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All of You (A Rebel Desire Novel Book 3) by Fabiola Francisco (26)




Cassidy Rae and I sit next to Cole and Bri. Ryder and Jen are on the opposite side with Olivia.

My woman is my every dream come true. Living together has been the best decision I’ve ever made, and I thank the stars that she agreed to love me. I hold her hand with both of mine as we wait for the wedding to begin. Her smile is bright, the red lips a gorgeous contrast against her blonde hair.

Tyler exhales by the altar and Cash puts his hand on his shoulder to calm him. Soft music starts playing, and we all turn to see Sam, Mikayla’s therapist turned best friend, walk down the aisle with a simple bouquet.

The wedding is small, considering who Tyler is in the music industry. I think it’s smart though. I know Mikayla and Tyler have had their share of challenges, and this is the perfect wedding for them.

When the wedding march begins, we all stand. Mikayla begins to walk down the aisle. She looks beautiful. Both Tyler and Mikayla are a part of our family. We got to know both of them better when we first went on tour with Tyler. Mikayla wasn’t always mentally present, but we learned later she was struggling to overcome her past.

Thanks to him we are as successful as we’ve become. Mikayla is a great bonus. The love those two share is admirable. They are two strong individuals, who found the right person to overcome challenges with. It’s an honor to be included in their day.

Tyler rubs his eyes as Mikayla joins him in front of the priest, and Cash smiles at her as he pats Tyler’s back.

The ceremony is perfect, and I notice Cassidy Rae taking it all in. I spend most of my time watching her. One day, that will be us up there. I’ll make sure of it. I told her a little about Mikayla and Tyler’s history, and she seems as happy for them, as if she’s known them for years.


After the ceremony, we drive to Cheekwood Gardens and Museum of Art, which is perfect since Mikayla is an artist. I walk with Cassidy Rae during the cocktail hour, which has an array of faux cocktails. With Tyler’s history, they opted for a dry wedding, but the drinks are creative nonetheless. Cassidy Rae and I grab a glass of coconut lavender lemonade when offered and continue until I see my friends.

“Wasn’t that ceremony beautiful? I loved their vows,” Bri gushes.

“They were sweet,” Cassidy Rae agrees. I wrap my arm around her waist and drink the lemonade. It’s surprisingly good. I love watching her interact with my friends. I love having her here in my life. To think, I almost missed out on this.

Tyler and Mikayla arrive shortly after us and make the rounds, greeting their guests. When they make their way to us, I congratulate them both and introduce Cassidy Rae, both excited to meet her.

Before dinner is served, I steal Cassidy Rae away for a walk. The gardens, with art pieces and vibrant flowers, surround us as we take a stroll.

“I can’t stop staring at you,” I tell her. “It took us a little bit to get here, but look at us now. We beat the odds, baby,” I pause. We may only have met a couple months ago, but what we’ve experienced together in that time feels as if I’ve known her for years. She’s my forever. When you’re sure the person in your life is meant to be, time is nothing but an excuse.

“I’m glad we did.” She straightens my bowtie and places her hand on my chest when she’s done. “You’ve taken us in and cared for us since the beginning. You’re special.” I give her what she wants when she puckers her lip. My tongue sweeps hers with a promise of more to come tonight.

When we notice people walking, we return and follow them to the courtyard for the reception. We’re seated at a long table with Mikayla and Tyler. String lights, nature, and the soft humming of the outdoors surround us. I wonder if this is something Cassidy Rae would like.

Sam is sitting next to Mikayla. I introduce her to Cassidy Rae and she introduces us to Gabe, her boyfriend. Sam has always intimidated me when I’ve seen her, but today she looks relaxed. Her smile is a permanent feature.

When dinner is over, and the music starts, I lead Cassidy Rae onto the dance floor and hold her tight as the band sings a love song. We haven’t had time like this. Our history is a little crooked, but I love it regardless. I love her. Inhaling the scent of her perfume, I hold her body flush to mine and move us to the music.

“This wedding is beautiful.” Cassidy Rae sighs, her breath tickling my cheek.

“I’m happy you’re here with me. If not, I’d be one of those losers by the bar with no one to dance with.”

“I doubt that.” She leans back a bit to look at me.

“It’s true. I only want to dance with you the rest of my life. No one else would be good enough. You’ve made me a better man.”

“You were already a great man. You had to be, in order to pursue a single mother and then stay by her side through everything.”

“You’re worth it. You have no idea how worth it you are, but I plan to show you for the rest of my life.”

“Ditto.” She presses her lips against mine.


Laughing and dancing, we spend the rest of the night having fun with our friends until it’s time to leave. Cassidy Rae only checked her phone a handful of times to see if Scott or her dad had called, which is progressively better than other times we’ve been alone.

“Are you asleep?” I ask her as I drive home.

“No,” she mumbles.

“Liar,” I tease.

“I’m tired,” Cassidy Rae complains. “It’s way past my bedtime.”

“Well, that’s too bad. I had plans for when we got home.”

“What?” She snaps her head front and looks at me. “Are we going to have sexy time?” I laugh as she waggles her eyebrows.

“You’re too tired.”

“I’m not.” She reaches for my hand on the gear. “I’m never too tired for you.”

“Well, I’ve been dying to peel that dress off you.” I run my fingers over her exposed leg. Cassidy Rae trembles when I touch her, and I love that I get that reaction out of her. “We’ll be home soon,” I promise.

By the time I park my car in the driveway, Cassidy Rae is asleep. I look at her and smirk. She’s perfect. I walk around and open the door, taking off her seatbelt, careful not to wake her. I carry her into the house. She mumbles something as I unlock the door with one hand. She’s adorable when she sleeps. I love watching her at night as she cuddles closer to me and occasionally talks nonsense.

It’s taken me a minute to process that she’s here with me. That she lives here. I love every second of it. I love seeing her clothes in the closet and Rae’s toys throughout the house. Looking back, Christie pulling the stunt she did was a blessing in disguise. I guess that’s always the case. One disappointment leads to a whole new world of happiness. And being used by Christie led me straight to the woman I’m carrying in my arms.

I walk into our room and toe off my shoes before lying Cassidy Rae on the bed. I pull back the covers and remove her heels and dress before tucking her in.

“Baby,” she murmurs.

“Shhh… go back to sleep.” She rubs her eyes, spreading her mascara. She barely opens her eyes and pouts.

I laugh and undress. “Tomorrow,” I whisper. Keeping my boxer briefs on, I lie in bed next to her and pull her to me. I kiss the top of her head and watch her sleep.

She’s worth waiting for. One night of sex isn’t going to make this moment better. She’ll probably get mad at me tomorrow, saying we didn’t take advantage of a kid-free night. That doesn’t matter right now. Holding her in my arms is what I love best. Sharing these intimate moments together. I plan to make her permanently mine very soon, too. I don’t want to waste another day.

I never realized how significant someone could become in your life. I had been in relationships before and enjoyed them, but this is different. The desire to share everything with Cassidy Rae is overpowering. It’s a type of love that beats doubt and wins over fear. She’s the person that threw order out the door and made it feel safe. Black and white is scary if her gray is gone. She’s taught me to relax and trust whatever comes our way instead of counting on a plan, because life isn’t a plan, it’s a journey where you travel light and lose the map, so you can get lost in the best places possible. Cassidy Rae is my compass now, and all I need is her, Rae, and my music.