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Agony: Kings of Rebellion MC #4 by K.T Fisher (13)

Chapter Thirteen




     I don’t think I’ve laughed this hard for the past three to four months. Earlier today I was second guessing this birthday barbeque for Miley, maybe it was too soon and perhaps everyone would think it’s weird. My dad was all for it, but my mum thought it was a little morbid, however looking at everyone enjoying themselves I’m glad Lauren managed to pull this off and Miley looks like she’s having a lot of fun, and that’s why I wanted to do this.

“I think this is a success.” Lauren whispers behind me.

I turn to face her and see she’s holding Connor in her arms. I gently poke his button nose and he giggles. “I was a little worried, but I think we did the right thing for her.”

We both look over at Miley who is standing with the twins, Poppy and Lulu. They look like they’re having a great time, watching them you wouldn’t believe that the club is in danger. I spot Maci quickly walking towards us, she doesn’t look as happy as Miley and the twins do. I don’t even have to ask her what’s the matter because I catch sight of Baby running behind her, but when he sees me and Lauren he stops in his tracks. He sends me a frown before disappearing. Lauren passes Connor to Maci, hoping to take her mind from it all. Connor takes one look at Maci, and leans forward to give her a kiss on her cheek. Maci smiles but Lauren and I break out in laughter.

“You have a little charmer on your hands.” I giggle and Lauren nods.

“He carries the family trait, that’s for sure.”

Connor begins to get hungry, so we walk over to the barbeque which is where most of the men are standing, watching my dad and Uncle Brace cook. Typical men. When my dad spots us walking over, he steps away from the grill and opens his arms wide for Connor, who runs straight to him. Connor really does love his grandad. My dad makes sure Connor gets the food he wants, setting him down on a nearby bench next to my mother and then looks to me, Maci and Lauren. “What will it be girls?”

I open my mouth to give my burger order, when his phone rings. He looks at the screen before answering and within seconds his face turns deadly serious.

“Dad?” I ask him when he ends the call.

“They’re here.” He announces, looking to me and then back to Brace behind him. “The Redgrave brothers have finally arrived.”

My uncle and father leave the barbeque and make their way to the front of the clubhouse. I eye Lauren, and then back to my dad. I want to know what’s happening.

“Laura?” Lauren calls to my mother. “Could you watch Connor for a minute?”

“Of course.” My mother beams, smoothing Connors dark hair.

Lauren, Maci and I walk together, following my dad from a safe distance. Tash runs over to us. “What’s going on girls?”

“The Redgrave brothers are here.” Maci whispers to her as my father and Brace step outside. We continue to pursue them through the main doors and manage to creep behind them to the closest bench. Maci and I sit on the top of the bench, with Tasha and Lauren sitting in front of us on the seat.

Grim and Devlin are also out here, but they don’t hold my attention. They’re boring compared to the two newcomers sat on their bikes. They stand from their machines, bringing the helmets from their heads and I’m stunned. I actually recognise these two gorgeous men and can tell which is which. This is crazy! Now that I see them, memories of the brothers intrude my head. They’ve changed a lot, of course they have because the last time I saw them they were kids. Both brothers are tall, muscular and olive skin toned, but where Cyrus is covered in tattoos, Zane isn’t. They look like something from a modelling advert and I can’t take my eyes from them. They both smile at my dad, matching dimples popping on their cheeks and the women nearby all pause to appreciate the view. Even I can’t take my eyes from the both of them.

“So they’re the Redgrave brothers?” Tasha breaks the silence between us.

“I’ve heard they’re the most dangerous men connected to the club.” Maci marvels at the brothers with wide eyes.

I slowly nod, watching as my dad and the other members begin to crowd around them as if the brothers were celebrities. “Dad said that they make Grim look gentle.”

All three women turn to look at me with wide eyes because describing Grim as ‘gentle’ has never been said before. Grim has never shown me that side of him before, but I know it’s there, lurking under the surface. It’s why his club name is Grim and not his actual name, Brandon.

“This is getting a little weird.” Lauren giggles as we watch grown, biker men buzz around their fellow members just because of the reputation surrounding them. Not only are they known for torturous ways, but they are the descendants from an original member, just like my family.

“Yeah.” I agree, standing up and jumping from the bench. “I’m bored watching.”

The girls laugh and begin to follow, but hearing my name being called stops me.

“Is that Drew Taylor?” I know before I turn around that it’s Cyrus Redgrave, he was always the teaser out of the two, so I slowly spin around and I’m surprised to see him standing so close. “The little girl who always wanted to join in with the boys.”

I laugh. “And what’s wrong with that?”

“Nothing.” His hazel eyes roam over me, and it makes me feel weird because I like the attention he’s so obviously giving me, but I don’t want to. I hate the thought of another man getting close to me again and it’s too soon to even think about it. “You’ve changed a lot.” Cyrus nods.

“Well I was about eight, the last time you saw me.” I point out. “And I’ve heard all about you.”

By now, the men are all surrounding Zane, but everyone keeps curiously glancing over at us. The girls and my dad, along with my brothers are making it brutally obvious as they’re all turned towards me whilst I talk with Cyrus.

“All great I hope.” Cyrus winks and I take this opportunity to quickly observe him. His hazel eyes are quite hypnotising and his black beard makes them pop all the more.

I bite down on my bottom lip, crossing my arms whilst I nod my head. “Oh yeah, I mean what’s not great about being notoriously known for torturing so many men and leading the most lethal gang members?”

Cyrus laughs, nods and I don’t miss at how his eyes linger on my breasts. “So you’ve done your research. That’s flattering Drew.” He teases and suddenly there’s a tension between us and I’m mature enough to understand what it is.

“Not really.” I snap out of the daze he’s captured me in and step back. I quickly look over at my dad and see that he’s frowning, he’s not at all happy. My eyes return to Cyrus to see that his are heated. Goosebumps spread all over me.

“Hey.” Lauren is suddenly at my side, and I’m so thankful.

“Lauren.” I breathe a sigh of relief.

“And who is this?” Cyrus asks, his eyes flickering from me to Lauren.

“Hi.” Lauren holds her hand out in greeting. “I’m Lauren, Grim’s Old Lady.”

Cyrus looks over his shoulder and Grim nods his head towards him. Letting Grim know that he’s acknowledged Lauren is his old lady and she’s safe. The men around here are very protective of their women, so you have to tread carefully.

Cyrus takes Lauren’s hand and shakes. “Nice to meet you Lauren, I heard all about you and how Grim came to your rescue.”

“You did?” Her eyebrows shoot up as she lets go of Cyrus’s hand.

Cyrus nods sharply. “Of course, it’s my job to know what goes on in this club. I’m just sorry I wasn’t there to help kill the bastards along with my brothers.”

Lauren smiles, and then looks to me. “You wanna come help me with Connor?”

I know what she’s doing, Lauren is giving me the option to break away from Cyrus and I’m taking it. I look to Cyrus, grinning wide. “I better go and do my Auntie duties.”

I turn to leave, Lauren walking alongside me when Cyrus shouts. “I’ll catch ya later then.”

I look back at him, choosing not to reply but the smouldering look Cyrus sends me is knee weakening. When we’re in the safety of the clubhouse, Lauren stands closer. “What the hell was that all about?”

“I have no fucking idea.” I sigh, nearly running towards the kitchen because I need a glass of water.

“You know, Grim warned me about the brothers.” Lauren adds as I’m downing the fresh, cold glass. “He told me they’re dangerous, and that we should stay away from them.”

I finish my water, laughing slightly. “Oh they are dangerous.” I nod.

“So why has Franky invited them?” She asks.

“You heard Cyrus, it’s his and Zane’s job within the club to know what’s happening, and they’ve heard all about the shit we’re in.” I run my hands through my hair. “And we’re in neck deep at the minute, we need their help.”

“And are you going to be cool around Cyrus?” Lauren quizzes. “Because I saw the way he looked at you.”

“It doesn’t matter how he looked at me, I’m not interested.” I fold my arms across my chest and Lauren raises her eyebrows, as if she doesn’t believe me. “I’m not.” I argue.

Lauren holds her hands up. “Ok.”

Suddenly the doors open and Elise, Tasha and Maci join us.

“Damn those brothers are hot.” Maci fans herself with her hand. “And the way he was looking at you Drew, fuck me!”

“Stop it.” I frown. “He looked at me normally, just old friends catching up is all that was.”

“Oh right.” Maci nods, the same unbelieving look on her face as Lauren.

I look around at them and shake my head. “I need some fresh air.”

They all follow me, gossiping at what their men have said to them about the Redgrave brothers. Connor is still sat at the bench with my mum, he’s still happily eating but grins when he sees us all returning. My Aunt June is sat next to my mother, her hand is on Madison’s pushchair as she rocks her granddaughter. I sit opposite my nephew, looking around to make sure Cyrus isn’t here so the girls don’t observe me even more.

“Dee.” Connor calls and I smile across at him. My nephew is a welcoming distraction as we play but it’s not too long when I hear a commotion in the clubhouse and I just know it’s because my dad has brought Zane and Cyrus inside. My mother asks what’s going on and the girls and I fill her and Aunt June on the arrival of the two brothers, not mentioning my talk with Cyrus. I think my mother would have a fit if she knew.

When we’ve finished, dad walks out and stands on a bench, shouting to get the attention of all the members here. “Today, two men have returned home from their travels.” He begins, glancing down at Zane and Cyrus. Everyone is quiet as we all listen. “When we sadly lost Adam Redgrave, his sons moved away with their mother but now they’re back with us to help catch the fuckers who have been messing with our club members!” There’s a few hollers from the men as they agree. “Zane and Cyrus Redgrave are here to avenge our fallen, we won’t lose any more good men!”

Everyone cheers and the brothers stand on either side of my dad. Zane raises his beer and everyone quiets down to hear what he has to say. “We’re glad to be back home and help make it safe again.”

There’s cheers and Cyrus raises his now. “If you know me and my brother, or have heard about us, then you know that we will find the fuckers who dare mess with our club! We won’t stop until the blood of the enemy has been spilled.” His eyes connect with mine as he raises his beer high and everyone applauds loudly. My mother and Aunt June clap along, obviously under the Redgrave spell.

My dad, uncle Brace, Grim and the rest of my brothers lead Zane and Cyrus to the bench closest to us. I talk with the girls, but we all have our ears open to try our best to listen in to whatever the men are talking about. It’s not the first time either. When the men can’t tell you club business, you figure out ways to learn their secrets and you would be surprised at how loud the men in the club actually talk. It’s as if they want us to know.

“The last time I saw you two, you were running around the garden with Scrappy and Grim.” Laughs Uncle Brace.

Elise rolls her eyes. “There goes dad with the flashbacks.”

We all giggle but Aunt June lightly taps her on the arm. “Don’t be mean to your father.” However, June herself wears a grin.

“We always knew we would visit home one day.” Zane answers, smirking at his younger brother.

“You staying here for good?” Baby asks.

I risk a glace over at the bench the men are sitting at as Cyrus answers my little brother. “If I find a reason to stay.”

His eyes bore into me, so intense that I have to look away. I turn to see Elise watching me with a small smirk, but she doesn’t say anything. Thank fuck.

“I had to warn the twins about those two.” My mother nods her head towards the bench, indicating the Redgrave brothers. “The girls were watching them and giggling. They’re lucky that I don’t tell their father.”

“Mum.” I warn her and she shrugs her shoulders, as if she’s so innocent. My mother loves to delve into people’s family dramas and the worst thing about it is nobody thinks there’s anything wrong with that because she’s the president’s old lady. However, I find it annoying.

As it gets later into the evening, the music becomes louder and a lot more alcoholic drinks are being drunk. My mother and Aunt June offer to take Madison and Connor back to my parents’ house so Lauren and Elise can let their hair down for the night. Maci, Tasha and I dance beside the bar while Lauren and Elise plan everything out for the kids and as soon as they join us they order their drinks and join in on the dancing. Miley approaches us with a few of her friends, thanking us for the party as she dances beside us. I watch her enjoying herself and I’m so happy we did this for her, Miley deserves to have a night of unlimited fun. She’s been through as much shit lately as anyone else has.

Scrappy approaches the phone that is currently hooked up to the speakers and playing the music we’re dancing to and changes the playlist. He bops his head to the beat as Hypnotise by The Notorious B.I.G blasts through the sound system. Tasha raises her hands in the air, singing along as our group continues to dance. Right now, I’m the happiest I’ve been in a long fucking time. I’m surrounded by people I love and that care about me in return. This is the best place I can be. I begin to unwind and let myself have fun and not feel so guilty about doing so. Besides, this is what Sketch told me to do. He wanted me to live and move on, not that I want to find another man, but I will begin to let myself relax a little. As much as it’s hard on myself, Sketch wouldn’t want me to be walking around, mourning him every second of every day and bringing everyone else down around me. I miss him a lot and I always will, but at least lately I can breathe a little easier and actually get myself dressed and ready in the morning.

Lauren passes me a new drink, grabs onto my free hand as we dance and I snap myself out of the fog before I begin to feel down. I need to let my hair down tonight, if not only for me but for the girls too.




I can’t fucking stop watching Drew as she dances with her friends and it’s getting a little uncomfortable in my jeans. I adjust myself under the table and my dick head brother starts to laugh.

“Fucking hell C, you’ve been stalking Drew since we arrived.” Zane shakes his head as he continues to laugh.

“Fuck you.” I scowl.

I glance back at where Drew was, and see that’s she’s gone. My eyes search frantically and then I spot her sat at a table with some Old Ladies. Why the fuck has she gotten under my skin? I can remember her from my childhood, I think I always had some school boy crush on her but my dad warned Zack and I from an early age to watch ourselves around the daughters of club members. If a man is possessive of his Old Lady, that’s nothing compared to how he holds onto his daughter and I know Drew is no exception. I know how Prez looks out for her, as well as her brothers and I’ve been told what she’s been through. I heard we had some brothers taken out, but I had no idea it was Drew’s man that was killed. It’s one of the reasons why I haven’t demanded she come and sit on my lap already. If I wasn’t being so fucking sympathetic towards Drew’s situation, I would fuck her out of my system and get on with it. I’m not going to do that though. Drew’s a club princess too, so it’s probably best that I don’t act on my urges towards her. Prez would have my balls chopped off in a fucking instant, but when I look over at Drew, she laughs and flicks her long hair behind her shoulder. Fuck me, I know I shouldn’t but it doesn’t stop me from wanting her, beautifully naked and under me. Shit, maybe even on top. She’s more than welcome to take a ride. Drew can ride me so I can watch those full breasts of hers bounce. I bet they look fucking delicious and once again I have to adjust myself and just like before, Zane laughs.

“Looks like the local bunnies are coming to say hi.” Zane wiggles his eyebrows just seconds before five club bunnies stand at our table.

“We’ve heard a lot of things about the Redgrave brothers.” A good looking blonde eyes my brother like a piece of meat.

“Oh yeah?” He reaches out to her, grabbing her around the waist and pulling her down on his knees. “Why don’t you tell me what you’ve heard?”

The blonde giggles as a bunny stands real close, wraps an arm around my shoulders and whispers into my ear. “You wanna take me to your room and play?”

I look up at her, she’s a red head and is sexy as hell. The other three bunnies have decided to sit on the empty seats at our table.

“Do you like to share?” One of the three girls asks. Me and my brother exchange a look and shake our heads.

“No.” I laugh. “We’re close, but not that fucking close.”

All five girls pout but that is not happening. Women have asked us before, and even though I have shared a girl, it’s never been with another dude. I don’t roll like that.  The red head at my side decides to sit on my lap and turns to grin at me when she feels my hard dick, not knowing that it was actually Drew who gave me a hard on and not her. She begins to grind on me, in time with the music but it’s not the red head I’m concentrating on. I look over her shoulder and watch Drew, she’s back on the dancefloor, swaying her hips and looking hot as fuck.

“So who has three, and who has two?” Zane asks, challenging me.

“You can have three.” I answer, looking at all five girls. “As long as I have the blonde on your lap.”

Zane laughs and the girl sat on his knee looks over at me and bites down on her bottom lip. Something tells me she’s not arguing about riding me and not my brother.

“Ok brother.” Zane nods, standing and letting the blonde saunter over to me. Zane holds his hand out to the other three sat around the table and they happily wrap themselves around him. “Come on ladies, let’s have some fun.”

He leaves the table, but not before looking back at me and flipping me the middle finger. Drew then walks by me, notices me standing with the two bunnies close by and she fucking scowls in disgust. The blonde chooses this moment to lick my neck and my cock jumps.

“Let’s go girls.” I announce, leading them to my temporary room and putting Drew Taylor behind me. Far fucking behind me because that shit can’t and won’t ever happen.