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Agony: Kings of Rebellion MC #4 by K.T Fisher (18)

Chapter Eighteen




     I inhale a deep breath and take it all in. The loud music, big crowds of people and the buzz of the electric atmosphere. Every time I come back I remember why I love it so much, but then again, it usually doesn’t take too long for me to realise why I stopped coming previously.

“Hey Drew!” Calls someone from the crowds to my left. I turn to see a guy I would regularly bump into at the Black Ring. His name is Luke and he’s a good guy, I’ve never met him outside of this event but whenever we’ve partied together here, it’s been a good time. He’s good looking, too pretty for me though, so it’s never gone anywhere else than a friendship.

“Luke.” I smile as he approaches.

“You finally came back.” He beams.

I look into the warehouse and shrug, looking back to Luke. “Just a flying visit.”

His smile falters a little, but he gives me a nod and returns to his group of friends. Turning back to the packed warehouse, I walk inside and the heat from the bodies hits me almost too harshly. More people approach to say hi, but I’m looking for Suzy and she’s usually stood beside the bar. Heading in that direction, I make my way through the crowds and spot Suzy right where I thought she would be, sandwiched in between two men with a drink in her hand. She’s dressed in her glamorous uniform, a black mini dress and heels to kill. She looks right at home, and truth be told this place wouldn’t be right without Suzy here. She spots me, and leaves the men behind, walking over to me with open arms.

“God I’ve missed you!” She squeals into my ear as she squeezes me, her huge breasts pushing up against my rather regular ones.

I laugh as she pulls back, looking me over. “Somehow I think you’re ok without me.” I look to the men that are still waiting for her at the bar.

Suzy rolls her eyes. “Ugh, some men really can’t take a hint. Just because they got a dance with me at the last fight, they think they can move closer to me. I’m going to introduce them to some Honeys soon because I can’t take much more of their begging.”

I laugh again, not able to help myself. Honeys are basically the Bunnies of this world. They love to bang any man connected to the scene, whether they’re a fighter or just someone putting on a bet and wanting a good time. They’re here to make sure as many people have a good time and come back. They get paid by the organisers and are treated well, as far as I’m concerned.

Suzy leads me to the bar and I get my drink free of charge. It’s the perks of being with Suzy. She’s the sister of one of the most famous fighters to enter the Black Ring scene, so she’s treated like royalty around here. I drink my vodka coke as fast as I can so I can order another, I need some warm courage in my system to be back here. After my second, I’m able to relax a little more and begin to unwind. It’s just like the good old days. I’m dancing with Suzy and men surround us, enjoying our company even though we’re only paying attention to each other. For what seems like a long time, I feel free and that’s because here, people aren’t looking at me with sympathy or wondering how I’m coping. They aren’t thinking, ‘oh poor Drew,’ or avoiding me because they don’t know what to say to me. Here I feel like a normal woman and not a grieving girl.

The drinks continue to pour and the fights get on the way. Suzy and I cheer on the men together and I even have a cheeky bet on one. When our feet begin to ache, we take a rest on one of the sofas in the corner. We’re surrounded by couples having a good time, but we don’t care. Suzy and I have seen enough to be immune from embarrassment.

“Just before you got here I was doing my usual, eavesdropping.” Suzy smirks, removing one of her heels and rubbing her foot.

“The usual then.” I joke because it’s what she does. Suzy easily finds out a lot of secrets and all she has to do is stand there looking pretty. She listens to the whispers around her and is able to discover things that she shouldn’t. But in her drunken state, Suzy goes on to reveal something that makes me freeze.

“The most pathetic one tonight were some fat men.” She giggles. “They were bragging about killing some Kings man, whatever that means.” Suzy rolls her eyes and is unable to see how stricken I have become.

Suzy doesn’t understand what she has just told me. She doesn’t even know that I’m connected to the club, or if she does, she’s never said anything to me. We’re not the best of friends, we just like to meet up and party. Sometimes get into a little trouble but Suzy definitely doesn’t know about my family business or what has been happening within the club lately. She has to know that Sketch has died though, just not how or who murdered him.

“Are these ‘fat men’ still here?” I ask her, fury building inside of me.

Suzy begins to massage her other foot. “They were at the bar.” She then looks up to me. “Why?”

I shrug my shoulders, trying not to seem too interested. “No reason.”

“Don’t lie.” She leans forward. “I know you really want to hear some killer stories.” Suzy begins to laugh and even though fire is sizzling in my veins I have to remain cool and I flash her a simple smile.

“You caught me.” I hold my hands up in mock defeat.

“I haven’t seen them since you got here, but don’t worry, I’ll keep them around at the next fight so you can hear it for yourself.”

“You will recognise them?” I ask her.

“Oh yeah.” Suzy nods. “They come here a lot to gamble and usually start their own fights outside.  I’ve just never spoken to them but I’m sure talking to me will keep them around a little longer.”

The next fight is now being introduced and Suzy stands, her face beaming in excitement but I’m already done. Hearing what she just told me, that the men who had something to do with Sketch’s death were here has left me deflated and angry all at the same time. I stand from my seat and Suzy’s smile fades, she already knows what I’m about to tell her.

“I’m ready to go, but let me know when the next fight is.” I lean over to hug her.

“You’re coming back again?” She grins wide as I break the embrace.

“Of course.” I wink and as I exit the warehouse, I formulate a plan that will do Sketch proud. I need to avenge the man that I love, because if I don’t then I will never forgive myself.

I arrive at the clubhouse, because when I was in the taxi I soon realised that I had forgotten my fucking house keys. If it was just a coded lock, then that would have been fine but my dad wanted it double secure with codes and a key lock. Maci is working tonight at the clubhouse, so she isn’t home either. So I figured the easiest option was to come straight here, collect Maci’s keys and then take this same taxi home. Simple. Since I’ve been in the taxi though, all the alcohol I had at the Black Ring has started to really take effect and my head is feeling a little dizzy. Not great when there’s a chance I’m going to run into my dad or brothers. We reach the gates and I realise that this might be a problem. Axel and West are on gate duty and they glare at the taxi as we near. The taxi driver gets a little agitated.

“Are you sure this is where you wanted to come?” The driver asks me.

I roll my eyes. “This is where I grew up.”

I instruct him to put my window down so I can talk to Axel and West. The driver doesn’t seem too convinced as Axel gets out his phone and talks to someone, but eventually he trusts me enough to do as I say. West quickly recognises me and nudges Axel.

“Hey!” I greet them. “Wanna let us in?”

“Get out of the car and you can come straight through D.” Axel replies, eyeing the driver carefully.

“I need to talk to Maci and then I’m going.” I inform them.

“Er, Miss?” The taxi driver interrupts as the gates begin to open.

“Relax.” I assure him but as the gates open more, I see men standing on the other side. Oh shit.

The driver begins to panic at the sight of three more angry looking, tattooed bikers and tells me that my taxi is free of charge and to get out of the car.

“No!” I point at him. “You’re fine, I need to get my house keys and then we can leave.”

My door opens and there stands Cyrus. He holds out a hand to me and smirks. “Let’s get you inside yeah?”

“I need Maci.” I accept his help because I don’t know how sturdy my feet will be in these shoes after sitting in the comfort of the taxi. Cyrus seems a little shocked that I take hold of his hand, but the emotion disappears from his face quickly.

“Then let’s go and get her.” Cyrus walks beside me, but I look back to the taxi and see Axel approaching the car.

“I’m coming back!” I shout, but nobody listens.

I look at Cyrus from the corner of my eye, speeding my steps and he matches me.

“Had a good night?” He asks me.

“Yes, not that it’s any of your business.” I snap.

Cyrus coughs back a laugh. “Really? It’s only midnight.”

Only midnight? But it felt like I was at the Black Ring for much longer.

“Not all of us have to stay out all night to get our rocks off.” I hold my head up high as we step closer to the clubhouse doors. I reach out to open them, but Cyrus’ hand quickly halts mine and I frown over at him. “What are you doing?”

“You were with a man?” He asks, frowning down at my hand.

“No, but what if I were?” I growl right back. “It’s none of your business.”

Cyrus looks me over, his eyes lingering on every centimetre of my body. “You look hot as hell. God knows where. With people I don’t know. Of course it’s my business.”

I can’t help but laugh. “Oh Cyrus, it’s really not.”

I slap his hand from mine and open the doors, but I hear the gates closing and look behind me. The taxi is no longer in sight as the men walk towards us, Axel and West returning to their duty on the gate.

“No!” I scream. “I need that taxi.”

“Relax, we paid for it.” Cyrus shrugs.

“So how am I getting home genius?”

Cyrus grins and even in the moonlight I can see how gorgeous it is. “I’ll take you.”

Shaking my head, I walk inside and head straight for the bar where I know Maci will be.

“Vodka shot please!” I order from her when I reach the packed bar. Members look over to me curiously but I don’t pay them any attention. All I care about is my next drink and then getting the fuck out of here. Maci looks a little concerned, but keeps silent and pours me my drink, sliding it over to me. Maci watches me as I swig the Vodka down my throat and sigh loudly. “Hit me with another.”

“Not until you tell me what’s happened.” Maci leans into me from her side of the bar. “Drew?”

Right then, Cyrus stands beside me and I scowl across at him. “You should ask him.”

Maci looks between Cyrus and I, she then hands Cyrus his beer and he gratefully takes it as he laughs. “I’m as fucking clueless as Maci.”

I turn to Cyrus, giving him my full scowl now. “You scared the shit out of my taxi driver and got rid of him.”

Maci gasps. “You killed the taxi driver?”

Both Cyrus and I look to Maci. “No.” I answer. “He paid him.”

Maci’s mouth forms an ‘O’ as she pours me my next shot. “Easy mistake.” She then grins and Cyrus laughs a dirty type of chuckle.

“I was having a good night, until I realised that I forgot my keys so I had to come here.” I fill Maci in as I accept the drink she offers me and swig it back just like the first. “My taxi driver was spooked from the second he saw the clubhouse, so this fuck,” I point to Cyrus. “Didn’t fucking help matters when he showed up and then the guys paid him, so of course the driver fucked off and left me here.”

“Why don’t you go back to your dad’s room while you wait for me to finish here?” Maci suggests. “I don’t like the thought of you going home this drunk.”

“What?” I stand tall, swaying a little. “I’m not that drunk!”

Cyrus stands a little too close and wraps his arm around me. “Maybe I should help you to bed.”

I’m about to answer, when Baby appears out of nowhere. “I’d rather you didn’t.”

Because Cyrus is standing so close, I feel his body tense at the arrival of my little brother. Cyrus surprises me, and doesn’t say a thing to Baby but he does glare at him and honestly, that’s enough of a statement. Cyrus looks scary as fuck, because he simply is and Baby knows it. He’s smart enough to not say anything else, but instead turns to Maci. I have to look away from Baby though because he looks at Maci as if he’s seeing her naked. I can’t be looking at my brother when that expression is written all over his face. I leave the bar, not wanting to witness my brothers lusting. The music fills my veins and as I make my way to a table, I begin to dance. I don’t give a shit who looks at me. I do what I want. So I dance.




I can’t fucking take my eyes from Drew. Not that I want to, but fuck me she’s something. She walks away from the bar, dancing in time with whatever song is on. I’m not interested in that because the beautiful tattooed girl has all of my attention. I begin to feel hands on me, and I regrettably remove my eyes from Drew to see that I have three bunnies surrounding me. Yes, they’re pretty but I’m not interested in the slightest.

“Fuck off.” I order them away and like good little girls, they scurry off and hook onto the next club member. I’d rather have Drew wrapped around me, but I have a feeling that will never happen. So I’m taking advantage of this little show in front of me.

Not caring if any members are watching me watch Drew, I lean back on the bar and settle in. Drew’s perky, round arse hypnotises me as it sways. It fucking temps me so badly that I have to rearrange my dick because it hurts as it strains against my jeans. I’m not much of a dancer, but fuck it, I walk over to her as she dances in the middle of the tables. All of the men are smart enough to not approach her, but I haven’t earned my reputation by being smart.

“Drew.” I call out to her, but she waves me away and stumbles. Luckily for her, my reflexes are quick enough to catch her to make sure she doesn’t fall straight onto her drunken ass. Her perfume intoxicates me, and I would love nothing better than to bury my face into her neck, but Drew’s pretty wasted and I like to think of myself as a good man. When it comes to the ladies at least. Drew stands straight and her arse rubs against me. My cock jumps to attention but luckily Drew doesn’t notice.

“I’m fine Cyrus.” She argues and I gently let her go, making sure she’s steady on her feet.

“Where have you been?” I ask her.

Drew looks at me over her shoulder and frowns. “None of your business.”

“When you come back in this state, it kind of is.” I point out.

Drew doesn’t say anything back. She probably knows I’m right. Her dad will find out about her in this drunken state because she’s standing in a room full of club members who are loyal to her father. Instead of arguing, she turns and heads towards the bedrooms.

“I’m going to my dad’s room.” She says loud enough for others around us to hear.

I follow behind her and when she turns to see that I am, she sighs and storms off. She stumbles a few times but I don’t help her this time. “Where were you?” I repeat my question.

Drew is silent until we reach the door to her father’s private bedroom. She opens the door and enters, not bothering to close it after her.

“You need to lock the door.” I remind her, I don’t like the thought of someone helping themselves in here when she’s out of it.

Drew laughs. “I’m the President’s daughter, in the Presidents room. Do you really think I need to lock the door?”

“Fuck yeah!” I growl from my place in the doorway. “These men are loyal to your dad but you’re a woman in a high position. Anything could happen.” I don’t mean anyone in the club, but you never know when a raid could happen.

Drew stands on wobbly legs and clutches onto the door. “Just leave me alone Cyrus.” She smirks drunkenly. “And I will lock the door, don’t worry.”

“Have you been alone, wherever you went?” I think to ask.

“What’s it to you?” She snaps.

I can’t believe she asked me that. “I’m here to keep the club and its families safe because of all the shit that’s happening and you think it’s smart to wander out all alone fuck knows where getting shit faced! You’re the president’s daughter, if someone was to recognise you that could have been too fucking dangerous.”

Drew runs her hand through her hair as she sighs heavily. Her shoulders sagging. “You know what Cyrus?” She leans on the door and points at me. “Tonight, I wasn’t the President’s daughter. I was just me, having a great time with people who don’t look at me with pity in their eyes. They don’t know that I have a dead boyfriend and they weren’t afraid to flirt with me. Instead we partied and danced together and I loved it.”

I don’t like the thought of that. Drew all alone. Without protection while she’s drunk. I’m not even going to think about the flirting she’s mentioned. I’m about to give her a piece of my mind when something fucking adorable happens. As Drew leans onto the door, her eyes begin to look a little heavy and I quietly watch as she fights to keep them open.

“Come on.” I laugh, picking her up and laughing even more at her squeal as I shock her.

“Cyrus put me down.” She sleepily tries to swat me away. 

I place her down on the bed as she continues to complain. She starts to curl up into a ball, settling in to sleep already.

“You can go now.” Drew mumbles but instead of leaving the room, I go down to her feet and remove her heels for her. These shoes look fucking painful. “What are you doing?”

“I’m doing you a favour.” I mumble, throwing them down on the floor.

Drew suddenly sits up. “Don’t throw them down like that!”

“I had to. They fucking stunk.” I tease her and she lays back down on the bed.

“Fuck off.” Drew laughs as I walk to the door, I turn around to tell her to get some sleep but she’s already snoring. Fucking adorable.





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