he was ready to party, dressed in dirty, ripped up jeans and a sweaty baseball cap. No shirt. You would have to be blind not to appreciate the view.

“One of the calves got through the fence and got stuck in the pond,” Coop explained.

“We had to get in to save it,” I continued, looking from Cooper to Ash. “What’s your excuse for lookin’ like a Kraft dressing commercial?”

“What?” His forehead puckered as he stopped in front of us. His hand reached up and adjusted his hat. “A Kraft commercial?”

“You know, the one with the hunky, shirtless guy?”

“So, you think I’m hunky?” Ashton grinned, lifting an eyebrow.

“Alright, I’m outta here,” Cooper said, taking a few steps backwards before spinning toward the hose where our soggy boots sat waiting.

“Oh my God, you’re such a conceited jerk. I wasn’t suggesting you’re a hunk. I was saying that the model on the TV was.” I laughed. “Jeez, Ash. Cocky much?”

He walked over and draped his bulky arm over my still dripping shoulders. “Not cocky if it’s true.”

With a deep laugh, I reached across my body, planted my hand on his ribs, and shoved him away. “You’re such a dork.”

He laughed as he pretended that my light push was enough to send him away involuntarily. “Takes one to know one.”

I burst out laughing, jogging over to pick up my boots. “What? Are we five again? I’m goin’ home. I’ll see you later.”

“You’re coming to the party, right?” he asked with a knitted brow as I stuffed my feet into the wet boots.

“Yes, even though I don’t get why you wanna have one,” I said, glancing back at him as I started down the driveway home.

“I need to forget for just one night that at any minute I could lose my dad,” he offered. The sorrow in his voice halted me in my tracks, spinning me around. Stupid me, I didn’t once think about how hard it must be for him to watch his father dying slowly in front of him. The other boys got to go back to their homes, their lives after the weekend. It was in his face morning, noon and night. I had been so self-absorbed in my attack that I ignored the pain my best friend was living in.

“Oh, Ashton.” My shoulders fell and my head drooped as I walked back to him. “I’m sorry,” I apologized as I walked all the way up and wrapped my arms around his damp, thick chest, pulling him down to me. “I’ve been a shitty friend. I’ve never asked if you were okay. I just pretended you were.”

“It’s okay, Lizzy, I get it. Everyone expects me to be strong and never falter. I just . . . it’s getting harder to pretend. I only wanted a night to party and cut loose, but I didn’t wanna be too far away.” Ashton released me and pulled away, his eyes glistening. “Don’t say anything, okay?”

Headlights coming up the long drive interrupted the conversation. “What time is the party?”

“Not til nine,” Ashton replied, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Who . . .” I started, looking back at the beams of light.

“Storm,” he answered before I could ask. “He went back to North Carolina last weekend and said he’d be back this weekend. Guess he’s early.”

“Oh, cool, so he’ll be here for the party?”

He nodded. “Yup.” The smile he plastered across his face told me how much he was really struggling today.

“I’m gonna run home and I’ll see you in a little while, okay?”


Trudging down the driveway, my feet slipped and sloshed in my boots as I approached Storm’s silver truck. Waving, he popped the driver’s door open after pulling into the patch of grass just before the barn.

“Hey there, Princess.” He knew I hated that nickname. No matter how many times I asked him not to call me that, he still did.

The oldest of the brothers at thirty, Storm stood just under six feet. He might have been the smaller of the trio, but he was just as athletic as his brothers. More ruggedly handsome than GQ like Ashton, Storm wore his hair short on the sides with a longer unruly crown like Cooper. His facial hair groomed into a sexy, fun beard that screamed for someone to run their fingers through it.

“What’s up, Stormtrooper?” I teased, grinning, pleased with myself.

“Well played.” He grinned. “Why do you look like a drowned rat?” he asked as he opened the back door, pulling out a large duffel bag.

“Ask Cooper, I’ve gotta go shower. I’ll see you in a little,” I said, continuing toward home.

The moment I wasn’t with Cooper or his brothers, the reality would hit me again like a wrecking ball. As I reached the end of the driveway where the gravel met paved road, I glanced around. Nothing but trees and empty pastures. My stomach churned nervously as I walked along the side of the road. Every noise made me jump and spin to see what it was. Unless the leaves were alive, I was alone, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that someone or something was out there, watching me.

One night had changed me forever. How I longed to feel okay again.




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Second Chance Charmer by Brighton Walsh

When We Fall by Sloane Murphy

Keeping Mr. Sweet (The Misters Series Book 3) by Misti Murphy

Highland Hellion by Mary Wine

Georgia Clay (Southern Promises Book 1) by KG Fletcher